Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

The virus was clearly as bad as it was made out to be
Post the number of deaths in the same time period of 2018 and 2019, and let’s see. You must have those figures to make such a statement

About 34,000 or so deaths from the flu.
Currently you're at 195,000 from Corona. I'd say that makes it worse than the flu
How many deaths in the same period of the year, 2018 and 2019, and what’s the count difference from this year?
BTw, 60,000 died of the flu

Okay 60,000. That is still three times less than COVID...
Here, the number of deaths in the US in 2018.

So now explain how the 2020 deaths are different? BTW, 2018 had 25,702 more deaths than 2017. hmmmmmmmm context, a word you love to ignore. BTW, the 2020 count is actually down.
You are sooo fucking dumb. Seriously. Then again, you are a Deplorable and your Dear Leader is the dumbest of them all. Jaysus fucking Christ...
Ricochet Bing Bing rabbit

There is nothing left to be said.

"Trump On Tape" :auiqs.jpg:

Where is the tape?

It reminds me of this...

In the article.

Why was he cut off in the middle of sentence?
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
Off topic deflection.

Give us YOUR plan, Eddie. Give us details on what you would have done to stop the Kung Flu.

I'd have asked the experts on my staff , the scientists I didn't mock. They'd have shown me the way I DO listen to those in a higher pay grade than mine...Unfortunately there's only a couple Repubs here that fit that description
As I've been saying all along, none of this had to happen.

I was basing that on the fact that trump tore apart our system to prevent this from happening.

I now include basing this on the fact that trump has known the truth about the virus from the start and not only didn't do anything about it, he actually did and said things he knew that would make the situation worse.

He didn't take any proper steps for contact tracing and testing. He didn't take any proper steps to make sure we had enough PPE and medical supplies and equipment.

He refused the WHO tests which guaranteed that we wouldn't have a uniform test that actually worked all the time.

Then all the lies for months on end and to this day about this.

He sent out tweets to liberate Michigan and other states knowing that it would cause the virus to spread there and other states. He held large gatherings knowing that it would spread the virus more.

Most of what he did was actions that would guarantee the mess we're in now. In fact, a worse mess, since some governors took quick action while others followed trump and didn't take action quickly.

All with trump encouraging those governors to take actions that guaranteed that the virus would spread more causing more needless deaths and suffering.

I am so sick and tired of the lies and excuses.

Then maybe YOU should stop lying and making excuses for assholes like Cuomo and yourself. Funny how’s everything Biden says he would have done is exactly what Trump did. Guess you really have no clue.
Biden just said on national TV Drumpf was an incompetent fuckup.

"He knowingly and willingly lied."
-Biden on Drumpf
Since both you and Biden are incompetent fuckups, let’s review. Showing true leadership instead of lying about millions dying is what Trump did. What idiotic DIMS like Pisslosi, murderer Cuomo and Biden did was downplay everything and tell people to go out and party. You knowingly and willingly lied. Just like Biden. Mister “the travel ban is xenophobic”.
You hear with your own ears today how trump said he saved millions??? Some one should have hit him in his mouth with a baseball bat
He did save millions you fucktard. Hit in the mouth with a baseball bat? Come here asshole, I’ll gladly smash you in your lying mouth.
Where are you?? and trump saved millions ?? And pigs fly Only millions trump saved is the millions he's ripped off from his campaign
Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......
When the president misleads the public about the seriousness of the virus, he is also misleading our governors and mayors who must make difficult decision on closing businesses and schools, business owners who must weight the loss of income vs the health of employees and customers., doctors, hospital administrators, and other healthcare workers who have to make decisions that effect the lives and health of their patients. There is no way to measure the misery and lost of human lives caused by Trump's folly but our common sense indicates that it is substantial.

Where have I seen this before?

Posting quotes from people who acted in accordance with the way the President was "playing it down"

Well we saw in the run up to the Iraq war, how many people believed when Bush "played up" the WMD's in Iraq.

Play it up / Play it down. It's all the same song of lying to the people, and then blaming them when they believe the lies.

from the mouth of Nancy Pelosi
Off topic deflection.

Give us YOUR plan, Eddie. Give us details on what you would have done to stop the Kung Flu.

I'd have asked the experts on my staff , the scientists I didn't mock. They'd have shown me the way I DO listen to those in a higher pay grade than mine...Unfortunately there's only a couple Repubs here that fit that description

In short you would have operated as a leader, instead of as a narcissistic politician worried only about his own re-election.
As I've been saying all along, none of this had to happen.

I was basing that on the fact that trump tore apart our system to prevent this from happening.

I now include basing this on the fact that trump has known the truth about the virus from the start and not only didn't do anything about it, he actually did and said things he knew that would make the situation worse.

He didn't take any proper steps for contact tracing and testing. He didn't take any proper steps to make sure we had enough PPE and medical supplies and equipment.

He refused the WHO tests which guaranteed that we wouldn't have a uniform test that actually worked all the time.

Then all the lies for months on end and to this day about this.

He sent out tweets to liberate Michigan and other states knowing that it would cause the virus to spread there and other states. He held large gatherings knowing that it would spread the virus more.

Most of what he did was actions that would guarantee the mess we're in now. In fact, a worse mess, since some governors took quick action while others followed trump and didn't take action quickly.

All with trump encouraging those governors to take actions that guaranteed that the virus would spread more causing more needless deaths and suffering.

I am so sick and tired of the lies and excuses.

Then maybe YOU should stop lying and making excuses for assholes like Cuomo and yourself. Funny how’s everything Biden says he would have done is exactly what Trump did. Guess you really have no clue.
Biden just said on national TV Drumpf was an incompetent fuckup.

"He knowingly and willingly lied."
-Biden on Drumpf
Since both you and Biden are incompetent fuckups, let’s review. Showing true leadership instead of lying about millions dying is what Trump did. What idiotic DIMS like Pisslosi, murderer Cuomo and Biden did was downplay everything and tell people to go out and party. You knowingly and willingly lied. Just like Biden. Mister “the travel ban is xenophobic”.
You hear with your own ears today how trump said he saved millions??? Some one should have hit him in his mouth with a baseball bat
He did save millions you fucktard. Hit in the mouth with a baseball bat? Come here asshole, I’ll gladly smash you in your lying mouth.
Where are you?? and trump saved millions ?? And pigs fly Only millions trump saved is the millions he's ripped off from his campaign
Actually, the same number passed as have always passed. No new deaths. You’re factually incorrect
When the president misleads the public about the seriousness of the virus, he is also misleading our governors and mayors who must make difficult decision on closing businesses and schools, ...

Republicans have been spending a lot of effort posting quotes and videos from political leaders acting in accordance with Trumps lies where he was "playing it down"

And then blaming them because they believed Trumps bullshit.
Cuomo the Moron was still downplaying the virus after Trump's travel bans.
Damn dude. You keep making my point. You show that the people that Trump should have warned about the seriousness of the coronavirus back in January, didn't act the way somebody warned about it would have.
Wrong, Fuckwit.

While Trump was implementing travel bans, ramping up PPE and ventilator production, building hospitals, and fasttracking a vaccine, Cuomo, Pelousy, and the rest of your Clown Brigade were downplaying the situation.

Your revisionist history won't work.

Where is your plan, Sport? Let's see it.
Trump TRAGICALLY failed to warn public And whatever bullshit you come up with ,Trump is the wrong man for the job And there's so much more . His love for Putin for example. His talking of a new secret weapon etc etc
The Trump tape is akin to finding a tape or transcript where the national security advisor told FDR in November that the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor.

And then FDR "playing it down"
Like Bush and the Mission accomplish banner.
Republicans have a long history of explaining away why their guy lies.
This fn liar said he didn't want to cause a panic ,,,,,,,,Dr to patient "I didn't want to tell you you had a serious case of cancer .Didn't want you to panic " "You have 2 weeks left ,,good luck""
you'd never understand, your genes won't allow it.
Sounds like your “genes” are so tight it’s cutting your blood supply off
Gotcha, so Trump should have stopped US citizens from coming home? More of your mental retardation.
Obama only let flights from ebola stricken countries enter airports set up to screen incoming passengers for symptoms.

Trump didn't do that.

And yet obviously your reasoning is, you hate Trump. Think of a factoid to attack him with. There are similarities and differences there. There are a hell of a lot less people coming from that region of Africa than China and Europe. But you don't really care. It's just attack
The ghost of Nixon to Trump.....” Hey dufus, you did hear about Watergate and still you let Woodward Tape you ? What a fkin* idiot.”

You're just not used to a President who is open, huh? Trump will let anyone interview him. Democrats are mean and vicious and lie, of course you don't want your politicians to be honest
Openly stupid.
"Trump Attempts Damage Control By Sitting Down For Dozen More Bob Woodward Interviews" - The Onion
Trump has pretty well cooked his goose on this one. How does a president explain that he lied, downplayed, mislead the public on the spread of a dangerous virus that has killed nearly 200,000 people?" He didn't want to frighten the public. :cuckoo: If he can sell this load of horseshit, he is the greatest salesman that ever lived.

I’m sure those who lost friends and family in the early days of the pandemic because they had no way to understand its seriousness will be comforted to hear that Trump just didn’t want them to be “frightened” about the most frightening public-health challenge in over a century.
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
Off topic deflection.

Give us YOUR plan, Eddie. Give us details on what you would have done to stop the Kung Flu.

I'd have asked the experts on my staff , the scientists I didn't mock. They'd have shown me the way I DO listen to those in a higher pay grade than mine...Unfortunately there's only a couple Repubs here that fit that description
You mean, listen to the experts like Trump did? Your only idea is to do what Trump did from Day 1?

You have had 8 months to come up with something beyond that. pathetic.
Off topic deflection.

Give us YOUR plan, Eddie. Give us details on what you would have done to stop the Kung Flu.

I'd have asked the experts on my staff , the scientists I didn't mock. They'd have shown me the way I DO listen to those in a higher pay grade than mine...Unfortunately there's only a couple Repubs here that fit that description

In short you would have operated as a leader, instead of as a narcissistic politician worried only about his own re-election.
In short, you would have copied Trump.

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