Trump promotes Truth Social post claiming the Capitol riot was a 'false flag'

Why should I waste my time when you are lying?
You can find anything when you think it helps you; you do it all day.
You know this actual exchange won't help you so suddenly you're playing Mr. Helpless Fag.


A pity you can't quote me telling a lie.

That aside, you're the one who wants to see a post. Who knows why you think it's my job to fetch it for ya? :icon_rolleyes:

A pity you can't quote me telling a lie.

That aside, you're the one who wants to see a post. Who knows why you think it's my job to fetch it for ya? :icon_rolleyes:
The Irony!
You're the one that keeps begging for Links and Posts!

No problem as we all know you're a backstabbing, egomaniacal, piece of shit.
Yes, the Democratic party set up Trump, and his supoorters. Just like North Korea arrests protestors. The Democratic party arrests protestors.

The Democratic party is sending a message, that if any of us attend a Trump rally we can be jailed, just as if we were protesting in China against the Chinese.

Socialists can not stand to lose, they will not stand for losing if they weild even a little power.

The Democratic party used a protest, a rally, and certainly planned ahead to punish those involved.

Socialism is power, weilded by tyranical politicians.

Trump is right again.

WINNER! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Yes, the Democratic party set up Trump, and his supoorters. Just like North Korea arrests protestors. The Democratic party arrests protestors.

The Democratic party is sending a message, that if any of us attend a Trump rally we can be jailed, just as if we were protesting in China against the Chinese.

Socialists can not stand to lose, they will not stand for losing if they weild even a little power.

The Democratic party used a protest, a rally, and certainly planned ahead to punish those involved.

Socialism is power, weilded by tyranical politicians.

Trump is right again.

Trump is mentally ill.
The Jan 6th committee will commit any crime, to lie, and to cheat — all in an obsessive, fanatic drive to get Trump

Trump is mentally ill. Do you support suspending the US Constitution to give Trump the presidency? Do you support the attack on the Capitol?
Trump is mentally ill. Do you support suspending the US Constitution to give Trump the presidency? Do you support the attack on the Capitol?
The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year, that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi … Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up.
The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year, that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi … Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up.
Yup..they screwed up. However, that has nothing to do with culpability of the rioters. That no-one envisioned that Trump would sic his followers on the Capital was a failure in planning. But the blame still lies on the rioters..for their actions.

Personally, I think that if a perimeter had been established, NG deployed, and everyone ready..the consequences may well have been far worse.
Yup..they screwed up. However, that has nothing to do with culpability of the rioters. That no-one envisioned that Trump would sic his followers on the Capital was a failure in planning. But the blame still lies on the rioters..for their actions.

Personally, I think that if a perimeter had been established, NG deployed, and everyone ready..the consequences may well have been far worse.

Trump didnt "sic" anyone on anything.

Why do you continue lying long after being exposed?
Yup..they screwed up. However, that has nothing to do with culpability of the rioters. That no-one envisioned that Trump would sic his followers on the Capital was a failure in planning. But the blame still lies on the rioters..for their actions.

Personally, I think that if a perimeter had been established, NG deployed, and everyone ready..the consequences may well have been far worse.
The Pentagon raised the possibility of sending National Guard troops to the U.S. Capitol 4 days before the Jan. 6 riots, setting in motion a series of rejections by Capitol Police and Democrats that left Congress vulnerable as threats of violence were rising, according to government memos that validate Trump administration officials long held claims.
The Pentagon raised the possibility of sending National Guard troops to the U.S. Capitol 4 days before the Jan. 6 riots, setting in motion a series of rejections by Capitol Police and Democrats that left Congress vulnerable as threats of violence were rising, according to government memos that validate Trump administration officials long held claims.
Uh-huh. I'm pretty sure I acknowledged that. I would point out that only two people can call out the Guard..that's the President..and the Sec. Def.--at the President's direction.
I note that the President did not make the slightest attempt to call out the Guard.

Anyway, not really sure what that point wins you--the rioters still rioted, Trump, at the very least, waited far too long to do anything about it. He hung Pence out to dry..simple as that.
Truthfully, I don't give a shit as to rather Trump is, or is not, criminally liable for Jan. 6--it was his rally that devolved into chaos, his lies that people were chanting and his ridiculous claim that Pence could refuse to certify the election and thus render it invalid, that led the crazies to wandering around holding zip ties and looking lost~

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