Trump promotes Truth Social post claiming the Capitol riot was a 'false flag'

Uh-huh. I'm pretty sure I acknowledged that. I would point out that only two people can call out the Guard..that's the President..and the Sec. Def.--at the President's direction.
I note that the President did not make the slightest attempt to call out the Guard.

Anyway, not really sure what that point wins you--the rioters still rioted, Trump, at the very least, waited far too long to do anything about it. He hung Pence out to dry..simple as that.
Truthfully, I don't give a shit as to rather Trump is, or is not, criminally liable for Jan. 6--it was his rally that devolved into chaos, his lies that people were chanting and his ridiculous claim that Pence could refuse to certify the election and thus render it invalid, that led the crazies to wandering around holding zip ties and looking lost~

I'm betting that you HAVE heard of Posse Comitatus and are just being dishonest.

The president cannot call out the National Guard on federal lands without a written request from those who are responsible.

In the case of DC, that's the Mayor of DC for the city, and the speaker of the house for Federal Government property.

Trump offered, Eva Braun Pelosi refused.
I'm betting that you HAVE heard of Posse Comitatus and are just being dishonest.

The president cannot call out the National Guard on federal lands without a written request from those who are responsible.

In the case of DC, that's the Mayor of DC for the city, and the speaker of the house for Federal Government property.

Trump offered, Eva Braun Pelosi refused.
Posse Comitatus eh? You are aware of the exemption that DC poses? Are you aware that the DC National Guard is directly under the President's command? You are aware that Trump used the National Guard to quell a perceived civil disturbance? Just six months before Jan. 6?

"Events in 2020 and 2021 have highlighted two loopholes in the Posse Comitatus Act. The first involves the District of Columbia National Guard. Unlike all other state and territorial National Guards, the DC Guard is always under presidential control. Despite this, the Department of Justice has for years asserted that the DC Guard can operate in a non-federal, “militia” status, in which it is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act. By this interpretation, presidents can use the DC Guard for law enforcement whenever they choose.
Another weakness in the Posse Comitatus Act arises from the law that allows the National Guard to operate in “Title 32 status.” In Title 32 status, a middle ground between purely state operations and federalization, Guard personnel are paid with federal funds and may perform missions requested by the president, but they remain under state command and control. That means they are not subject to the Posse Comitatus Act, even though they are serving federal interests.

In the summer of 2020, President Trump deployed the DC National Guard into Washington to police mostly peaceful protests against law enforcement brutality and racism. Simultaneously, over the objections of DC’s mayor, the administration asked state governors to deploy their own Guard personnel into Washington in Title 32 status, and 11 governors did so. Although these out-of-state forces were nominally under their governors’ control, it was later revealed that they were reporting up through the DC Guard’s chain of command for “coordination” purposes. That meant they were ultimately taking orders from the president. In this way, the Trump administration brought a large, federally controlled military force into Washington and used it for civilian law enforcement, all while skipping over the procedures in the Insurrection Act and evading the political costs of invoking it. That is exactly what the Posse Comitatus Act is meant to prevent."

So, DC is a well recognized exception, yes? One that Trump used against the BLM Protests/Riots. In June 2020. No doubt with your cheers ringing in his ears!
Thus, He could have ordered the NG into the Capital on his cell, on the way to the White House, instantly--and not violated Posse Comitatus.
I'm betting that you HAVE heard of Posse Comitatus and are just being dishonest.

The president cannot call out the National Guard on federal lands without a written request from those who are responsible.

In the case of DC, that's the Mayor of DC for the city, and the speaker of the house for Federal Government property.

Trump offered, Eva Braun Pelosi refused.


You're dumb as shit, ya moronic lyin' nazi. :cuckoo:

The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the National Guard unless they're federalized. The president doesn't federalize the DC National Guard to be deployed in DC...

Are all members of the military covered by the Posse Comitatus Act?

No, only federal military personnel are covered. While the Posse Comitatus Act refers only to the Army and Air Force, a different statute extends the same rule to the Navy and Marine Corps. The Coast Guard, though part of the federal armed forces, has express statutory authority to perform law enforcement and is not bound by the Posse Comitatus Act.

Members of the National Guard are rarely covered by the Posse Comitatus Act because they usually report to their state or territory’s governor. That means they are free to participate in law enforcement if doing so is consistent with state law. However, when Guard personnel are called into federal service, or “federalized,” they become part of the federal armed forces, which means they are bound by the Posse Comitatus Act until they are returned to state control.

Savvy, lyin' nazi?

And guess who's in charge of the DC National Guard...?

So there was nothing to prevent Trump from deploying the National Guard in DC. He had already deployed the DC National Guard to Washington earlier in 2020. Something he could do since he was in charge of the DC National Guard.

What are the weak points in the Posse Comitatus Act?

Events in 2020 and 2021 have highlighted two loopholes in the Posse Comitatus Act. The first involves the District of Columbia National Guard. Unlike all other state and territorial National Guards, the DC Guard is always under presidential control. Despite this, the Department of Justice has for years asserted that the DC Guard can operate in a non-federal, “militia” status, in which it is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act. By this interpretation, presidents can use the DC Guard for law enforcement whenever they choose.

How have these loopholes in the Posse Comitatus Act been exploited?

In the summer of 2020, President Trump deployed the DC National Guard into Washington to police mostly peaceful protests against law enforcement brutality and racism.

Trump lied, people died and your brain is fried.
And yet the J6 Committee walked off quietly into the night.
Apparently, there are at least 2 jackasses here who think they know something they don't actually know.
Uh-huh. I'm pretty sure I acknowledged that. I would point out that only two people can call out the Guard..that's the President..and the Sec. Def.--at the President's direction.
I note that the President did not make the slightest attempt to call out the Guard.

Anyway, not really sure what that point wins you--the rioters still rioted, Trump, at the very least, waited far too long to do anything about it. He hung Pence out to dry..simple as that.
Truthfully, I don't give a shit as to rather Trump is, or is not, criminally liable for Jan. 6--it was his rally that devolved into chaos, his lies that people were chanting and his ridiculous claim that Pence could refuse to certify the election and thus render it invalid, that led the crazies to wandering around holding zip ties and looking lost~
Yes, the president calls out the national guard.

Nancy Pelosi throught the seargent of arms said no.

Who calls the capital police to protect the building in which the Legislative Branch of our government is housed in? That would not be the Executive branch of the government. Nancy Pelosi is the person in charge with the Capitol building security.

This is how the laws are written.

Documentation and testimony showed Trump offered tje National Guard. Pelosi and the Demicrats said no.
Yes, the president calls out the national guard.

Nancy Pelosi throught the seargent of arms said no.

Who calls the capital police to protect the building in which the Legislative Branch of our government is housed in? That would not be the Executive branch of the government. Nancy Pelosi is the person in charge with the Capitol building security.

This is how the laws are written.

Documentation and testimony showed Trump offered tje National Guard. Pelosi and the Demicrats said no.

its the capitol police board that controls capitol security.
3 people are on that board, and none of them is Pelosi.
Damn..he's gone full Q! You should never go full Q. All I'm saying is that if there had been a hundred troops there it would have been far worse..IMO.

Fresh off hosting a QAnon conference at Mar-a-Lago and bringing a Holocaust denier over for dinner, former President Donald Trump on Wednesday promoted a conspiracy theory about the January 6 riot at the United States Capitol building.
On his Truth Social network, the former president boosted a post from an anonymous user who baselessly claimed that the Capitol riot was a setup of Trump supporters.

"Those people do not deserve this... this was a false flag and it was planned out very meticulously," the post stated. "If there were a hundred National Guard troops at the Capitol that day none of this would have happened. Nancy Pelosi rejected Donald J Trump's recommendation for having troops at the Capitol that day."
In fact, Trump was the only person who could have ordered the National Guard to go to the Capitol, and he actively encouraged his supporters to march to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, despite allegedly knowing many of them were armed at the time.

Trump waited more than three hours after the start of the riots to publicly call on the rioters to go home, and even then he told the rioters that "we love you, you're very special."

View attachment 736099

Actually, he was, and is correct. It was a false flag.
And yet the J6 Committee walked off quietly into the night.
Apparently, there are at least 2 jackasses here who think they know something they don't actually know.
Along with at least one jack-ass that has nothing with which to refute their assertions. Where's YOUR link explaining why Posse Comitatus applies in DC? Was Trump right to call the National Guards out in June of 2020? Was he right not to call them on Jan. 6, 2021?

BTW..not sure that 'quietly into the night' describes the Justice Dept. referrals for criminal indictments. Judging by the furor they caused.
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Yes, the president calls out the national guard.

Nancy Pelosi throught the seargent of arms said no.

Who calls the capital police to protect the building in which the Legislative Branch of our government is housed in? That would not be the Executive branch of the government. Nancy Pelosi is the person in charge with the Capitol building security.

This is how the laws are written.

Documentation and testimony showed Trump offered tje National Guard. Pelosi and the Demicrats said no.
Your last sentence is incorrect. The Pentagon asked about security...a few days before. There is nothing that shows Trump was involved at all. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20.
Pelosi was concerned about the bad as they had been in June of 2020.
Again, so what? The rioters rioted and the blame is on them for their actions.

Building security for the Capital does NOT encompass the surrounding city areas. The riot was just too big.

I note that you ignore the point that Trump could have called out the Guard any time he wanted to. Except, of course, he obviously did NOT want to, now did he?

Now, had the rioters been Black, he's shown that he has no compunctions at all, when it comes to calling out the Guard~
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its the capitol police board that controls capitol security.
3 people are on that board, and none of them is Pelosi.

And who is the person overseeing the Capitol police board?

The Seargent of Arms?

And who oversees the Seargent of Arns?

House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.

See how that works, the Democrats are in charge of security of the capitol building

And who is the person overseeing the Capitol police board?

The Seargent of Arms?

And who oversees the Seargent of Arns?

House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.

See how that works, the Democrats are in charge of security of the capitol building
Seems a bit of a red herring eh?
I guess this is important to you, for some reason.
Again, hindsight is 20/20--and it exculpates none of the rioters--nor does it absolve Trump of his culpability and negligence.
Your last sentence is incorrect. The Pentagon asked about security...a few days before. There is nothing that shows Trump was involved at all. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20.
Pelosi was concerned about the bad as they had been in June of 2020.
Again, so what? The rioters rioted and the blame is on them for their actions.

Building security for the Capital does NOT encompass the surrounding city areas. The riot was just too big.

I note that you ignore the point that Trump could have called out the Guard any time he wanted to. Except, of course, he obviously did NOT want to, now did he?

Now, had the rioters been Black, he's shown that he has no compunctions at all, when it comes to calling out the Guard~
I note that you ignore Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the security of the buikding she rules fron.

I also note that you falsly accuse Trymp of racism. Trump dated an African American woman and has many black people as friends, to include Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

And then you fail to note Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller testimony that contradicts your opinion.
Seems a bit of a red herring eh?
I guess this is important to you, for some reason.
Again, hindsight is 20/20--and it exculpates none of the rioters--nor does it absolve Trump of his culpability and negligence.
Nancy Pelosi is in charge and refused additiional security.

The United States Capitol Police, is controlled by, was controlled by Nancy Pelosi
I note that you ignore Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the security of the buikding she rules fron.

I also note that you falsly accuse Trymp of racism. Trump dated an African American woman and has many black people as friends, to include Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

And then you fail to note Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller testimony that contradicts your opinion.
I did not ACCUSE Trump of Racism, although I think it's telling that you get that out of Trump ordering out the Guard in June 2020. He did that, right?

Pelosi was 'in charge'/ Sure..i guess..and again, for the fourth time, so what? How does that matter, as regards the Jan.6 riots? You seem so very careful not to address the fact that the rioters rioted..and that Trump had an call out the Guard, and he chose not to..even though when the BLM came to town he was quick to pick up that phone. Now, if you see an accusation of racism in that action..perhaps you might ask yourself why?

LOL@your list of Trump's black friends. Both Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton broke with Trump decades ago. Al Sharpton has gone so far as to outright call Trump a White Nationalist.

Oh yeah..and you failed to provide a link to Miller's testimony--allow me:

Former Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller testified Wednesday that he was concerned in the days before the Jan. 6 insurrection that sending troops to the Capitol would fan fears of a military coup or fuel conspiracies that advisers to the president were advocating martial law.
He said doing so could cause a repeat of the deadly 1970 Kent State University shooting in which Ohio National Guard troops fired at demonstrators and killed four American civilians.
"Historically military responses to domestic protests have resulted in violations of American civil rights, and even in the case of the Kent State protests of the Vietnam War tragic deaths," he said. "I fervently believe the military should not be utilized in such scenarios, other than as a last resort, and only when all other assets had been expended on January 6."
Miller's appearance came as he confronted criticism from members of Congress that it took three hours and 19 minutes to get approval from the Pentagon to send in the DC National Guard to the Capitol on Jan. 6. Miller, however, had refuted that timeline.
According to the written testimony Miller provided on Wednesday, he was aware of the breach by the time D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser called on Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy at 1:34 p.m. Nearly 90 minutes later, at 3 p.m., he "approved the activation and mobilization of the full D.C. National Guard to assist the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department."
But in response to questioning from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Miller admitted that he did not approve an operational plan to deploy the National Guard to the Capitol until 4:32 p.m., more than three hours after he first learned that demonstrators had breached the Capitol perimeter. The National Guard did not arrive at the Capitol for another hour, at nearly 5:30 p.m.
Miller testified that during the insurrection he did not speak with former President Donald Trump.

"I didn’t need to. I had all the authority I needed and I knew what had to happen," he said, adding that he did speak to Vice President Mike Pence.
Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee and former Acting U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen both also testified remotely Wednesday, as did Miller.
Rosen placed the blame for the events of Jan. 6 on Capitol Police not requesting additional law enforcement support.
Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., contended that Rosen "didn’t do anything," and Rosen interrupted.
"How can you say that? [The DOJ] sent over 500 agents and officers on urgent basis on January 6," he said, adding, "I think we should have been applauded, Congressman."

Welch replied that while he applauds the "frontline" Capitol Police "January 5 would have been a better day to send them.”
I did not ACCUSE Trump of Racism, although I think it's telling that you get that out of Trump ordering out the Guard in June 2020. He did that, right?
You did accuse Trump of racism. What is telling is you somehow think you are clever with your semantics.

...had the rioters been Black, he's shown that he has no compunctions at all, when it comes to calling out the Guard~
You did accuse Trump of racism. What is telling is you somehow think you are clever with your semantics.
I am clever with my semantics. You, less so, with your deflections and outright refusal to actually debate cogently.
You are the one who claimed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are friends of Trump. Untrue..obviously untrue. Do you not check anything you post?
Now, I think Trump is as racist as the day is long. Did that play a part in his willingness to call out the Guard in June 2020? Who knows?
But he did not make any attempt to call out the Guard on Jan.6 2021, that's a simple fact. So, what was different? Could it have been all those Trump signs and banners that the rioters were carrying into the Capital? How many of those folk were Black again?

Now go ahead and reply with some off-the-wall deflection about Pelosi--in a thread about the Capital riot being an alleged 'false flag'.

Oh yeah..and you failed to provide a link to Miller's testimony--allow me:

I failed to provide a link to ABC news?

Seriously? How about a link proving all your comments.

How about a link to an exact transcript?

Yep, you got me there, I did not link to ABC news.
I failed to provide a link to ABC news?

Seriously? How about a link proving all your comments.

How about a link to an exact transcript?

Yep, you got me there, I did not link to ABC news.
In fact, you don't link to anything, now do you? Just allege and an inane and endless circle..too funny~
Yes, the Democratic party set up Trump, and his supoorters. Just like North Korea arrests protestors. The Democratic party arrests protestors.

The Democratic party is sending a message, that if any of us attend a Trump rally we can be jailed, just as if we were protesting in China against the Chinese.


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