Trump PRAISES General Lee at OHIO Campaign Rally = WTF?

Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery


He was fighting to save the UNION, which was DIVIDED by the issue of SLAVERY, and hence to claim Lincoln was not fighting to end SLAVERY is to LIE like a pathetic bigoted LEFT WING LIAR does today...

Lincoln was a politician who was trying to have it both ways.

Those who argue that he was NOT trying to end slavery, have plenty of Lincoln's own words to support their view.

A: all Republicans are racists, at least that's what CNN says
Hannibal lost to Rome, he was a great general

He had a chance to take 20k tired troops over to Rome and sack it, and he went home instead...

Battle of Cannae is one of the greatest tactical battles ever...the Romans got crushed.....but Scipio Africanus finally gave them the win. I don't blame him for leaving, his people were exhausted, the crossing of the Alps with Elephants is on of the greatest logistical feats ever in warfare....but hey he ULTIMATELY lost so some dipshit thinks he sucked, no he just lost to an ever greater general, Scipio.

Lee also negotiated a deal to let them all go home instead of being tried as traders.

Not a bad deal if you ask me.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier from Florida.

He was in two big battles. Olustee and Cold Harbor. He was in Virginia when Lee surrendered.

He never took the oath to get the parole. He said in his letters that he was never going to surrender to those goddamn Yankees.

He walked from Virginia all the way back to Central Florida.

His letters that he wrote during the war are at in the library at the University of Florida.
And my great great great grandfather was a soldier in the Union army ,,He holds the record for killing 350 Confederates ,,He was wounded but wanted to get back to his men and get a few more
you want to link us that bit of news.

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Historically speaking, he wasn't a great general. A great battlefield tactician. Still, he lost the war. Washington was a great general, he won.

Just because you lost doesn't mean you suck. Hannibal lost to Rome, he was a great
Lee was a great general, but he was at a huge disadvantage that the union almost threw away with tards like McClellan.
Lee lost because Grant knew how to win, he would use his manpower and mfg capacity, and he did, he lost ALOT of people, but he got his objectives and won. You guys would be calling for Grant's execution for war crimes.......
for the total war strat
and for the fact he did lots of frontal assaults that killed tons of people, but were effective.

Just because I say he wasn't a great general like Washington doesn't mean he sucks like Trumpybear.
TRump is awesome,
But you did, you said he wasn't great........just because you lose doesn't mean you suck. Sometime factors you don't have control over decide outcomes. Lee was a great general. Washington was as well, but Washington did get help from the French and he was fighting a force from overseas. Lee was fighting Americans that weren't thousands of miles from home across an ocean.
Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Historically speaking, he wasn't a great general. A great battlefield tactician. Still, he lost the war. Washington was a great general, he won.

Just because you lost doesn't mean you suck. Hannibal lost to Rome, he was a great
Lee was a great general, but he was at a huge disadvantage that the union almost threw away with tards like McClellan.
Lee lost because Grant knew how to win, he would use his manpower and mfg capacity, and he did, he lost ALOT of people, but he got his objectives and won. You guys would be calling for Grant's execution for war crimes.......
for the total war strat
and for the fact he did lots of frontal assaults that killed tons of people, but were effective.

Just because I say he wasn't a great general like Washington doesn't mean he sucks like Trumpybear.
I have a trumpy bear Have it hanging in my front yard Take it in at night Lots of dotards in this area
President Trump is president and you're not. fact check that one snowflakes!
Not for long

Just until 2025.
Robert E. Lee was a brilliant tactician and leader. Just as Napoleon and Alexander the Great were.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

General Robert E. Lee was an absolute badass and he should be hailed as such anywhere in this nation.
“WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?”
I’m not sure what Donny T is doing but I hope he does more of it...I’m making deposits like never before and the fucked in the head LefTards are pissing themselves daily...we must be on the right

Well, he could throw men and flesh into the meat grinder with the best of them. Still lost.
He only lost because Grant used Russian agents......maybe Mueller can probe how Grant won with the Russian would be a better case then he has now.

A: all Republicans are racists, at least that's what CNN says

To punish the Rebel States. It was unenforceable. It also didn't apply to Slaves in the North.
It takes 70 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Trump needs to be careful out there. oh what the hell, who am i kidding, theyre gonna impeach him anyway, he ought to say whatever he wants!
Trump has spent 70 year building a reputation as an asshole
yep, and it worked great.....he got the democrats to turn into a mob...the man is brilliant and getting the democrats to crush themselves.....I did not expect's just icing on the cake, but damn, that is by far my best vote ever.......

A: all Republicans are racists, at least that's what CNN says

To punish the Rebel States. It was unenforceable. It also didn't apply to Slaves in the North.
It was and it was meant to cause issues in the south, which it did and it was the basis for the 13th yes Lincoln DID free the slaves.
Just because Trump is stupid & doesn't know how to properly utilize the English language you want to blame the 'liberal media.'


Watch the tape, dildo breath. Even somebody as phenomenally stupid as you can see the lie.


Why do you think NBC issued the Correction, asshat? For Fun?

The below is FROM NBC itself, you lying, dishonest piece of human filth.

This whole fucking thread is based on a LIE

NBC News Issues Correction Over Trump's Robert E. Lee Comments | HuffPost

It was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, not Gen. Robert E. Lee

It doesn't matter. The OP's switch is stuck on "stupid".

when we have a POTUS that is SO brain dead & horny for folks that he isn't married to, then command of the English language aint gonna be one of his big concerns; ya think?

English language aint gonna be one of his big concerns, you just wrote that post...ironic.
Lincoln stated he had no intent to end slavery EXCEPT he did just that.

The US Constitution mentioned nothing of secession; that was ultimately determined at Appomattox.

Lincoln was a tyrant that crapped on The US Constitution more than any other POTUS & he got what he deserved.

By the way Lincoln didnt end slavery. The 13th amendment, which *every* southern state voted for, ended slavery after Lincoln was in his grave.

Lincoln penned the EP 'executive order' that freed 3.5 million slaves. If you don't have the idea that the influence of that had any affect upon the 13th A then you are a fvcking moron. Keep believing your shit dreams 3 year old boi. Keep on day dreaming waddy.
Lincoln freed the slaves

Today’s conservatives want to rewrite history
Another bullshit post...thank you for telling the truth, Republicans (including Lincoln) freed the slaves........enough said.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
General Lee was the best leader in all of the Civil War
The hilarious part about this, is Lincoln Offered Lee to be his top general.....the left doesn't know about this....they are too stupid and ignorant.
Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.

10 reasons Abe Lincoln would roll over in his grave today
Abraham Lincoln in the Oval Office and, when confronted with a problem, would ask, "What would Lincoln do?"

Today, the answer, I'm afraid, would be roll over in his grave. There are 10 reasons for this and only some contain the words "Donald Trump."

1. Donald Trump. In Lincoln's day, the best people often ran for office. Today, well, maybe not. Being a lying, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic know-nothing does not seem to be an impediment to seeking the highest office in the land. Not yet, anyway. If the 16th president heard Trump say he was proud to belong to the party of Lincoln, he would wonder if his name had become a joke while he was away.

2. The new social civil war. Lincoln would be thrilled that we elected a black president but dismayed this milestone has enraged and emboldened racists. When Fox News ran an online story about Malia Obama deciding to attend Harvard, the piece drew so many racist responses — some with full names attached — that Fox had to shut down its comments
I laugh at you guys, you really wish Lincoln was a democrat...he's not.....he wouldn't be one guys are hilarious.
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)

who is a "leftie?"

Lincoln said he had no intention to end slavery YET he did just that. He was a LIAR.

LIARS suck, and sometimes they pay for it.
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)
Only thing I have negative to say about Honest Abe is he should have let the war go on for a few more months Wouldn't be as many southerners around now
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)
Only thing I have negative to say about Honest Abe is he should have let the war go on for a few more months Wouldn't be as many southerners around now

I agree; that would mean less southern red state brain dead trailer trash riff raff

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