Trump plans to get tough with migrants

It's about frigging time. Trump has well thought out plans to solve this problem. These camps seem like a great idea.

---Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in 2024, would expand his first-term immigration crackdown---

And make Mexico pay for it!
Don't forget, when asked about the "solution" to the problem of millions of illegals and phony refugee seekers, the sitting Vice President - head of Biden's team on immigration - said that the solution is a "path to citizenship."

This COULD NOT BE MORE DIFFERENT from Trump's approach, or that of the American people.
And make Mexico pay for it!
^^loves the chorizo :smoochEE:


It's about frigging time. Trump has well thought out plans to solve this problem. These camps seem like a great idea.

---Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in 2024, would expand his first-term immigration crackdown---

At this point, anyone who is stupid enough to bleev anything Trump says is profoundly retarded.



This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. And I this time I really, really will bring a $4,000 pay raise for workers, bring down drug prices, drain the swamp, provide maternity leave to women whose employers don't provided that benefit, release my tax returns, and I really, really won't have time to go golf, that I can tell you.
What exactly did Trump accomplish beside giving himself a huge tax break?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Trump failed to pass a promised infrastructure bill.

He failed to repeal and replace Obamacare with something "beautiful".

He failed to build the wall, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for it.

He failed to grow the economy by the promised 4 to 6 percent.

He failed to achieve his promised $4,000 pay raise for workers.

He failed to eliminate the deficit as promised.

He failed to bring down drug prices as promised.

He utterly failed to drain the swamp, and enlarged and widened it instead, creating the most corrupt Administration since Harding.

He failed to provide maternity leave, as promised, to women whose employers didn't provided that benefit.

He failed to bring back coal jobs as promised.

He failed to release his tax returns as promised.

He failed to protect American steel jobs as promised.

He alienated our allies and sucked up to communist dictators and thugs.

He doubled the federal deficit.

He added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, contributing to the current inflation.

He widened the trade deficit with China and Mexico to record levels.

His far left protectionist tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers.

He blew off Covid as a hoax, and ignored it until it could no longer be ignored. He said Covid would magically go away and refused to enact testing and contact tracing, allowing Covid to spread completely unhindered at the most critical period in the beginning of the pandemic.

He spent more time golfing than Obama, despite saying he would "not have time to go golf" during the campaign. He spent nearly a third of his term golfing.

He lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. An achievement not seen since the last businessman president, Herbert Hoover.

And of course, he staged a coup when the American people kicked his incompetent game show host balls over the moon.

Worst. President. EVAH!

Worst. Sore. Loser. EVAH!

Keep licking Trump's spit off your face and telling yourself its holy water, rubes. :lol:
you keep eating the shit from Biden and calling it chocolate :auiqs.jpg:
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It's about frigging time. Trump has well thought out plans to solve this problem. These camps seem like a great idea.

---Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in 2024, would expand his first-term immigration crackdown---

Yawn. Will this also include his medical plan? Maybe he could push another vaccine?

This kind of blows that bullshit theory all to hell doesn’t it….The brown cockroaches come for the free shit and everybody not rooted in Mexico knows it.
BL, this is my position on immigration, the border, government subsidy of immigrants, and employment of foreign labor.

I have nothing against immigrants in general and have not been done wrong by any, ever. My ancestors came from Ireland in late 1700s early 1800s and from what i understand by history books, many were not well thought of, though, there are no stories passed down of discrimination. That is with me talking when I was a kid, with grandparents and 103 year old, great-grandmother, born before the civil war. I do not know how that was all handled back then, but I bet there were no hand-outs, and my family has a long history farming, homesteading, and skilled labor for the times. OK, so much for us.

I have no problem with good people coming from any specific non-communist country on the planet, if coming on the somewhat regulated visa program, where they have applied, been approved after vetting application documents and coming to the country, hopefully with skills in demand and maybe a job waiting. The people that built my pool are people that my pool company gets H1B labor for, every year. It is tough hard work, in the pool construction season. Then they go back and I have no problem with this arrangement.

I have a big problem with the mass influx of migrants coming across the southern border from all across the planet, and allowed in, under an asylum process that is not controlled, allowing them in to be checked in the future, if ever. As I said, once reach a sanctuary city, I have doubt a significant portion shows up for any hear, scheduled years earlier, if at all.

There should be little or no hand-outs of our tax financing for such an uncontrolled mass influx. I might be able to see 6 months of unemployment, but even that is only if getting a work visa, as I dont even approve of home-grown freeloaders, much less foreign nationals. Many are probably here just for the government giveaway, and some are just criminals and people that have no intention of adapting and assimilating to make their way in a society of laws or even learn the language. If you did not plan to and don't speak basic English within a year, you should have never come. Like Dice joked, "If you don't speak the language, get the f#uck out of the country. These people do not come here entitled to any free ride, government loans, government higher education, nothing. They should automatically know to, apply for and be granted a temporary work permit, or be kick back across the border when first encountered. They should be self supporting with nothing more than maybe some food stamps within 6 months or be kicked out. Any criminal law violation below felony and they should be kicked out, felons prosecuted, punish in our prison for their crime and then be deported with a permanent ban on re-entry even to visit.

Anybody that is a American CEO, CFO, plant manager, or business owner that is caught hiring illegal, should be fine at a rate of equal to 3 years their annual income, and banned from whatever industry they were associated with, whether they say they didn't know or not, as it is their business to be responsible for all aspect of their operation, just like any other legal liability. Like I've said before, if you have to sue a company, you don't go after the employees, you go after management and the company's assets. I would also approve of jail time for CEO, CFO, plant mangers and owners. I thinke you would be amazed how fast illegal employment dried up and the number of people no longer wanting to come to America, or if coming, decided to return to their homeland. This would go a long way toward cutting down an underground economy, often not taxed, as contractors paying cash on day labor and the workers hire often do not report.

I have no problem whatsoever, with states putting up barriers on parts of their borders. It does not even stop illegal crossing, but reduces in specific areas to the benefit of the state, and the Federal government should not interfere or have any say so, if not involving Federal dollars.

What the Federal government should be doing is closer regulation. Years to get to a hearing? BS. Not enough judges? BS. Let them hire more bureaucrats, like in the IRS, where most judgements are by bureaucrats and judges not getting involved unless there is an appeal. If there is an appeal after a bureaucrats decision to deport, the deportee can make their appeal from outside the country, as far as I am concerned.

On voting, as the subject comes up related to aliens in our country, here is my opinion. People who are not American Citizens should not ever be allowed to vote. They are not allowed now in Federal elections, though if you listen to certain segment, they seem to think it is rampant, but actually almost unheard of. I am saying people that are not US Citizens should not be able to register to vote even in local elections, not school boards, mayors, counsel positions, or dog catcher and certainly not constitutional offices such as Sherriff. They should have no say in any government office election at any level.

One last note: There should be no such thing as a "Sanctuary City" of "Sanctuary State". Any city or state that declares itself on should lose all Federal Funding and their populations not counted for purpose of federal money or federal recognition. As they are declaring themselves outside the laws and regulation of the United States and I mean NO FEDERAL FUNDING. Not schools or higher education, law enforcement or even highways and infrastructure.

There you have my opinion and some part of it for everybody to hate. Unless they are an independent American that thinks everybody should be treated the same, without favoritism, free rides, and all under the same federal laws. With all government at all level on the same sheet of music, the laws of our land.
Trump employs 20,000 people…you honestly believe he knows of all 20k?
Whether you know it or not, he had illegal aliens working at the house he lived in. He did not get rid of these long term employees until somebody made big deal out of his double standard. If you have illegal aliens working in your own house that you live in, you do in fact see them. You are in fact responsible. I am not just talking about dumb ass donny. I am talk about anybody and everybody that a facility where labor is hired. There should be no disconnect between responsibility. You can delegate aurthority for anything, but you cannot delegate responsibility.

I suppose, you simply blame the illegal alien for trying to get hired, to feed their family. That is the standard political answer and pretty much on both sides of the political fence, even while blaming the other side and trying to make political hay on illegal aliens coming into the country, while they do the wink and nod (management and owner should not be held responsible) two-step dance.
Whether you know it or not, he had illegal aliens working at the house he lived in. He did not get rid of these long term employees until somebody made big deal out of his double standard. If you have illegal aliens working in your own house that you live in, you do in fact see them. You are in fact responsible. I am not just talking about dumb ass donny. I am talk about anybody and everybody that a facility where labor is hired. There should be no disconnect between responsibility. You can delegate aurthority for anything, but you cannot delegate responsibility.

I suppose, you simply blame the illegal alien for trying to get hired, to feed their family. That is the standard political answer and pretty much on both sides of the political fence, even while blaming the other side and trying to make political hay on illegal aliens coming into the country, while they do the wink and nod (management and owner should not be held responsible) two-step dance.
So WTF do you want the 10 million Biden illegals to do?

Live off of us?
Go home?

Those are your choices, Vermin.
Whether you know it or not, he had illegal aliens working at the house he lived in. He did not get rid of these long term employees until somebody made big deal out of his double standard. If you have illegal aliens working in your own house that you live in, you do in fact see them. You are in fact responsible. I am not just talking about dumb ass donny. I am talk about anybody and everybody that a facility where labor is hired. There should be no disconnect between responsibility. You can delegate aurthority for anything, but you cannot delegate responsibility.

I suppose, you simply blame the illegal alien for trying to get hired, to feed their family. That is the standard political answer and pretty much on both sides of the political fence, even while blaming the other side and trying to make political hay on illegal aliens coming into the country, while they do the wink and nod (management and owner should not be held responsible) two-step dance.
Your wording and framing sounds a bit like a leftist propagandist… when you say “his house” are you talking about that giant golf club Mara Lago which employs hundreds?
So WTF do you want the 10 million Biden illegals to do?

Live off of us?
Go home?

Those are your choices, Vermin.
As usual, I would like a change in immigration policy at the border. I wouldn't care if they were all locked up in a tent city when met crossing the boarder. If the government has to let them out in the country (or simply chooses to do so), they should have a temporary work permit so they can apply for a job and get off the public dole. To do otherwise is to influence them to get used to a welfare system that was not set up for them, but to which many quickly embrace and become addicted to.

If they make no move to even apply for a work permit, but are found to be working illegal, their American experience should stop right there, as they have proven they have no intention of living under our laws, and should be summarily shipped out of the country, where they can file their appeal from the outside, not on the US public tit.

There is absolutely nothing being done right under current border and immigration activities or policies running uncontrolled.

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