trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

To lie that the 2020 General Election was ‘stolen’ is to continue the right’s war on democracy and to be an advocate of neo-fascist authoritarianism – there is no other explanation; there is no justification for doing so.
But that applies to anyone who’s done that or says a duly elected President or official is illegitimate correct?
Are you saying that you want the FBI to execute President Trump for his diplomacy of dealing with foreign leaders of large masses of citizens and unbelievable real estate?

We think President Trump should be immediately reinstated to the office the American people handed him a landslide that was removed from him in the wee hours of the next morning after the polls closed and magic boxes bursting with thousands upon millions of contrived and invalid 100% Biden votes. Many of the boxes were signed by one or two people with no attempt made to hide the not-so-cleverly signed forgeries of people disregarding the one-man-one-vote traditionsl voting law. Preident Trumps stolen second inaugural ball is long overdue.

Incite some more.

Yell FIRE inside a crowded theatre, why don't you?

Trump lost both popular and electoral votes in 2020.

The only reason he cries "I did not Lose the 2020 Election", is because he is deep in trouble in civil and criminal investigations, and ONLY remaining President will keeping him from being indicted, go to trial and being convicted of any of those crimes if any one of them is proven conclusive.

Trump has been a civilian since 1/20/2021.

He will never be "reinstated" because he NEVER won the 2020 election, and he KNOWS it, and the Congress knows it, and sane Republicans know it.
Are you saying that you want the FBI to execute President Trump for his diplomacy of dealing with foreign leaders of large masses of citizens and unbelievable real estate?

We think President Trump should be immediately reinstated to the office the American people handed him a landslide that was removed from him in the wee hours of the next morning after the polls closed and magic boxes bursting with thousands upon millions of contrived and invalid 100% Biden votes. Many of the boxes were signed by one or two people with no attempt made to hide the not-so-cleverly signed forgeries of people disregarding the one-man-one-vote traditionsl voting law. Preident Trumps stolen second inaugural ball is long overdue.
Boxes of faked ballots are still being found.
It is comforting to you, a Republican Extremist, to think that all Republicans agree with the extremism shown by the Republican Party for the past 20 years, and that there are no consequences .

Republican Candidates are literally scrubbing any mention of anti Abortion and Trump on their sites.

Trump and his extremist ideas, and the SC approval of those ideas is a poison pill to the Republicans, as it is for the whole country.

Check the Republican candidates sites and find any mention on Trump. Some will continue to want his mentorship, but many are waking up to the consequences of endless extreme ideologies which do nothing but take people's rights away.

The right to vote. The right to choose. The right to privacy, etc.

November 8th is going to be very telling.
There it is. Cast anyone who questions your point of view an extremist. Solid.
Trump didn't praise foreign leadership and the left knows it. He compared them to what we've got and pointed out how dangerous the world has become since Brandon was elected.
There have been a number of our posters here who are very upfront about wanted an authoritarian government to put women and minorities in their place.
Do you have links to those posts?

Got any usernames?

Which posters said that they "wanted an authoritarian government to put women and minorities in their place"?
The fascist is the creep who calls half of the American voters by the projected name. Why aren't I surprised that one of his sycophants of himself and the lockstep leftist press creeps who love blood money from Biden more than the truth?
If conservatives were defenders of democracy, they’d be denouncing Trump.

But they’re not.

Instead, conservatives defend Trump in opposition to democracy.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Authoritarians want to lead with "an iron fist", and they adore other authoritarians for that.

De Santis is in the same boat. This is who they are.

And this is what their followers want. Unless they don't even realize that this is what they're asking for.

And we were wondering when you guys would continue going after DeSantis....
There is absolutely no reason why Hungary should destroy itself with diversity immigration. It isn't historically settled by immigrants. It has no history of slavery. It was never colonized nor did it colonize. It will not submit to what other European countries have done to themselves. There is no reason why it should.
Get your facts straight. AustroHungary colonized the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
The fascist is the creep who calls half of the American voters by the projected name. Why aren't I surprised that one of his sycophants of himself and the lockstep leftist press creeps who love blood money from Biden more than the truth?
Biden did not call Half of America by that.

He called MAGA voters what they are, exactly.

Not all Republicans are MAGA, and many more Republicans have decided to never want Trump as President again....since he left office.

You are believing in a lot of lies, and there is no way of making you or anyone who does want to believe them see otherwise.

There are many Democrats, Republicans and Independent who know exactly what the people who follow Trump bindly are, and should be called as such. Be they in Congress or citizens who vote.

Learn the Contitution and the Rule of Laws of the US.

Trump has been going against both since he took office, regardless of swearing on a Bible that he would respect and uphold both.

You guys are funny.

Before he was elected and prior to COVID he was going to be this crazy dictator.
Then during COVID he wasn’t nearly dictatorial enough for you
Now that he’s out of office the “he’s a dictator“ mantra is back.

Make up your mind already.
They’re confused. Since Senile Joe has obviously now assumed the role of dictator, they aren’t sure it’s permitted anymore to be opposed to dictators.
Boxes of faked ballots are still being found.
EvilCat Breath, I followed your link, and this is the information I got when it didn't go through:

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Server detected a potential security threat
and did not continue to
If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information
like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.​
Trump didn't praise foreign leadership and the left knows it. He compared them to what we've got and pointed out how dangerous the world has become since Brandon was elected.

You didn't read the article in the OP's link, did you? Or, if you did, then reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

From the link in the OP......................

Former President Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping during a Saturday rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a video shows.

"I've got to know a lot of the foreign leaders, and let me tell you, unlike our leader, they're at the top of their game," Trump said, comparing Xi and Putin to President Joe Biden.

The former president went on to describe Xi and Putin as "fierce" and "smart" before anticipating the reaction from the media.

And here, he's trying to say that the "fake news" is gonna say he said something, AND THEN HE GOES ON TO SAY THE VERY THING HE SAID "FAKE NEWS" WOULD SAY HE SAID!

"A lot of times, I'll call somebody smart, and the 'Fake News' will go, 'he called President Xi smart,'" Trump said.

"He rules with an iron fist, 1.5 billion people, yeah I'd say he's smart," he continued. "Wouldn't you say he's smart?"

I'm pretty sure that the GOP's former deity (Reagan) is rolling over in his grave with all the crap that Trump has been spewing. With the current way many in the GOP have been praising and defending Trump, it appears that they have completely forgotten about their previous object of worship (Reagan).

This is the Leader of the repub party praising two Dictators. We know who he is.

Putin spanked your boy Biden, who Xi declared as a dependent on his taxes

# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)
Trump is only keeping the lie going to fund raise off it, and gin up outrage.

Well, he's gotta pay his legal bills somehow, and for some strange reason, his followers are stupid enough to keep sending him money, even though we already have a pretty good idea that it's not going to go for any kind of political run, just into his pocket.
You didn't read the article in the OP's link, did you? Or, if you did, then reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

From the link in the OP......................

Former President Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping during a Saturday rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a video shows.

"I've got to know a lot of the foreign leaders, and let me tell you, unlike our leader, they're at the top of their game," Trump said, comparing Xi and Putin to President Joe Biden.

The former president went on to describe Xi and Putin as "fierce" and "smart" before anticipating the reaction from the media.

And here, he's trying to say that the "fake news" is gonna say he said something, AND THEN HE GOES ON TO SAY THE VERY THING HE SAID "FAKE NEWS" WOULD SAY HE SAID!

"A lot of times, I'll call somebody smart, and the 'Fake News' will go, 'he called President Xi smart,'" Trump said.

"He rules with an iron fist, 1.5 billion people, yeah I'd say he's smart," he continued. "Wouldn't you say he's smart?"

I'm pretty sure that the GOP's former deity (Reagan) is rolling over in his grave with all the crap that Trump has been spewing. With the current way many in the GOP have been praising and defending Trump, it appears that they have completely forgotten about their previous object of worship (Reagan).
Trump was stating the obvious. America is in a world of shit if that is wrong.

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