Trump opened his mouth, pretty hard for him to take millions off of

Do not even tell me if things go back to what they were before the PPACA, NO insurance would cover him or he would or reached his cap a long time ago.
None of you RWN's want to pay for his care, bitch and moan about the ACA and Medicaid expansion. This is what you RWN"s want, why is he special. Not even citizens of the US!!


He is special because he is a human being.
I don't necessarily believe his healthcare costs should fall to us, but I don't understand gleeful ghouls such as yourself either.

Ok, you do not want to pay for his healthcare, got it.
Do not even tell me if things go back to what they were before the PPACA, NO insurance would cover him or he would or reached his cap a long time ago.

It's sad you're using Charlie to push your agenda.

He's precious...and a tool of the state.
Little Charlie's parents have 1.3 million (and growing) to care for him

Get informed and THEN you won't look like a fucking dumbass
And that 1.3 million is from voluntary donations, not from taxing the otherwise unwilling.

That is a drop in the basket to what its going to cost. A drop in the bucket. Round the clock nursing care.

Vatican has offered free care.
Little Charlie's parents have 1.3 million (and growing) to care for him

Get informed and THEN you won't look like a fucking dumbass
And that 1.3 million is from voluntary donations, not from taxing the otherwise unwilling.

That is a drop in the basket to what its going to cost. A drop in the bucket. Round the clock nursing care.

You need to get up to speed.

Charlie Gard: US hospital 'offers free treatment' to terminally ill baby after Donald Trump intervenes
Judges have ruled that 10-month-old's life support machine should be turned off, but experimental treatment provides glimmer of hope

Charlie Gard 'offered free treatment' by US hospital after Donald Trump intervenes
Do not even tell me if things go back to what they were before the PPACA, NO insurance would cover him or he would or reached his cap a long time ago.

It's sad you're using Charlie to push your agenda.

He's precious...and a tool of the state.

Penelope runs on hate and the delusion that the golden goose is fat and sassy with unlimited gold, basically screw over the future generations, I want my free stuff now.
Do not even tell me if things go back to what they were before the PPACA, NO insurance would cover him or he would or reached his cap a long time ago.

It's sad you're using Charlie to push your agenda.

He's precious...and a tool of the state.

Penelope runs on hate and the delusion that the golden goose is fat and sassy with unlimited gold.

It's a sad situation. My heart goes out to that child and his parents
None of you RWN's want to pay for his care, bitch and moan about the ACA and Medicaid expansion. This is what you RWN"s want, why is he special. Not even citizens of the US!!


He is special because he is a human being.
I don't necessarily believe his healthcare costs should fall to us, but I don't understand gleeful ghouls such as yourself either.

Ok, you do not want to pay for his healthcare, got it.

No. I don't wish to pay for his healthcare, and I see no reason to feel guilty or wrong about that. I don't want to pay for anyone's healthcare.
That doesn't mean I agree with a body of government or ANYONE having the say on whether or not my child should die or not.
Since you guys care so much about Charlie did you ever bother to research him more, NO. T should leave stay out of other countries Health Care, he can't even read the GOP plan but he agrees with it. What did he do to his great nephew, cut him off.


Information drawn from the judgment delivered by Mr Justice Francis in the High Court of Justice Family Division on Tuesday 11 April 2017

Charlie’s condition:

  • Charlie’s condition is exceptionally rare. He suffers from an inherited mitochondrial disease called infantile onset encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, referred to generally as “MDDS”. He suffers specifically from the RRM2B mutation of MDDS.
  • In Charlie’s case, his brain, muscle and ability to breathe are all severely affected. In addition, he has congenital deafness and a severe epilepsy disorder. His heart, liver and kidneys are also affected but not severely.
  • Charlie has severe progressive muscle weakness and cannot move his arms or legs or breathe unaided. No one can be certain whether or not Charlie feels pain.
  • One of the leading experts in the world with a special interest in mitochondrial diseases has concluded that Charlie has infantile onset RRM2B deficiency which is the most severe form.
Possible treatment

  • Charlie’s parents have applied to take him to the United States for nucleoside therapy treatment. The doctor in the United States has not had the opportunity of examining Charlie but, based on the medical information available to him, has acknowledged that he thinks Charlie “is in the terminal stage of his illness”.
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital did apply for ethical permission to attempt nucleoside therapy on Charlie - a treatment that has never been used on patients with this form of MDDS. By the time that decision was made, Charlie’s condition had greatly worsened and the view was that his epileptic encephalopathy was such that his brain damage was severe and irreversible that treatment was potentially painful but incapable of achieving anything positive for him.
Update on Charlie Gard
Another reason to hate the post, how do they know the kids death is inevitable?

Opinion | The dying child who became an ideological football

It’s easy to see how Charlie’s story resonated, with his father’s anguished cry, “Our parental rights have been stripped away.” In such unimaginable circumstances, I believe I would let my child go gently. That is what the guardian appointed to represent Charlie concluded, too. But his parents made a different choice. Surely, they love their child no less than I love mine; maybe they are just fiercer fighters.

So I find myself ready to argue that these outsiders, the doctors and lawyers, should butt out. Then I start to worry about pain, and the court’s finding that “it is likely he is suffering it and at more than a low level.” As I said, these are challenging questions. It is wrong to understand Charlie’s case as a cartoonish conflict between loving parents on one side and an overbearing bureaucratic state and its heartless doctors on the other.

And speaking of cartoonish conflict, conservative commentary about Charlie’s case seems determined to turn it into something it is not: The courts have not sentenced Charlie to death — an accident of genetics did. They did not deem his life not worth living — they recognized the reality that his death is inevitable.


How do they know?

Jeeesus H Fucking Christ


Trump recently got caught stealing from a US child health charity, just as he has stolen from other charities. THAT is the one and only reason he said anything about this sad sad case.

RWs want US children to shut up and starve.

But, by damn, they're all gushing and sobbing and pretending to give a fuck about this poor little guy who never had a chance at a real life.

If he were American, the very same RW slime would be yammering "don't have a kid if you can't take care ifs for it" and they would be shredding the parents for asking for donations.


If you RW liars cared about children, you would demand they be protected and cared for. You don't. So stfu.

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Since you guys care so much about Charlie did you ever bother to research him more, NO. T should leave stay out of other countries Health Care, he can't even read the GOP plan but he agrees with it. What did he do to his great nephew, cut him off.


Information drawn from the judgment delivered by Mr Justice Francis in the High Court of Justice Family Division on Tuesday 11 April 2017

Charlie’s condition:

  • Charlie’s condition is exceptionally rare. He suffers from an inherited mitochondrial disease called infantile onset encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, referred to generally as “MDDS”. He suffers specifically from the RRM2B mutation of MDDS.
  • In Charlie’s case, his brain, muscle and ability to breathe are all severely affected. In addition, he has congenital deafness and a severe epilepsy disorder. His heart, liver and kidneys are also affected but not severely.
  • Charlie has severe progressive muscle weakness and cannot move his arms or legs or breathe unaided. No one can be certain whether or not Charlie feels pain.
  • One of the leading experts in the world with a special interest in mitochondrial diseases has concluded that Charlie has infantile onset RRM2B deficiency which is the most severe form.
Possible treatment

  • Charlie’s parents have applied to take him to the United States for nucleoside therapy treatment. The doctor in the United States has not had the opportunity of examining Charlie but, based on the medical information available to him, has acknowledged that he thinks Charlie “is in the terminal stage of his illness”.
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital did apply for ethical permission to attempt nucleoside therapy on Charlie - a treatment that has never been used on patients with this form of MDDS. By the time that decision was made, Charlie’s condition had greatly worsened and the view was that his epileptic encephalopathy was such that his brain damage was severe and irreversible that treatment was potentially painful but incapable of achieving anything positive for him.
Update on Charlie Gard

People ate saying that govt is killing him that the govt chose to know LOL him or let him die. Not true. His doctors made the medical judgement - not the govt.

The "treatment" offered in the US would not cure or even treat.

All it would do is extend his life. And it is now too late, even for that.

That couple, that family must be completely shattered. And, making it so much worse is this publicity free for all.

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Another reason to hate the post, how do they know the kids death is inevitable?

Opinion | The dying child who became an ideological football

It’s easy to see how Charlie’s story resonated, with his father’s anguished cry, “Our parental rights have been stripped away.” In such unimaginable circumstances, I believe I would let my child go gently. That is what the guardian appointed to represent Charlie concluded, too. But his parents made a different choice. Surely, they love their child no less than I love mine; maybe they are just fiercer fighters.

So I find myself ready to argue that these outsiders, the doctors and lawyers, should butt out. Then I start to worry about pain, and the court’s finding that “it is likely he is suffering it and at more than a low level.” As I said, these are challenging questions. It is wrong to understand Charlie’s case as a cartoonish conflict between loving parents on one side and an overbearing bureaucratic state and its heartless doctors on the other.

And speaking of cartoonish conflict, conservative commentary about Charlie’s case seems determined to turn it into something it is not: The courts have not sentenced Charlie to death — an accident of genetics did. They did not deem his life not worth living — they recognized the reality that his death is inevitable.


How do they know?

Jeeesus H Fucking Christ


Trump recently got caught stealing from a US child health charity, just as he has stolen from other charities. THAT is the one and only reason he said anything about this sad sad case.

RWs want US children to shut up and starve.

But, by damn, they're all gushing and sobbing and pretending to give a fuck about this poor little guy who never had a chance at a real life.

If he were American, the very same RW slime would be yammering "don't have a kid if you can't take care ifs for it" and they would be shredding the parents for asking for donations.


If you RW liars cared about children, you would demand they be protected and cared for. You don't. So stfu.

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What does that have to do with parents:

With the money that want to bring their child to America and socialist scum bags who think they no what's better and the child should die?

  1. The doctor in the USA said as follows:
    1. "Seeing the documents this morning has been very helpful. I can understand the opinions that he is so severely affected by encephalopathy that any attempt at therapy would be futile. I agree that it is very unlikely that he will improve with that therapy. It is unlikely."
  2. However, the US doctor made it clear that, were Charlie in the United States, he would treat him if the parents so desired and could pay for it. As I have already said, funding in this case is not an issue. The US doctor also confirmed during this telephone conversation that he had never treated with nucleoside therapy anyone who had encephalopathy. Therefore, he was unable to indicate from any scientific basis whether a patient with encephalopathy would respond positively.
  3. Charlie suffers from the RRM2B mutation of MDDS. No one in the world has ever treated this form of MDDS with nucleoside therapy, although patients with a different strain, TK2, have received nucleoside therapy with some recorded benefit. In mouse models, the benefit to TK2 patients was put at about 4% of life expectancy. There is no evidence that nucleoside therapy can cross the blood/brain barrier which it must do to treat RRM2B, although the US doctor expressed the hope that it might cross that barrier.
  4. There is unanimity among the experts from whom I have heard that nucleoside therapy cannot reverse structural brain damage. I dare say that medical science may benefit objectively from the experiment, but experimentation cannot be in Charlie's best interests unless there is a prospect of benefit for him.
Is he suffering or brain dead... not aware?
Can't be both ya fuckin dummy

Yes, of course it can be both.

In fact, it's almost inevitable.

Study the functions of various parts of the brain BEFORE you call others "dummy".

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You don't know what that baby is feeling anymore than dummy does or I do.

I'm done with ignorance. Medical experts have determined his outcome. And contrary to the assumption this is due to socialized medicine in the UK, as Fox news lets on, its not about the money.
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C'mon....#RussianWrs care about the children of others? Think Sandy Hook, people.
Medicaid now that he is willing to care for Charlie Gard, a 10 month old brain dead child on a ventilator who has a terminal prognosis, in that he is not probably going to get better, but he will be in a clinical trial which will advance medical research.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ha ha you right wingers, you are going to pay for little Charlie. Personally I think the parents are self serving to see their child suffering like that , but he is brain dead, he is not aware.

Trump no longer has a leg to stand on.

A. I hate this bill.

B. The bill gets rid of the MANDATE, do you understand what MANDATE means? It means to coerce, to when your no longer forcing people to buy health insurance, and they CHOOSE to not buy that kicking people off of heatlhcare coverage??

C. Do you actually expect Medicaid to really be reduced by 2026? ITS NOT, ITS PHONY, ITS A FAKE CLAIM TO TRY TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THIS BILL ISNT OBAMACARE, even though it is...with a very slight change.

The left is bat shit. Wanna talk about fear mongering, holy shit, y'all take the cake. THIS BILL WILL MAKE YOU DIE!! Are you kidding me?? This is worse than McCarthyism...who was actually right about Russian spies.
Is he suffering or brain dead... not aware?
Can't be both ya fuckin dummy

Yes, of course it can be both.

In fact, it's almost inevitable.

Study the functions of various parts of the brain BEFORE you call others "dummy".

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You don't know what that baby is feeling anymore than dummy does or I do.

I done with ignorance. Medical experts have determined his outcome. And contrary to the assumption this is due to socialized medicine in the UK, as Fox news lets on, its not about the money.
It's not about money, it's about control. And it's children do not belong to the parents. And they determined the outcome by not allowing them to try the experimental medicine...BC apparently that's evil BC our doctors say so.
Medicaid now that he is willing to care for Charlie Gard, a 10 month old brain dead child on a ventilator who has a terminal prognosis, in that he is not probably going to get better, but he will be in a clinical trial which will advance medical research.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ha ha you right wingers, you are going to pay for little Charlie. Personally I think the parents are self serving to see their child suffering like that , but he is brain dead, he is not aware.

Trump no longer has a leg to stand on.

A. I hate this bill.

B. The bill gets rid of the MANDATE, do you understand what MANDATE means? It means to coerce, to when your no longer forcing people to buy health insurance, and they CHOOSE to not buy that kicking people off of heatlhcare coverage??

C. Do you actually expect Medicaid to really be reduced by 2026? ITS NOT, ITS PHONY, ITS A FAKE CLAIM TO TRY TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THIS BILL ISNT OBAMACARE, even though it is...with a very slight change.

The left is bat shit. Wanna talk about fear mongering, holy shit, y'all take the cake. THIS BILL WILL MAKE YOU DIE!! Are you kidding me?? This is worse than McCarthyism...who was actually right about Russian spies.

Really, one can't get on the ACA unless one makes over 22 grand a year, and in the states that have no expanded Medicaid a single person without a child or disable will not qualify in most GOP states, and for a family of 3 in Texas that family needs to make under 8700 a year to get Medicaid. Their min wage is 7.25. Working full time they fall their the cracks, unable to get Medicaid and unable to get on the ACA.

Most who do not like the PPACA are those too darn cheap to buy insurance and want tax payers to pay their bill.
Medicaid now that he is willing to care for Charlie Gard, a 10 month old brain dead child on a ventilator who has a terminal prognosis, in that he is not probably going to get better, but he will be in a clinical trial which will advance medical research.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ha ha you right wingers, you are going to pay for little Charlie. Personally I think the parents are self serving to see their child suffering like that , but he is brain dead, he is not aware.

Trump no longer has a leg to stand on.

A. I hate this bill.

B. The bill gets rid of the MANDATE, do you understand what MANDATE means? It means to coerce, to when your no longer forcing people to buy health insurance, and they CHOOSE to not buy that kicking people off of heatlhcare coverage??

C. Do you actually expect Medicaid to really be reduced by 2026? ITS NOT, ITS PHONY, ITS A FAKE CLAIM TO TRY TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THIS BILL ISNT OBAMACARE, even though it is...with a very slight change.

The left is bat shit. Wanna talk about fear mongering, holy shit, y'all take the cake. THIS BILL WILL MAKE YOU DIE!! Are you kidding me?? This is worse than McCarthyism...who was actually right about Russian spies.

Really, one can't get on the ACA unless one makes over 22 grand a year, and in the states that have no expanded Medicaid a single person without a child or disable will not qualify in most GOP states, and for a family of 3 in Texas that family needs to make under 8700 a year to get Medicaid. Their min wage is 7.25. Working full time they fall their the cracks, unable to get Medicaid and unable to get on the ACA.

Most who do not like the PPACA are those too darn cheap to buy insurance and want tax payers to pay their bill.
And then the hospital throws them out, and they die right?

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