Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."

They don't get the TOP SECRETS
dumb fuck what do you think sensitive national security is?

Top Secret and above.
The president approves who gets to see the PDB.

Do you think Trump told them to send Nancy Pelosi a copy?
no the president don't you're just wishful thinking now.
You know that the president is in charge of national security. He has to delegate by executive order classification and declassification authority to the agencies under him. And the president alone determines who can access what. Including his PDB.

Distribution isn't by statute but by executive order. Congress can't pass a law for access to a PDB.

Presidential candidates don't get access to the PDB until AFTER they become president elect. They get them in the transition process between winning the election in Nov, and taking the oath of office on Jan. 20th. Post 1487 refers.

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings. Unlike past elections, this has become a subject of intense scrutiny, since both political opponents are raising questions about the other candidates' ability to handle such information. So here are the answers to some basic questions about how this process works:

When do the briefings begin and how many do they get?

Former Officials Raise Concerns Over Trump and Clinton Receiving Classified Briefings
Trump Reverses, Says He Didn't See Iran Cash Video
What are the topics of the briefings?
Do the candidates need security clearance?
Where are the briefings held?
Do the briefings include top secret information?
Is the White House going to hold anything back over Trump concerns?

"For more than 60 years now, the intelligence community has offered briefings to the presidential nominees of the two major political parties in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition," Earnest said. "So the Director of National Intelligence has indicated he intends to conduct those briefings pursuant to that longstanding tradition and he certainly is supported by this administration and this White House in doing so. What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."

You DO realize that there are various levels of security clearance right? And while the candidates might get access to classified briefings, they DON'T get access to the PDB until AFTER they have become president elect. Just because I had a Top Secret clearance because of my job, didn't entitle me to read any classified information that I wanted. I had to not only have the clearance saying that I was allowed to see the material, but I also had to have a "need to know".
How did I know more than Nazi Pelousy on Feb 24 when she was waddling around Chinatown telling America there was nothing to worry about?
The president approves who gets to see the PDB.

Do you think Trump told them to send Nancy Pelosi a copy?
no the president don't you're just wishful thinking now.
You know that the president is in charge of national security. He has to delegate by executive order classification and declassification authority to the agencies under him. And the president alone determines who can access what. Including his PDB.

Distribution isn't by statute but by executive order. Congress can't pass a law for access to a PDB.

Presidential candidates don't get access to the PDB until AFTER they become president elect. They get them in the transition process between winning the election in Nov, and taking the oath of office on Jan. 20th. Post 1487 refers.

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings. Unlike past elections, this has become a subject of intense scrutiny, since both political opponents are raising questions about the other candidates' ability to handle such information. So here are the answers to some basic questions about how this process works:

When do the briefings begin and how many do they get?

Former Officials Raise Concerns Over Trump and Clinton Receiving Classified Briefings
Trump Reverses, Says He Didn't See Iran Cash Video
What are the topics of the briefings?
Do the candidates need security clearance?
Where are the briefings held?
Do the briefings include top secret information?
Is the White House going to hold anything back over Trump concerns?

"For more than 60 years now, the intelligence community has offered briefings to the presidential nominees of the two major political parties in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition," Earnest said. "So the Director of National Intelligence has indicated he intends to conduct those briefings pursuant to that longstanding tradition and he certainly is supported by this administration and this White House in doing so. What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."

You DO realize that there are various levels of security clearance right? And while the candidates might get access to classified briefings, they DON'T get access to the PDB until AFTER they have become president elect. Just because I had a Top Secret clearance because of my job, didn't entitle me to read any classified information that I wanted. I had to not only have the clearance saying that I was allowed to see the material, but I also had to have a "need to know".
How did I know more than Nazi Pelousy on Feb 24 when she was waddling around Chinatown telling America there was nothing to worry about?

She was just following Trump's lead, because at that time, Trump was saying that it wasn't any worse than the regular flu, and that it would go away when summer hit. As more was learned about the virus, people started to change their views on it and evolve with the new information.

Unfortunately, Trump didn't evolve with the new information, and kept trying to downplay it, at least, until Woodward and his interview tapes came out, and now he's tapdancing as fast as he can to try to cover his ass.
Actually, you forgot one, which is SCI (Secret Compartmentalized Information). In order to have access to that level of information, not only do you need to have a clearance sufficient to see the material, but you also have to have a need to know for the information. SCI is usually compartmentalized with a code name.
I was trying to keep it simple for the simple folks who think the Pelosi gets to read Trumps PDB without his permission.

SCI is an addition to Top Secret, and not technically a separate classification class.
Actually, you forgot one, which is SCI (Secret Compartmentalized Information). In order to have access to that level of information, not only do you need to have a clearance sufficient to see the material, but you also have to have a need to know for the information. SCI is usually compartmentalized with a code name.
I was trying to keep it simple for the simple folks who think the Pelosi gets to read Trumps PDB without his permission.

SCI is an addition to Top Secret, and not technically a separate classification class.

Actually, SCI is it's own separate classification class. I had a Top Secret clearance in the Navy, but SCI information was something that I never had access to, mainly because I didn't have the clearance to see it (and no, Top Secret doesn't automatically get you access to SCI information), nor did I have a need to know.

I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the Navy, and knowing about stuff like that was part of my job.
The president approves who gets to see the PDB.

Do you think Trump told them to send Nancy Pelosi a copy?
no the president don't you're just wishful thinking now.
You know that the president is in charge of national security. He has to delegate by executive order classification and declassification authority to the agencies under him. And the president alone determines who can access what. Including his PDB.

Distribution isn't by statute but by executive order. Congress can't pass a law for access to a PDB.

Presidential candidates don't get access to the PDB until AFTER they become president elect. They get them in the transition process between winning the election in Nov, and taking the oath of office on Jan. 20th. Post 1487 refers.

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings. Unlike past elections, this has become a subject of intense scrutiny, since both political opponents are raising questions about the other candidates' ability to handle such information. So here are the answers to some basic questions about how this process works:

When do the briefings begin and how many do they get?

Former Officials Raise Concerns Over Trump and Clinton Receiving Classified Briefings
Trump Reverses, Says He Didn't See Iran Cash Video
What are the topics of the briefings?
Do the candidates need security clearance?
Where are the briefings held?
Do the briefings include top secret information?
Is the White House going to hold anything back over Trump concerns?

"For more than 60 years now, the intelligence community has offered briefings to the presidential nominees of the two major political parties in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition," Earnest said. "So the Director of National Intelligence has indicated he intends to conduct those briefings pursuant to that longstanding tradition and he certainly is supported by this administration and this White House in doing so. What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."
This is you; Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings.

This is your link;

Both candidates will soon receive the national intelligence briefings.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

So you want to be treated like a child?
We are seeing a level of tin-foil hat Trump supporters, unlike anything we have ever seen. They are so desperate, but so desperate, that the cult manifestation among them has gone into over drive. And all we have to work with are these brainless responses. My God, Trump has literally turned his base into a bunch of corralled up Sheep, who have no real thoughts or concerns about his lies circulating around covid.

Can you imagine having that much power and influence, that you can turn human beings into brainless Sheep?

You hate Trump and would do nothing but attack him no matter what he says. So you calling someone a brainless sheep is just priceless. You have zero credibility. If you said it was raining outside, I'd not even take an umbrella, I'd just ignore you.

You have the knob set on attack. Again, that you say someone isn't thinking, priceless ...
Anyone who actually has a functioning brain, and supports Trump, his lies, and his killings, has a date with the devil. I hate Trump because of his murdering rampage. As everyone should if they had a soul and a conscience.
Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings.

What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."

There are 3 levels of classification.

Top Secret

Candidates don't get access to Top Secret information.

As pointed out, the president elect gets the same briefing as the president.
Finally, concerning the substance of the information provided, there have been considerable variations in the amount and the type of material made available. All candidates in recent years have valued receiving the President's Daily Brief (PDB),
The president approves who gets to see the PDB.

Do you think Trump told them to send Nancy Pelosi a copy?
no the president don't you're just wishful thinking now.
You know that the president is in charge of national security. He has to delegate by executive order classification and declassification authority to the agencies under him. And the president alone determines who can access what. Including his PDB.

Distribution isn't by statute but by executive order. Congress can't pass a law for access to a PDB.

Presidential candidates don't get access to the PDB until AFTER they become president elect. They get them in the transition process between winning the election in Nov, and taking the oath of office on Jan. 20th. Post 1487 refers.

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings. Unlike past elections, this has become a subject of intense scrutiny, since both political opponents are raising questions about the other candidates' ability to handle such information. So here are the answers to some basic questions about how this process works:

When do the briefings begin and how many do they get?

Former Officials Raise Concerns Over Trump and Clinton Receiving Classified Briefings
Trump Reverses, Says He Didn't See Iran Cash Video
What are the topics of the briefings?
Do the candidates need security clearance?
Where are the briefings held?
Do the briefings include top secret information?
Is the White House going to hold anything back over Trump concerns?

"For more than 60 years now, the intelligence community has offered briefings to the presidential nominees of the two major political parties in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition," Earnest said. "So the Director of National Intelligence has indicated he intends to conduct those briefings pursuant to that longstanding tradition and he certainly is supported by this administration and this White House in doing so. What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."

You DO realize that there are various levels of security clearance right? And while the candidates might get access to classified briefings, they DON'T get access to the PDB until AFTER they have become president elect. Just because I had a Top Secret clearance because of my job, didn't entitle me to read any classified information that I wanted. I had to not only have the clearance saying that I was allowed to see the material, but I also had to have a "need to know".
How did I know more than Nazi Pelousy on Feb 24 when she was waddling around Chinatown telling America there was nothing to worry about?

She was just following Trump's lead, because at that time, Trump was saying that it wasn't any worse than the regular flu, and that it would go away when summer hit. As more was learned about the virus, people started to change their views on it and evolve with the new information.

Unfortunately, Trump didn't evolve with the new information, and kept trying to downplay it, at least, until Woodward and his interview tapes came out, and now he's tapdancing as fast as he can to try to cover his ass.
She was just following Trump's lead,

Really? That's what you are trying to sell? Nazi has never followed Trump's lead on anything. If Trump said the sun rose in the East, Nazi would say it came up in the West.
The president approves who gets to see the PDB.

Do you think Trump told them to send Nancy Pelosi a copy?
no the president don't you're just wishful thinking now.
You know that the president is in charge of national security. He has to delegate by executive order classification and declassification authority to the agencies under him. And the president alone determines who can access what. Including his PDB.

Distribution isn't by statute but by executive order. Congress can't pass a law for access to a PDB.

Presidential candidates don't get access to the PDB until AFTER they become president elect. They get them in the transition process between winning the election in Nov, and taking the oath of office on Jan. 20th. Post 1487 refers.

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings. Unlike past elections, this has become a subject of intense scrutiny, since both political opponents are raising questions about the other candidates' ability to handle such information. So here are the answers to some basic questions about how this process works:

When do the briefings begin and how many do they get?

Former Officials Raise Concerns Over Trump and Clinton Receiving Classified Briefings
Trump Reverses, Says He Didn't See Iran Cash Video
What are the topics of the briefings?
Do the candidates need security clearance?
Where are the briefings held?
Do the briefings include top secret information?
Is the White House going to hold anything back over Trump concerns?

"For more than 60 years now, the intelligence community has offered briefings to the presidential nominees of the two major political parties in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition," Earnest said. "So the Director of National Intelligence has indicated he intends to conduct those briefings pursuant to that longstanding tradition and he certainly is supported by this administration and this White House in doing so. What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."
This is you; Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings.

This is your link;

Both candidates will soon receive the national intelligence briefings.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

So you want to be treated like a child?
We are seeing a level of tin-foil hat Trump supporters, unlike anything we have ever seen. They are so desperate, but so desperate, that the cult manifestation among them has gone into over drive. And all we have to work with are these brainless responses. My God, Trump has literally turned his base into a bunch of corralled up Sheep, who have no real thoughts or concerns about his lies circulating around covid.

Can you imagine having that much power and influence, that you can turn human beings into brainless Sheep?

You hate Trump and would do nothing but attack him no matter what he says. So you calling someone a brainless sheep is just priceless. You have zero credibility. If you said it was raining outside, I'd not even take an umbrella, I'd just ignore you.

You have the knob set on attack. Again, that you say someone isn't thinking, priceless ...
Anyone who actually has a functioning brain, and supports Trump, his lies, and his killings, has a date with the devil. I hate Trump because of his murdering rampage. As everyone should if they had a soul and a conscience.
this is what my link says
Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings
Actually, you forgot one, which is SCI (Secret Compartmentalized Information). In order to have access to that level of information, not only do you need to have a clearance sufficient to see the material, but you also have to have a need to know for the information. SCI is usually compartmentalized with a code name.
I was trying to keep it simple for the simple folks who think the Pelosi gets to read Trumps PDB without his permission.

SCI is an addition to Top Secret, and not technically a separate classification class.

Actually, SCI is it's own separate classification class. I had a Top Secret clearance in the Navy, but SCI information was something that I never had access to, mainly because I didn't have the clearance to see it (and no, Top Secret doesn't automatically get you access to SCI information), nor did I have a need to know.

I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the Navy, and knowing about stuff like that was part of my job.

Security clearances are like fight club. The first rule is you don't talk about fight club. At least not with too many details.

Appreciate your comments and technically you are correct, as there are only three official levels of clearance (Confidential, Secret, Top Secret). However, just as Special Compartmented Information is tossed around as one having a TS/SCI clearance, there are many other special access programs that require additional vetting beyond the basic SSBI, and thus, the word clearance is ballied about and are use to identify these special requirements.
Actually, you forgot one, which is SCI (Secret Compartmentalized Information). In order to have access to that level of information, not only do you need to have a clearance sufficient to see the material, but you also have to have a need to know for the information. SCI is usually compartmentalized with a code name.
I was trying to keep it simple for the simple folks who think the Pelosi gets to read Trumps PDB without his permission.

SCI is an addition to Top Secret, and not technically a separate classification class.

Actually, SCI is it's own separate classification class. I had a Top Secret clearance in the Navy, but SCI information was something that I never had access to, mainly because I didn't have the clearance to see it (and no, Top Secret doesn't automatically get you access to SCI information), nor did I have a need to know.

I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the Navy, and knowing about stuff like that was part of my job.

Security clearances are like fight club. The first rule is you don't talk about fight club. At least not with too many details.

Appreciate your comments and technically you are correct, as there are only three official levels of clearance (Confidential, Secret, Top Secret). However, just as Special Compartmented Information is tossed around as one having a TS/SCI clearance, there are many other special access programs that require additional vetting beyond the basic SSBI, and thus, the word clearance is ballied about and are use to identify these special requirements.
do you think the Bay of Pigs was a top secret operation?
He was wrong, looks like Trump....right
Are you trying to pretend you (and Trump) will shed any tears if Navarro's January 2020 prediction turns out to be accurate?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands

"The New York Times reported on April 6 more specifically, that Trump's trade adviser Petter Navarro advised him in January that the U.S. death toll could be a half-million Americans: Risk of Worst-Case Scenario ‘Should Not Be Overlooked,’ Memo Warned by Maggie Haberman."

U.S. coronavirus deaths projected to more than double to 410,000 by January

"'Cumulative deaths expected by January 1 are 410,000; this is 225,000 deaths from now until the end of the year,' the institute said."
jc456 said:
He was wrong, looks like Trump....right
You're the one trying to dodge here. I told you about how there is no guarantee that a person won't catch it again, and you then deflect to H1N1 as a way to support your bullshit claims
There’s no guarantee in life!
After consulting with 23 anonymous sources, The Atlantic has been able to confirm that illegitimate President Trump said, while on a trip to Thailand:

"Penguins hate Thailand. You know it's true because they never come ashore here. That tells you all you need to know about Thailand. It's a shit hole country, you know. Thais are losers and suckers!"

Thai officials refused to comment on the insulting diatribe, citing ongoing security considerations and trade negotiations.

The Thai foreign minister stated that penguins have not been discussed in the negotiations.

Yeah I guess you didn't see all the Bikers at Sturgis or all the people whooping it up over the summer with no masks and no social distancing

You commies and your little Goebbels tried your best to lie about that, claiming a "spike," because da Wuhan be Woke yo - it bypasses the Brown Shirts and BLM Klan, but TOTALLY infects bikers...

Yes, a few are starting to resist the utter bullshit and stupidity.

You want America on our knees trembling in fear. The ONLY answer the nation should give you is "fuck off."

OK if you are claiming I said any of those things then you should be able to find a post of mine and quote it.

When you can't will you admit you are a lying sack of shit?

Nope. apologies - that was meant for Eddie, not you.
do you think the Bay of Pigs was a top secret operation?
Officially yes, but in actually no. By october 1960 the cat was out of the bag.

Despite efforts of the government to keep the invasion plans covert, it became common knowledge among Cuban exiles in Miami. Through Cuban intelligence, Castro learned of the guerilla training camps in Guatemala as early as October 1960, and the press reported widely on events as they unfolded

And it was OK to brief the democratic candidate, since the republican candidate (Nixon) came up with the plan, although during the presidential debates took a position of restraint against the invasion of Cuba, while Kennedy was in favor of it.
Another anti-Trump TDS book.


It is the tapes.... Woodward hasn't released the book yet...

You are embarrassing yourself.... You don't mind being lied too... No guts to face the truth

We have a bunch of snippets spliced together.

Trump saying "I don't want to create panic."

I can understand where that would upset you terrorists, you want to create NOTHING but panic and fear.

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