Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

I thought for sure nothing could expose Trump's lack of character the way the "Suckers and Losers" report did. Fooled me. Lying to Americans about how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 was brought Trump to a new depth of evil.

Oh, you mean that lie by the liberal editor of the Atlantic? As for lying to American's about C-19, that's a lie as well...So, you're just a liar.
Only complete assholes can listen to those recordings and not realize what a liar Trump has been about COVID.
It's now offical. The president's lying to American public is now Trump policy. I expect Americans would certain panic if Trump stops lying. They expect it.
I thought for sure nothing could expose Trump's lack of character the way the "Suckers and Losers" report did. Fooled me. Lying to Americans about how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 was brought Trump to a new depth of evil.

Oh, you mean that lie by the liberal editor of the Atlantic? As for lying to American's about C-19, that's a lie as well...So, you're just a liar.
Only complete assholes can listen to those recordings and not realize what a liar Trump has been about COVID.
It's now offical. The president's lying to American public is now Trump policy. I expect Americans would certain panic if Trump stops lying. They expect it.

As long as that lying POS has his followers being stupid enough to believe him, it will continue.

Tens of Thousands have died they simply do not care.
But blamed the democrats, when it was the republican appointed manager who made the decision.
Gee, even republicans can not perform miracles with the mess the demoRats create.

DemoRats were the ones that installed the lead pipes, demoRats had years to replace the pipes? DemoRats ran Flint into bankruptcy. DemoRats hired the workers who ran the water department.
DemoRats knew that for years dow chemical was allowed to pollute shwartz creek and the flint river. Anybody in that city knew the water was polluted. Least of all, the bureaucracy put in place by decades of demoRat rule was incompetent.

I'm not the dumb enough to believe his lies, that is all you.
DemoRats were the ones that installed the lead pipes, demoRats had years to replace the pipes? DemoRats ran Flint into bankruptcy. DemoRats hired the workers who ran the water department.
Actually most of those pipes were installed in the post war boom. Where Michigan was run by republicans.

Michigan was run by 12 republican governors with only 4 democrat governors running michigan since 1900 until the 1960's
Fake News. Fauci confirms that Woodward is a liar.

“CONGRATULATIONS, ESTEEMED COLLEAGUES: YOU DID IT.” People trust the media less than Trump on COVID. Here’s why.

On Wednesday, audio of President Trump talking to Bob Woodward leaked, on which the President said he purposely downplayed the virus, so as to not cause a panic. Journalists from several outlets sprung into action, again blissfully ignoring their own track record of downplaying the pandemic.
Fake News Liars
In February, the New York Times published ‘Who says it’s not safe to travel to China?’. In January, BuzzFeed wrote, ‘Don’t worry about the coronavirus. Worry about the flu.’ The Washington Post published, in their health section of all places, ‘Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now.’ The Associated Press wrote in February, ‘Is the new virus more deadly than the flu? Not exactly.’ The Daily Beast ran ‘The virus killing US kids isn’t the one dominating the headlines.’
Then they tried to covr it up
Vox even deleted tweets and amended a story which downplayed the virus. When White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany brought this all up to members of the press, they sneered at her with all the condescension of the cool kids welcoming a new girl to class.
Flashback: MSM: Riots COVID Safe, Trump Rallies Are Hot Zones. Just NBC the gaslighting!

An emergency manager got appointed because the local democrat government created a state of emergency.

But blamed the democrats, when it was the republican appointed manager who made the decision.

There you go again, using those pesky facts. You know how facts give Cons a headache. They prefer to be lied to.
Michigan was run by 12 republican governors with only 4 democrat governors running michigan since 1900 until the 1960's
Why not go as far back as when the law was written requiring lead pipes?

And, given you demoRats are the party of science, why did you not write a law requiring your lead pipes replaced, for even you admit you had at the very least, 4 chances! And you demoRats know all about science!
Fake News. Fauci confirms that Woodward is a liar.

“CONGRATULATIONS, ESTEEMED COLLEAGUES: YOU DID IT.” People trust the media less than Trump on COVID. Here’s why.
WOW !!! You don't see reality?

The media relies on the government for information. Especially when it comes to situations in foreign countries. The press didn't get to go to Wuhan, just like they couldn't go to Iraq or Iran to find out what was happening there. They relied on what the government told them was happening there.

And like the WMD in Iraq, the government lied to the people as they did about the seriousness of the coronavirus in Wuhan.

There is nothing left to be said.
Fake News

Bob Woodward’s Own Reaction Shows His Big Trump Virus ‘Scoop’ Is Total Nonsense. And It Gets Worse…

Bob Woodward’s latest “blockbuster” book floating the idea that President Trump withheld life-saving information about the seriousness of the coronavirus is belied by the author’s and The Washington Post’s own reactions.

We ask this question of Bob Woodward:

If this so-called lack of information cost American lives, then why did Bob Woodward withhold this life saving information till just mere weeks before the election?
Even kooky Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot wondered to The Chicago Sun-Times that if the Woodward revelation was true, why didn’t he put it out before to save American lives?

Rush Limbaugh asked a similar question.

Why didn’t Woodward put that on the front page of The Washington Post seven months ago when he got it?
The AP asked Woodward about this, and all he could come up with was a confusing and meandering, non-denial-denial with 3 answers, all of which come down to: I wanted to keep it for my book but it would have been “unthinkable” to keep it to myself if I thought there was a public health hazard, so there’s no public health hazard.

Even Bob Woodward doesn’t think Bob Woodward’s “scoop” is a real “scoop.”

The Post’s media and Trump critic, Erik Wemple, in a series of six tweets, was quick to come to the defense of the man whose name is still on the masthead as “associate editor.

Wemple argues that Woodward didn’t do anything “unethical or untoward in ‘holding’ on to his scoop about Trump’s admission that he played down the coronavirus. I disagree with the criticism.”

What Wemple basically said. Woodward didn’t do anything to harm public health by withholding it till now because it wasn’t a detriment to public health.

Worse for Woodward, not only was his story not a scoop, but Trump himself said out loud – multiple times – at White House news conferences, that his aim in being positive about the coronavirus was to calm the American people. He explains just that in this typically bitter exchange between Trump and CNN’s Sassy Jim Acosta.
The media relies on the government for information. Especially when it comes to situations in foreign countries. The press didn't get to go to Wuhan, just like they couldn't go to Iraq or Iran to find out what was happening there. They relied on what the government told them was happening there.

And like the WMD in Iraq, the government lied to the people as they did about the seriousness of the coronavirus in Wuhan.
The media relies on the government for information? I guess, most of the media is the Democrat party.

The press does not go to Iraq or Iran or China? You are full of shit or a complete idiot, or both.
We ask this question of Bob Woodward:

If this so-called lack of information cost American lives, then why did Bob Woodward withhold this life saving information till just mere weeks before the election?

WOW !!!! Again you ignore realitiy.

Bob Woodward is a reporter. Their job is to report, and they can't report the whole story, if they report what they find, prematurely.

This is like the argument they make about the cell phone videos people take of police misconduct, or of a crime in progress. Why did they continue videoing instead of doing something to stop the situation?

I hope you see where i'm going with this.
Fake News. Fauci confirms that Woodward is a liar.

“CONGRATULATIONS, ESTEEMED COLLEAGUES: YOU DID IT.” People trust the media less than Trump on COVID. Here’s why.
WOW !!! You don't see reality?

The media relies on the government for information. Especially when it comes to situations in foreign countries. The press didn't get to go to Wuhan...
Fake News. China didn't expel US Press until March 18.

just like they couldn't go to Iraq...
Fake news.

In a shocking New York Times opinion piece, CNN’s chief news executive Eason Jordan has admitted that for the past decade [prior to the US invasion] the network has systematically covered up stories of Iraqi atrocities. Reports of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN’s Baghdad bureau.

Read Jordan’s op-ed at:
Opinion | The News We Kept To Ourselves
The irony of the situation is that for so long Trump has pushed the coronavirus being a "democrat hoax" and told people in states to force their governor to reopen their states.

Now you have people who even after hearing Trump call it serious and deadly, still think it's a hoax.
What is your plan to stop the virus?
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
When a president proves he is incompetent, dishonest, and has brought great harm to the nation, there is nothing wrong with voting him out office. It's hard to imagine Biden being a more discussing and incompetent president than Trump.

Guess you haven't seen the list of what he will do if elected. Eye opening it is.

No sane American would vote for it. But then you lefty loons seem to be far from sane.
No, sane American would vote for Trump. In a contest of whose the nuttiest, I'm afraid Biden would lose. Nobody beats the Trump on this issue.
Sane Americans see the destruction of the Democrat campaign platform. Blue city riots defund the police, no protection given to the public
only the insane can't see it.
The insane say what you do. There is no protection of the public now. Not when police are killing unarmed citizens.
My side isn't rioting it's your side
Wrong. And I made a thread showing it.
Your thread was a Major fail.

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