Trump PRAISES General Lee at OHIO Campaign Rally = WTF?

there are Republican stooges that believe Lincoln was racist?

Yeah. That's them, those who think it is OK for Israel to murder thousands of Americans because that is "God's will."

Same slice of the SUB pie....

Funny thing - the standard of EQUALITY never got any support. Always one group gets PREFERENCES over another.... at least with the Dems in power.

Lee also negotiated a deal to let them all go home instead of being tried as traders.

Not a bad deal if you ask me.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier from Florida.

He was in two big battles. Olustee and Cold Harbor. He was in Virginia when Lee surrendered.

He never took the oath to get the parole. He said in his letters that he was never going to surrender to those goddamn Yankees.

He walked from Virginia all the way back to Central Florida.

His letters that he wrote during the war are at in the library at the University of Florida.
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Lee also negotiated a deal to let them all go home instead of being tried as traders.

Not a bad deal if you ask me.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier from Florida.

He was in two big battles. Olustee and Cold Harbor. He was in Virginia when Lee surrendered.

He never took the oath to get the parole. He said in his letters that he was never going to surrender to those goddamn Yankees.

He walked from Virginia all the way back to Central Florida.

His letters that he wrote during the war are at in the library at the University of Florida.
Hey Did he know Elizabeth Warrens' Indian family?
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Historically speaking, he wasn't a great general. A great battlefield tactician. Still, he lost the war. Washington was a great general, he won.
Amazing how he was in just "victories" and never in any "defeats"


fighting for the side that LOST!!!!!
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Historically speaking, he wasn't a great general. A great battlefield tactician. Still, he lost the war. Washington was a great general, he won.

Just because you lost doesn't mean you suck. Hannibal lost to Rome, he was a great
Lee was a great general, but he was at a huge disadvantage that the union almost threw away with tards like McClellan.
Lee lost because Grant knew how to win, he would use his manpower and mfg capacity, and he did, he lost ALOT of people, but he got his objectives and won. You guys would be calling for Grant's execution for war crimes.......
for the total war strat
and for the fact he did lots of frontal assaults that killed tons of people, but were effective.

Lee also negotiated a deal to let them all go home instead of being tried as traders.

Not a bad deal if you ask me.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier from Florida.

He was in two big battles. Olustee and Cold Harbor. He was in Virginia when Lee surrendered.

He never took the oath to get the parole. He said in his letters that he was never going to surrender to those goddamn Yankees.

He walked from Virginia all the way back to Central Florida.

His letters that he wrote during the war are at in the library at the University of Florida.
And my great great great grandfather was a soldier in the Union army ,,He holds the record for killing 350 Confederates ,,He was wounded but wanted to get back to his men and get a few more
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Historically speaking, he wasn't a great general. A great battlefield tactician. Still, he lost the war. Washington was a great general, he won.

Just because you lost doesn't mean you suck. Hannibal lost to Rome, he was a great
Lee was a great general, but he was at a huge disadvantage that the union almost threw away with tards like McClellan.
Lee lost because Grant knew how to win, he would use his manpower and mfg capacity, and he did, he lost ALOT of people, but he got his objectives and won. You guys would be calling for Grant's execution for war crimes.......
for the total war strat
and for the fact he did lots of frontal assaults that killed tons of people, but were effective.

Just because I say he wasn't a great general like Washington doesn't mean he sucks like Trumpybear.

First Lee was a very good general
Second, that's not at all the point of the conversation
and third, did you see NBC's retraction?

They lied to you.........Trump was correct again. Grant WAS a WINNER!

Yeah right, Lee's victory at Gettysburg set the stage for a triumphant South in breaking the North's will and to make them give up all hopes of victory.
Wow you really are stupid
Ask McClellan, a good democrat, about took a republican to beat his ass.
And yes Lincoln was worried he wasn't going to be reelected because the war wasn't going well until the summer of 63.....but you know it stated in 61......for two years Lee kicked the Unions ass....good thing Lincoln found three republican Buckeyes to lead the army, Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.

Historically speaking, he wasn't a great general. A great battlefield tactician. Still, he lost the war. Washington was a great general, he won.

Just because you lost doesn't mean you suck. Hannibal lost to Rome, he was a great
Lee was a great general, but he was at a huge disadvantage that the union almost threw away with tards like McClellan.
Lee lost because Grant knew how to win, he would use his manpower and mfg capacity, and he did, he lost ALOT of people, but he got his objectives and won. You guys would be calling for Grant's execution for war crimes.......
for the total war strat
and for the fact he did lots of frontal assaults that killed tons of people, but were effective.

Just because I say he wasn't a great general like Washington doesn't mean he sucks like Trumpybear.
I have a trumpy bear Have it hanging in my front yard Take it in at night Lots of dotards in this area
Come on lefties, did you read the quote? President Trump wasn't praising Robert E. Lee, he was making a true historical point that Lincoln was in trouble in the beginning of the war. What would y'all do if Soros stopped funding "Media Matters"?
Trump: 'Robert E. Lee was a great general'

POTUS Trump went on an extended rant praising Civil War era Confederate General Robert E. Lee during a campaign rally before an Ohio audience.

"So Robert E. Lee was a great general. And Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee."

"He was going crazy. I don’t know if you know this story. But Robert E. Lee was winning battle after battle after battle. And Abraham Lincoln came home, he said, 'I can’t beat Robert E. Lee,' " Trump said.


Seems odd that Trump chose an Ohio audience to be the recipient of such a strange rant, considering that many prominent Union Army members came from Ohio, General Grant being likely the most notable.

I don't believe Ohioans know shit about Civil War history but it sure seems surreal for any POTUS to be heaping praise on General Lee in old Union Army territory. And this is going on in 2018. WTF?

WTF is Trump doing; Quaaludes, Mary Jane, both, more?
Was General Robert E. Lee a Russian? North Korean?
Oh, wait, he was the General for the south during the Civil War. Gotch ya
Our great President wasn't being politically correct. Ahhhh, there it is.

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