Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Well that made you wackos happy since you deemed Trump racist for shutting down their travel to the US.

45 is a racist. He very proud of being racist and if you support a racist, if you defend a racist you are a racist.
I don't support racists at all, which is why i am not a Democrat, the party of all you true racists. Nice parroting.
How many white supremacists ,how many KKKers how many Qanons vote Democrat?? and of course the pos racist in your wh
True racists are the people who constantly whine about racism.

Eddie's voting for a white guy who thinks he can tell blacks who a real black is. Yeah, credibility not ...
Look I can't tell you what's in Bidens heart I just know that basically he's a good man who's lived through some personal disasters and still holds his head high. Trump is a lifetime AH if you know anything about his past. His 4 years in Washington proves it

Good men don't call people racists for their own selfish political interest at the expense of not only the truth but the country. Then the POS Biden calls himself a "uniter."

Again, your indignation is feigned
You mean, listen to the experts like Trump did? Your only idea is to do what Trump did from Day 1?

You have had 8 months to come up with something beyond that. pathetic.

Actually Trump didn't listen to the experts. They told Trump to wear a mask and he refused.
shrugs why do you wear a mask? I wear one now for political reasons View attachment 387055
But that house does not belong to Trump. It belongs to the American people and they are going to serve him an eviction notice come November.
We should all hope that the malignancy that is Trump is gone come next January.
It will just be temporary unless the gop has a reformation or the other side actually shows up at the polls EVERY election.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands

That's just a slogan, you provided no actual content.

And Democrats lie more about what Trump said than Trump lies himself. And then there are all your own lies as well. The Democrats are 10 times the liars that Trump is
Kaz I gotta tell you ,,,that's some fine bullshit you threw Doubt it can be beat today ,although you have some experts out there. And no I don't drink in the morning
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?

Are you serious? A Wharton MBA is WAY more impressive than Syracuse law school. And undergrad, Biden went to nobody Delaware, LOL.

As Michael Jordon said when he swatted a shot, get that shit out of here ...
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

What would you have done to stop the Kung Flu in it's tracks? Give us your detailed plan for Jan, Feb, Mar...............

Be specific and use the 20/20 hindsight Trump didn't have.

When I would have come into office I'd have made sure we were fully supplied with enough material to fight the virus NOT complain that Obama left the cupboards bear Then when told how serious the virus was I'd have taken immediate action, not try and bullshitted it away

Gotcha, so you never stopped drinking from last night? If you want me to respond to your post, write legibly though, thanks
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?
A BS degree majoring in pussy grabbing

I never stop laughing at you when you voted for Clinton twice and then his enabler and suddenly pussy grabbing is a problem for you. I mean get real
Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.

Like what? What did we not do? No Monday morning quarterbacking. Democrats were downplaying it at the time too. As was Fauci.

And how would the widespread panic you wanted make it better? Be specific.

And let's remember what Democrats were saying. Hannity has their clips on, don't whine bu-bu-but you don't like Hannity.

Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.

Like what? What did we not do? No Monday morning quarterbacking. Democrats were downplaying it at the time too. As was Fauci.

And how would the widespread panic you wanted make it better? Be specific
Fauci has the great benefit of ALWAYS Monday Morning Quarterbacking....he makes no decisions and has no responsibility so he says whatever keeps him in good graces with the wackos.
The Trump tape is akin to finding a tape or transcript where the national security advisor told FDR in November that the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor.

And then FDR "playing it down"
Like Bush and the Mission accomplish banner.
Republicans have a long history of explaining away why their guy lies.
This fn liar said he didn't want to cause a panic ,,,,,,,,Dr to patient "I didn't want to tell you you had a serious case of cancer .Didn't want you to panic " "You have 2 weeks left ,,good luck""
you'd never understand, your genes won't allow it.
Sounds like your “genes” are so tight it’s cutting your blood supply off
Gotcha, so Trump should have stopped US citizens from coming home? More of your mental retardation.
Obama only let flights from ebola stricken countries enter airports set up to screen incoming passengers for symptoms.

Trump didn't do that.

And yet obviously your reasoning is, you hate Trump. Think of a factoid to attack him with. There are similarities and differences there. There are a hell of a lot less people coming from that region of Africa than China and Europe. But you don't really care. It's just attack
The ghost of Nixon to Trump.....” Hey dufus, you did hear about Watergate and still you let Woodward Tape you ? What a fkin* idiot.”

You're just not used to a President who is open, huh? Trump will let anyone interview him. Democrats are mean and vicious and lie, of course you don't want your politicians to be honest
Openly stupid.

Yes, you are. Trump has taken interviews from lots of leftists. Biden, Obama, never do the reverse. They're cowards. Facts don't care about your feelings, dear girl. You are allowed to have a good cry about it though, that's up to you
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party
The president approves who gets to see the PDB.

Do you think Trump told them to send Nancy Pelosi a copy?
no the president don't you're just wishful thinking now.
You know that the president is in charge of national security. He has to delegate by executive order classification and declassification authority to the agencies under him. And the president alone determines who can access what. Including his PDB.

Distribution isn't by statute but by executive order. Congress can't pass a law for access to a PDB.

Presidential candidates don't get access to the PDB until AFTER they become president elect. They get them in the transition process between winning the election in Nov, and taking the oath of office on Jan. 20th. Post 1487 refers.

Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings. Unlike past elections, this has become a subject of intense scrutiny, since both political opponents are raising questions about the other candidates' ability to handle such information. So here are the answers to some basic questions about how this process works:

When do the briefings begin and how many do they get?

Former Officials Raise Concerns Over Trump and Clinton Receiving Classified Briefings
Trump Reverses, Says He Didn't See Iran Cash Video
What are the topics of the briefings?
Do the candidates need security clearance?
Where are the briefings held?
Do the briefings include top secret information?
Is the White House going to hold anything back over Trump concerns?

"For more than 60 years now, the intelligence community has offered briefings to the presidential nominees of the two major political parties in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition," Earnest said. "So the Director of National Intelligence has indicated he intends to conduct those briefings pursuant to that longstanding tradition and he certainly is supported by this administration and this White House in doing so. What’s also true of the intelligence community is they understand what steps are necessary to protect sensitive national security information. And the administration is confident that they can both provide relevant and sufficient briefings to the two major party presidential candidates, while also protecting sensitive national security information."
This is you; Both presidential candidates are now eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings.

This is your link;

Both candidates will soon receive the national intelligence briefings.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

So you want to be treated like a child?
We are seeing a level of tin-foil hat Trump supporters, unlike anything we have ever seen. They are so desperate, but so desperate, that the cult manifestation among them has gone into over drive. And all we have to work with are these brainless responses. My God, Trump has literally turned his base into a bunch of corralled up Sheep, who have no real thoughts or concerns about his lies circulating around covid.

Can you imagine having that much power and influence, that you can turn human beings into brainless Sheep?

You hate Trump and would do nothing but attack him no matter what he says. So you calling someone a brainless sheep is just priceless. You have zero credibility. If you said it was raining outside, I'd not even take an umbrella, I'd just ignore you.

You have the knob set on attack. Again, that you say someone isn't thinking, priceless ...
Anyone who actually has a functioning brain, and supports Trump, his lies, and his killings, has a date with the devil. I hate Trump because of his murdering rampage. As everyone should if they had a soul and a conscience.

That you say all that about Trump, then you vote for Biden says everything about you and how completely delusional you are and how fake your standards are
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.

How is it a lie?

Look, you're a terrorist - the democrats are a terrorist party. The goal of democrats is the utter and complete destruction of America and the establishment of a brutal Marxist dictatorship under the rule of China.

The primary method democrats are using in their war against America is terrorism. The little Goebbels pimp panic porn - EXCEPT when democrat troops are engaged in military assaults on American cities - mostly peaceful attacks are immune, the Wuhan be woke yo, Brown Shirts and Klansmen are immune cuz dey down wid da stuggle.

Panic is the weapon of democrats, obviously someone like Trump who loves America would never want to cause panic.

it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?

Are you serious? A Wharton MBA is WAY more impressive than Syracuse law school. And undergrad, Biden went to nobody Delaware, LOL.

As Michael Jordon said when he swatted a shot, get that shit out of here ...
One prof called him the dumbest pos he ever taught His daddy got him in and out with a degree Money talks
it is a shame the DemoRats failed with russiagate then ukraine impeachment, cause now all the got is one sentence, maybe the fools in america can turn this into a impeachable crime
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
No, the shame is you wackos attacking a president who stands for American values and law enforcement so you can insert your socialist pimp.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?

Are you serious? A Wharton MBA is WAY more impressive than Syracuse law school. And undergrad, Biden went to nobody Delaware, LOL.

As Michael Jordon said when he swatted a shot, get that shit out of here ...
One prof called him the dumbest pos he ever taught His daddy got him in and out with a degree Money talks
Professor? You mean someone who cant do so he teaches???
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
Trump 2020
2020 ? That’s a little high for fatso Trumps weight, but you’re headed in the righ5 direction.

Don't quit your day job, you suck at this. I do like a lard ass Hillary voter worrying about weight though ...

Still have the hots for seventy year old grandmothers I see.

OK, so by your standard you just said you have the hots for a 74 year old man. Didn't think that insult through, did you? Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. Then you have to be for the survival of the party

You actually Believe Trump the dumbest a-hole ever and lust after Putin. How dumb and unpatriotic do repugnants have to be.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

And you keep lying and hyping the Biden virus. How is hyping it less dishonest than downplaying it?
Yeah Kaz My lying ears deceive me . Trump lied 1000's died ,and you, like Cruz and graham 2 cowards, can't get yourself to call Trump for what he is? A lying POS?? Shame on you

Literally every list of Trump lies I read failed at the first supposed lie. The leftist list makers lied, not Trump.

The latest was that Trump lied that Biden supported defunding the police. Biden said he PROPOSED moving money OUT of the police budget. That IS defunding the police. The leftists lied, not Trump.

Over and over
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.

And Democrats continue to lie and hype the Biden virus. Again, even if what you said is true, why is it somehow OK to hype a virus for political benefit and not downplay it? Your dishonesty is better than someone else's?
It's not okay, but it's just playing politics in hyper drive by the socialist democrats.
It has affected everyday Americans in such a negative on several levels.
It comes down to the never ever Trump mentality.

I was always a never tramper.
Which utterly destroys your credibility. Thank you.

No it doesn't... People can have opinions and still remain objective...

Not leftists. You lie all the time. And particularly not leftists about Trump. You're to the point of derangement

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