Trump PROMISES Market CRASH If He is NOT Reelected in 2020

The man is such a moron
Now that you have gotten your juvenile emotional hatred out of the way, try actually thinking about the premise of the thread / the President's claim.

Hate him or not, you must admit - if only to yourself- what this President has done is both remarkable and un-matched by ANY President in DECADES, in some cases unmatched by any President in History.

What he has done - bringing factories / factory jobs back to the US - for example was 'IMPOSSIBLE' according to Barak Obama, who declared they were never coming back. Obama declared Trump 'would need a magic wand' to do it.

The only one proved to NOT KNOW what they were talking about was OBAMA!

So what Democratic Presidential Hopeful's economic plans / policies have any hope of even SUSTAINING his success let alone surpassing it?

What are those policies / plans?

Adding all of the record-setting number of Obama regulations resulting in the same oppressive govt OVER-tegulation...

High taxation and lack of economic incentives for those companies / factories to stay in the US, both of which helped drive those factories out of the country, resulting in / which will result in:

Lost jobs

High unemployment

No more 'lowest unemployment in decade's

No more record low minority unemployment

No more strong economy

No more high salaries

No more Raises

No more bonuses

A record numbers of Americans (and illegals) BACK on unemployment / welfare / etc...

(Loss of jobs and an over-abundance (millions) of low-skilled illegals continuing to flood into the US, all joining US citizens in the line for US Tax Payer-funded unemployment, welfare, food stamp, etc...and demanding free tax payer-funded medical care, housing, education...while more and more Americans STOP paying taxes because they have / are losing their jobs...GREAT PLAN...

How about the other great Socialist Democrat ideas like:

Taxing the crap out of the Americans who actually created / create jobs, gave those higher wages, raises, and bonuses while waiting for the now unemployed Americans joining the unemployment / welfare lines to start creating jobs instead?!

And while in-skilled, tax payer- funded program/handout-dependent illegals are flooding into the country and while Americans continue to lose their jobs because Socialist Democrats un-do all of Trump's successful policies and re-install Obama's tried and failed ones, THIS will be the perfect time to impose the burden of massive tax-payer-funded programs like 'Free College' and AOC's tax payer ball-busting '$110+ TRILLION' Green New Deal (elimination of fossil fuel use, no more internal combustion engine - putting millions more tax-paying citizens out of work and on tax- dependent social programs, etc...).
-- The cost of all these tax-dependent socialist Dem programs will quickly drive the 'few' tax-paying citizens left into collapse, along with the country....

So, instead of childishly lashing out at the current SUCCESSFUL President, why don't you rationally list and explain how the DNC Hopeful's policies will do as well if not better....
If one of the idiot Dem's is elected then yes. Its not a theory it already happened in 2008.
Yes, because Dubya's Great Recession was all caused by Obumble before he was even elected, right?

Shake-out yer head-gear, troop... Obumble might have sucked at foreign policy, but he did OK with 'recovery' and domestic basics.
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Will take a market crash over a new war. sick of dead average Americans who die for someone else in the name of power & money
Trump to investors: Vote for me or else!

Vote Trump — or you can kiss your precious bull market goodbye

That’s basically the warning President Donald Trump fired off over the weekend to his 61 million Twitter TWTR, +0.25% followers: “If anyone but me takes over in 2020 ... there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before!”

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

The Trump Economy is setting records, and has a long way up to go....However, if anyone but me takes over in 2020 (I know the competition very well), there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before! KEEP AMERICA GREAT

6:44 AM - 15 Jun 2019


This is typical for Trump when campaigning; make threats of dire consequences if Trump doesn't receive your precious vote.

The arrogance of Trump knows no boundaries.

Wouldn't it be great to see Trump campaign on something positive, instead of always being negative? Never gonna happen.

He says a lot of positive thing just like the other canidates.

Or are you really going to claim that calling Trump an existential threat to the nation is not fear mongering? That claiming 'they are going to put you back in chains' last election was not fear mongering? Perhaps images of literally pushing granny off a cliff are not fear mongering?

What a partisan BS complaint - all politicians use fear of the other side to motivate their base. I would not mind seeing such end but that is a call for the electorate - as long as they respond well to fear mongering then pols are going to use it as much as possible. It has nothing to do with 'the arrogance of Trump knows no boundaries' as true as that may or may not be.

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