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I don't think Trump actually cares which side wins. He has so much damn money it doesn't matter to him. For all intensive purposes a decade ago he was a dem.
What Trump does see is an opportunity to raise his stature around the world & for a globe trotting businessman that is exactly what he needs to expand his brand.

Trump doesn't give a dam if a third party run elects Hillary as long as it expands his brand name. For Christ's sake look at his excuse for possibly going 3rd party (if the GOP treats me bad) not (if victory is viable)


its "intents and purposes" not intensive purposes.

If Trump were to become president he would have to relinquish control of his business interests and put his money in a blind trust. Being president would most likely cost him money.
I know my stupid phone guesses when I don't spell things perfectly.

As to the rest it wouldn't cost him a dime. He has so much money it will only grow. But I don't think he ever intended to win. I think his goal all along is nothing more than self serving publicity to grow his notoriety & real estate empire.
Imagine the property values were he to become an ex president....

maybe, but once you have that much money, it doesn't really mean much to you. I think he really wants to help the country and he is doing a public service by forcing candidates from both parties to address the real issues. Personally I think he would be a good president. I don't see it happening because he has the media and the power brokers in both parties working against him.

..And that's the hell of it. I would LOVE to see Trump (or an equally aggressive republican) win the office. One thing I remember about Reagan (working in Moscow at the time) was that the Soviets were TERRIFIED of that "cowboy". Today they laugh at us - and so does the rest of the world. I just know (and understand) that there isn't one republican candidate, except for Trump, that has an ounce of balls. We can't handle another "democrat lite". This country simply cannot handle it.

That's why you see such support for Trump. This man has the guts to say what needs to be said. I just do NOT believe that the "establishment" - both political and corporate will EVER allow this man anywhere NEAR the White House - the Lord's and Ladies will simply not tolerate it.
So you just dismiss out of hand Walker or Kasich. Why?

Nope. I actually would like to see Walker in there as either POTUS or VP.

Kasich?? Not sure on him
I don't see Trump doing the 3rd party thing. He is smart enough to know he could not win and he also knows that that would help the hildebeast.

Kasich/Rubio is a winning ticket.

If the dems had any brains they would dump hillary and run Webb, but they don't have any brains.
I don't think Trump actually cares which side wins. He has so much damn money it doesn't matter to him. For all intensive purposes a decade ago he was a dem.
What Trump does see is an opportunity to raise his stature around the world & for a globe trotting businessman that is exactly what he needs to expand his brand.

Trump doesn't give a dam if a third party run elects Hillary as long as it expands his brand name. For Christ's sake look at his excuse for possibly going 3rd party (if the GOP treats me bad) not (if victory is viable)


its "intents and purposes" not intensive purposes.

If Trump were to become president he would have to relinquish control of his business interests and put his money in a blind trust. Being president would most likely cost him money.
I know my stupid phone guesses when I don't spell things perfectly.

As to the rest it wouldn't cost him a dime. He has so much money it will only grow. But I don't think he ever intended to win. I think his goal all along is nothing more than self serving publicity to grow his notoriety & real estate empire.
Imagine the property values were he to become an ex president....

maybe, but once you have that much money, it doesn't really mean much to you. I think he really wants to help the country and he is doing a public service by forcing candidates from both parties to address the real issues. Personally I think he would be a good president. I don't see it happening because he has the media and the power brokers in both parties working against him.

..And that's the hell of it. I would LOVE to see Trump (or an equally aggressive republican) win the office. One thing I remember about Reagan (working in Moscow at the time) was that the Soviets were TERRIFIED of that "cowboy". Today they laugh at us - and so does the rest of the world. I just know (and understand) that there isn't one republican candidate, except for Trump, that has an ounce of balls. We can't handle another "democrat lite". This country simply cannot handle it.

That's why you see such support for Trump. This man has the guts to say what needs to be said. I just do NOT believe that the "establishment" - both political and corporate will EVER allow this man anywhere NEAR the White House - the Lord's and Ladies will simply not tolerate it.


Trumps got big balls and he's not afraid to say what he thinks.

He's no DC, PC mouth breather. He can't be bought and doesn't owe any of the PC mouth breathers in DC jack shit.

Hell. If I were a foreign leader he'd scare the shit outta me.
I fully expect Trump to run as an Independent, third party candidate. That worthless piece of human excrement Hillary will win. But let's be honest here...Hillary (the murderer) Clinto is the best the democrats have to offer. Can you wrap your head around that? In a country of 320 MILLION Americans - that's the best they can come up with. We are doomed.

The republican field - to a man (or woman) - is too cowardly to "say what they mean and mean what they say" - choosing instead, to be PC. The republicans, while there are 200 of them running, have nothing to offer except to do nothing. Status Quo.

Welcome to tyranny.

I don't see Trump doing the 3rd party thing. He is smart enough to know he could not win and he also knows that that would help the hildebeast.

Kasich/Rubio is a winning ticket.

If the dems had any brains they would dump hillary and run Webb, but they don't have any brains.

Agreed - to a point. Trump is not a graceful loser. In fact, he is not accustomed to losing at all. I believe that once he sees the way the wind is blowing, he will hit the 3rd party route (if nothing else than to save face). I've never see anything from Webb but sound bites.

Now, I truly believe that if Biden (howdy doody) jumps into the fray - it "might" get interesting for the murderer Clinton. Short of that - she will be their nominee and Bush will be the nominee on the republican side. Money talks and BS walks. Hillary wins in a virtual landslide and we sit back and watch our country fall even farther.

Wow, that kind of pessimism is scary. We are a long way from crumbling into ruin, Randall.

I agree that a Bush/Clinton race would keep a lot of people away from the polls and probably result in the hildebeast winning. If it comes to that I might file a protest vote and vote for Trump, because then the country would truly be on the downhill slide to becoming a large version of Greece.

Actually, I wish I had your optimism. It's really not pessimism - it's an "acceptance of reality". This is NOT the country I grew up in. Hasn't been in some time. Liberals will tell you that "the country is "evolving"". Nonsense. Time will tell......time will tell.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

You could be right, but I am not ready to give up. I hope you won't either. a majority of americans think the country is going the wrong way. that majority is speaking out and they are angry.

Nobody has given up. However, it IS important that we all begin to understand that we are not the country we were. Obama has seen to that. Hell, Bush and Clinton as well. We have a nation of unemployed, or under-employed people. A nation of food stamp recipients who have given up on EVER finding long-term employment. A nation that is (primarily) controlled by corporate interests who make massive record profits overseas and do nothing for the country - except to reap MORE profits from the backs of slave-wage third world countries. We go to war for decades and refuse to win - leaving it up to politicians to "regulate" the depth of our resolve.

We have perpetual politicians who, once embedded in Washington, remain there in their Georgetown townhouses until they die. We have a two-party system that, for the life of me, I can't tell one ounce of difference between the two - where status quo and stagnation are the order of the day - while we amass 20 TRILLION dollars in debt and 180 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Not one soul in Washington DC cares about the future - except the nonsense that we will all shortly die from "climate change".

Hell, is it any wonder that when a man like Trump pops up - we (the American public) treat him like a rock star!? Dammit - at least HE is a breath of fresh air for a damn change!

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