Trump proves he is a weak leader

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The world's greatest negotiator .... negotiating a government shutdown....


One more time for you....The Government does not create jobs.

Do you feel better now LOL

I am sorry for speaking ill of your god, the government.

Forgive me
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.
One more time for you....The Government does not create jobs.

Do you feel better now LOL

I am sorry for speaking ill of your god, the government.

Forgive me
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.
Is Autocracy in the constitution?

But "Trump is fine" will do, spoken like a true aparatchik.

Do you feel better now LOL

I am sorry for speaking ill of your god, the government.

Forgive me
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.
Is Autocracy in the constitution?

But "Trump is fine" will do, spoken like a true aparatchik.

Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
Mr I’m a Centrist at it again.

Do you feel better now LOL

I am sorry for speaking ill of your god, the government.

Forgive me
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Starting with Crooked Donnie
You're mistaken. President Trump is innocent of your charge. He has brought good things to the American people, and everything he does helps out American citizens. Including pissing off the spendthrifts in the Democrat Party. I know you leftist lockstep my-way-or-the-highway folks think spending OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY is justified, but the founders of this nation didn't think that was a very good idea, so they refused to raise taxes and looked to businesses to lead the way in the world of that day. It wasn't so bad when our nation was poor. They sure as hell got along with each other better than those who come here to bash people who work for their chance at opportunities, jobs, prosperity, and peace, without making you and me pay for international invaders who want something for nothing and talk about suing the American people before they even cross the border. That's just screwy..

The spendthrifts are in the Republican Party. With Obama in office, the deficit was below $1 billion when he left office. With no wars to fund, and no big military build up to pay for, the deficit was shrinking, and with government funded income supports and with food stamp rolls declining steadily from the 2013 peak of 47.6 people receiving SNAP benefits, to 43.2 million when Trump took office.

Trump's Republicans increased the deficit to $1 trillion dollars and income is now well below expectations, as interest rates on the debt continue to rise.

But it had nothing to do with Republicans in the house decreasing the food stamp budget......nah.

It had nothing to do with Republican Governors creating food stamp requirements.... nah.

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps
If I were a government employee I would be hoping for a three month shutdown. Three months paid vacation. I never had that before in my life unless you consider unemployment a vacation.

Yeah, lots of people wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.

you are a fucking moron.

I'm a moron because I can do something government workers could not do?

You are a moron on for thinking that people should wish for 3 months of not being able to pay their bills or buy food for their children or make their house or car payment.
What the hell is stopping them from taking temporary work.....................private sector does that every time this happens.........perhaps a dose of reality would do them good...........It would actually allow them to save money as they will be paid for sitting at home after it's over like always.............

Do a GO FUND ME for them if you are that concerned.

I own a company in medical instruments. It’s not that simple.

If these laid off employees are low paying jobs like clerical or janitors yes it’s simple to find or hire temps.

But if these are engineers, senior accountants, managers, masters etc etc etc high paid employees...... I will not hire these people for a temporary jobs. It will be just a waste of my time and money.
Then they can take whatever they can find like everyone else in the private sector...........

This is real simple............The amount over the CR is an additional 3.4 Billion for wall funding...........approve it and it's over.

In the meantime..........the little girl that died parents paid smugglers to end up in the middle of no where with on 4 border agents on duty in the area to handle hundreds coming across the desert.........yet the left blames Trump for her death.............They have been dying trying to cross for decades, but your side only uses it for BS .

Hundreds of migrant families arrive at remote border crossings, overwhelming U.S. agents

On Wednesday, a group of 242 showed up along the Arizona border south of Tucson, including teenagers, expectant mothers and nine children sick with flu symptoms, according to CBP. And here on the high desert at an elevation of 4,500 feet, where just four agents were on duty when Caal and her father’s group of arrived, the Antelope Wells station has received 200 migrants or more on several nights in the past two weeks.

“It has a big impact on our operations,” Carla L. Provost, who leads the Border Patrol, told The Washington Post in an interview. “It takes time to deal with families. Whether processing them, or ensuring all of the care we have for them in our custody.”

“Our stations are not meant to house children and families,” she said. “They have not been constructed to deal with the population we’re coming into contact with now.”
The world's greatest negotiator .... negotiating a government shutdown....


Yawn..........Better luck negotiating with a tree than those 2 retards................

You negotiate with brass knuckles with those people........who have no intention of anything other than Open glad you are dealing with Trump........Because someone like me would raid the living hell out of businesses......until you cry so much that you would run out of tears.

Would be perfectly legal via the law...........and when your illegal voter base is thrown out by the millions you would be forced to go to the table.

But that is just me.
I am sorry for speaking ill of your god, the government.

Forgive me
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
Awe..........did you lose those high property tax deductions from the state.........

You always say the rich should pay more..........then say your rich...........then complain when you have to pay more.

One day you will make up your mind.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
Awe..........did you lose those high property tax deductions from the state.........

You always say the rich should pay more..........then say your rich...........then complain when you have to pay more.

One day you will make up your mind.

State and Local tax deductions were taken away
Resulting in an overall tax increase
Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
Awe..........did you lose those high property tax deductions from the state.........

You always say the rich should pay more..........then say your rich...........then complain when you have to pay more.

One day you will make up your mind.

State and Local tax deductions were taken away
Resulting in an overall tax increase
It doesn't affect me much because I'm in a low tax state.........which happens to be RED......that's what happens when you live in a Liberal State................Now States like Texas have high property taxes but pay NO INCOME it offsets the deduction kinda equaling out...........perhaps the government of the State you live in needs to stop raping the people living there and stop promoting more gov't.
Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
Awe..........did you lose those high property tax deductions from the state.........

You always say the rich should pay more..........then say your rich...........then complain when you have to pay more.

One day you will make up your mind.

State and Local tax deductions were taken away
Resulting in an overall tax increase
It doesn't affect me much because I'm in a low tax state.........which happens to be RED......that's what happens when you live in a Liberal State................Now States like Texas have high property taxes but pay NO INCOME it offsets the deduction kinda equaling out...........perhaps the government of the State you live in needs to stop raping the people living there and stop promoting more gov't.
My state has good schools and takes care of its people.
Not something to be punished for

Red states receive more federal benefits than they pay in taxes

Blue states are the opposite
Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
Awe..........did you lose those high property tax deductions from the state.........

You always say the rich should pay more..........then say your rich...........then complain when you have to pay more.

One day you will make up your mind.

State and Local tax deductions were taken away
Resulting in an overall tax increase
It doesn't affect me much because I'm in a low tax state.........which happens to be RED......that's what happens when you live in a Liberal State................Now States like Texas have high property taxes but pay NO INCOME it offsets the deduction kinda equaling out...........perhaps the government of the State you live in needs to stop raping the people living there and stop promoting more gov't.
My state has good schools and takes care of its people.
Not something to be punished for

Red states receive more federal benefits than they pay in taxes

Blue states are the opposite
The Red State Rant is BS.......always has been..........Because it includes Federal Jobs such as bases and companies building stuff for the Feds to basically make the LIE of the Red State Rant.........

By the numbers.........those on the dole cost a hell of a lot more in places like California because of the population.........

Federal assistance to the poor are based on a standard equation......Your Red State Rant ignores that side of the equation.

You go .............look how great it is you ignore people living in tents.............In socialist always run out of other people's money.....always taking for your new Utopian Dream.......Gov't needs to do this........Gov't needs to do that.........And you always Bend the poor over the hood of a car and fuck them without a rubber.

None of you has ever been able to explain how making everything cost more helps the poor..........How your higher prices and higher taxes helps them......Because it doesn't..........Never has and never will.........

Now you complain you pay more the Feds because your State is already raping you........We here in Alabama would gladly pay more in taxes to put a fence around places like California so your stupidity doesn't infect the rest of the country.

TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate

Mayes, who represents parts of San Bernardino and Riverside counties, claimed the state’s poverty rate is higher than any state in the nation when considering factors such as cost-of-living.

"If you look at the official poverty measure in California, we’re about average with the rest of the country," Mayes said. "But if you use the supplemental poverty measure, we are in the lead. We have the highest poverty rate in the nation -- higher than New Mexico, higher than any of the southern states, Louisiana, Alabama, higher than Idaho."
Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.
My 401k is in the can
My federal taxes increased
Inflation is at the highest in years
Millions have lost health coverage
Awe..........did you lose those high property tax deductions from the state.........

You always say the rich should pay more..........then say your rich...........then complain when you have to pay more.

One day you will make up your mind.

State and Local tax deductions were taken away
Resulting in an overall tax increase
It doesn't affect me much because I'm in a low tax state.........which happens to be RED......that's what happens when you live in a Liberal State................Now States like Texas have high property taxes but pay NO INCOME it offsets the deduction kinda equaling out...........perhaps the government of the State you live in needs to stop raping the people living there and stop promoting more gov't.
My state has good schools and takes care of its people.
Not something to be punished for

Red states receive more federal benefits than they pay in taxes

Blue states are the opposite

That's because in most cases, the cost of living is so much higher in blue states.

I like to watch HGTV in the winter time when I can't spend any time outside (except for snow blowing) and what I realized is how ridiculous house prices are in blue states.

The show Property Brothers is the best. They portray a couple perhaps with a child or so. She works at a bank somewhere and he works as an engineer. Their budget is $950,000. Do you know what kind of job you would have to have here in Ohio to afford such a house?

In any case, they show houses just under their budget because they need money to remodel the house. So they have homes for 800K. What you get for 800K in these liberal states you could get here for about 250 to 350K tops.

If you and I do the same kind of work and live the same kind of lifestyle, you need to make at least 20K more a year for the same lifestyle I have. As they saying goes, the more you make, the more they take. So it's not a wonder why blue states pay more in taxes. They are not living any better than people in red states, they are just making more money and paying more money.
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