Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

"Hundreds of millions"of dollars in debt. He managed his businesses the same way he has managed America..

The slime ball didn't pay any taxes for a decade and only paid 750 dollars in taxes for 2 years.

That's disgusting. For a man who claims to be a billionaire.

I paid more in federal income taxes than trump did. I'm not a billionaire.

This is a perfect example of what is wrong with our nation.

People are sick of it. We pay our taxes while those like trump don't pay anything.

I wish we had a tax cold that everyone pays their fair share.

I paid more in federal income taxes than trump did. I'm not a billionaire.

No doubt, he has better tax lawyers than you.

He better. Those walls are closing in on :)
Bunch of fucking idiots in this thread. If you think Trump is losing money cuz it shows up on his tax returns, you know nothing about real estate ownership. ZERO, fucking NADA. I would be surprised that he only had a few hundred million in debt on real estate loans. That seems rather low for his supposed net worth of $3B according to Forbes. His cash flow must be off the charts.

Y'all are fucking ignorant.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

You sound sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
jealous cupcake.

Pittsburgh before Paris.

Bunch of fucking idiots in this thread. If you think Trump is losing money cuz it shows up on his tax returns, you know nothing about real estate ownership. ZERO, fucking NADA. I would be surprised that he only had a few hundred million in debt on real estate loans. That seems rather low for his supposed net worth of $3B according to Forbes. His cash flow must be off the charts.

Y'all are fucking ignorant.


It shows most Leftists on this board have zero business sense.
Probably because many are on the government tit
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My parents own real estate. They took losses for years due to depreciating the assets they had purchased. They paid no taxes and were actually in the black by a significant amount. They applied for a credit line at Home Depot and they turned them down because of the depreciating assets showing a loss. The people at Home Depot that shot down their loan were idiots. 'they couldn't figure out that you need to subtract depreciation to see actually losses/gains. This is the same shit with what Trump owns.

People are idiots and NYT's are at the top of the list.
We own properties and what you just did is dumb down more people to make trump look better.
He is a fraud plain and simple.
You don't own rental properties if you believe that. Do you take depreciation? If you own rental properties you sure do. You don't know shit if you don't understand my post. My family has been in Residential Rental Real Estate for decades fucking rube.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Several of the Democrats and the MSM Conspiracy Theories are Debunked by these so-called Tax Returns:




ALSO if The New York Slimes are reporting that The Donald paid NO Federal Income Taxes in 10 of the previous 15 years then WTF was the $38 MILLION in Federal Income Taxes for 2005 that Rachel Madcow obtained in that 2005 tax return she was waving around in 2017?

My parents own real estate. They took losses for years due to depreciating the assets they had purchased. They paid no taxes and were actually in the black by a significant amount. They applied for a credit line at Home Depot and they turned them down because of the depreciating assets showing a loss. The people at Home Depot that shot down their loan were idiots. 'they couldn't figure out that you need to subtract depreciation to see actually losses/gains. This is the same shit with what Trump owns.

People are idiots and NYT's are at the top of the list.
We own properties and what you just did is dumb down more people to make trump look better.
He is a fraud plain and simple.
Funny thing is you failed to even point out where I supposedly "dumbed" people down. That's cuz you know what I wrote is absofuckinglutely true. It's why real estate is a tax shelter fuck wad.
That's because Trump "played down" the coronavirus. He told everybody to continue life as normal, and the governors, and mayors believe Trump (to their own peril)

Remember, Trump knew in January. But continued to say there would soon be zero cases in the USA.


January 21:

February 29:


March 9:

Fauci on March 9.jpg

Article published on March 26 in the NEJM:

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza ...

Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Several of the Democrats and the MSM Conspiracy Theories are Debunked by these so-called Tax Returns:


View attachment 393823

View attachment 393824

ALSO if The New York Slimes are reporting that The Donald paid NO Federal Income Taxes in 10 of the previous 15 years then WTF was the $38 MILLION in Federal Income Taxes for 2005 that Rachel Madcow obtained in that 2005 tax return she was waving around in 2017?

Yet you post with pride from World Nut Daily.
"Hundreds of millions"of dollars in debt. He managed his businesses the same way he has managed America..
..he's actually the first POTUS in a long time to take care of America

LOL. Well, then we have a very different view of "taking care" of America with 200K+ deaths.
I suppose that is taking care of one fashion. :)

Trump is not a Governor. Governors are responsible for their State,not Trump.

Direction and guidance come from the top. That's how an org chart in any company works..even a Trump company. :) The buck doesn't stop for a Big Mac and a soda at Trump's desk and then speed off to the governors desks. Is your man in charge or isn't he? The President alone has the power to mobilize government agencies, to order people into action, and even allocate funds to make that happen. It's the government's job to support the states and help them execute their disaster plans.
What ever happened to the fact that the Constitution gives the power to the states and the Federal Gov't has to keep their hands off unless the state intrudes into Federal concerns? We can't help it when California ruins itself and then blames it on Trump. All those Democrat governors have told Trump to mind his own business, then when the shit hits the fan, it's Trumps baby. One or the other, which is it?

So you'd be OK with Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida fending for themselves when the shit hits the fan after a hurricane? As you've so rightly put it, which is it? One can make the argument these states have ruined themselves by allowing property owners to build so close to the coastline. And allowing houses to be built in lowlands that are prone to major flooding? And these are all deeply red states.

Trump is President. Last I looked, he alone can order FEMA (and a few other government agencies) into action with a phone call or stroke of his mighty pen.
Leadership...comes from the top. Unfortunately, there is no leadership at the top...right now.
Quote from thearticle-
In response to a letter summarizing The Times’s findings, Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, said that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate” and requested the documents on which they were based. After The Times declined to provide the records, in order to protect its sources
Now do tell, how showing them copies of his returns would expose anyone...
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Losses are not "Income Tax Avoidance" .....

It's called an Offset ....

LMAO the the Fake News NY Times and the dumbass Leftist so Gullible to believe the shit they publish.
I'm sure that Trump also has been audited, and obviously there were no red flags.
Again, much ado about nothing.
Wrong...Trump may soon be writing a check for $100,000,000 to the IRS. It is in the link.
Don‘t worry, Meister, I am sure Putin will lend Trump the money as soon as Trump dissolves NATO.

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