Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

He can't. He knows I'm right. Which is why his denials are so univeral and desperate.

I've laid you bare as a lying hack on a dozen occasions. That is why you hide from me.

The Trump supporters have only one real bastion left: the wasteland of their imagination. They 'imagine' that they must be right, they 'imagine' fantasy 'evidence' that proves their conspiracies. And they must deny reality to do it.

As I just had Brit demonstrate for us yet again.

So let's start with the Soros lies about Trump tower that you mindlessly bleat.

You claim that it wass "illegal" for Jared Kurshner to meet with Natalia Veselnitskaya. You nor any of the other Stalinists ever seem to come up with what statute is violated, but you toss out the slander, just to see if it will stick.

But let's take your Marxist lie as if it were valid;

{The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son, Fox News has learned. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump.}

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down

Well wait a minute Comrade, are you Nazis claiming that it is illegal for Kurshner to meet, but just dandy for the Clinton team to meet with her? I know there is one law for democrats and a different law for Americans, but this is pushing it.

Further, the Clinton team met with Veselnitskaya direct before and after the Kurshner meeting, showing that the Clinton team was ORCHESTRATING the meeting as a failed attempt to entrap the Trump team.

So what you're claiming then is that it's illegal for the Trump team to meet with Veselnitskaya, but perfectly fine for the Clinton team to collude and conspire with Veselnitskaya in an attempt to entrap Kurshner to alter the outcome of the election?

Now, you're a coward, a liar, a sociopath devoid of even a hint of integrity, a democrat in other words, so you will not respond, and you'll post lies that I have here rebuked as complete bullshit. Because you have no class or integrity.

America deserves better than you and you new Nazi party.
Yet you can't refute a single point I make.

I can, which is why you hide in fear and shame from me.

You know all tear your lying ass apart again and embarrass you as the scumbag sociopath that you are.
Then refute it with something that isn't a lie and retarded.
He can't. He knows I'm right. Which is why his denials are so univeral and desperate.

The Trump supporters have only one real bastion left: the wasteland of their imagination. They 'imagine' that they must be right, they 'imagine' fantasy 'evidence' that proves their conspiracies. And they must deny reality to do it.

As I just had Brit demonstrate for us yet again.
You've got them by the balls. Let's call it like it is. You and I are debating third grade nit wits, who came to class without any books. Anyone watching this circus by these two, has to be wondering two things; why am I not coming to their rescue as a Republican, and how much longer are these two going to be making Republicans look like total retards? Answer, not anytime soon. But one thing is for sure, the more they pretend they are saying something, while saying nothing at all, the longer smart folks like Skylar keep making them into intellectual fools. Keep it coming children. Let us know when you pick up a book, or any other documented factual information you can use to formulate a semi-intelligent debate. Because personally, after 883 posts, I don't think that's going to happen.

Oh, I see that comrade.

You Nazis are so impressive. I mean the way she cut and pastes hate points from the Soros hate sites, just masterful....
Yet you can't refute a single point I make.

I can, which is why you hide in fear and shame from me.

You know all tear your lying ass apart again and embarrass you as the scumbag sociopath that you are.
Where did you all run and hide to this time cowards? Answer, as far away from this thread as possible, because they have nothing of substance to debate. Oh, you two will come back and tell the one's who can debate this subject how ugly our shoes are. But that's as about as far as you two are going to go.

Comrade, you're a lying little fuck, which makes you a good democrat. I've refuted your lies repeatedly.

You post lies from the Soros hate sites that do your thinking for you, then I expose them as lies.

The problem is you are Alinsky trained, so you repeat the lies that are refuted and pretend that you weren't exposed as the shameless fucking liar you are.

That gets old.

Come up with some new lies that I haven't already crushed, retard.
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
Papadopolous did. Did you forget crying like a little bitch about him for a year? Geez man, get your memory checked.

And Flynn has not been sentenced yet, because he is still snitching for Mueller.

What did Poppenfresh go to jail for, Comrade? Was it for meeting with foreign spy Stefan Halper who was run by John Brennan on behalf of Barack Obama?

Say little Nazi turd, isn't it "collusion" for the Obama administration to hire a foreign spy to try and rig the presidential election, as they did in this case?
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
Papadopolous did. Did you forget crying like a little bitch about him for a year? Geez man, get your memory checked.

And Flynn has not been sentenced yet, because he is still snitching for Mueller.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh

no one has been tried or convicted of anything related to Russia or the 2016 campaign, tax fraud from 10 years ago, lying to congress, etc but nothing about Trump, Russia, or the campaign.
Not sure why the Right continues with their over the top retarded explanations? Flynn is heading to jail for lying to authorities about Russia. That is an established fact. If you cannot link some sort of proof that tells us otherwise, then consider your explanation just one of many that are false and totally retarded.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

Trump would be an idiot to release classified documents that hold real potential to reveal sources, methods, and other minutia of intelligence operations. Of course, we already know Trump is an idiot so, in that regard, it would not matter.

I would rather see our 'bloviator in chief' release his tax returns, which are likely chock full of rubles.

bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages, if he released them the lying media would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news cycle for weeks with those lies. We both know that is what they want, instead of talking about our booming economy, lowest unemployment rates in generations, highest GDP in decades, stock market records, and companies expanding and relocating in the USA.

According to Trump there have been at least two nations that expressed concern about releasing classified info.
What do those nations have to do with a FISA warrant?

Trump could run the risk of compromising sources and methods by releasing classified info.
This could impact the future willingness of people to cooperate with intel gathering & sharing.
The release of classified material for partisan purposes is certainly something Trump would absolutely love but Trump would be playing with a two edge sword.
No one has ever claimed Trump is very cerebral.

Hmm, I see, so releasing the truth might prove that the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign were working for foreign interests to fix the outcome of our election. The truth is not partisan, its the truth and we are entitled to know it no matter who it offends or who it implicates.

Trump not cerebral?? Well he was cerebral enough to defeat crooked Hillary, the media, the dems, and the lying pollsters. He was cerebral enough to become a multi billionaire. Tell us what cerebral obozo the Kenyan has accomplished in his miserable life.
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh

no one has been tried or convicted of anything related to Russia or the 2016 campaign, tax fraud from 10 years ago, lying to congress, etc but nothing about Trump, Russia, or the campaign.
Not sure why the Right continues with their over the top retarded explanations? Flynn is heading to jail for lying to authorities about Russia. That is an established fact. If you cannot link some sort of proof that tells us otherwise, then consider your explanation just one of many that are false and totally retarded.

"about Russia" ? care to try again, that dog wont hunt.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

Trump would be an idiot to release classified documents that hold real potential to reveal sources, methods, and other minutia of intelligence operations. Of course, we already know Trump is an idiot so, in that regard, it would not matter.

I would rather see our 'bloviator in chief' release his tax returns, which are likely chock full of rubles.

bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages, if he released them the lying media would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news cycle for weeks with those lies. We both know that is what they want, instead of talking about our booming economy, lowest unemployment rates in generations, highest GDP in decades, stock market records, and companies expanding and relocating in the USA.

According to Trump there have been at least two nations that expressed concern about releasing classified info.
What do those nations have to do with a FISA warrant?

Trump could run the risk of compromising sources and methods by releasing classified info.
This could impact the future willingness of people to cooperate with intel gathering & sharing.
The release of classified material for partisan purposes is certainly something Trump would absolutely love but Trump would be playing with a two edge sword.
No one has ever claimed Trump is very cerebral.

Hmm, I see, so releasing the truth might prove that the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign were working for foreign interests to fix the outcome of our election. The truth is not partisan, its the truth and we are entitled to know it no matter who it offends or who it implicates.

Trump not cerebral?? Well he was cerebral enough to defeat crooked Hillary, the media, the dems, and the lying pollsters. He was cerebral enough to become a multi billionaire. Tell us what cerebral obozo the Kenyan has accomplished in his miserable life.

going way into left filed there: the election was over nearly two years ago, and to list Obama's many accomplishments would be just as derailing as what you have already done.
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
Papadopolous did. Did you forget crying like a little bitch about him for a year? Geez man, get your memory checked.

And Flynn has not been sentenced yet, because he is still snitching for Mueller.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh

no one has been tried or convicted of anything related to Russia or the 2016 campaign, tax fraud from 10 years ago, lying to congress, etc but nothing about Trump, Russia, or the campaign.
Not sure why the Right continues with their over the top retarded explanations? Flynn is heading to jail for lying to authorities about Russia. That is an established fact. If you cannot link some sort of proof that tells us otherwise, then consider your explanation just one of many that are false and totally retarded.

"about Russia" ? care to try again, that dog wont hunt.
Thanks for proving to us that you are lying.
question for the lefties on this thread. If the declassified documents have nothing new why are the DOJ, FBI, and dems slow rolling the release of them? Come on, tell us why they don't want them made public.
If you haven't figured that out for yourself by now, you are one some kind of ignoramus.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

Trump would be an idiot to release classified documents that hold real potential to reveal sources, methods, and other minutia of intelligence operations. Of course, we already know Trump is an idiot so, in that regard, it would not matter.

I would rather see our 'bloviator in chief' release his tax returns, which are likely chock full of rubles.

bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.
Do you have any idea how unbelievably ignorant and stupid your posts are? You are telling us you know what is in the FISA warrants, except you don't. So right there is a lie. And if you did know what was in them, then everyone else knows. Which begs the question, why would we declassify what we already know? Lol! This is so unbelievably stupid.
Finally. About time. YAY!

Without redaction.

President Donald Trump ordered the immediate declassification of several documents relating to the 2016 FBI investigation of his campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Monday evening.

“The President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”

Trump Orders Declassification Of DOJ, FBI Documents

Trump would be an idiot to release classified documents that hold real potential to reveal sources, methods, and other minutia of intelligence operations. Of course, we already know Trump is an idiot so, in that regard, it would not matter.

I would rather see our 'bloviator in chief' release his tax returns, which are likely chock full of rubles.

bullshit on both claims.

there is nothing in a FISA warrant that would reveal national secrets.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages, if he released them the lying media would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and dominate the news cycle for weeks with those lies. We both know that is what they want, instead of talking about our booming economy, lowest unemployment rates in generations, highest GDP in decades, stock market records, and companies expanding and relocating in the USA.

According to Trump there have been at least two nations that expressed concern about releasing classified info.
What do those nations have to do with a FISA warrant?

Trump could run the risk of compromising sources and methods by releasing classified info.
This could impact the future willingness of people to cooperate with intel gathering & sharing.
The release of classified material for partisan purposes is certainly something Trump would absolutely love but Trump would be playing with a two edge sword.
No one has ever claimed Trump is very cerebral.

Hmm, I see, so releasing the truth might prove that the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign were working for foreign interests to fix the outcome of our election. The truth is not partisan, its the truth and we are entitled to know it no matter who it offends or who it implicates.

Trump not cerebral?? Well he was cerebral enough to defeat crooked Hillary, the media, the dems, and the lying pollsters. He was cerebral enough to become a multi billionaire. Tell us what cerebral obozo the Kenyan has accomplished in his miserable life.
"Cerebral" means they know a lot of pretentious stuff that isn't true.
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
Papadopolous did. Did you forget crying like a little bitch about him for a year? Geez man, get your memory checked.

And Flynn has not been sentenced yet, because he is still snitching for Mueller.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
Papadopolous did. Did you forget crying like a little bitch about him for a year? Geez man, get your memory checked.

And Flynn has not been sentenced yet, because he is still snitching for Mueller.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
Dumbfuck WTP denied that Popadopolous was indicted for getting a date wrong.
Papadopolous did. Did you forget crying like a little bitch about him for a year? Geez man, get your memory checked.

And Flynn has not been sentenced yet, because he is still snitching for Mueller.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
Dumbfuck WTP denied that Popadopolous was indicted for getting a date wrong.
Well sure, because that is desperate Trumpkin fantasy.
No he didn't, moron. He went to jail because he got a date wrong.

He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
Dumbfuck WTP denied that Popadopolous was indicted for getting a date wrong.
Well sure, because that is desperate Trumpkin fantasy.
It's a fact, you dumbfuck snowflake.
He (Papadopoulos) went to jail for meeting with CIA asset Stephen Halper. Halper was directed by John Brennan to entrap Poppenfresh .

Halper was initially dispatched to entrap Carter Page, who Obama already had his FSB illegally spying on. The idea was for the foreign agent to get something that Obama could use against the Trump campaign.

But Page is a seasoned operative who has been exposed to CIA dirty tricks before, and he wouldn't bite. So Traitor Brennan turned his focus on a low level team member who had delusions of grandeur, George Popadopoulos, and set his CIA asset on entrapping the unwitting, junior level player. Within hours Brennan leaked the incident to the complicit corrupt press.
Isn't it amazing how the legal description of his crimes said nothing about what you are claiming? You of course are lying again. Lol! You make it so easy to expose your lies;

Isn't it amazing that you're too fucking stupid to read what you link to? :dunno:

{Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed that his interactions with an overseas professor, who defendant PAPADOPOULOS understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials, occurred before defendant PAP ADOPOULOS became a foreign policy adviser to the Campaign.}

That would be CIA asset Stephen Halper, you fucking retard.
Dumbfuck WTP denied that Popadopolous was indicted for getting a date wrong.
Well sure, because that is desperate Trumpkin fantasy.
It's a fact, you dumbfuck snowflake.
Nope, clearly that is absurd, and you are embarrassing yourself.

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