Trump PROMISES Market CRASH If He is NOT Reelected in 2020

So a White guy who marches with Blacks is Black.
How stupid are you?

Being an official member of a political party is not the same thing as skin color.

And you call me stupid?

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And that’s why Trump ran against the Rs and he’s still ridiculing them 24/7.

All of the Repub candidates ran against the other Repub candidates...that is the way it always works.

You are normally not this dumb

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They all ran on...
Open Borders
More Business Visas
The Dream Act

Do try and stop being a selfish Libertarian who never watched a Trump debate or speech.

None of them ran on open borders. Why do you lie?

Trump claims the title of a Republican...I will take his word for it over yours.

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Thanks for admitting you are gullible to not know the Dream Act was going to lead to Open Borders.
Why do you think Mark Levin finally supported Trump?
You see, Levin actually read the Dream Act.
Democrats didn't exactly promise it but when they took over the majority in the House and Senate midway in Bush's 2nd term they set the stage for the biggest October surprise in history. Barney Frank took over as chairperson of the House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae and he told America that Fannie was solvent and doing fine while he was working behind the scenes to cause it's collapse just before the election and bringing the entire economy down. The media never asked Frank what the hell he was doing because they were in on it.
Trump to investors: Vote for me or else!

Vote Trump — or you can kiss your precious bull market goodbye

That’s basically the warning President Donald Trump fired off over the weekend to his 61 million Twitter TWTR, +0.25% followers: “If anyone but me takes over in 2020 ... there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before!”

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

The Trump Economy is setting records, and has a long way up to go....However, if anyone but me takes over in 2020 (I know the competition very well), there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before! KEEP AMERICA GREAT

6:44 AM - 15 Jun 2019


This is typical for Trump when campaigning; make threats of dire consequences if Trump doesn't receive your precious vote.

The arrogance of Trump knows no boundaries.

Wouldn't it be great to see Trump campaign on something positive, instead of always being negative? Never gonna happen.

I never thought I would see Trump lower himself into a mud pen of Democrats by using fear to promote himself. What he ought to be doing is touting his economic record and challenge Democrats into delivering a plan on HOW they can and will do better. That may seem counterintuitive but it it is a more viable approach. Here’s why: Democrats need victims. They need pain and suffering to be successful.
If one of the idiot Dem's is elected then yes. Its not a theory it already happened in 2008.
George W Bush crashed the market as Obama took office. It was a slow but steady recovery from then on. Don't you know anything?
Nothing that wasn't fed to us by the media, we just aren't stupid enough to keep repeating like it's fact.
You would not know facts if they bit you in the ass.
If one of the idiot Dem's is elected then yes. Its not a theory it already happened in 2008.
George W Bush crashed the market as Obama took office. It was a slow but steady recovery from then on. Don't you know anything?
Nothing that wasn't fed to us by the media, we just aren't stupid enough to keep repeating like it's fact.
You would not know facts if they bit you in the ass.
You're right because all we have to rely on is the proven liars in the media and parrots like you who repeat it like it was gospel.
the end of this business cycle cant last forever, they never do.

Trump could also say the market will crash if he gets reelected and be correct.
There always is a chance a Democrat might be elected. Honestly or traditionally.

That in mind, expect to see thinking investors tip-toe away from the market in Autumn, 2020. Wanting to be out - just in case. As Baruch once said: "Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table". If, in November, a Democrat does usurp the election, look for a rush out of the market like you can't even imagine. Anyone with a business and even a rudimentary brain knows that a barrage of new regulations will make profits minimal or perhaps vanish entirely. True, it's getting harder to find reliable tax havens but there are some and that's where cash will flow.

Of course the left is in denial on this and, when it happens, will blame it on Boooosssshhhhh, Trump, even Eisenhower. At least they'll try.
Wall Street loves socialism when it works for them.

so do fossil fuel companies.

so do pharma companies.

so does Amazon.

so does the Walton Family of Walmart.


when Trump screams "SOCIALISM", all his hypocrisy will not be lost on the american people.

"america has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor" - MLK
Trump to investors: Vote for me or else!

Vote Trump — or you can kiss your precious bull market goodbye

That’s basically the warning President Donald Trump fired off over the weekend to his 61 million Twitter TWTR, +0.25% followers: “If anyone but me takes over in 2020 ... there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before!”

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

The Trump Economy is setting records, and has a long way up to go....However, if anyone but me takes over in 2020 (I know the competition very well), there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before! KEEP AMERICA GREAT

6:44 AM - 15 Jun 2019


This is typical for Trump when campaigning; make threats of dire consequences if Trump doesn't receive your precious vote.

The arrogance of Trump knows no boundaries.

Wouldn't it be great to see Trump campaign on something positive, instead of always being negative? Never gonna happen.
Well he and I know that the market is starting to show a correction coming soon. It should drop about 15% and that is buy time. The stocks need to revalue themselves ever so often. This brings the market back in to margins. Most investors don't sell during this time unless the stock they own are weak, otherwise the dump the before taking a bigger lost. Stocks like southern are a stable one, but Best Buy will grow, Stock like PFS and OXY will change during this time. You have to research your own stocks before the correction comes.
The stock market crash in 2008 had nothing to do with the Bush or Obama admin policies. The 2008 crash happened because the Banking laws in effect allowed too much risk, i.e. loans to unqualified borrowers. The 2008 crash would have happened no matter who was in the WH.

Stock market crash - Wikipedia
Crash of 2008–2009
Main article: Financial crisis of 2007–2008

The collapse of Lehman Brothers was a symbol of the Crash of 2008

"On September 16, 2008, failures of massive financial institutions in the United States, due primarily to exposure to packaged subprime loans and credit default swaps issued to insure these loans and their issuers, rapidly devolved into a global crisis. This resulted in a number of bank failures in Europe and sharp reductions in the value of stocks and commodities worldwide. The failure of banks in Iceland resulted in a devaluation of the Icelandic króna and threatened the government with bankruptcy. Iceland obtained an emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund in November. In the United States, 15 banks failed in 2008, while several others were rescued through government intervention or acquisitions by other banks. On October 11, 2008, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that the world financial system was teetering on the "brink of systemic meltdown".
Noticed the IMF is working with Soros in projects he has in Europe and the Mid East he loves using some others money to gain money for his little projects like taking over the World.
No one can know what kind of a job a Democratic president would do, what we do know is that Trump has diminished the respected norms for the highest office. many here don't care how the rest of the world views us, I say we cant live in isolation & need to be part of the whole planet.
Because every other nation on Earth is respected.

Nope; that's not it. It's because Trump & his supporters have lowered US to the level of the lowest of all other nations.

We used to be better than this BUT now with Trump in office, and backed by his enablers, the US has become the next shit hole country; just like the rest of them.
No one can know what kind of a job a Democratic president would do, what we do know is that Trump has diminished the respected norms for the highest office. many here don't care how the rest of the world views us, I say we cant live in isolation & need to be part of the whole planet.
Because every other nation on Earth is respected.

Nope; that's not it. It's because Trump & his supporters have lowered US to the level of the lowest of all other nations.

We used to be better than this BUT now with Trump in office, and backed by his enablers, the US has become the next shit hole country; just like the rest of them.
Better than a nation bribing animals to behave?
How pathetic you are.
The 2008 market crash was a republican apocalypse.
Trump’s not a Republican.

Liar. Trump joined the Repubs to run for president.

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So a White guy who marches with Blacks is Black.
How stupid are you?

Being an official member of a political party is not the same thing as skin color.

And you call me stupid?

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And that’s why Trump ran against the Rs and he’s still ridiculing them 24/7.
He probably shouldn't have joined the party then.
Trump’s not a Republican.

Liar. Trump joined the Repubs to run for president.

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So a White guy who marches with Blacks is Black.
How stupid are you?

Being an official member of a political party is not the same thing as skin color.

And you call me stupid?

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And that’s why Trump ran against the Rs and he’s still ridiculing them 24/7.
He probably shouldn't have joined the party then.
I agree; he should have run as an Independent.

Vote Trump in for 4 more years, or you'll be out on the street in 3.

Looks like a winning slogan to me!

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