Trump orders millions of illegals arrested and deported - On the radio Just Now here we go.....

They "might" round up 200 illegals according the the NYT based on past raids. That's nationwide. A few short of "millions"

Now, Most of these will be deported.
Would you like to take a wild guess as to how many have been deported previously?

So, even if they are many will end up back in the US sooner than later?

We are a certified idiot nation with no respect from criminals. We are seen as weak and therefore are chronically taken advantage of.

I say if someone has illegally entered the country, failed to show for their asylum hearing or commits a crime, they get ONE deportation. After that, if they return they get sent to a hard labor camp making bricks or digging ditches. Or are removed permanently. There are c-r-i-m-i-n-a-l-s. What do they need to do before we take this seriously? Kill someone?
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another Trump mountain becomes a meaningless grain of sand.

I for one am F'N SHOCKED !
I am amazed that none of the Trump nuts even considered for a second the total nonsense of Trump's boast of millions and millions of aliens being rounded up.Iit never occurred to them that it would have taken hundreds of thousands of buses to transport them, and millions of cells to hold them, not to mention hundreds of thousands of courts and judges to try them. It is no wonder these people are so easily lied to by Trump.
This round up is slated to be 2000. As the deportations continue with the addition of those who choose to leave before they are deported it could well reach into the millions.
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Well, the news is in! The results of the first day of illegal roundups! Yes, folks, you heard it here first! ICE arrested exactly ZERO illegals! here we go.....

They "might" round up 200 illegals according the the NYT based on past raids. That's nationwide. A few short of "millions"

Now, Most of these will be deported.
Would you like to take a wild guess as to how many have been deported previously?

So, even if they are many will end up back in the US sooner than later?

We are a certified idiot nation with no respect from criminals. We are seen as weak and therefore are chronically taken advantage of.

I say if someone has illegally entered the country, failed to show for their asylum hearing or commits a crime, they get ONE deportation. After that, if they return they get sent to a hard labor camp making bricks or digging ditches. Or are removed permanently. There are c-r-i-m-i-n-a-l-s. What do they need to do before we take this seriously? Kill someone?

Well.....we really can't do that in this country. But we tried to get close. It was called Kate's Law, and the Democrats in the Senate made sure it never seen the light of day.
Roundup has begun in NYC, saw video of some of the first to get caught, they looked absolutley stunned, in shock and one was fighting all the way to the paddy wagon. LOL TRUMP DE MAN.

Oh, I"m sure the media will be following some of the agents around. I'm sure we'll be treated to crying children, crying wives, and a host of sob stories like we never heard before.
Demoscum doesn't think that crying children because a parent has been killed by an invader worth showing.

The Democrat party doesn't care about Americans anymore. They only care about their votes.
Well, the news is in! The results of the first day of illegal roundups! Yes, folks, you heard it here first! ICE arrested exactly ZERO illegals!

Yep. The grand tally picked up nationwide is zero, with the exception of 10 or so that were picked up in CA in a totally separate operation that has been going on since this Monday.

The millions that Trump was going to pick up were probably out at a polling station somewhere trying to vote for Hillary.
Well, the news is in! The results of the first day of illegal roundups! Yes, folks, you heard it here first! ICE arrested exactly ZERO illegals!

Yep. The grand tally picked up nationwide is zero, with the exception of 10 or so that were picked up in CA in a totally separate operation that has been going on since this Monday.

The millions that Trump was going to pick up were probably out at a polling station somewhere trying to vote for Hillary.

And just what is (I can't wait to see this) the source of your information? Did anybody tell you that our border agents don't work just 9 to 5? How did they get these numbers so quickly? After all, this mission is being carried out in dozens of cities across the country.

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