Trump promotes Truth Social post claiming the Capitol riot was a 'false flag'

I am clever with my semantics. You, less so, with your deflections and outright refusal to actually debate cogently.
You are the one who claimed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are friends of Trump. Untrue..obviously untrue. Do you not check anything you post?
Now, I think Trump is as racist as the day is long. Did that play a part in his willingness to call out the Guard in June 2020? Who knows?
But he did not make any attempt to call out the Guard on Jan.6 2021, that's a simple fact. So, what was different? Could it have been all those Trump signs and banners that the rioters were carrying into the Capital? How many of those folk were Black again?

Now go ahead and reply with some off-the-wall deflection about Pelosi--in a thread about the Capital riot being an alleged 'false flag'.
It is relevant, that Nancy Pelosi is in charge of security.

Off the wall deflections? You called Trump a racist, not me. I addressed your comnent.

Your argument is these men no longer like Trump so now Trump is a racist?
It is relevant, that Nancy Pelosi is in charge of security.

Off the wall deflections? You called Trump a racist, not me. I addressed your comnent.
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Your argument is these men no longer like Trump so now Trump is a racist?
WOW...really? you post some old if you are proving something? Along with a bald assertion of importance?

I'm seriously wasting my time with enjoy your day~

You're dumb as shit, ya moronic lyin' nazi. :cuckoo:

The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the National Guard unless they're federalized. The president doesn't federalize the DC National Guard to be deployed in DC...

No, only federal military personnel are covered. While the Posse Comitatus Act refers only to the Army and Air Force, a different statute extends the same rule to the Navy and Marine Corps. The Coast Guard, though part of the federal armed forces, has express statutory authority to perform law enforcement and is not bound by the Posse Comitatus Act.
Members of the National Guard are rarely covered by the Posse Comitatus Act because they usually report to their state or territory’s governor. That means they are free to participate in law enforcement if doing so is consistent with state law. However, when Guard personnel are called into federal service, or “federalized,” they become part of the federal armed forces, which means they are bound by the Posse Comitatus Act until they are returned to state control.

Savvy, lyin' nazi?

And guess who's in charge of the DC National Guard...?

So there was nothing to prevent Trump from deploying the National Guard in DC. He had already deployed the DC National Guard to Washington earlier in 2020. Something he could do since he was in charge of the DC National Guard.

Events in 2020 and 2021 have highlighted two loopholes in the Posse Comitatus Act. The first involves the District of Columbia National Guard. Unlike all other state and territorial National Guards, the DC Guard is always under presidential control. Despite this, the Department of Justice has for years asserted that the DC Guard can operate in a non-federal, “militia” status, in which it is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act. By this interpretation, presidents can use the DC Guard for law enforcement whenever they choose.
How have these loopholes in the Posse Comitatus Act been exploited?
In the summer of 2020, President Trump deployed the DC National Guard into Washington to police mostly peaceful protests against law enforcement brutality and racism.

Trump lied, people died and your brain is fried.

Oh look at you lie.

Well, that's your way.

the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.

So the president can federalize, but not deploy the guard - you already know this.

The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

Former chief Steven Sund -- who resigned his post last week after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for him to step down -- made the assertions in an interview with The Washington Post published Sunday.

Sund contradicts claims made by officials after Wednesday's assault on Capitol Hill. Sund's superiors said previously that the National Guard and other additional security support could have been provided, but no one at the Capitol requested it.

Sund told the Post that House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving was concerned with the "optics" of declaring an emergency ahead of the protests and rejected a National Guard presence. He says Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger recommended that he informally request the Guard to be ready in case it was needed to maintain security.}

In fact, you don't link to anything, now do you? Just allege and an inane and endless circle..too funny~
Pointing out who is in charge of the Capitol building security is, "inane"? You think that is silly?

Do I need to link to all facts? Do those links have to be to ABC news?

What if google does not link to the facts because of thier politics is pure deocratic party politics?

Allege? Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the Capitol building security. That is a fact you are certainly trying to, "deflect".

Speaker of the House, The Seargent of Arms, the Capitol Police Board, the Capitol police. These are the people responsible for thier own protection. For the protection of the Capitol building, the grounds, and the members of Congress.

Not the Presisent, not the executive branch.

Do you really need a link to ABC news to know what I just posted is pure fact?
The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year, that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi … Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up.

Lol.. so you are blaming Pelosi for Trump's scheme to overturn the election? How sick.
Yes, the president calls out the national guard.

Nancy Pelosi throught the seargent of arms said no.

Who calls the capital police to protect the building in which the Legislative Branch of our government is housed in? That would not be the Executive branch of the government. Nancy Pelosi is the person in charge with the Capitol building security.

This is how the laws are written.

Documentation and testimony showed Trump offered tje National Guard. Pelosi and the Demicrats said no.


So Pelosi is responsible but McConnell isn't?

Pointing out who is in charge of the Capitol building security is, "inane"? You think that is silly?

Do I need to link to all facts? Do those links have to be to ABC news?

What if google does not link to the facts because of thier politics is pure deocratic party politics?

Allege? Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the Capitol building security. That is a fact you are certainly trying to, "deflect".

Speaker of the House, The Seargent of Arms, the Capitol Police Board, the Capitol police. These are the people responsible for thier own protection. For the protection of the Capitol building, the grounds, and the members of Congress.

Not the Presisent, not the executive branch.

Do you really need a link to ABC news to know what I just posted is pure fact?

Who would ever believe a US president would try to take the presidency by force? We've never had such a traitor in office before.
Lol.. so you are blaming Pelosi for Trump's scheme to overturn the election? How sick.
So, you are showing your lack of comprension.

Pelosi appoints the Seargent of Arms, who oversees the Capitol policy Board, which controls the Capitol Police, who protect the Legislative Branch of our government.
Who would ever believe a US president would try to take the presidency by force? We've never had such a traitor in office before.
Yes, we know, the Democratic party is allowed to challenge the electors but if Republicans do the same thing, it is an insurrection.

Yet, Republicans did not get that far?

And who is the person overseeing the Capitol police board?

The Seargent of Arms?

And who oversees the Seargent of Arns?

House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.

See how that works, the Democrats are in charge of security of the capitol building

You do know the Senate also has a Sergeant at Arms, right? That's because the House Soeaker is only in charge of the House, not the Capitol. Given you think that position is called, 'Sergeant of Arms, you prolly don't know that. You're just looking for any excuse under the sun to absolve Trump and his gooners from their role in attacking the seat of our governor prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
You do know the Senate also has a Sergeant at Arms, right? That's because the House Soeaker is only in charge of the House, not the Capitol. Given you think that position is called, 'Sergeant of Arms, you prolly don't know that. You're just looking for any excuse under the sun to absolve Trump and his gooners from their role in attacking the seat of our governor prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
The senate majority leader in 2020 was a Democrat.

Try again. The responsibilty alternates as well. At that time it fell upon Pelosi.
Who appoints the Seargent of Arms, the majority leader or is it the minority leader.

Take a guess


With every post you make, you utterly express how ignorant you are. No one appoints the Sergeant at Arms. It's an elected position.

And again, allow me to educate you... it's Sergeant at Arms, not Sergeant of Arms.

Rarely do you see someone here so ignorant as you, spout of so much bullshit as though they know what they're talking about.
The senate majority leader in 2020 was a Democrat.

Try again. The responsibilty alternates as well. At that time it fell upon Pelosi.


Holyfuckingshit! Do you ever feel embarrassed for being so ignorant??

No, dumbfuck, the Senate Majority Leader in ALL of 2020 was Mitchell McConnell. McConnell is a Republican, not a Democrat.

Your level of ignorance is off the charts.

And no, responsible not alternate. The Speaker of the House is in charge of the House, not the Capitol. The Senate Majority Leader is in charge of the Senate, not the Capitol

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