Trump plans to get tough with migrants

I got you making excuses for people management that hires illegal. That is what you are doing here, tonight. Whether management sees all the people hired or not makes no difference, they are responsible. MANAGEMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ACTIVITIES IN AN ORGANIZATION
Trump employs 20,000 people…you honestly believe he knows of all 20k?
I have said here, many times, Joe Fkd up the border on day 2 and has made no improvement, since he basically said come one, come all and apply for asylum. Even though he had no plan for actually processing, or even adequately

Maybe this is a good time to review what Joe ACTUALLY said:

People like you are the reason there is so much illegal employment of illegal aliens. You are always ready with an excuse to let management off the hook. You don't blame management for being irresponsible, you blame illegals for wanting to eat. If there was no employment for them, they would not come. Yet, you probably bitch louder about Joe's dumb ass policy at the border than business owners and management for hiring them.
Wrong. Democrats are the reason we have so many illegal aliens in the country. Biden let in 10 million of them. That fact just about closes the books on that issue.

If you slip on water on the floor at a store hiring illegal aliens to clean and suffer a concussion and can't work while in the hospital or permanently disabled? Do you sue the illegal alien employee, or do you sue the store?

Trump doesn't hire household help, dumb ass. Sue him some more. He could use a few more more points in the polls. You dumb monkey
It's about frigging time. Trump has well thought out plans to solve this problem. These camps seem like a great idea.

---Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in 2024, would expand his first-term immigration crackdown---

sure. a "well thought out" plan. by trump. right.
It's about frigging time. Trump has well thought out plans to solve this problem. These camps seem like a great idea.

---Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in 2024, would expand his first-term immigration crackdown---

He said the same thing in 2016. There were going to massive raids, round-ups, etc...

Nothing happened. Obama deported more folks than your blob did.
If, God forbid, Trump regains the White House, this would be one very positive development, in a sea of negatives.

It's time to send all of these goddamned Illegal Aliens back where they came from... get the phukk out of our country.

In addition to the detention camps, let's declare a 10 year moratorium on ALL immigration, except for categories WE choose.

We can offer a Work Visa program for Agricultural and Technology worker-bees, at our pleasure, so long as it benefits US.

Give the Illegals 18 or 24 months to sell-off anything they need to sell-off before Expulsion Day.

Once Expulsion Day has come-and-gone, put a bounty on Illegals... $X dollars per turn-in that leads to an arrest and ejection.

And start prosecuting employers who don't check citizenship or Work Visa Status and validate identity prior to hiring.
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It's absolutely indisputable that Trump was FAR tougher on this issue than the current potato. But some dipshits cant help but try to convince everyone that Trump is somehow just as bad as Biden. I guess if I had TDS and voted for the current disaster I would try to convince myself of nonexistent shit too!!!!
I got you making excuses for people management that hires illegal. That is what you are doing here, tonight. Whether management sees all the people hired or not makes no difference, they are responsible. MANAGEMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ACTIVITIES IN AN ORGANIZATION

I asked a question and you deciphered the world.

Yep.....left-wing speak at it's finest.

Keep at it.

You had little credibility to start with. That's gone.
If they work for you in your house, you see them. You are responsible. Anything else is a cop out.

People hire a bonded licensed service company. They are responsible for those they employ. No one goes out and brings in Home Depot parking lot Mexicans to clean the kitchen or run a vacuum.
People like you are the reason there is so much illegal employment of illegal aliens. You are always ready with an excuse to let management off the hook. You don't blame management for being irresponsible, you blame illegals for wanting to eat. If there was no employment for them, they would not come. Yet, you probably bitch louder about Joe's dumb ass policy at the border than business owners and management for hiring them.
Heard a stat yesterday......out of the 140,000 illegals in NY only 3200 have applied for work visas.

Sounds like they came here for handouts, Simp.

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