Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

The President has the right to promote a religion through the means of federal office and resources?
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

If there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down.

Nah, the cross can stay, Jesus unlike mohammad wasn't a pedophile genocidal war criminal.
How do you know Mohammad was a pedophile? :eusa_think:
I'm asking you that because I don't know very well history of Islam :)
Trump has taken out the Muslim prayer room and is converting it to a golden shower room
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

If there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down.

Nah, the cross can stay, Jesus unlike mohammad wasn't a pedophile genocidal war criminal.
How do you know Mohammad was a pedophile? :eusa_think:
I'm asking you that because I don't know very well history of Islam :)
It is stated in the Koran that Mohammed married a very young girl, perhaps 9 years old; some say 6. It has been seized upon for propaganda purposes, but it is undeniable.
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

If there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down.

Nah, the cross can stay, Jesus unlike mohammad wasn't a pedophile genocidal war criminal.
How do you know Mohammad was a pedophile? :eusa_think:
I'm asking you that because I don't know very well history of Islam :)
It is stated in the Koran that Mohammed married a very young girl, perhaps 9 years old; some say 6. It has been seized upon for propaganda purposes, but it is undeniable.
Thanks for the info there4eyeM :)
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

If there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down.

They don't have to remove a cross from a chapel any more than a chapel on a military base.

A chapel on a military base makes concessions for all religions.

Muslims don't need any concessions. All they need is a floor to bow down on.

You guys just can't help yourselves, can you?

I'm truly amazed that you can't see this, but this story is fake. There's no such person as "Jim Mergernerlerny", he's not theven "head of the transition team", and no secret Obama prayer rugs were removed from the White House.
You are ALWAYS the first to demand a "link" right?
So now is your opportunity to provide one.
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

If there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down.

They don't have to remove a cross from a chapel any more than a chapel on a military base.

A chapel on a military base makes concessions for all religions.

Muslims don't need any concessions. All they need is a floor to bow down on.
And a building to blow up with a classroom full of kids.

It's like you guys are actively trying to prove all those pundits right about how the rubes will swallow any "fake news".
You mean like the entire LIB MSM who 'believed' AND REPORTED TO THEIR CHOIR!!!!! the bust of MLK had been removed by President Trump?
Give it a break for Christs sake!
Right here, you are cheering the (fake) removal of any Islamic items. Yet Muslims are Americans also.

So tell me .... how is that NOT attacking Americans of a particular faith?

Is your world set up so that it HAS to be only one or another? Is it not possible to accept Christians, Jews, Muslims and others all together
I never addressed removal of Islamic prayer rugs. I guarantee you next Ramadan there won't be a message of peace from the Trump White House next year.

And why not? Why should there not be? The Obama White House had a message for Ramadan, but also Passover, Christmas and Easter. I think the Bush White House did as well.

Are you saying the Trump White House shouldn't? Why?
Celebrating Ramadan when we are at war with Islamist terrorists is like cheering the Third Reich in the 1940s.
And you are being an ass. Elections don't mean you can simply attack people and act like a bigot using elections as a protection.
But it's okay when Obama does it.
Obama didn't.
. Said at a prayer breakfast.
"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” -- Barrack Hussein Obama - deflecting Muslim extremism

How many more examples of bigotry towards Christians do you need?
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

If there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down.

Bull shit. This country was founded on God, religious freedom is a gift in this country given to the citizens but not the White House. We are at war with Islamic terrorists. You think a Japanese rug would have been on the floor of the white house during WW2? I think not.

At least that's how I feel.
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

This is really awesome!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

edit: I hope it's true.
Last edited:
How do you know Mohammad was a pedophile? :eusa_think:
I'm asking you that because I don't know very well history of Islam :)

Here's the proof:

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)'

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88
Narrated 'Ursa:
The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Sahih Bukhari 5.236.
Narrated Hisham's father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.

Sahih Bukhari 5.234
Narrated Aisha:
The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
A drawing I did for Draw Muhammad Day.

Okay, there's a possibility of no backup for the story. But. we can only hope and pray it's true. The removal of all Islamic paraphernalia from all federal buildings is a matter of national security.

There is a possibility that this is just another lie posted by longknife.

Actually its more of a possibility- its just another lie posted by longknife.

Displaying his own religious intolerance.
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House
Good! No more observing shit practices like Ramadan. This is a Judeo-Chrisian country, founded by Christians. There is no reason to practice a false religion like Islam. Especially if the followers behead infidels

Right wing nut jobs display their contempt for the Constitution again.

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