Trump PRAISES General Lee at OHIO Campaign Rally = WTF?

You forgot to add he also praised Grant.
It's really a big who cares issue but the media will latch onto it.

Yep, because there were many great people on both sides of the lets-keep-blacks-as-slaves-even-if-it-means-breaking-up-America disagreement :rolleyes:
They were called Democrats, still pissed off Republicans took their slaves away.
If our POTUS actually knew how to communicate effectively, and could actually utilize the English language correctly, none of the confusion would have ensued.
I said it before more than once & I will say it again: Trump either has some really shitty speech writers, or he just spews crap to see where it sticks; maybe both.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook
Gotta love the shifting goal posts here. First it was “Trump praises general lee even though he’s at a Ohio rally where General Grant is from, can you believe it!? Trump just loves those racist generals. What an insult to Ohio.”

Now it’s “the way he talked about the civil war is confusing, or it’s too simplified.” It’s a rally where he is telling a quick story, he’s not giving an entire dissertation on the Civil War, it’s a fucking rally. Everyone at the rally or who heard the speech in context completely understood, pretty much all the people the left deems as stupid deplorables. The only ones who didn’t “understand” are the ass hats who got the story secondhand from blantantly dishonest sources.

Trump WAS praising General Lee & Trump was also butchering the segue; typical idiot.
Hahaha he wasn’t praising Lee on his politics, he was “praising” (really just describing the situation historically accurate) his ability as a general. Are you really gonna try to say that Lee was not a good general? He was telling an underdog story, with General grant as the underdog hero. A guy who everyone told Lincoln not to go with because he was a drunk, he was this, he was that. And Grant went up against an undefeated army and stopped them dead in their tracks. How exactly is trump supposed to describe Lee in your opinion. That he was terrible as a general and ate more ass than a bear...that’s a pretty shitty underdog story, and it’s not accurate.

So tell us, how are we supposed to describe General Lee if we’re not allowed to talk about how good he was as a general.

You see; that's the whole thing. IF Trump had a brain he NEVER WOULD HAVE MENTIONED Lee, period.

I'm glad you FINALLY got it.

You're welcome.
He had to discuss Lee. Lee was beating up the union generals. The story is meaningless without Lee.
Lincoln stated he had no intent to end slavery EXCEPT he did just that.

The US Constitution mentioned nothing of secession; that was ultimately determined at Appomattox.

Lincoln was a tyrant that crapped on The US Constitution more than any other POTUS & he got what he deserved.

By the way Lincoln didnt end slavery. The 13th amendment, which *every* southern state voted for, ended slavery after Lincoln was in his grave.
We only voted fer that to get back in.
Next Trump will call Adolph a great leader
How would you describe how he had run Germany for 6 years. He was a sleeze, no doubt. But he got rid of the Versailles treaty and reduced the crippling unemployment. You have to deal with historical figures honestly.

How he did it was criminal, true. But you have to understand a lot about economics to get that
Grants Thots on the civil war in general
The cause of the great War of the Rebellion against the United Status will have to be attributed to slavery. For some years before the war began it was a trite saying among some politicians that "A state half slave and half free cannot exist." All must become slave or all free, or the state will go down. I took no part myself in any such view of the case at the time, but since the war is over, reviewing the whole question, I have come to the conclusion that the saying is quite true.

Slavery was an institution that required unusual guarantees for its security wherever it existed; and in a country like ours where the larger portion of it was free territory inhabited by an intelligent and well-to-do population, the people would naturally have but little sympathy with demands upon them for its protection. Hence the people of the South were dependent upon keeping control of the general government to secure the perpetuation of their favorite institution. They were enabled to maintain this control long after the States where slavery existed had ceased to have the controlling power, through the assistance they received from odd men here and there throughout the Northern States. They saw their power waning, and this led them to encroach upon the prerogatives and independence of the Northern States by enacting such laws as the Fugitive Slave Law. By this law every Northern man was obliged, when properly summoned, to turn out and help apprehend the runaway slave of a Southern man. Northern marshals became slave-catchers, and Northern courts had to contribute to the support and protection of the institution.

This was a degradation which the North would not permit any longer than until they could get the power to expunge such laws from the statute books. Prior to the time of these encroachments the great majority of the people of the North had no particular quarrel with slavery, so long as they were not forced to have it themselves. But they were not willing to play the role of police for the South in the protection of this particular institution.

In the early days of the country, before we had railroads, telegraphs and steamboats—in a word, rapid transit of any sort—the States were each almost a separate nationality. At that time the subject of slavery caused but little or no disturbance to the public mind. But the country grew, rapid transit was established, and trade and commerce between the States got to be so much greater than before, that the power of the National government became more felt and recognized and, therefore, had to be enlisted in the cause of this institution.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.
Grant only voted once in the period before his own election. He voted democrat for Buchanan because he knew Fremont personally and he disliked him
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
General Lee was the best leader in all of the Civil War
except for Grant. Grant was far better.
Grant on Lee, which I think is the best that can be said on this

What General Lee's feelings were I do not know. As he was a man of much dignity, with an impassible face, it was impossible to say whether he felt inwardly glad that the end had finally come, or felt sad over the result, and was too manly to show it. Whatever his feelings, they were entirely concealed from my observation; but my own feelings, which had been quite jubilant on the receipt of his letter, were sad and depressed. I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse. I do not question, however, the sincerity of the great mass of those who were opposed to us.

Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
General Lee was the best leader in all of the Civil War

No; he lost.

The 'best' was the drunk ass bastard, Grant.
His perception of the Civil War sounds like it came from a third grade textbook
Gotta love the shifting goal posts here. First it was “Trump praises general lee even though he’s at a Ohio rally where General Grant is from, can you believe it!? Trump just loves those racist generals. What an insult to Ohio.”

Now it’s “the way he talked about the civil war is confusing, or it’s too simplified.” It’s a rally where he is telling a quick story, he’s not giving an entire dissertation on the Civil War, it’s a fucking rally. Everyone at the rally or who heard the speech in context completely understood, pretty much all the people the left deems as stupid deplorables. The only ones who didn’t “understand” are the ass hats who got the story secondhand from blantantly dishonest sources.

Trump WAS praising General Lee & Trump was also butchering the segue; typical idiot.
Hahaha he wasn’t praising Lee on his politics, he was “praising” (really just describing the situation historically accurate) his ability as a general. Are you really gonna try to say that Lee was not a good general? He was telling an underdog story, with General grant as the underdog hero. A guy who everyone told Lincoln not to go with because he was a drunk, he was this, he was that. And Grant went up against an undefeated army and stopped them dead in their tracks. How exactly is trump supposed to describe Lee in your opinion. That he was terrible as a general and ate more ass than a bear...that’s a pretty shitty underdog story, and it’s not accurate.

So tell us, how are we supposed to describe General Lee if we’re not allowed to talk about how good he was as a general.

You see; that's the whole thing. IF Trump had a brain he NEVER WOULD HAVE MENTIONED Lee, period.

I'm glad you FINALLY got it.

You're welcome.
He had to discuss Lee. Lee was beating up the union generals. The story is meaningless without Lee.

he did a shit poor job of it then
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.
Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.
Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.
""The night they burned ol Dixie down""
Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.
Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.
""The night they burned ol Dixie down""

A nation wide hit, rose to number 3 on the HOt 100 and 245th best song of all time, according to Rolling Stone magazine.
Lee was a great general. He kicked the filthy Yankee's asses until he ran out of supplies.

Once again Trump gets it right.
Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.

10 reasons Abe Lincoln would roll over in his grave today
Abraham Lincoln in the Oval Office and, when confronted with a problem, would ask, "What would Lincoln do?"

Today, the answer, I'm afraid, would be roll over in his grave. There are 10 reasons for this and only some contain the words "Donald Trump."

1. Donald Trump. In Lincoln's day, the best people often ran for office. Today, well, maybe not. Being a lying, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic know-nothing does not seem to be an impediment to seeking the highest office in the land. Not yet, anyway. If the 16th president heard Trump say he was proud to belong to the party of Lincoln, he would wonder if his name had become a joke while he was away.

2. The new social civil war. Lincoln would be thrilled that we elected a black president but dismayed this milestone has enraged and emboldened racists. When Fox News ran an online story about Malia Obama deciding to attend Harvard, the piece drew so many racist responses — some with full names attached — that Fox had to shut down its comments
Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.

10 reasons Abe Lincoln would roll over in his grave today
Abraham Lincoln in the Oval Office and, when confronted with a problem, would ask, "What would Lincoln do?"

Today, the answer, I'm afraid, would be roll over in his grave. There are 10 reasons for this and only some contain the words "Donald Trump."

1. Donald Trump. In Lincoln's day, the best people often ran for office. Today, well, maybe not. Being a lying, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic know-nothing does not seem to be an impediment to seeking the highest office in the land. Not yet, anyway. If the 16th president heard Trump say he was proud to belong to the party of Lincoln, he would wonder if his name had become a joke while he was away.

2. The new social civil war. Lincoln would be thrilled that we elected a black president but dismayed this milestone has enraged and emboldened racists. When Fox News ran an online story about Malia Obama deciding to attend Harvard, the piece drew so many racist responses — some with full names attached — that Fox had to shut down its comments

We didn't care about Obama's skin color you freaking moron asshole.
…. and on the lighter side


Which prolonged the war for at least 2 extra years killing thousands and starving thousands. No wonder you admire him.

Lincoln could have ended the war anytime he wanted. Why don't you bitch about him?


What are you smoking!

The south worked hard for this war. The only way he could have ended the war was by abject and total surrender

If by that you mean, letting the South go, then yes.
Bodeca was complaining about the people that died because of Lee doing his job.

Yet, Lincoln, in the pursuit of his job, led to well over hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, and she has no problem with that.

Lincoln raised his regiments to invade and kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments to defend Americans.
""The night they burned ol Dixie down""

"An all the bells were ringing"

Lee was a Confederacy General. To say he was not fighting for slavery is utter bullshit.

Lee's family owned slaves. Are you from fvcking Mars, or Uranus? My money is U R from Uranus.

Good day General dumbass.
By the same token, Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery. He only used the issue to garner support for his war as sentiment for allowing the southern states to leave had grown.

Go look at the racist shit Lincoln wrote.

you have to take racism and slavery completely out of the equation when evaluating either Lincoln or Lee.

1850s standards do not apply to today.

Lincoln was a two faced jackass; he got what he had coming.
Lincoln was a racist motherfucker who was NOT fighting to end slavery


He was fighting to save the UNION, which was DIVIDED by the issue of SLAVERY, and hence to claim Lincoln was not fighting to end SLAVERY is to LIE like a pathetic bigoted LEFT WING LIAR does today...

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