Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
...They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

I put you in the same boat as Mac....Why are you here if this is your core belief of those in here you are arguing against? You remember the saying about not getting in the pit with pigs, because both you and the pig get dirty, but the pig likes it....

So, I couldn't care any less that you believe the detestable things you wrote here about your opponents, but you must know that you look even worse than that....

So, my advise to you is that you join Mac, and get lost....

Dr. Grump is a lily white international elitist leftist who loves coming here and looking down his nose at us because we are of course not a military or economic superpower ... like New Zealand. LOL

Yeah, because that's how a judge a country. On its military strength or supposed economic superiority. Talking of LOL..

I'm far from a leftist. What I'm not is a sucker voting for a certified Moron in November.

And I am far from elitest. I'll tell that to my Chinese/Vietnamese partner how lily white I am. She'll laugh her socks off I'm sure....
I was brought up to believe you judge a country by the way they treat the poorest among them...In trumps America we're close to last
This ain't my first rodeo buckaroo

You lost that argument 15 years ago when Bush spent $1 billion on the CIA Duelfer report

Testimony by Charles Duelfer on Iraqi WMD Programs - CIA

And found there were no longer any WMD's in Iraq.
You are scrambling, Sport.:dance:

The 1998 bombing of Iraq (code-named Operation Desert Fox) was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from 16 to 19 December 1998, by the United States and the United Kingdom.

The stated goal of the cruise missile and bombing attacks was to strike military and security targets in Iraq that contributed to Iraq's ability to produce, store, maintain, and deliver weapons of mass destruction.

97 sites were targeted in the operation with 415 cruise missiles and 600 bombs, including 11 weapons production or storage facilities, 18 security facilities for weapons, 9 military installations, 20 government CCC facilities, 32 surface-to-air missile batteries, 6 airfields, and 1 oil refinery.

By the fourth night, most of the specified targets had been damaged or destroyed, the operation was deemed a success and the air strikes ended.
Yeah, Slick deflecting from his impeachment.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
...They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

I put you in the same boat as Mac....Why are you here if this is your core belief of those in here you are arguing against? You remember the saying about not getting in the pit with pigs, because both you and the pig get dirty, but the pig likes it....

So, I couldn't care any less that you believe the detestable things you wrote here about your opponents, but you must know that you look even worse than that....

So, my advise to you is that you join Mac, and get lost....

Dr. Grump is a lily white international elitist leftist who loves coming here and looking down his nose at us because we are of course not a military or economic superpower ... like New Zealand. LOL

Yeah, because that's how a judge a country. On its military strength or supposed economic superiority. Talking of LOL..

I'm far from a leftist. What I'm not is a sucker voting for a certified Moron in November.

And I am far from elitest. I'll tell that to my Chinese/Vietnamese partner how lily white I am. She'll laugh her socks off I'm sure....
I was brought up to believe you judge a country by the way they treat the poorest among them...In trumps America we're close to last

PUH LEEZE! That must be why so many accross the globe want to come here....Right?
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
...They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

I put you in the same boat as Mac....Why are you here if this is your core belief of those in here you are arguing against? You remember the saying about not getting in the pit with pigs, because both you and the pig get dirty, but the pig likes it....

So, I couldn't care any less that you believe the detestable things you wrote here about your opponents, but you must know that you look even worse than that....

So, my advise to you is that you join Mac, and get lost....

Dr. Grump is a lily white international elitist leftist who loves coming here and looking down his nose at us because we are of course not a military or economic superpower ... like New Zealand. LOL

Yeah, because that's how a judge a country. On its military strength or supposed economic superiority. Talking of LOL..

I'm far from a leftist. What I'm not is a sucker voting for a certified Moron in November.

And I am far from elitest. I'll tell that to my Chinese/Vietnamese partner how lily white I am. She'll laugh her socks off I'm sure....

You're literally on this board being a total elitist, Karen

You are literally being super defensive because I'm hitting home runs on your Deplorable arse.

You know someone knows you are losing when you have to start crowing that you're winning.

And seriously, more playground insults. Oh yeah, home runs. Eight year old insults are home runs
Trump never called it a hoax stop lying

What's True
During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.
What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.
Small technicality!

Trump's followers did start calling the VIRUS A HOAX, after Trump made that comment....

he seeded the virus hoax theory, and did nothing to correct his followers on it...

Facts are always a “small technicality” you Dimtards like to ignore.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
...They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

I put you in the same boat as Mac....Why are you here if this is your core belief of those in here you are arguing against? You remember the saying about not getting in the pit with pigs, because both you and the pig get dirty, but the pig likes it....

So, I couldn't care any less that you believe the detestable things you wrote here about your opponents, but you must know that you look even worse than that....

So, my advise to you is that you join Mac, and get lost....

Dr. Grump is a lily white international elitist leftist who loves coming here and looking down his nose at us because we are of course not a military or economic superpower ... like New Zealand. LOL

Yeah, because that's how a judge a country. On its military strength or supposed economic superiority. Talking of LOL..

I'm far from a leftist. What I'm not is a sucker voting for a certified Moron in November.

And I am far from elitest. I'll tell that to my Chinese/Vietnamese partner how lily white I am. She'll laugh her socks off I'm sure....
I was brought up to believe you judge a country by the way they treat the poorest among them...In trumps America we're close to last

Wow. Your knowledge of the world is just deplorable. Are you serious? You've lost your fucking mind.

And the poor here can grow up to be on the SCOTUS (Thomas) or even President (Carter). They can become rich, all doors are open to them.

Your knowledge of the United States is just as terrible as your knowledge of the world. Government education, a terrible way to waste a mind
And now the international elitist goes playground. No I'm not kaz, YOU are! Bam. I'm not Karen, you are, you are.
I assume kids in New Zealand do playground insults too whether or not you use that term.
You are kaz, no YOU are. Classic. The eternal eight year old Kiwi.
And you're being a dick because:
1) You're being a dick to anyone who thinks differently than you do. As if that's going to change minds

2) You're condescending and arrogant while you do it

So you go all elementary on me, I reciprocate, and you accuse me of being childish. You truly are a Deplorable. Blame others for your own behaviour and take no responsibility for it. Go figure. How 'surprising'.

There's thinking differently, then there's being moronic. Change minds? oh, in that case, they may as well shut the board down. I thought these boards were all about different points of views and why we have them. But if it's all about sitting around the camp fire singing kumbaya then we might as well all go home.

Don't confuse arrogance with disgust.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
How many countries with smart leaders are way ahead of America in regard to cases of the virus and deaths? How does it feel republicans to have voted for Mr Stupid Trump?,,,hoping you won't make the same mistake twice

I learned from last time when I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I will vote for him in November. Thanks!
so what you're saying is you went to Trump U for 4 years and learned nothing WTF has he done but make America a laughing stock? He's dragged us thru the mud just as he did to so many others as a civilian
You sure didn't get smarter, Karen

Anybody who has openly stated on a messageboard they are voting for a moronic buffoon who is going to 'win bigly' in Nov has no right questioning anybody else's intellect.

Thanks, arrogant ass. I'll give that all due consideration.

What's stupid is voting for a racist, Marxist like Biden
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
How many countries with smart leaders are way ahead of America in regard to cases of the virus and deaths? How does it feel republicans to have voted for Mr Stupid Trump?,,,hoping you won't make the same mistake twice

I learned from last time when I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I will vote for him in November. Thanks!
so what you're saying is you went to Trump U for 4 years and learned nothing WTF has he done but make America a laughing stock? He's dragged us thru the mud just as he did to so many others as a civilian

You hated Trump four years ago and you hate him now. That isn't "making" America anything. It's you wanting free government cheese


This a lie of unbelievable proportions. Trump's life saving travel ban didn't save lives because of his stupidity and racism when he didn't close down Europe in time, while simultaneously calling it a hoax. You are a liar.

Trump never called it a hoax stop lying

I'm waiting for the rebuttal.

The president, who often dismissed special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and his impeachment as hoaxes, portrayed the Democrats’ criticism of his coronavirus policy as a continuation of a campaign to bring him down.

Everything they say and do is to bring him down and put a New World Order Bush Sr, Bush Jr, a Clinton, or an Obama or any of their associates back in office. They only recently nominated but that's because he's been bought and paid for for a long time. Nothing they say or do is really about leading. That's why EVERY Biden ad uses the word "lead" or "leader".. There's a lie behind every slogan. Trump has actually set out to do what he aimed to do while dealing with their constant distractions...and has actually done some of them. I'm hoping in his 2nd term he'll follow up on his idea to dismantle the New World Order's Common Core corruption of the education system. Unfortunately Teacher's umions are some of the most powerful organizations in the country and closely with the Democrats political objectives while lying that they do it for the children. The American education system has become a laughing stock and atrocity under New World Order leadership
And now the international elitist goes playground. No I'm not kaz, YOU are! Bam. I'm not Karen, you are, you are.
I assume kids in New Zealand do playground insults too whether or not you use that term.
You are kaz, no YOU are. Classic. The eternal eight year old Kiwi.
And you're being a dick because:
1) You're being a dick to anyone who thinks differently than you do. As if that's going to change minds

2) You're condescending and arrogant while you do it

So you go all elementary on me, I reciprocate, and you accuse me of being childish. You truly are a Deplorable. Blame others for your own behaviour and take no responsibility for it. Go figure. How 'surprising'.

There's thinking differently, then there's being moronic. Change minds? oh, in that case, they may as well shut the board down. I thought these boards were all about different points of views and why we have them. But if it's all about sitting around the camp fire singing kumbaya then we might as well all go home.

Don't confuse arrogance with disgust.

I call you Karen. You call me Karen back because you have the wit of an eight year old. Now that's me blaming you for your behavior? That doesn't even make sense, Karen. I guess as a privileged white lady your actions can't be your fault.

And you aren't exchanging views. You're pumping tired Democrat talking points. We hear them all the time from Democrats. You add zero to the discussion from half way around the world
Wow. Your knowledge of the world is just deplorable. Are you serious? You've lost your fucking mind.

And the poor here can grow up to be on the SCOTUS (Thomas) or even President (Carter). They can become rich, all doors are open to them.

Your knowledge of the United States is just as terrible as your knowledge of the world. Government education, a terrible way to waste a mind

Now who's being arrogant. The American dream is a myth perpetuated by arrogant Americans who live on shoulders of giants who created American exceptionalism many moons ago, but that has long since passed. The NZ PM John Key (two PM's ago) grew up on welfare and is now a multi-millionaire. Happens all over the world.

For every millionaire created in the US, literally 10s of 1000s scrape by. The biggest difference between the left and right in the US is that the right only give a shit about themselves. They are the ultimate selfish pricks.
Wow. Your knowledge of the world is just deplorable. Are you serious? You've lost your fucking mind.

And the poor here can grow up to be on the SCOTUS (Thomas) or even President (Carter). They can become rich, all doors are open to them.

Your knowledge of the United States is just as terrible as your knowledge of the world. Government education, a terrible way to waste a mind

Now who's being arrogant. The American dream is a myth perpetuated by arrogant Americans who live on shoulders of giants who created American exceptionalism many moons ago, but that has long since passed. The NZ PM John Key (two PM's ago) grew up on welfare and is now a multi-millionaire. Happens all over the world.

For every millionaire created in the US, literally 10s of 1000s scrape by. The biggest difference between the left and right in the US is that the right only give a shit about themselves. They are the ultimate selfish pricks.

I was talking about despotic countries like China and impoverished countries around the world. I didn't say we're the only one. Obviously New Zealanders can do anything to. Stop being a stupid schmuck. This would have made sense if I wrote it to you and not eddiew and not mentioned NZ, but I didn't.

Seriously "all over the world." Take out a map and start learning about countries you obviously know nothing about, Karen
"Fear and panic is worse than the virus..."

...but the Democrats are now attacking the President for not causing PANIC...

Yet he was upfront with the public.

Bullshit. If Grim Reaper Cuomo was upfront with the public, explain him shutting down investigations into his policy of death putting people infected with the Kung Flu in nursing homes.
The fuckwit is in full blown cover up mode.

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