Trump PRAISES General Lee at OHIO Campaign Rally = WTF?

Robert E. Lee was/is one of the greatest military minds to ever come out of West Pointe. He would have beat the north, but the longer the war went on the southern states could not supply him with men and arms. As the north became stronger, more of their industry devoted to the war effort, the south became weaker, end of story.

Lincoln did offer Robert E. Lee command of the northern forces at the wars inception, but Lee chose to go home and defend Virginia.

Lincoln once elected stated he would not end slavery in the south in an attempt to preserve the union, but did not want slavery legalized in the western territories, which the south and some territorial governors opposed. Once Lincoln was elected the south knew his ultimate goal was to end slavery in the union.

Lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation as it was a goal for some time but he needed to refocus the north on the war effort as the north was growing weary of the war and a large portion of the northern population was willing to let the south secede to end the war and stop draining resources.

John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln prior to him realizing that goal, John Wilkes Booth was a democrat. The south was made to pay dearly for that during reconstruction, as Lincoln was the main voice of compassion for the south once the war was nearing the end, as other republicans were out to punish the south and demanded war reparations which is exactly what happened.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Lee was a great general.
Also an educator.
And an all around great man.
You forgot to add he also praised Grant.
It's really a big who cares issue but the media will latch onto it.
---------------------------------- and that might be the purpose as TRUMP stays in the news with some controversy . Lots of people like General Robert E. Lee and Confederates in general .

Trump is a racist & he wants to put blacks in their place again aka Make America White Again.

Trump needs another Lee.
Lee hated slavery.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Lee was a great general.
Also an educator.
And an all around great man.
And a slave trader
and a killer of Northern troops
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)

who is a "leftie?"

Lincoln said he had no intention to end slavery YET he did just that. He was a LIAR.

LIARS suck, and sometimes they pay for it.
you are and no he wasn't a liar.......he stated he didn't want to kill slavery, but the south gave him no choice.....just like republicans today don't want violence, but soon we will tire of your lefty games and show you true beat ass power.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Lee was a great general.
Also an educator.
And an all around great man.
And a slave trader
and a killer of Northern troops
He wasn't a slave trader, you're just reading talking points.

and you think Rommel was a NAZI....people like you are really really fucking stupid.
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)

who is a "leftie?"

Lincoln said he had no intention to end slavery YET he did just that. He was a LIAR.

LIARS suck, and sometimes they pay for it.
you are and no he wasn't a liar.......he stated he didn't want to kill slavery, but the south gave him no choice.....just like republicans today don't want violence, but soon we will tire of your lefty games and show you true beat ass power.
LOL not if china and the saudis beat your ass first....trump is a moron leading morons
Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.

10 reasons Abe Lincoln would roll over in his grave today
Abraham Lincoln in the Oval Office and, when confronted with a problem, would ask, "What would Lincoln do?"

Today, the answer, I'm afraid, would be roll over in his grave. There are 10 reasons for this and only some contain the words "Donald Trump."

1. Donald Trump. In Lincoln's day, the best people often ran for office. Today, well, maybe not. Being a lying, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic know-nothing does not seem to be an impediment to seeking the highest office in the land. Not yet, anyway. If the 16th president heard Trump say he was proud to belong to the party of Lincoln, he would wonder if his name had become a joke while he was away.

2. The new social civil war. Lincoln would be thrilled that we elected a black president but dismayed this milestone has enraged and emboldened racists. When Fox News ran an online story about Malia Obama deciding to attend Harvard, the piece drew so many racist responses — some with full names attached — that Fox had to shut down its comments
I laugh at you guys, you really wish Lincoln was a democrat...he's not.....he wouldn't be one guys are hilarious.
Well... He was a Dukakis style Democrat. he was big on high tarrifs and building canals and railroads with government money. He is responsible for the cow colleges that dot the landscape. He was a gold bug opposed to silver for high inflation. On economic grounds I wouldn't have voted for him in 1860
You forgot to add he also praised Grant.
It's really a big who cares issue but the media will latch onto it.
---------------------------------- and that might be the purpose as TRUMP stays in the news with some controversy . Lots of people like General Robert E. Lee and Confederates in general .

Trump is a racist & he wants to put blacks in their place again aka Make America White Again.

Trump needs another Lee.
Lee hated slavery.

I beg to differ. Lee's family owned slaves. Why then would, as you state, "Lee hated slavery?"
You're either being disingenuous, naive, stupid, lying, or all of the above.

Speaking of Lee:
“He was not a pro-slavery ideologue,” Eric Foner, a Civil War historian, author and professor of history at Columbia University, said of Lee. “But I think equally important is that, unlike some white southerners, he never spoke out against slavery.”

You utilize a very strong emotion, 'hate' to address the issue.
How can one "hate" something & not be opposed to it?
You need to come back when you figure out whatever the Hell it is you are attempting to speak of.
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)
Only thing I have negative to say about Honest Abe is he should have let the war go on for a few more months Wouldn't be as many southerners around now

I agree; that would mean less southern red state brain dead trailer trash riff raff
Nah, it republicans were in the north until the 1960s when AC was affordable...then they moved south, you people are really really dumb.

but hey less democrats would have meant no Woodrow Wilson or FDR.....I'm on board......good plan guys.
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)

who is a "leftie?"

Lincoln said he had no intention to end slavery YET he did just that. He was a LIAR.

LIARS suck, and sometimes they pay for it.
you are and no he wasn't a liar.......he stated he didn't want to kill slavery, but the south gave him no choice.....just like republicans today don't want violence, but soon we will tire of your lefty games and show you true beat ass power.

There is NO USE discussing the issue with brain dead crap, such as yourself, that has no idea of the issues involved.
Good day.

What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.

10 reasons Abe Lincoln would roll over in his grave today
Abraham Lincoln in the Oval Office and, when confronted with a problem, would ask, "What would Lincoln do?"

Today, the answer, I'm afraid, would be roll over in his grave. There are 10 reasons for this and only some contain the words "Donald Trump."

1. Donald Trump. In Lincoln's day, the best people often ran for office. Today, well, maybe not. Being a lying, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic know-nothing does not seem to be an impediment to seeking the highest office in the land. Not yet, anyway. If the 16th president heard Trump say he was proud to belong to the party of Lincoln, he would wonder if his name had become a joke while he was away.

2. The new social civil war. Lincoln would be thrilled that we elected a black president but dismayed this milestone has enraged and emboldened racists. When Fox News ran an online story about Malia Obama deciding to attend Harvard, the piece drew so many racist responses — some with full names attached — that Fox had to shut down its comments
I laugh at you guys, you really wish Lincoln was a democrat...he's not.....he wouldn't be one guys are hilarious.
Well... He was a Dukakis style Democrat. he was big on high tarrifs and building canals and railroads with government money. He is responsible for the cow colleges that dot the landscape. He was a gold bug opposed to silver for high inflation. On economic grounds I wouldn't have voted for him in 1860
I'm talking pricipals......tariffs are working well for us now....we introduce them, the other country gets on their knees, we get a better deal with no tarrifs....I'm on board....I'm actually for the gold standard.
As for the cow colleges, I'm all for them. We don't need any now, but I think they have done us well.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Lee was a great general.
Also an educator.
And an all around great man.
His record as an educator really outshines his record as a general. His record as general is Meh. His record as an educator was outstanding. He turned West Point into a great school, and his record at Washington University was outstanding
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)
Only thing I have negative to say about Honest Abe is he should have let the war go on for a few more months Wouldn't be as many southerners around now

I agree; that would mean less southern red state brain dead trailer trash riff raff
Nah, it republicans were in the north until the 1960s when AC was affordable...then they moved south, you people are really really dumb.

but hey less democrats would have meant no Woodrow Wilson or FDR.....I'm on board......good plan guys.

You really should go educate yourself
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)

who is a "leftie?"

Lincoln said he had no intention to end slavery YET he did just that. He was a LIAR.

LIARS suck, and sometimes they pay for it.
you are and no he wasn't a liar.......he stated he didn't want to kill slavery, but the south gave him no choice.....just like republicans today don't want violence, but soon we will tire of your lefty games and show you true beat ass power.

There is NO USE discussing the issue with brain dead crap, such as yourself, that has no idea of the issues involved.
Good day.
keep on banging on that door.......maybe firebomb a republican guys are ridiculous and have had no opposition.....we have jobs, but there will be a breaking point, and your side will lose bigly.......we have the gun nuts..... ;)
Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)
Only thing I have negative to say about Honest Abe is he should have let the war go on for a few more months Wouldn't be as many southerners around now

I agree; that would mean less southern red state brain dead trailer trash riff raff
Nah, it republicans were in the north until the 1960s when AC was affordable...then they moved south, you people are really really dumb.

but hey less democrats would have meant no Woodrow Wilson or FDR.....I'm on board......good plan guys.

You really should go educate yourself
Yeah Wilson and FDR were democrats, so killing off the entire southern population would really make it easy for republicans to win.....thanks for playing.
Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
the lefties are now turning on Lincoln.....who knew? (hint: right wingers)

who is a "leftie?"

Lincoln said he had no intention to end slavery YET he did just that. He was a LIAR.

LIARS suck, and sometimes they pay for it.
you are and no he wasn't a liar.......he stated he didn't want to kill slavery, but the south gave him no choice.....just like republicans today don't want violence, but soon we will tire of your lefty games and show you true beat ass power.

There is NO USE discussing the issue with brain dead crap, such as yourself, that has no idea of the issues involved.
Good day.
keep on banging on that door.......maybe firebomb a republican guys are ridiculous and have had no opposition.....we have jobs, but there will be a breaking point, and your side will lose bigly.......we have the gun nuts..... ;)

Rant rant rant rant rant; Yes. I know that is ALL you have.

How in Hell did you EVER escape that fvcking mental hospital your mama put you in?

Good day.
This puts me in mind of when all the ignorant leftist rubes made fun of Palin for correctly pointing out that there are parts of Russia Alaskans can see from their shores, and that as governor she had dealt with foreign entities quite frequently.

Apparently, the rubes have no more understanding of the history of the civil war than they do of geography of their own country.

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