Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

Trump would be an idiot to release classified documents that hold real potential to reveal sources, methods, and other minutia of intelligence operations. Of course, we already know Trump is an idiot so, in that regard, it would not matter.

I would rather see our 'bloviator in chief' release his tax returns, which are likely chock full of rubles.

bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages, if he released them the lying media would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news cycle for weeks with those lies. We both know that is what they want, instead of talking about our booming economy, lowest unemployment rates in generations, highest GDP in decades, stock market records, and companies expanding and relocating in the USA.

According to Trump there have been at least two nations that expressed concern about releasing classified info.
What do those nations have to do with a FISA warrant?

Trump could run the risk of compromising sources and methods by releasing classified info.
This could impact the future willingness of people to cooperate with intel gathering & sharing.
The release of classified material for partisan purposes is certainly something Trump would absolutely love but Trump would be playing with a two edge sword.
No one has ever claimed Trump is very cerebral.

Hmm, I see, so releasing the truth might prove that the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign were working for foreign interests to fix the outcome of our election. The truth is not partisan, its the truth and we are entitled to know it no matter who it offends or who it implicates.

Trump not cerebral?? Well he was cerebral enough to defeat crooked Hillary, the media, the dems, and the lying pollsters. He was cerebral enough to become a multi billionaire. Tell us what cerebral obozo the Kenyan has accomplished in his miserable life.

going way into left filed there: the election was over nearly two years ago, and to list Obama's many accomplishments would be just as derailing as what you have already done.

got it, you cant come up with any Obama accomplishments, Neither can anyone else.
Trump would be an idiot to release classified documents that hold real potential to reveal sources, methods, and other minutia of intelligence operations. Of course, we already know Trump is an idiot so, in that regard, it would not matter.

I would rather see our 'bloviator in chief' release his tax returns, which are likely chock full of rubles.

bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages, if he released them the lying media would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news cycle for weeks with those lies. We both know that is what they want, instead of talking about our booming economy, lowest unemployment rates in generations, highest GDP in decades, stock market records, and companies expanding and relocating in the USA.

According to Trump there have been at least two nations that expressed concern about releasing classified info.
What do those nations have to do with a FISA warrant?

Trump could run the risk of compromising sources and methods by releasing classified info.
This could impact the future willingness of people to cooperate with intel gathering & sharing.
The release of classified material for partisan purposes is certainly something Trump would absolutely love but Trump would be playing with a two edge sword.
No one has ever claimed Trump is very cerebral.

Hmm, I see, so releasing the truth might prove that the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign were working for foreign interests to fix the outcome of our election. The truth is not partisan, its the truth and we are entitled to know it no matter who it offends or who it implicates.

Trump not cerebral?? Well he was cerebral enough to defeat crooked Hillary, the media, the dems, and the lying pollsters. He was cerebral enough to become a multi billionaire. Tell us what cerebral obozo the Kenyan has accomplished in his miserable life.

going way into left filed there: the election was over nearly two years ago, and to list Obama's many accomplishments would be just as derailing as what you have already done.

got it, you cant come up with any Obama accomplishments, Neither can anyone else.

Thread isn't about Obama but I understand you can't keep up.
question for the lefties on this thread. If the declassified documents have nothing new why are the DOJ, FBI, and dems slow rolling the release of them? Come on, tell us why they don't want them made public.
If you haven't figured that out for yourself by now, you are one some kind of ignoramus.

no I had it figured out long ago. they want to keep them hidden because they implicate high ups in the Obama administration in an illegal conspiracy to defraud the American people and overturn the results of a legal election.
bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages, if he released them the lying media would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news cycle for weeks with those lies. We both know that is what they want, instead of talking about our booming economy, lowest unemployment rates in generations, highest GDP in decades, stock market records, and companies expanding and relocating in the USA.

According to Trump there have been at least two nations that expressed concern about releasing classified info.
What do those nations have to do with a FISA warrant?

Trump could run the risk of compromising sources and methods by releasing classified info.
This could impact the future willingness of people to cooperate with intel gathering & sharing.
The release of classified material for partisan purposes is certainly something Trump would absolutely love but Trump would be playing with a two edge sword.
No one has ever claimed Trump is very cerebral.

Hmm, I see, so releasing the truth might prove that the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign were working for foreign interests to fix the outcome of our election. The truth is not partisan, its the truth and we are entitled to know it no matter who it offends or who it implicates.

Trump not cerebral?? Well he was cerebral enough to defeat crooked Hillary, the media, the dems, and the lying pollsters. He was cerebral enough to become a multi billionaire. Tell us what cerebral obozo the Kenyan has accomplished in his miserable life.

going way into left filed there: the election was over nearly two years ago, and to list Obama's many accomplishments would be just as derailing as what you have already done.

got it, you cant come up with any Obama accomplishments, Neither can anyone else.

Thread isn't about Obama but I understand you can't keep up.

just pointing out the hypocrisy of you fools on the left. Not one of you has yet come up with a valid reason not to make the FISA warrants public. "reveal the tactics of the intelligence services" is bullshit. Reveal the lies of the intelligence services is the real reason, and you fricken will know it.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.
And you are lying, because there is no evidence Obama was infesting the FBI and DOJ. Care to prove me wrong? Of course not! That's why they are called lies. Thanks for your help liar. We need all we can get.
we will find out when the documents are released eh? why don't you want us to find that out? seems it is you who has the issue here.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
Dumbfuck WTP denied that Popadopolous was indicted for getting a date wrong.

The dumb floozy is too stupid to read the links she posts.

She did the usual Marxist "NUHN UHN" and then posted a link that confirmed everything I had posted.

The broad is stupid, seriously stupid.

Now she's playing with fawn, water seeks it's own level.
Yep, you can't get much lower than Faux.
He wasn't accused of perjury. He was accused of lying to the FBI

Yes, good catch, thank you for pointing it out. But, my point stands, in that you aren't charged with this for getting something wrong. And Papdapolous admitted intentionally lying, anyway.
Yes you are, moron.
Huh? I don't think you c9njugated your verb correvtly. Look, if you are going to stay in my country, you need to learn the language.

So, let's review, so we can laugh at you:

Papadopolous was convicted of lying. But he didn't actually lie, despite the fact that it was proven beyond any doubt that he did, and despite the fact he admitted that he intentionally lied.

Yes, I think this is a good illustration of just about every discussion you are in.
ROFL! No, you pick out some trivial detail to harp on, and then declare victory on the main subject even though you never addressed it. The forum is well acquainted with your sleazy cowardly tactics.

Could you tell me what great point you won on?
Virtually every debate with you. Like your idiotic claim that Fort Sumter was on territory belonging to South Carolina when Confederates opened fire on it in 1861. Then I bitch-slapped you with the back side of my pimp hand by showing the SC resolution where they ceded that territory to the federal government.

You know, what you embarrassingly refer to as "meaningless trivialities." :badgrin:
I won the Ft Sumter debate, moron. They turned over the property rights. They retained legal jurisdiction. That was in the document you claimed supported your idiot theory. Tell us, oh great Anointed Idiot, is Annapolis Navel officer school part of Maryland? How about Fort Bragg? Is it part of NC?
"I won the Ft Sumter debate, moron."


You crack me up, fucking moron.

How'd they turn over property rights when there was no property when the territory was ceded?

The property was ceded, dumbass, not the territory. The document you cited says they retained legal jurisdiction.

Now explain to us how Annapolis isn't really part of Maryland. Didn't the state cede that territory to the federal government as well?
”The property was ceded, dumbass, not the territory.”


Resolved That this State do cede to the United States all the right title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

United States Military Reservations, National Cemeteries, and Military Parks

Are you ever not a fucking moron, ya fucking moron?

And no, South Carolina never retained legal jurisdiction over it either. You would understand that if you weren’t such a fucking moron. What they retained was the right to process serve criminals on that territory. The territory still belonged to the federal government despite your bizarre claim to the contrary. It still does to this day.

Don’t you ever tire of getting bitchslapped?

You left out this part, moron:

"provided, that all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this state. or any officer thereof shall and may be served and executed upon any of the land so ceded, or structures to be erected upon the same and any person there being who may be implicated in law"

In other words, the laws of South Carolina were still in force. It explicitly retained legal jurisdiction. You have to be retarded not to understand that. Also note that this section refers to "land," not territory. The two terms are used interchangeably.

You keep trying to get around that section, but there it is, plain as day.
Last edited:
He wasn't accused of perjury. He was accused of lying to the FBI

Yes, good catch, thank you for pointing it out. But, my point stands, in that you aren't charged with this for getting something wrong. And Papdapolous admitted intentionally lying, anyway.
Yes you are, moron.
Huh? I don't think you c9njugated your verb correvtly. Look, if you are going to stay in my country, you need to learn the language.

So, let's review, so we can laugh at you:

Papadopolous was convicted of lying. But he didn't actually lie, despite the fact that it was proven beyond any doubt that he did, and despite the fact he admitted that he intentionally lied.

Yes, I think this is a good illustration of just about every discussion you are in.
He contradicted himself about the timing of certain events, and then agreed to a plea agreement. Your interpretation of events is idiosyncratic.
He contradicted himself about the timing of certain events, and then agreed to a plea agreement.
Correct, admitting that he intentionally lied. Or was he intentionally lying when he said that? Boy , you two very honest dicks better get your story straight!
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

So how's that workin' for you?
He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
Dumbfuck WTP denied that Popadopolous was indicted for getting a date wrong.

The dumb floozy is too stupid to read the links she posts.

She did the usual Marxist "NUHN UHN" and then posted a link that confirmed everything I had posted.

The broad is stupid, seriously stupid.

Now she's playing with fawn, water seeks it's own level.
Yep, you can't get much lower than Faux.
Sure ya can. You prove that daily.
What gets me is the short attention span of the Trump kins. They have already forgot that Paul Manafort, Mr Swamp himself has already spilled the beans on dotard and his entire criminal family.

It’s not a matter of if dotard and the kids are going to prison but when and for how long.

That must be why all the hopes and dreams of Torquemada and the Inquisition are riding on Micheal Cohen, because Manafort already gave Mewler the perjury he suborned...

Yer a right fucking genius...
Virtually every debate with you. Like your idiotic claim that Fort Sumter was on territory belonging to South Carolina when Confederates opened fire on it in 1861. Then I bitch-slapped you with the back side of my pimp hand by showing the SC resolution where they ceded that territory to the federal government.

You know, what you embarrassingly refer to as "meaningless trivialities." :badgrin:
I won the Ft Sumter debate, moron. They turned over the property rights. They retained legal jurisdiction. That was in the document you claimed supported your idiot theory. Tell us, oh great Anointed Idiot, is Annapolis Navel officer school part of Maryland? How about Fort Bragg? Is it part of NC?
"I won the Ft Sumter debate, moron."


You crack me up, fucking moron.

How'd they turn over property rights when there was no property when the territory was ceded?

The property was ceded, dumbass, not the territory. The document you cited says they retained legal jurisdiction.

Now explain to us how Annapolis isn't really part of Maryland. Didn't the state cede that territory to the federal government as well?
”The property was ceded, dumbass, not the territory.”


Resolved That this State do cede to the United States all the right title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

United States Military Reservations, National Cemeteries, and Military Parks

Are you ever not a fucking moron, ya fucking moron?

And no, South Carolina never retained legal jurisdiction over it either. You would understand that if you weren’t such a fucking moron. What they retained was the right to process serve criminals on that territory. The territory still belonged to the federal government despite your bizarre claim to the contrary. It still does to this day.

Don’t you ever tire of getting bitchslapped?

You left out this part, moron:

"provided, that all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this state. or any officer thereof shall and may be served and executed upon any of the land so ceded, or structures to be erected upon the same and any person there being who may be implicated in law"

In other words, the laws of South Carolina were still in force. It explicitly retained legal jurisdiction. You have to be retarded not to understand that. Also note that this section refers to "land," not territory. The two terms are used interchangeably.

You keep trying to get around that section, but there it is, plain as day.

You’re such a fucking moron. No, not in other words -- in those words. That is not retaining legal jurisdiction ... that is what it says, which I actually addressed in my last post ... the right to process serve criminals on that territory so that fugitives couldn’t escape the law by taking up refuge in the fort. No other South Carolina law was enforceable on the territory.

And that clause was standard among the states ceding land to the federal government.

Reservation of Power to Serve State Process

The reservation which has usually accompanied the consent of the states that civil and criminal process of the state courts may be served in the places purchased is not considered as interfering in any respect with the supremacy of the United States over them but is admitted to prevent them from becoming an asylum for fugitives from justice.

The federal statutes annotated by William Mark McKinney, Doctorate of Law

You never feel stupid, do ya, you fucking moron?

What does he have to lose?

Well, he could end up like you fawn, the laughing stock of USMB...

Faun's attacks on meaningless trivialities are his greatest triumphs.

And by "meaningless trivialities," you mean bitch-slapping your arguments regularly.

What gets me is the short attention span of the Trump kins. They have already forgot that Paul Manafort, Mr Swamp himself has already spilled the beans on dotard and his entire criminal family.

It’s not a matter of if dotard and the kids are going to prison but when and for how long.
Which is why Trump is desperate to get rid of Rosenstein.

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