Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.
You know what's great about the can't scrub everything
You can't trace everyone who has captured what was but is no more
Lies are a bitch to keep up with and documenting them makes it impossible
Eventually they come back to bite you in the ass
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive
Exactly and we have obama's lies on record. H1N1 60 million effected
What lies, H1N1? And how many died 12000 plus.

be specific when you talk about lies Obama told about the HINI and have links.

In all, between April 2009 when 2009 H1N1 flu first emerged and April 2010, CDC held 60 related media events – 39 press briefings and 22 telebriefings – for a total of more than 35,000 participants. CDC also hosted its first ever two-day workshop for the news media on the subjects of both 2009 H1N1 influenza and seasonal influenza in late August. Originally conceived to include 12 members of the news media, the attendance grew to over 40 journalists from national, regional and local news outlets representing radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and online news media. Speakers at the event included the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the CDC Director, influenza experts, vaccine safety experts, and laboratory experts. The CDC hotline (1-800-CDC-INFO) responded to more than 211,000 related inquiries from the general public and health care providers, and the CDC 2009 H1N1 web site had more than 219,595,000 page views. Also, the number of CDC Facebook fans rose to more than 55,000 fans and the CDC emergency profile on Twitter was tracked by more than 1,200,000 followers.

now people have little disregard for the CDC, tramp killed it.
The democrats would rather just say EVERYONE PANIC this is so bad PANIC you think toilet paper and meat were just hard to find NOTHING would be left like a hurricane hit .. wake up

You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
Or, they stay in their homes despite the warnings and you wackos blame him for that too.

Yep. Democrats attack Trump all the time for not shutting down the economy again and for that he shut down the economy before

Trump was saying the same thing Fauci was saying but still closing flights to the usa in. Fauci told us not to wear mask for months now saying we should . Trump was following the scientist but the media spun it like he wasnt
The democrats would rather just say EVERYONE PANIC this is so bad PANIC you think toilet paper and meat were just hard to find NOTHING would be left like a hurricane hit .. wake up

You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
apples and oranges. Hurricanes are a known thing of what could happen. Even FAUCI told us not to worry

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.

You gave me the anti-semite treatment. :)

holy crap - you too???
She is though. She had admitted that on this site. Also, what would you have done if you’re president and it’s December 1st? Go!

i know what i WOULDN'T have done:

March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / 6 months ago
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.
The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.
“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go
,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
Don't deflect. Answer the question.

Like don't wear masks and now wear masks?

& how long ago was that? has it changed? has the science now revealed that wearing a proper mask reduces transmission by up to 75%?

ya - i'm not stuck in the very early days, & blowing off the ever increasing knowledge of this thing. too bad donny can't lift his cheeto dusted knuckles off the ground long enough to care about *you*.
I do Not trust our media. People in Europe don’t wear them. People in NH do not nor Maine. If masks truly were effective then the Govt would issue official masks that work vs homemade cloth ones. That’s just my opinion on the matter. I do Not need a mask but wear it for optics.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

View attachment 386560View attachment 386560View attachment 386560
You gave three stars to an overt antisemite and Holocaust denier and I am not speaking in jest. Well done. LOL.

ever read peter & the wolf... pete?
I'll make you a deal. If she is a Holocaust denier as I claim, then you leave this board forever. If she isn't, I will.


have you ever read peter & the wolf? holy shit - you're still flunking critical thinking class 'eh? right now, it matters not if it's true - the FACT that you throw out that accusation like candy ; you've called ME & others on this board antisemites & holocaust deniers. so past behavior dictates expectations & i'm figuring you called her that too. whether she is or not, matters not in this case because of YOUR behavior & posting pattern...

' leave the board '.... lol..... LOL!!!!
So you don't care that it is actually true for her? Outstanding. Your back pedaling is amusing. I throw it out there because you throw out baseless accusations all the time and I want you to see what that feels like. I don't really believe that about you but it is 100% true about Penelope and you gave her three stars. So you admit you're a coward. I will gladly leave the board if I am wrong. You won't. That means you don't stand behind your words. Coward.

View attachment 386568

the fact that you called me that & have doubled & tripled down on it after seeing me get pissed & bewildered that you would throw that out - sell your people out to score troll points has tanked your credibility no matter if it's true or not.

see? you not getting that means your critical thinking skills have tanked too if you ever had them to begin with.
Now you get how I am when I say I support Trump and people here call me a racist, white supremacist, sexist. It was for context nothing more. I'll apologize now if you took it the wrong way. That was not the intent. Doesn't change the fact of who Penelope is and you gave her three gold stars. You seem to be OK with that.

i'm not ok with anybody being antisemitic. i gave gold stars for a different reason.

understand that.

i've been known to give a thumbs up & even with the happy face with hearts to people i vehemently disagree with most times if it warrants. i've done that with you.
Never. LOL.

But she, Penelope, is a true Nazi.


'never' what?
Never given any positive feedback to people you disagree with. You and I have NEVER seen eye to eye on anything. But nice try. You have a true Holocaust denier and antisemite three stars. Just own it.
The democrats would rather just say EVERYONE PANIC this is so bad PANIC you think toilet paper and meat were just hard to find NOTHING would be left like a hurricane hit .. wake up

You make a good point. If you want to avoid panic, we should stop telling Americans when a hurricane is coming their way.

All that causes is a run on flashlights, batteries and bottled water.
apples and oranges. Hurricanes are a known thing of what could happen. Even FAUCI told us not to worry

Fauci says WE HAVEN'T turned the corner like the moron trump said. 1100 dead yesterday
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.

And Democrats continue to lie and hype the Biden virus. Again, even if what you said is true, why is it somehow OK to hype a virus for political benefit and not downplay it? Your dishonesty is better than someone else's?
It's not okay, but it's just playing politics in hyper drive by the socialist democrats.
It has affected everyday Americans in such a negative on several levels.
It comes down to the never ever Trump mentality.

I was always a never tramper.
Which utterly destroys your credibility. Thank you.

No it doesn't... People can have opinions and still remain objective...
Azog any of the Jewish faith die because Trump lied and didn't want to cause a panic?? You OK with that??
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you
Awwwk awwwk awwwk! Libber Polly wanna cracker awwwk!
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

This post is fake news. I saw Trump admitting to it.
admitting to what exactly?
That ge lied about the seriousness of the virus.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

This post is fake news. I saw Trump admitting to it.
admitting to what exactly?
That ge lied about the seriousness of the virus.
Lied? He tried to keep the panic down and back in February no one really knew. The WHO said it was contained. I am still not sure who to

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

This post is fake news. I saw Trump admitting to it.
admitting to what exactly?
That ge lied about the seriousness of the virus.
Lied? He tried to keep the panic down and back in February no one really knew. The WHO said it was contained. I am still not sure who to
There would still be no toilet paper if the wackos had their Panic in the Streets way
Other than admitting the downplay, it comes as no big revelation. At the time I called the administration's actions as playing both ends against the middle. While Trump took the head buried in the sand approach, the executive branch medical science team went completely towards the other end of the spectrum. What we needed was a sensible middle ground.
Unfortunately no one is paying attention to the middle ground.

A pretty good example of how this childish tribalism is killing us. Literally, now.
200,000 deaths, totally exaggerated but...

200,000 deaths across country, 50 states, over the past 7 months

That averages 4,000 deaths in every state over a 7 month period
That averages 571 deaths every month, for 7 months, in every state
That averages 118 deaths every week for 7 months, in every state
That averages 17 deaths every day for 7 months, in every state

The total number of deaths from ALL causes this year stands at 1,903,360
minus 200,000 leaves 1,703,360 people who have died from something other then
the deadly Chinese Viral Double pneumonia
Why did Cuomo send the infected to the rest homes?
meaner gene: "Herd immunity would mean 6 million deaths, if we continued with partial shutdowns to control the rate (flatten the curve)"

So you advocate what you claim would mean "6 million deaths?" Do tell
I also said, if we fully opened the economy, that would lead to 10 to 25 million dead Americans.

I never suggested any future shutdowns (full or partial) which would only stretch out the time to reach herd immunity.

So once more, I have to point out you lied about me demanding a shutdown again.
meaner gene: "Herd immunity would mean 6 million deaths, if we continued with partial shutdowns to control the rate (flatten the curve)"

So you're saying you were in favor of the plan you predicted 6 million deaths. You're actually claiming that is what you meant in that post

There is nothing left to be said.
He didn't lie, but we can see you did here every day. Desperate for Joe "The WALKING DEAD, Senile Pedophile to get in to office so the Pedo raids will stop?
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

Biden is also a lying SOB, so you fail to differentiate. Biden lies all the time. How do YOU not see that?

Biden is for fracking and against it. He's for shutting down the economy and against it. He's for travel bans and against it. He's against Trump's virus strategy, and runs commercials proposing what Trump is doing.

On the other hand, Democrats lie all the time about what Trump said and then attack their own strawmen as if Trump said it.

Clearly truth is not your standard. Cut the stupid shit
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands

That's just a slogan, you provided no actual content.

And Democrats lie more about what Trump said than Trump lies himself. And then there are all your own lies as well. The Democrats are 10 times the liars that Trump is
Other than admitting the downplay, it comes as no big revelation. At the time I called the administration's actions as playing both ends against the middle. While Trump took the head buried in the sand approach, the executive branch medical science team went completely towards the other end of the spectrum. What we needed was a sensible middle ground.
Unfortunately no one is paying attention to the middle ground.

A pretty good example of how this childish tribalism is killing us. Literally, now.
200,000 deaths, totally exaggerated but...

200,000 deaths across country, 50 states, over the past 7 months

That averages 4,000 deaths in every state over a 7 month period
That averages 571 deaths every month, for 7 months, in every state
That averages 118 deaths every week for 7 months, in every state
That averages 17 deaths every day for 7 months, in every state

The total number of deaths from ALL causes this year stands at 1,903,360
minus 200,000 leaves 1,703,360 people who have died from something other then
the deadly Chinese Viral Double pneumonia
Why did Cuomo send the infected to the rest homes?
Because of UN Agenda 2030's statement about "Decreasing The Surplus Population"

Abortion, War, Bio Weapons.

We are all in this together, right?

Joe Pedo Biden says so

So did Quid Pro Joe!
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

Biden is also a lying SOB, so you fail to differentiate. Biden lies all the time. How do YOU not see that?

Biden is for fracking and against it. He's for shutting down the economy and against it. He's for travel bans and against it. He's against Trump's virus strategy, and runs commercials proposing what Trump is doing.

On the other hand, Democrats lie all the time about what Trump said and then attack their own strawmen as if Trump said it.

Clearly truth is not your standard. Cut the stupid shit
And don't forget if you try to stop the Wuhan Flu from coming in to this country by shutting down flights out of China


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