Trump Plans Total Fail--Going On TV With 80% Plus Unfavorable Ratings Already!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The news is around the week before the start of 2016 that Trump plans to spend some money--having not so in the last few months. Now there will apparently be television advertising--likely from remarks made a decade or more ago, when he favorably regarded both Bill and Hillary Clinton--and as like-minded friends(?).

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape | Fox News

He has maybe a dozen staffers in each of two states, no volunteers: And apparently hats and T-Shirts(?)!
Then he also has, as of December, an 87% unfavorable rating among blacks, an 84% unfavorable among Hispanics. Likely a comparable approaching level unfavorable rating among women. That likely softens since some of them--Like Carly(?)--probably self-identify as Republican Women--with no chance(?)!

One thing about a Democratic Party Coronation campaign: Beer, Saving Cream, and potentially lethal medications: Probably make better sense for TV advertising. "Be sure to contact your Doctor immediately: If any Republicans show up!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations maybe now on board with cash transactions, and for Great Spirit, religious cannabis(?)! IRS maybe not clear about what they accept as records of cash transactions(?)! Spawning new industries, having put many tax dollars to. . .creative things, like books(?)!)
The news is around the week before the start of 2016 that Trump plans to spend some money--having not so in the last few months. Now there will apparently be television advertising--likely from remarks made a decade or more ago, when he favorably regarded both Bill and Hillary Clinton--and as like-minded friends(?).

Trump plots big TV ad blitz that could change campaign landscape | Fox News

He has maybe a dozen staffers in each of two states, no volunteers: And apparently hats and T-Shirts(?)!
Then he also has, as of December, an 87% unfavorable rating among blacks, an 84% unfavorable among Hispanics. Likely a comparable approaching level unfavorable rating among women. That likely softens since some of them--Like Carly(?)--probably self-identify as Republican Women--with no chance(?)!

One thing about a Democratic Party Coronation campaign: Beer, Saving Cream, and potentially lethal medications: Probably make better sense for TV advertising. "Be sure to contact your Doctor immediately: If any Republicans show up!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations maybe now on board with cash transactions, and for Great Spirit, religious cannabis(?)! IRS maybe not clear about what they accept as records of cash transactions(?)! Spawning new industries, having put many tax dollars to. . .creative things, like books(?)!)

I thought his unfavorables were 1,000,000,000%!!

I read someplace that Trump has shelled out all of $217,000 on his campaign so far. That would be about the same someone would spend in one of his hotels for a couple of weeks. Remarkable.
I read someplace that Trump has shelled out all of $217,000 on his campaign so far. That would be about the same someone would spend in one of his hotels for a couple of weeks. Remarkable.

Yes, and it has been reported that Hillary can spend upward to a billion dollars or so on her campaign. That should tell anyone with common sense that Hillary is bought and paid for.
I wish someone was tracking the so called death notices that have been up for Trump right from the get go. It's the same thing with Limbaugh where at least every two months Rush's support is collapsing.
I wish someone was tracking the so called death notices that have been up for Trump right from the get go. It's the same thing with Limbaugh where at least every two months Rush's support is collapsing.
Yeah, it's a bit like those threads you see every month or so about how Obama saved the economy and we were finally out of stagnation.
wow, the lie keep getting more outlandish with these Democrat tools. now it's at 80% disapproval why not make it 99% and just get it over with it. lies, smears and dishonesty make up that Democrat party. you fell for Obama lies so are you going let them dupe again?
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.
The link cites a poll, and CNN often cites their polls. . .which show worse.

Trump is maybe going to showcase, "For years, now, I have been on the cutting edge of birth certificate verification technology! Like Ben Carson, I have skills developed away from the government sector which can make a valuable contribution to peoples worldwide! I know a thing or two about Volkswagen compliance with Worldwide emissions standards, for example! Deal-Making is what I am about(?)! Corporate execs often get my opinion on governance in their own corporations(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes now can find work, as bookkeepers in Cannabis Industry, if not in banking! Many know a great deal about unregulated industry, already(?)!"
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.

They're extraordinarily accurate at doing what?
The Giant Scale Trump negatives far outdo Clinton, who has already pulled off a "Comeback Kid II," in the atrocity known as "The Benghazi Hearings: Republicans Spent Federal Money Looking Stupid For Eleven Hours On National TV!" The entire party has no concept of how to use TV. All the Clinton Comebacks tend to mount up. The Clinton family already knows this. Trump has no particular disaster to come back from. Instead, one disaster tends to follow another. All the Trump Disasters tend to mount up. The Trump Campaign so far fails to know this.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes mostly want their prophylactics to look fresh(?), no matter what they are used for(?)! Schlonging-Man not too up even on Yiddish concept, in Iowa campaign(?)!)
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.

They're extraordinarily accurate at doing what?

Predicting political winners. They are D and they are excellent and without bias. Been following them for a long time. Their methodology is spot on and I have never found a bias with them.
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.

They're extraordinarily accurate at doing what?

Predicting political winners. They are D and they are excellent and without bias. Been following them for a long time. Their methodology is spot on and I have never found a bias with them.

PPP was mentioned as the most accurate in 2012.... anything like that since then?
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.

They're extraordinarily accurate at doing what?

Here's more information on them. They sing their own praises as they should.

Among the Best Pollsters, Year after Year.
2014 :
Rated Most Accurate Pollster in Governor’s Races Nationally

2012 :
Correctly predicted the winner of every state in the Presidential race, and the winner of every major Senate race

2010 :
First pollster to predict Scott Brown’s upset win over Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts Senate race, only pollster to predict Christine O’Donnell’s upset victory over Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary.

2008 :
Ranked by the Wall Street Journal as the 2nd most accurate swing state pollster in the Presidential election.

Public Policy Polling
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.

They're extraordinarily accurate at doing what?

Predicting political winners. They are D and they are excellent and without bias. Been following them for a long time. Their methodology is spot on and I have never found a bias with them.

PPP was mentioned as the most accurate in 2012.... anything like that since then?


2014 Governor races. What I like best about them is they never have whacked out polls months in advance of an election like many other pollsters do and then 4 weeks before the election tighten their polls so they don't look like idiots.

PPP is fair and square.
What exactly is any advertiser going to present about Trump for President(?)! There is no particular political record. Atlantic City went bust. The Middle East is in the process of cutting all business ties. There are no reports of any Iowa volunteers. The black clergy had to do extra PR to explain that they were not endorsing Trump. There are no former Presidents, Senators, Governors, or Mayors talking up Trump. His only major campaign in the past has centered around, "You're Fired!"

The lethal prescription meds commercials maybe have given the Trump Campaign all the grist it needs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(IRS not known to accept, "Who Knows?" as the answer to the line item completed after, "Like. . .Who Cares(?), or "Bank Records? Bank Records? We have no bank records(?)!")

PPP a D polling company have Clinton in a virtual dead heat with R front runners. And despite being a D pollster they are extraordinarily accurate.

I think you should be more worried about Hillary than Trump.

They're extraordinarily accurate at doing what?

Predicting political winners. They are D and they are excellent and without bias. Been following them for a long time. Their methodology is spot on and I have never found a bias with them.

PPP was mentioned as the most accurate in 2012.... anything like that since then?


2014 Governor races. What I like best about them is they never have whacked out polls months in advance of an election like many other pollsters do and then 4 weeks before the election tighten their polls so they don't look like idiots.

PPP is fair and square.

ok, thanks.

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