Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Hatred of evil IS a Christian value and Islam is evil. Tell me which Muslim in Congress is a Patriots.
So far there have only been 4. Kieth Ellison was the first. He was Vice Chair of the Congressional Progressive Cactus and a chief deputy whip. Also was on the House Committee for Financial Services. That would qualify him as a patriot. Andre Carson was the author of many bills that helped youth and the disadvantaged. Another patriot. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib worked on getting lead out of our drinking water , reducing medical debt incurred by Americans and increased home ownership as well as equitable use of public lands so the wealthy would stop raping the lands that belong to all of us. They ALL have done things that are patriotic and most importantly they never threatened the nation.
So far there have only been 4. Kieth Ellison was the first. He was Vice Chair of the Congressional Progressive Cactus and a chief deputy whip. Also was on the House Committee for Financial Services. That would qualify him as a patriot. Andre Carson was the author of many bills that helped youth and the disadvantaged. Another patriot. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib worked on getting lead out of our drinking water , reducing medical debt incurred by Americans and increased home ownership as well as equitable use of public lands so the wealthy would stop raping the lands that belong to all of us. They ALL have done things that are patriotic and most importantly they never threatened the nation.
All are supporters of Islamic terroris. Hitler built schools and hospitals and loved dogs. He still destroyed his own country, didn't he. Idiot.
All are supporters of Islamic terroris. Hitler built schools and hospitals and loved dogs. He still destroyed his own country, didn't he. Idiot.
No they're not. Idiot ! And more importantly they did nothing to undermine the US . You can't say that about trump and the crazy republicans who supported him.
No they're not. Idiot ! And more importantly they did nothing to undermine the US . You can't say that about trump and the crazy republicans who supported him.
They all supp CAIR. They all support the enemies of Israel. You better do some research.
No they're not. Idiot ! And more importantly they did nothing to undermine the US . You can't say that about trump and the crazy republicans who supported him.
They all supp CAIR. They all support the enemies of Israel. You better do some research.
They are no fans of Israel. That is true. The Palestinians are basically living in an open-air prison in Gaza. You can't blame them for not supporting Israel. But to say they support Syria or Iran over the US is ridiculous.
Biden is a Christian. Most Christians are Democrats. Black church/going Christians are some of the best Americans. Democrat
Christians are not religious bigots like you and all your obnoxious and deplorable MAGA pals are.
You're an idiot.
You're an idiot.
I use language to illuminate a path for blind others to follow. I do not lament the reality that MAGA PARTY others, nearly one hundred percent of the time, will angrily tremble at the thought of opening their eyes to walk the AMERICAN path of enlightenment and rational theism that most of the critical leaders . . . Paine Franklin Washington Adams Jefferson Madison . . . . of our founding generation walked.

NotfooledbyW in #9 said: “........the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.,,,,,”From George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 August 1790 SEE POST nf.23.02.16 #9 and nf.23.12.22 #730 to bsfltr.23.12.22 #729
Try giving bigotry no sanction Saint Bsfilter. That is, if you seek to be a true patriotic “unlabeled” American where love for the human spirit in nature is the essence that controls you heart mind and soul.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Santa sees no religion in the children of this world.

They are all children of the same . . .

“nature’s God”​

The Declaration of Independence asserts the right of all children to assume

"the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them."

Jefferson later wrote;
"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion...or in anything else."​
"Nature's God" was clearly the God of deism in all important ways.​
That Jefferson included God in the "Declaration of Independence" is very significant because it helped lay the foundation for a civil religion in America.​
Paul Johnson addressed the civil religion begun by the founders in his article, "The Almost-Chosen People,"[20] saying that the United States was unique because all religious beliefs were respected. People were more concerned with "moral conduct rather than dogma." So Jefferson helped create a society in which different religions could coexist peacefully because of the emphasis on morality over specific belief.​

Santa only wants to know if your were naughty or nice all year not if you are a good Christian Muslim Atheist Agnostic or Jew. Being rational and respectful of others is nice.

nf.23.12.23 #754
to bsfltr.23.12.22 #752
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Once I liked the man but he is losing his mind and is a MEAN TWIT now
Yeah, telling the truth is really mean. Much better to have some slick political hack schmooze you with bullshit like Obama, huh.
I use language to illuminate a path for blind others to follow. I do not lament the reality that MAGA PARTY others, nearly one hundred percent of the time, will angrily tremble at the thought of opening their eyes to walk the AMERICAN path of enlightenment and rational theism that most of the critical leaders . . . Paine Franklin Washington Adams Jefferson Madison . . . . of our founding generation walked.

NotfooledbyW in #9 said: “........the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.,,,,,”From George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 August 1790 SEE POST nf.23.02.16 #9 and nf.23.12.22 #730 to bsfltr.23.12.22 #729
Try giving bigotry no sanction Saint Bsfilter. That is, if you seek to be a true patriotic “unlabeled” American where love for the human spirit in nature is the essence that controls you heart mind and soul.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Santa sees no religion in the children of this world.

They are all children of the same . . .

“nature’s God”​

The Declaration of Independence asserts the right of all children to assume

"the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them."

Jefferson later wrote;
"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion...or in anything else."​
"Nature's God" was clearly the God of deism in all important ways.​
That Jefferson included God in the "Declaration of Independence" is very significant because it helped lay the foundation for a civil religion in America.​
Paul Johnson addressed the civil religion begun by the founders in his article, "The Almost-Chosen People,"[20] saying that the United States was unique because all religious beliefs were respected. People were more concerned with "moral conduct rather than dogma." So Jefferson helped create a society in which different religions could coexist peacefully because of the emphasis on morality over specific belief.​

Santa only wants to know if your were naughty or nice all year not if you are a good Christian Muslim Atheist Agnostic or Jew. Being rational and respectful of others is nice.

nf.23.12.23 #754
to bsfltr.23.12.22 #752

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