Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings.

What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."

There are 3 levels of classification.

Top Secret

Candidates don't get access to Top Secret information.

As pointed out, the president elect gets the same briefing as the president.

Actually, you forgot one, which is SCI (Secret Compartmentalized Information). In order to have access to that level of information, not only do you need to have a clearance sufficient to see the material, but you also have to have a need to know for the information. SCI is usually compartmentalized with a code name.
What clearance did the moron give his daughter and husband?

What, no PPE?

March 21: The Trump Administration announced HHS placed an order for hundreds of millions of N95 masks through FEMA

April 3: President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum blocking the export of N95 and other respirator masks, surgical masks, PPE gloves, and surgical gloves to ensure they are available in the U.S. – designating them as “scarce” under the Defense Production Act.

April 8: Customs and Borders Protection announced with FEMA that it will detain shipments of PPE in order to keep critical medical supplies within the U.S. for domestic use.

That was beacuse the "N95 and other respirator masks, surgical masks, PPE gloves, and surgical gloves" were depleted in 2009 and subsequent natural disasters never replaced by the Obama administration.

"There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded."

How stupid does one have to be to believe Trump didn't want Americans to panic over something he new was serious, when he made zero preparations for protective equipment for a pandemic he new was going to be a huge problem? Instead, he decided to ignore the problem, lie to us, and let people die. That's what he has done.
Kinda like Pelosi telling everyone to come on down to China Town because it wasn't serious ? How about Cuomo killing old people ?

There is nothing left to be said.
He also formed a taskforce and implemented a travel ban weeks before the first confirmed case, while the democrats called him a xenophobe and warned us that this flu across the pacific was just a distraction from impeachment.

Even if I agreed with your take on Trump's performance, why would I vote for the people who thought he was OVER reacting?

He knew it was airborne virus and held a indoor rally...

Enough said...
Come on down to China town and enjoy the Lunar New Year!

Enough said...
do you think the Bay of Pigs was a top secret operation?
Officially yes, but in actually no. By october 1960 the cat was out of the bag.

Despite efforts of the government to keep the invasion plans covert, it became common knowledge among Cuban exiles in Miami. Through Cuban intelligence, Castro learned of the guerilla training camps in Guatemala as early as October 1960, and the press reported widely on events as they unfolded

And it was OK to brief the democratic candidate, since the republican candidate (Nixon) came up with the plan, although during the presidential debates took a position of restraint against the invasion of Cuba, while Kennedy was in favor of it.
officially presidential candidate Kenedy was advised on the operation
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
When a president proves he is incompetent, dishonest, and has brought great harm to the nation, there is nothing wrong with voting him out office. It's hard to imagine Biden being a more discussing and incompetent president than Trump.
Well if you had a brain then you would be able to imagine harder.
Thanks for contributing nothing.
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
When a president proves he is incompetent, dishonest, and has brought great harm to the nation, there is nothing wrong with voting him out office. It's hard to imagine Biden being a more discussing and incompetent president than Trump.

Guess you haven't seen the list of what he will do if elected. Eye opening it is.

No sane American would vote for it. But then you lefty loons seem to be far from sane.
No, sane American would vote for Trump. In a contest of whose the nuttiest, I'm afraid Biden would lose. Nobody beats the Trump on this issue.
You mean, listen to the experts like Trump did? Your only idea is to do what Trump did from Day 1?

You have had 8 months to come up with something beyond that. pathetic.

Actually Trump didn't listen to the experts. They told Trump to wear a mask and he refused.
shrugs why do you wear a mask? I wear one now for political reasons View attachment 387055
But that house does not belong to Trump. It belongs to the American people and they are going to serve him an eviction notice come November.
do you think the Bay of Pigs was a top secret operation?
Officially yes, but in actually no. By october 1960 the cat was out of the bag.

Despite efforts of the government to keep the invasion plans covert, it became common knowledge among Cuban exiles in Miami. Through Cuban intelligence, Castro learned of the guerilla training camps in Guatemala as early as October 1960, and the press reported widely on events as they unfolded

And it was OK to brief the democratic candidate, since the republican candidate (Nixon) came up with the plan, although during the presidential debates took a position of restraint against the invasion of Cuba, while Kennedy was in favor of it.
Bay of Pigs was top-secret years later it was declassified
Presidential Candidate Kennedy was advised on the operation
So you have been proven wrong
And Pelosi was briefed just as the President was briefed on COVID 19.
You mean, listen to the experts like Trump did? Your only idea is to do what Trump did from Day 1?

You have had 8 months to come up with something beyond that. pathetic.

Actually Trump didn't listen to the experts. They told Trump to wear a mask and he refused.
shrugs why do you wear a mask? I wear one now for political reasons View attachment 387055
But that house does not belong to Trump. It belongs to the American people and they are going to serve him an eviction notice come November.
What made you think Trump owns the house for you to say Trump doesn't own the house? No one but you mentioned that.
You mean, listen to the experts like Trump did? Your only idea is to do what Trump did from Day 1?

You have had 8 months to come up with something beyond that. pathetic.

Actually Trump didn't listen to the experts. They told Trump to wear a mask and he refused.
shrugs why do you wear a mask? I wear one now for political reasons View attachment 387055
But that house does not belong to Trump. It belongs to the American people and they are going to serve him an eviction notice come November.
The house belongs to the highest bidder...the people haven't owed it for years.....term limits.....and reasonable electoral redistricting.....
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
When a president proves he is incompetent, dishonest, and has brought great harm to the nation, there is nothing wrong with voting him out office. It's hard to imagine Biden being a more discussing and incompetent president than Trump.

Guess you haven't seen the list of what he will do if elected. Eye opening it is.

No sane American would vote for it. But then you lefty loons seem to be far from sane.
No, sane American would vote for Trump. In a contest of whose the nuttiest, I'm afraid Biden would lose. Nobody beats the Trump on this issue.
Sane Americans see the destruction of the Democrat campaign platform. Blue city riots defund the police, no protection given to the public
only the insane can't see it.
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
You're the one trying to dodge here. I told you about how there is no guarantee that a person won't catch it again, and you then deflect to H1N1 as a way to support your bullshit claims
There’s no guarantee in life!

You are absolutely correct. I could go to the doctor to get my physical results, and they tell me I have cancer and will die in 1 to 3 years.

And then, on my way home, depressed about the news I'm going to die in a few years, I get hit by a bus, and my life is over.

No, there are no guarantees in life. But then again, life isn't fair, that is why we need to be.
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He is just trying to keep the calm. This is the lie trump is now telling

But he lied about the pandemic to keep the calm.

But he lied about the pandemic to keep the calm.

But he lied about the pandemic to keep the calm.

But he lied about the pandemic because he didn't want people to panic.

How many lies does this SOB get to tell us before we give his ass the boot?
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
I can post dozens of videos showing Biden Coumo Pelosi and other dems downplaying the virus...when they were asked why they did that... each one said just what Trump said....did not want to panic this is yet another false scandal....don't you have any reasons for us to vote FOR Biden and not just against Trump?......
When a president proves he is incompetent, dishonest, and has brought great harm to the nation, there is nothing wrong with voting him out office. It's hard to imagine Biden being a more discussing and incompetent president than Trump.

Guess you haven't seen the list of what he will do if elected. Eye opening it is.

No sane American would vote for it. But then you lefty loons seem to be far from sane.
No, sane American would vote for Trump. In a contest of whose the nuttiest, I'm afraid Biden would lose. Nobody beats the Trump on this issue.
Sane Americans see the destruction of the Democrat campaign platform. Blue city riots defund the police, no protection given to the public
only the insane can't see it.
The insane say what you do. There is no protection of the public now. Not when police are killing unarmed citizens.
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
You mean, listen to the experts like Trump did? Your only idea is to do what Trump did from Day 1?

You have had 8 months to come up with something beyond that. pathetic.

Actually Trump didn't listen to the experts. They told Trump to wear a mask and he refused.
shrugs why do you wear a mask? I wear one now for political reasons View attachment 387055
But that house does not belong to Trump. It belongs to the American people and they are going to serve him an eviction notice come November.
We should all hope that the malignancy that is Trump is gone come next January.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.

You gave me the anti-semite treatment. :)

holy crap - you too???
She is though. She had admitted that on this site. Also, what would you have done if you’re president and it’s December 1st? Go!

i know what i WOULDN'T have done:

March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / 6 months ago
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.
The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.
“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go
,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
Don't deflect. Answer the question.

Like don't wear masks and now wear masks?

& how long ago was that? has it changed? has the science now revealed that wearing a proper mask reduces transmission by up to 75%?

ya - i'm not stuck in the very early days, & blowing off the ever increasing knowledge of this thing. too bad donny can't lift his cheeto dusted knuckles off the ground long enough to care about *you*.

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