Trump proves he is a weak leader

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Those are Trump's words, not mine. Take it up with him
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

View attachment 236218

Who was running congress in FY18 when the deficit was 1.27 trillion dollars?

Who was running congress for CY18 when the deficit will be almost 1.4 trillion dollars?

Think real hard now!!

Yes, I know that, but the point is it's Congress that spends the money--not the President. He can make requests, a budget if he likes, but ultimately the spending is in the power of the House.

Then why do you people blame Obama for the 9 trillion added during this term?
Because the fucker spent like a drunken sailor to prop up the too big to fail after the crash.........which is still a house of cards destined to fall again.........

They gamble with borrowed money........without the assets to back it up should it's a stinking time bomb except for the talking heads that say it isn't...............

Between Bush and Obama they screwed us dearly.........we were screwed before that from unfunded liabilities.......but now they hit the gas on it...........There isn't any turning back without RADICAL CHANGES........which will not happen. so the point is mute.

You people need to get your stories straight. one time it is all Congress, the next it is all the POTUS. Seems you will do anything and everything you can to avoid saying an ill word about your man in the White House
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
*yawn* No it wasn't. No he isn't, no it isn't and no, they're not. We Republicans are not the ones who drove buses of noncitizens to polling places and wink, wink, to the strong bosses running the DNC precincts who waited to see how many more votes they needed in Florida to beat the Republican who won by a narrow enough of a margin, and "found" just the right amount of votes to pull a fast one. And you know it, too, don't you. :tongue:
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..

The spendthrifts are in the Republican Party. With Obama in office, the deficit was below $1 billion when he left office. With no wars to fund, and no big military build up to pay for, the deficit was shrinking, and with government funded income supports and with food stamp rolls declining steadily from the 2013 peak of 47.6 people receiving SNAP benefits, to 43.2 million when Trump took office.

Trump's Republicans increased the deficit to $1 trillion dollars and income is now well below expectations, as interest rates on the debt continue to rise.
A shutdown means the president is weak."
You're an idiot.

Democrats have been using the threat of shutting down the govt as some kind of extortion / blackmail while engaging in massive fear-mongering to scare Americans into thinking a shutdown is some kind of 'Armageddon'...and always blame the Republicans for it.

Barry was actually caught / exposed, sending out an e-mail to his administration to make the shutdown as painful for Americans as they possibly could so Americans would blame the Republicans for that pain. Obama actually tried to shut down an historical site NOT owned / run by the govt.

The Democrats are admittedly 100% committed to opposing and undermining the Trump administration and preventing anything good for the American people to be accomplished for the sake of the Butt-Hurt Democratic Party. They have spent the last 2 years trying to UNDO the 2016 election and to carry out a treasonous soft COUP.

They are currently refusing to come up with $5 billion to ensure our national sovereignty, to secure our borders, to prevent 1500 unidentified illegals from entering the US per day, and to protect the American people.

They have proven time and again they are FOR open borders, FOR illegal immigration, FOR allowing illegals to vote (as long as they vote for the a Democratic Party) - they are constantly caught registering illegals to vote and recently fought to have illegals' votes counted in the MIDterms in BROWARD County....and FOR Federal Law-violating Sanctuary cities that protect thieves, robbers, murderers, human traffickers, etc... who prey on American citizens.

The last President admitted he had no legal authority to pass law...and then attempted to do just that with an Executive Order to impose his own version of the Dream Act on Americans.

It is UN-F*ING DENIABLE that the Democratic Party has violated both Constitution and law - have betrayed the American people and have SOLD OUT the American people to make illegals more of a priority in the pursuit of power through illegal votes!

That is not STRENGTH. That is criminal, non mentality, treason......

We are being invaded thousands of unknown, unidentified illegals per day and have been for years. Over 20 million. Illegals now live in this country...and they keep coming....

President Trump has declared that for the sovereignty, security, and safety of this country he is willing to take a stand against not only the Democrats but all the weak asshole status quo Republicans like Mitch McConnell who have and continue to try to facilitate that illegal invasion of our country.


He is the 1st President in a long time, in my lifetime, who has gone to DC determined to keep his campaign promises...and has kept more than any politician in DC today.

What Democrats and dumbasses lime you don't seem to understand is that what is going on is NOT 'Democrats versus Trump' but Democrats versus Donald Trump and the American people who sent him to DC to secure our borders, to keep his promise.

Democrats are not just opposing Trump but are giving the middle finger to Americans who want the Democrat Party facilitated illegal invasion to end, who want our Existing (Immigration) Laws to be ENFORCED, our sovereignty ensured, our borders secured, and American people protected.

Standing up to do what was promised, to be willing to oppose any number of self-serving criminal assholes to do the right thing, being willing to sacrifice self to get it done, takes great STRENGTH!

Only a f*ing snowflake who supports politicians who have betrayed this nation for a larger plan of seizing and keeping power though illegal immigration and their votes would think being willing to shut down the govt for the safety and security of this countty is 'WEAK'..

You lying idiot. Why the hell do you always lie?

There is no such thing as 1500 illegal aliens entering our south border daily.
A shutdown means the president is weak."
You're an idiot.

Democrats have been using the threat of shutting down the govt as some kind of extortion / blackmail while engaging in massive fear-mongering to scare Americans into thinking a shutdown is some kind of 'Armageddon'...and always blame the Republicans for it.

Barry was actually caught / exposed, sending out an e-mail to his administration to make the shutdown as painful for Americans as they possibly could so Americans would blame the Republicans for that pain. Obama actually tried to shut down an historical site NOT owned / run by the govt.

The Democrats are admittedly 100% committed to opposing and undermining the Trump administration and preventing anything good for the American people to be accomplished for the sake of the Butt-Hurt Democratic Party. They have spent the last 2 years trying to UNDO the 2016 election and to carry out a treasonous soft COUP.

They are currently refusing to come up with $5 billion to ensure our national sovereignty, to secure our borders, to prevent 1500 unidentified illegals from entering the US per day, and to protect the American people.

They have proven time and again they are FOR open borders, FOR illegal immigration, FOR allowing illegals to vote (as long as they vote for the a Democratic Party) - they are constantly caught registering illegals to vote and recently fought to have illegals' votes counted in the MIDterms in BROWARD County....and FOR Federal Law-violating Sanctuary cities that protect thieves, robbers, murderers, human traffickers, etc... who prey on American citizens.

The last President admitted he had no legal authority to pass law...and then attempted to do just that with an Executive Order to impose his own version of the Dream Act on Americans.

It is UN-F*ING DENIABLE that the Democratic Party has violated both Constitution and law - have betrayed the American people and have SOLD OUT the American people to make illegals more of a priority in the pursuit of power through illegal votes!

That is not STRENGTH. That is criminal, non mentality, treason......

We are being invaded thousands of unknown, unidentified illegals per day and have been for years. Over 20 million. Illegals now live in this country...and they keep coming....

President Trump has declared that for the sovereignty, security, and safety of this country he is willing to take a stand against not only the Democrats but all the weak asshole status quo Republicans like Mitch McConnell who have and continue to try to facilitate that illegal invasion of our country.


He is the 1st President in a long time, in my lifetime, who has gone to DC determined to keep his campaign promises...and has kept more than any politician in DC today.

What Democrats and dumbasses lime you don't seem to understand is that what is going on is NOT 'Democrats versus Trump' but Democrats versus Donald Trump and the American people who sent him to DC to secure our borders, to keep his promise.

Democrats are not just opposing Trump but are giving the middle finger to Americans who want the Democrat Party facilitated illegal invasion to end, who want our Existing (Immigration) Laws to be ENFORCED, our sovereignty ensured, our borders secured, and American people protected.

Standing up to do what was promised, to be willing to oppose any number of self-serving criminal assholes to do the right thing, being willing to sacrifice self to get it done, takes great STRENGTH!

Only a f*ing snowflake who supports politicians who have betrayed this nation for a larger plan of seizing and keeping power though illegal immigration and their votes would think being willing to shut down the govt for the safety and security of this countty is 'WEAK'..

You lying idiot. Why the hell do you always lie?

There is no such thing as 1500 illegal aliens entering our south border daily.

Under Obama, 2.5 Million illegal aliens entered the the math.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
*yawn* No it wasn't. No he isn't, no it isn't and no, they're not. We Republicans are not the ones who drove buses of noncitizens to polling places and wink, wink, to the strong bosses running the DNC precincts who waited to see how many more votes they needed in Florida to beat the Republican who won by a narrow enough of a margin, and "found" just the right amount of votes to pull a fast one. And you know it, too, don't you. :tongue:
Actually he has run the most corrupt administration in over a century

Trump makes Nixon look like a Girl Scout
How's the trump shutdown going?

Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
*yawn* No it wasn't. No he isn't, no it isn't and no, they're not. We Republicans are not the ones who drove buses of noncitizens to polling places and wink, wink, to the strong bosses running the DNC precincts who waited to see how many more votes they needed in Florida to beat the Republican who won by a narrow enough of a margin, and "found" just the right amount of votes to pull a fast one. And you know it, too, don't you. :tongue:
Actually he has run the most corrupt administration in over a century

Trump makes Nixon look like a Girl Scout
Most corrupt left office 2 years ago............his left overs are the problem.
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
*yawn* No it wasn't. No he isn't, no it isn't and no, they're not. We Republicans are not the ones who drove buses of noncitizens to polling places and wink, wink, to the strong bosses running the DNC precincts who waited to see how many more votes they needed in Florida to beat the Republican who won by a narrow enough of a margin, and "found" just the right amount of votes to pull a fast one. And you know it, too, don't you. :tongue:
Actually he has run the most corrupt administration in over a century

Trump makes Nixon look like a Girl Scout

No do you have a problem with girls or scouts?
"Christmas at the White House with an increasingly insane president, what’s the worst than can happen? After all, it’s not like he has the nuclear codes or anything."
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
*yawn* No it wasn't. No he isn't, no it isn't and no, they're not. We Republicans are not the ones who drove buses of noncitizens to polling places and wink, wink, to the strong bosses running the DNC precincts who waited to see how many more votes they needed in Florida to beat the Republican who won by a narrow enough of a margin, and "found" just the right amount of votes to pull a fast one. And you know it, too, don't you. :tongue:
Actually he has run the most corrupt administration in over a century

Trump makes Nixon look like a Girl Scout
Most corrupt left office 2 years ago............his left overs are the problem.
oh really?
Since “shutdowns”only affect the Park Service, they are no more than kabuki theatre, yes they are a sign of weakness. Now if they really sent everyone home, that would be operating in strength. Note: I realize, for ptactical reasons this cannot apply to the military services actively operating overseas.

If I were a government employee I would be hoping for a three month shutdown. Three months paid vacation. I never had that before in my life unless you consider unemployment a vacation.

Yeah, lots of people wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

you are a fucking moron.

I'm a moron because I can do something government workers could not do?

You are a moron on for thinking that people should wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.
What the hell is stopping them from taking temporary work.....................private sector does that every time this happens.........perhaps a dose of reality would do them good...........It would actually allow them to save money as they will be paid for sitting at home after it's over like always.............

Do a GO FUND ME for them if you are that concerned.

I own a company in medical instruments. It’s not that simple.

If these laid off employees are low paying jobs like clerical or janitors yes it’s simple to find or hire temps.

But if these are engineers, senior accountants, managers, masters etc etc etc high paid employees...... I will not hire these people for a temporary jobs. It will be just a waste of my time and money.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..
Our President is corrupt from top to bottom

His campaign was corrupt, his business is corrupt, his presidency is corrupt, his staff is corrupt.
*yawn* No it wasn't. No he isn't, no it isn't and no, they're not. We Republicans are not the ones who drove buses of noncitizens to polling places and wink, wink, to the strong bosses running the DNC precincts who waited to see how many more votes they needed in Florida to beat the Republican who won by a narrow enough of a margin, and "found" just the right amount of votes to pull a fast one. And you know it, too, don't you. :tongue:
Actually he has run the most corrupt administration in over a century

Trump makes Nixon look like a Girl Scout
Most corrupt left office 2 years ago............his left overs are the problem.

Can you name any actual scandals or indictments?
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