Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................

Does it matter when he said them? Watch this dodge does calling America's war dead suckers and losers " Make America Great Again?
thats been proven a lie,,,

No it really hasn't, just because tRump says it's a lie means it is spot on.

then why hasnt anyone that heard it come forward with proof???

oh thats right because it was made up,,,

Ewe said it was proven ti be a lie, prove it.
I did,,,

ROTFLMFAO, of course in that tiny mind of yours you you and you alone.

tRump said he loves the poorly educated, he found ya!!!!!

obama says he loves liars you are needed go spread those Biden lies lol



sorry chump but obama never went away he still injects himself into today's political situations
Deal with it

Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Obama!

What a buffoon.


Democrats on Obama's last day in office: It was Bush's fault!

Democrats the next day: Obama? Really? He's not President anymore.

LOL. Eight years and Obama was never responsible for anything to you idiots
This a lie of unbelievable proportions. Trump's life saving travel ban didn't save lives because of his stupidity and racism when he didn't close down Europe in time, while simultaneously calling it a hoax. You are a liar.

Not a complete lie. Trumps China travel ban probably saved thousands of lives, but his not closing down travel from europe until a month later, costs hundreds of thousands of lives.

And remember, Trump closed off travel from china because 3 days earlier he got the briefing that the coronavirus was some serious shit. Very deadly and very contagious.

Isn't hindsight a great thing? Even when you are nakedly politicizing the virus? Look, I just watched an expert on the horribly biased Meet the depressed, say that {paraphrasing} "...It is unfair to blame anyone for how the virus was handled prior to March, because it was so new to us"... Now, the Euro travel ban took place on March 12, and the China ban on Jan 28th....And you, with your obvious expertise in viral epedemology tell us that your hindsight tells you that Trump fucked up, while at the same time ignore questions about what you would have done differently....That is some real hack shit there buddy.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
actually in situation as now it's a requirement
When Is One Required?
Although laws vary, nearly all states call for an autopsy when someone dies in a suspicious, unusual, or unnatural way.

Many states have one done when a person dies without a doctor present. Twenty-seven states require it if the cause of death is suspected to be from a public health threat, such as a fast-spreading disease or tainted food.
  • Thanks
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As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus
As usual with republicans The buck never stops at their masters desk

LOL, from the guy who never criticizing Democrats ever
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.
Trump has demonstrated he doesn’t actually understand what makes America great.

His rallies are peppered with grievances, calling others disgusting names. It’s hate. Pure and simple. Own it.

You love America like a snake loves a rat
Snakes love rats ,,,Yum Yum

Yep, it's about free shit
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen

But it is all economies of scale. Both NZ and Australia are far from homogeneous. I know it makes you feel better to make your point but it is far from true. If you walk in downtown Sydney, Melbourne or Auckland, you can play a game of 'spot the white person' and be found wanting.
You may have 80 times the people, but you also have 80 times the number of doctors, hospitals etc.

I don't think you get the point of the "Karen" memes. They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

No, it's not about being ahead. It is common sense. Unless you have a verified medical condition such as cancer, dementia etc, a doctor will not issue a death certificate. Car accident? They need to know the cause of what killed them and therefore a toxicology report needs to be carried out for starters. Somebody drops dead in public toilets? Was it a heart attack or were they poisoned? An autopsy needs to be carried out.

Thought such a go-ahead, place-that-everybody-in-the-whole-wide-world-wants-to-live-because-it-is-the-envy-of-the-rest-of-the-world would be way ahead of the game. Apparently not.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
actually in situation as now it's a requirement
When Is One Required?
Although laws vary, nearly all states call for an autopsy when someone dies in a suspicious, unusual, or unnatural way.

Many states have one done when a person dies without a doctor present. Twenty-seven states require it if the cause of death is suspected to be from a public health threat, such as a fast-spreading disease or tainted food.


But it does say "many States" not all of them. I know the Biden Virus deaths do overwhelmingly have complicating conditions making a pure call hard to make
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.

Oh my Lord.....:icon_rolleyes: So, you would have rather had him panic the citizenry, dictate a slew of restrictions from DC, and talk about nothing but doom and gloom eh? Great plan...:no_text11:

You can look at it like that, but clearly, other than snarky attacks on Trump, Democrats didn't have a better plan that what he did....

  • Took early action to cut off travel from China
  • Built the world’s leading testing system from nothing
  • Enacted mitigation measures to slow the spread
  • Mobilized public and private sectors to secure needed supplies
  • Took action to protect vulnerable Americans
  • Launched effort to deliver a vaccine and therapeutics in record time
  • Provided support to workers and businesses
  • Paved way for reopening to get America working again
  • Surged resources to hot spots as they arose
  • Confronted China as origin of the virus while Democrats and media cowered
At the outset, President Trump took action to stop travel from China to stem the spread to the United States as long as possible.
  • While Democrats were focused on their impeachment sham, President Trump took swift and decisive action to stop travel from China in January and enhanced airport screenings to help stop cases from coming into the United States as long as possible.
  • In his February 4th State of the Union address, President Trump pledged to “take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from the virus,” while the Democrats’ response made not a single mention of the virus or even the threat of China.
President Trump built the world’s leading testing system from nothing, based on a virus we have never faced before.
  • In order to accurately trace and combat this virus, President Trump set out to build the world’s best testing system, and that’s exactly what he did.
  • We have already conducted more than 65 million tests, far outpacing any other country.
As soon as cases began to rise, President Trump released guidance to slow the spread.
  • President Trump released guidance recommending mitigation measures critical to slowing the spread of the virus, and the American people stepped up to do their part.
  • Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have attested to the fact that President Trump took action as soon as the data was presented to him.
In order to secure the supplies needed to confront the surge in coronavirus we faced, President Trump led the largest mobilization of public and private sector resources since WWII.
  • The President directed his Administration to secure and distribute needed medical supplies to states in need – resulting in billions of PPE delivered so far.
  • At the President’s urging, private companies shifted production to supplying masks, ventilators, hand sanitizer, testing supplies, and more.
  • President Trump has acted under the Defense Production Act more than 30 times to ensure we have the supplies we need.
  • When we faced a potentially catastrophic shortage of ventilators, President Trump took action to produce 100,000 ventilators and ensure no patient who needs one goes without a ventilator.
President Trump moved swiftly to protect vulnerable communities.
  • The Administration quickly established guidelines for nursing homes and expanded telehealth opportunities to protect our vulnerable seniors.
  • The President took action to ensure that uninsured Americans are able to get the COVID-19 care and testing they need.
  • President Trump directed Secretary Carson to focus the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council on underserved communities impacted by COVID-19.
  • The Administration is investing approximately $2 billion in community health centers, helping their 28 million patients in medically underserved areas receive the care and testing they need.

You weren't lied to, just incredibly stupid...You listened to CNN, and MSNBC and believed them....What a dolt...:auiqs.jpg:
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.
The President presidential projected strength And calm to the nation instead of engaging in fear-mongering by spreading false information from a projection model all notable scientists say was the worst one that could have been used, one that was wildly off in its predictions / projections.

The Democrats, who failed to do their jobs because they were distracted by attempting to affect another coup, never saw the pandemic coming. They spoke without any clue of what was going on.

They told people to ignore the President's warnings, told them to go on with their lives because there was nothing to fear from the virus. They opposed the life-saving travel ban, attempted to BLOCK IT. They gave Americans advice that would SPREAD the virus, not keep people safe.

The factual timeline shows the President acted while the WHO was still lying to the world, saying there was nothing to fear and that China had everything under control. It shows the very next day after the WHO finally declared the virus to be a pandemic Trump ramped up steps to protect this country.

At this point the Democrats were still attempting their failed coup, were calling the travel ban Xenophobic, and were still telling people to ride packed subways & 'Come see China Town'.

Snowflakes say this is not about Cuomo and other Democrats while accusing the President of being directly responsible for the virus deaths of Americans.

The problem with that is even if you buy the argument that the President did not do enough and that resulted in the deaths of Americans, that still leaves Cuomo - the largest mass murderer in US history - as one of 4 Democrats who actually took steps to actively murder US citizens.

Cuomo publicly declared HE KNEW the elderly were the most at risk to die from the virus...before signing a mandate to FORCE virus-infected patients into nursing homes. It's not like he had no idea what he was doing - he already admitted he knew. By doing do anyway Cuomo by himself (not counting the other 3 Democrat governors) murdered over 10,000 elderly US citizens, Americans who died needlessly due to Cuomo's 'death sentence'!

So don't accuse the President of killing Americans while trying to say Cuomo murdering over 10,000 Americans is 'off limits!

Democrats are attempting to rewrite history to gloss over their treason, their failure to do their jobs, to erase their past heinous mistakes and failures made on the bases of 'We hate Trump' politics, and erase their crimes - like Cuomo needlessly murdering over 10,000 Americans.

Cuomo forced virus-infected patients in with the elderly in nursing homes when he had a hospital built by the Army Corp of Engineers barely used and a USN hospital ship in NY's harbor to take patients that was minimally used.

The Democrats made mistake after mistake, error after error, and bad political decisions after bad political decisions in a MEDICAL pandemic, and it put Americans at risk and cause the needless THOUSANDS of American deaths.
Okay, got it.

:laughing0301: That's it? :laughing0301: You tried to attack my post to you chastising me for bringing up Cuomo, and easy laid you out....and all you can say is "Okay, got it"???? What have you got? huh? What have you learned? My guess is nothing...This response is you accepting your ass whoppin?

What easy highlighted so perfectly is just how nakedly partisan, and stupid this line of attack against Trump is today...Once again libs trying to have it both ways, as if what they did and said mere weeks ago doesn't matter now....:no_text11: you don't get to do that.
I can't believe that somebody would actually copy and paste this from the WH website and actually think it is a fact. Talk about super fake news. It has been proven over and over again that the Moron in Charge did none of the above. He is actually on record - and I have seem him interviewed in person especially during the early stages of the virus - saying and doing the exact opposite. Only a complete sucker and moron would fall for this shit.

He is, and always will be, a lying sack of shit.
They don't care. They exist in their own reality. Their only value at this point is as a cautionary tale.

Well, then get lost dumbass....If you are going to be on a message board, then I would say you have an unspoken obligation to debate those with whom you disagree...To say that the only value that someone who disagrees with you has is a cautionary tale, I don't know why someone would waste time in a board like this, other than to troll....So, fuck off.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen

But it is all economies of scale. Both NZ and Australia are far from homogeneous. I know it makes you feel better to make your point but it is far from true. If you walk in downtown Sydney, Melbourne or Auckland, you can play a game of 'spot the white person' and be found wanting.
You may have 80 times the people, but you also have 80 times the number of doctors, hospitals etc.

I don't think you get the point of the "Karen" memes. They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

No, it's not about being ahead. It is common sense. Unless you have a verified medical condition such as cancer, dementia etc, a doctor will not issue a death certificate. Car accident? They need to know the cause of what killed them and therefore a toxicology report needs to be carried out for starters. Somebody drops dead in public toilets? Was it a heart attack or were they poisoned? An autopsy needs to be carried out.

Thought such a go-ahead, place-that-everybody-in-the-whole-wide-world-wants-to-live-because-it-is-the-envy-of-the-rest-of-the-world would be way ahead of the game. Apparently not.
fucking foreigner when I was out of the country I loved putting my boots on the heads of germans it gave me a real pleasure
Well, then get lost dumbass....If you are going to be on a message board, then I would say you have an unspoken obligation to debate those with whom you disagree...To say that the only value that someone who disagrees with you has is a cautionary tale, I don't know why someone would waste time in a board like this, other than to troll....So, fuck off.

Cutting and pasting shit from the WH website is not debating. It's verifiable fake news.
Trump has blood on his hands, Dr Fauci has blood on his hands, the head of the CDC has blood on his hands, the WHO has blood on his hands

the WHO has one job and that's to warn folks of a pandemic and they FAILED

the whole system failed. Joe Biden knows and understands the system better than anyone in the history of the world: it's a system. it's not good, it's CORRUPT!
biden has blood on his hands all democrats have blood on their hands you have blood on your hands fuck off murderer
And the ASSHOLE in the WH Trump,has clean hands?? The leader of the free world who takes no responsibility for anything ? and his tribe continues to blame everyone but him?? Where does the buck stop Reb?/
According to Cuomo regarding the 11,000 elderly Americans he murdered, 'there is no one to blame'...'people are going to die'...'who do you blame for a virus? God....'

Of course, that all only applies to DEMOCRATS, right snowflakes?!
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
How many countries with smart leaders are way ahead of America in regard to cases of the virus and deaths? How does it feel republicans to have voted for Mr Stupid Trump?,,,hoping you won't make the same mistake twice
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen

But it is all economies of scale. Both NZ and Australia are far from homogeneous. I know it makes you feel better to make your point but it is far from true. If you walk in downtown Sydney, Melbourne or Auckland, you can play a game of 'spot the white person' and be found wanting.
You may have 80 times the people, but you also have 80 times the number of doctors, hospitals etc.

I don't think you get the point of the "Karen" memes. They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

No, it's not about being ahead. It is common sense. Unless you have a verified medical condition such as cancer, dementia etc, a doctor will not issue a death certificate. Car accident? They need to know the cause of what killed them and therefore a toxicology report needs to be carried out for starters. Somebody drops dead in public toilets? Was it a heart attack or were they poisoned? An autopsy needs to be carried out.

Thought such a go-ahead, place-that-everybody-in-the-whole-wide-world-wants-to-live-because-it-is-the-envy-of-the-rest-of-the-world would be way ahead of the game. Apparently not.

Karen isn't a political term, Democrat hack.

And I said New Zealand, not Australia. And you ignored my point you're on a controlled island while we have an open border with a third world country. It's not just the number of people. We have a lot more people coming and going and it's a lot harder to track. We're a lot more diverse than you. And I wasn't just talking about skin color as you assumed, Karen.

And we do autopsy suspicious deaths. I didn't say we didn't. But we don't autopsy deaths typically unless they are suspicious
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
We have an open border to a third world country.

its been Tramps America since 2017 and we have open borders yet?
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
...They are by far, white, fat, entitled, trailer trash, Deplorable, racist, Trump voters (in the main).

I put you in the same boat as Mac....Why are you here if this is your core belief of those in here you are arguing against? You remember the saying about not getting in the pit with pigs, because both you and the pig get dirty, but the pig likes it....

So, I couldn't care any less that you believe the detestable things you wrote here about your opponents, but you must know that you look even worse than that....

So, my advise to you is that you join Mac, and get lost....

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