Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

He was wrong, looks like Trump....right
Are you trying to pretend you (and Trump) will shed any tears if Navarro's January 2020 prediction turns out to be accurate?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands

"The New York Times reported on April 6 more specifically, that Trump's trade adviser Petter Navarro advised him in January that the U.S. death toll could be a half-million Americans: Risk of Worst-Case Scenario ‘Should Not Be Overlooked,’ Memo Warned by Maggie Haberman."

U.S. coronavirus deaths projected to more than double to 410,000 by January

"'Cumulative deaths expected by January 1 are 410,000; this is 225,000 deaths from now until the end of the year,' the institute said."
But the president did have those travel bans

This would be like a case of two soldiers come upon a civilian walking to the nearby market. One of them was told the person was a known terrorist, was wearing an explosive suicide vest, and was going to blow it up in a market.

The other soldier didn't get that briefing.

The briefed soldier pulls his weapon and shoots the civilian without warning.

What's the other soldier to think? They would object to his actions just like Pelosi did.
FYI the speaker of the house get's those briefings also

What, no PPE?

March 21: The Trump Administration announced HHS placed an order for hundreds of millions of N95 masks through FEMA

April 3: President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum blocking the export of N95 and other respirator masks, surgical masks, PPE gloves, and surgical gloves to ensure they are available in the U.S. – designating them as “scarce” under the Defense Production Act.

April 8: Customs and Borders Protection announced with FEMA that it will detain shipments of PPE in order to keep critical medical supplies within the U.S. for domestic use.
But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

60 MILLION Americans infected with N1H1
I listened to the alleged tape of the Trump interview by Woodward and I agree with Trump. His decision to down play the danger of the pandemic was the right move. ...

Just like George W. Bush was briefed August 6th 2001, that Osama BinLaden was determined to strike inside the US

And Bush "played it down"

There is nothing left to be said.
Well other than that your content doesn't support the extravagant claim in your title.

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Bob Woodward’s bit about President Trump allegedly downplaying the Wuhan coronavirus is floundering. Calling for a shutdown of the U.S. economy seems like an odd way to downplay something.

Old Washed Up Woodward wants us to believe that Trump intentionally deceived the American people. He knew how serious the virus was, but wanted to hide its seriousness from the public to avoid a panic. That’s the Fake News line.

Dr. Fauci isn’t buying it. Fauci, who had the advantage of being there, says:

I didn’t get any sense that Trump was distorting anything. My discussions with him were always straightforward about the concerns that we had. And when he would go out, I’d hear him discussing the same sort of things.
Woodward is lying, distorting and fabricating to sell books, how novel.
I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly. I didn’t see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him, and what he came out publicly and said.
So Woodward is lying distorting fabricating and deceiving to try to make a buck, or a million bucks. John Roberts asked Fauci about comments Woodward has attributed to him regarding the President’s coronavirus response. Fauci didn’t recall ever saying anything like what has been reported.

FAUCI: If you notice, it was ‘others’ who have said that. You should ask ‘others.’ I don’t recall that at all.
ROBERTS: So you would question that account, then?
FAUCI: Yeah, yeah.
Washed up Woodward is a liar, fabricator and a deceiver. Sad!

How is he lying or fabricating anything? We heard on the tapes that Trump himself said that he knew it was airborne and a lot deadlier than your average flu.

A bit after he did the interview, he was telling everyone that would listen that it wasn't much worse than the regular flu, and that it would go away "like a miracle", or that it would significantly go down when summer started. Sadly, none of that was true.

And, if he did know that it was deadly and contagious (as per what he said in the interview tapes), why in the hell did he downplay it? In the Navy, if we had a casualty onboard the ship, we didn't downplay it, nor did we panic. We accurately assessed what was wrong, and took the necessary steps to fix the problem.
But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

60 MILLION Americans infected with N1H1

I think you meant to say H1N1. N1H1 isn't a thing that I'm aware of, you might want to correct your post so you don't look like an even bigger idiot than you already do.
But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

60 MILLION Americans infected with N1H1

I think you meant to say H1N1. N1H1 isn't a thing that I'm aware of, you might want to correct your post so you don't look like an even bigger idiot than you already do.
nice dodge even after I posted the link which shows it scares you
FYI the speaker of the house get's those briefings also

That was thirty years ago.

She might have had access to see the briefings or attend them, but she probably didn't at first. Why do I say that? Because her views on the virus significantly changed as more was learned over time about it.
But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

60 MILLION Americans infected with N1H1

I think you meant to say H1N1. N1H1 isn't a thing that I'm aware of, you might want to correct your post so you don't look like an even bigger idiot than you already do.
nice dodge even after I posted the link which shows it scares you

You're the one trying to dodge here. I told you about how there is no guarantee that a person won't catch it again, and you then deflect to H1N1 as a way to support your bullshit claims.
FYI the speaker of the house get's those briefings also

That was thirty years ago.
And? the U.S. Constitution is over 200 years old still doesn't change the fact the speaker of the house gets intel briefings

She can get them when she wants to, but unfortunately, I don't think that a daily briefing is something that the Speaker gets on a daily basis like the president does.
But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

60 MILLION Americans infected with N1H1

I think you meant to say H1N1. N1H1 isn't a thing that I'm aware of, you might want to correct your post so you don't look like an even bigger idiot than you already do.
Slo Jo keeps calling H1N1 "N1H1". He's the best the Dems could muster.
But didnt you wackos claim millions were going to die and then they didn't?

I actually estimated if we never shut anything down and went for "herd immunity" that 10 million to 25 million Americans would die from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, herd immunity isn't a guarantee on anything. There have been a couple of cases (one in China and one here in the US), where people who have caught the virus once, have managed to catch it a second time. Doctors and scientists are saying that if a person gets the virus, but doesn't get very sick, won't build up enough immunity to not catch it again.

60 MILLION Americans infected with N1H1

I think you meant to say H1N1. N1H1 isn't a thing that I'm aware of, you might want to correct your post so you don't look like an even bigger idiot than you already do.
nice dodge even after I posted the link which shows it scares you

You're the one trying to dodge here. I told you about how there is no guarantee that a person won't catch it again, and you then deflect to H1N1 as a way to support your bullshit claims.
“It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck. If anyone thinks that this can’t happen again, they don’t have to go back to 1918, they just have to go back to 2009, 2010 and imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math on that.”
FYI the speaker of the house get's those briefings also

The President's Daily Brief (PDB), sometimes referred to as the President's Daily Briefing or the President's Daily Bulletin, is a top-secret document produced and given each morning to the president of the United States, and is also distributed to a small number of top-level US officials who are approved by the president,

Do you really think Trump approved for Pelosi to get a copy?
FYI the speaker of the house get's those briefings also

That was thirty years ago.
And? the U.S. Constitution is over 200 years old still doesn't change the fact the speaker of the house gets intel briefings

She can get them when she wants to, but unfortunately, I don't think that a daily briefing is something that the Speaker gets on a daily basis like the president does.
you don't think? I agree she's third in line to be president of course she get's those briefings
FYI the speaker of the house get's those briefings also

The President's Daily Brief (PDB), sometimes referred to as the President's Daily Briefing or the President's Daily Bulletin, is a top-secret document produced and given each morning to the president of the United States, and is also distributed to a small number of top-level US officials who are approved by the president,

Do you really think Trump approved for Pelosi to get a copy?
If a presidential candidate gets intel briefing why do you believe the speaker of the house doesn't get the same briefings?

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