Trump Picks Up Another Endorsement That Will Piss Off Hillary

He endorsed Trump because Mississippi is hurting for jobs?

How is that possible? Mississippi has been run by conservative Republicans for decades.

Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Another revisionist liberal

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- House Vote #575 -- Nov 17, 1993\

The vote was nearly 50/50

156 to 102 is not 50/50, except wherever you might have been homeschooled.
Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

Liberal mind rot makes them forget things.

Or they're just dishonest.....or possibly stupid.
It's so hard to tell sometimes...
Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

Liberal mind rot makes them forget things.

The whole thing was started by Bush the elder . Ain't history a bitch!

What the hell does that have to do with claiming democrats didnt support NAFTA?

House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Senate Democrats voted against it 28 to 27.

That's not supporting it where I come from. Where do you come from?

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- Senate Vote #395 -- Nov 20, 1993

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- House Vote #575 -- Nov 17, 1993
He endorsed Trump because Mississippi is hurting for jobs?

How is that possible? Mississippi has been run by conservative Republicans for decades.

Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

Liberal mind rot makes them forget things.

Nobody said he didn't dumbass.
He endorsed Trump because Mississippi is hurting for jobs?

How is that possible? Mississippi has been run by conservative Republicans for decades.

Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

You were wrong I was right. That's because you're retarded and I'm not.
He endorsed Trump because Mississippi is hurting for jobs?

How is that possible? Mississippi has been run by conservative Republicans for decades.

Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

You were wrong I was right. That's because you're retarded and I'm not.
I'm pretty sure you are.

Charles Evers needs to get out on campaign trail with The Donald, this to shut up little bitches in MSM and the GOP Cuckservatives, who spent days and days running with the KKK non-story until they'd brainwashed enough people into thinking The Donald WAS the Grand Wizard HIMSELF.

You uh, don't want that. The man is 93 years old.
You know Nancy Reagan, who just passed away? He's a year younger.
He endorsed Trump because Mississippi is hurting for jobs?

How is that possible? Mississippi has been run by conservative Republicans for decades.

Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

You were wrong I was right. That's because you're retarded and I'm not.
I'm pretty sure you are.

They were wrong, I was right. I shut them up, didn't I?

“Our catfish is shipped to China and brought back for us to buy. Put a catfish farm here,” Evers said. too much common sense for me. Waiter, check please.

Yeah that is kinda weird. Because Mississippi is already swimming in catfish farms.

>> Mississippi produced 350 million pounds, or 55 percent, of all U. S. catfish production in 2005, and Mississippians produced this amount in only 100,000 pond water acres. Since its origin in the 1960s, the catfish industry has grown rapidly and now has an economic impact in the hundreds of millions of dollars in Mississippi each year.

Arkansas, in 1963, was the first state to produce farm-raised catfish on a commercial level. Mississippi was not far behind when its commercial production began in 1965. After 1970, rapid expansion of catfish production in the Mississippi Delta occurred, and Mississippi has led the catfish industry ever since. << --- Mississippi History Now
Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

You were wrong I was right. That's because you're retarded and I'm not.
I'm pretty sure you are.

They were wrong, I was right. I shut them up, didn't I?
Pretty sure you didn't.
Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

You were wrong I was right. That's because you're retarded and I'm not.
I'm pretty sure you are.

They were wrong, I was right. I shut them up, didn't I?
Pretty sure you didn't.

So they plan to continue making fools of themselves? Bring it on.
I missed the part of that "Conservative Tribune" --- (ROTFLMAO - sorry, I just had to get that out) --- story where it stated that "Hillary is FURIOUS". Could you please point that out to me, or is that just another one of you many, many, many lies?
Looks like you're a little furious yourself. :lol:
Not at all. Just pointing out that you are a liar.
You're lying about me being a liar, liar.

You're lying about him lying about your lying lies, liar. Roll tape.

Hillary Is FURIOUS

Where IS your link?
I missed the part of that "Conservative Tribune" --- (ROTFLMAO - sorry, I just had to get that out) --- story where it stated that "Hillary is FURIOUS". Could you please point that out to me, or is that just another one of you many, many, many lies?
Looks like you're a little furious yourself. :lol:
Not at all. Just pointing out that you are a liar.
You're lying about me being a liar, liar.

You're lying about him lying about your lying lies, liar. Roll tape.

Hillary Is FURIOUS

Where IS your link?
I posted a link. Where's your link, liar? First he lied and called me a liar. Then I called him a liar for calling me a liar. Then you lied and said I lied about him being a liar about my lies that weren't lies, so that makes you the lying liar, liar.
Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

Liberal mind rot makes them forget things.

Or they're just dishonest.....or possibly stupid.
It's so hard to tell sometimes...
Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

Liberal mind rot makes them forget things.

The whole thing was started by Bush the elder . Ain't history a bitch!

What the hell does that have to do with claiming democrats didnt support NAFTA?

House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Senate Democrats voted against it 28 to 27.

That's not supporting it where I come from. Where do you come from?

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- Senate Vote #395 -- Nov 20, 1993

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- House Vote #575 -- Nov 17, 1993

Are ya dense? Bill signed it into law.
I missed the part of that "Conservative Tribune" --- (ROTFLMAO - sorry, I just had to get that out) --- story where it stated that "Hillary is FURIOUS". Could you please point that out to me, or is that just another one of you many, many, many lies?
Looks like you're a little furious yourself. :lol:
Not at all. Just pointing out that you are a liar.
You're lying about me being a liar, liar.

You're lying about him lying about your lying lies, liar. Roll tape.

Hillary Is FURIOUS

Where IS your link?
I posted a link. Where's your link, liar? First he lied and called me a liar. Then I called him a liar for calling me a liar. Then you lied and said I lied about him being a liar about my lies that weren't lies, so that makes you the lying liar, liar.

Uh -- no, lying liar who lies, you posted a lying headline that lied saying as posted above, yet your lying link to your lying page never makes that case. In fact the closest it comes to even mentioning Clinton at all, says:

>> As endorsements keep rolling in for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, one in particular might have Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton feeling a little less than confident. <<
No quote, no observation, no evidence ---- pure speculation. Now speculating that somebody they never even talked to "might be feeling less than confident" is a teeny-weeny bit different from declaring that person "IS FURIOUS", wouldn't you say Liar?

Or are you now going to tell us you stand behind your lying headline which lies lying in the lie-ability its own lies?

Or didn't you even read your own lying link?
He endorsed Trump because Mississippi is hurting for jobs?

How is that possible? Mississippi has been run by conservative Republicans for decades.

Probably something to do with the Offshoring of jobs to other nations....something supported by Leftists everywhere.

The WTO, NAFTA helped this along and now the even more damaging TTIP has been created.

Liberals opposed NAFTA, in fact, most Democrats in Congress voted against NAFTA.

Bill signed it into law.

You were wrong I was right. That's because you're retarded and I'm not.

Wow...that was scathing.
The top democrat signed it into law. If thats not supporting it I dont know what is.

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