Trump proves he is a weak leader

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It's his only option to stand against those facilitating the invasion of our country and the violating of our laws.

There is no invasion, dope. Trump has never had the votes for a wall.
20+ MILLION illegals in the US...
1500 illegals per week
4,000 illegals physically pushing past police and the military, attempting to tear down barricades, and climbing over border walls to illegally enter the US....

And your dumbass says that's not an 'invasion' just because Trump says it is...


I already blasted your 1,500 illegal border crossing. Yet you continue your lying bullshit.

Do you have a proof of 1,500 illegal crossing weekly?

Successfully or apprehended? It's too tough to gauge how many are successful, but according to FactCheck, apprehensions last year were about 304,000 which if you do the calculations, is about 5,800 every week.

Lying Easy said..... 1,500 weekly crossing illegally. Show me the money.

You lie a lot too Ray. Show me a proof of 304,000 apprehensions last year.
Talk about lying...
How’s your business compared to pre-Trump?
Life or death now?

We are talking about a stupid wall. Walls that have been built for over 30 years. Want to talk wall funding? Throw in some DACA, throw in immigration reform, institute ways to stop people who overstay their visa

A great Dealmaker like our President should be able to do it in his sleep

You could throw all of that in and the kitchen sink, but the Democrats won't budge. They know how devastating a wall would be to their plot.

Their plan is to get as many people of color into this country as they can. They will not compromise in exchange of anything that will stop this goal.

Honestly, I could see if the President was just a community organizer

But this is the smartest president we have ever had. A man who is recognized around the world for his ability to broker a deal. He had both Schumer and Pelosi in the White House and all he could manage was petty insults and threats

I thought DumBama was the smartest President there ever was.

In the business world you are dealing with rational people. Each side knows they have to give up something to get what they want. With the anti-white party, they want it all and you get nothing or very little in return.

There are just some people you can't deal with in the world.
When did Obama ever claim to be smart? That would be Donnie who has the best words

Where did Donnie Dealmaker ever make the Dems an offer? He made threats and ridiculed them. Not a very good Dealmaker is he?
Dems told him to take his threats and stick them up his ass

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday there is nothing she would trade for President Donald Trump’s border wall, setting a hard negotiating stance in advance of an expected December showdown over the issue.

Pelosi Not Willing to Trade Over Border Wall, Calls It Trump ‘Manhood Issue’
A minor inconvenience to the worlds greatest Dealmaker

Pelosi has a long history of negotiating with Republicans. Why is it Donnie Dealmaker can’t close the deal?
You could throw all of that in and the kitchen sink, but the Democrats won't budge. They know how devastating a wall would be to their plot.

Their plan is to get as many people of color into this country as they can. They will not compromise in exchange of anything that will stop this goal.

Honestly, I could see if the President was just a community organizer

But this is the smartest president we have ever had. A man who is recognized around the world for his ability to broker a deal. He had both Schumer and Pelosi in the White House and all he could manage was petty insults and threats

I thought DumBama was the smartest President there ever was.

In the business world you are dealing with rational people. Each side knows they have to give up something to get what they want. With the anti-white party, they want it all and you get nothing or very little in return.

There are just some people you can't deal with in the world.
When did Obama ever claim to be smart? That would be Donnie who has the best words

Where did Donnie Dealmaker ever make the Dems an offer? He made threats and ridiculed them. Not a very good Dealmaker is he?
Dems told him to take his threats and stick them up his ass

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday there is nothing she would trade for President Donald Trump’s border wall, setting a hard negotiating stance in advance of an expected December showdown over the issue.

Pelosi Not Willing to Trade Over Border Wall, Calls It Trump ‘Manhood Issue’

Post the quote in a link in full context. I have no doubt Ms. Pelosi said, "there is nothing she would trade for President Donald Trump’s border wall", putting Trump back on his heels, that's what strong women will always do when a weak man attempts to bully her.

Seems Pelosi is a stronger deal maker than the President

Donnie Dealmaker immediately painted himself into a corner and demanded that Democrats get him out
You're missing the point. Trump's own majority doesn't back the wall. There's more than 1/3 of Republicans in the Senate that will never vote for it. That's not the Dems fault. So Trump needs nearly 30 Dems then to vote for funding. That will never happen.

The wall is dead. It always has been.

So where can I purchase a crystal ball as accurate as yours?

Any Republican voting against the wall is putting their reelection chances in serious jeopardy.

You don't need a crysyal ball. You only need to pay attention.

If there were Republican votes to be had, this would have been done already.

No, because if each and every Republican voted for it, there would still not be enough to reach 60.
That is why we needed the worlds greatest Dealmaker to be President. Someone who knew how to cut through Washington gridlock

Surely a Dealmaker of the skills of Trump could find a way to get nine Democratic votes

Not when it's a life or death situation for the Democrats he can't; nobody can.

It's like when the Palestinians say the only path to peace is to kill all the Jews. So where is the half-way point, allow them to kill half of the Jews?

You can only reason with reasonable people which the anti-white party is not. They are going to fight to the death to turn this country into a Socialist nation and eventually Communism and nobody is going to stand in their way.
Then why on Earth did Trump take a job to negotiate with folks you claim can’t be negotiated with?
That is why we needed the worlds greatest Dealmaker to be President. Someone who knew how to cut through Washington gridlock

Surely a Dealmaker of the skills of Trump could find a way to get nine Democratic votes

Not when it's a life or death situation for the Democrats he can't; nobody can.

It's like when the Palestinians say the only path to peace is to kill all the Jews. So where is the half-way point, allow them to kill half of the Jews?

You can only reason with reasonable people which the anti-white party is not. They are going to fight to the death to turn this country into a Socialist nation and eventually Communism and nobody is going to stand in their way.

Life or death now?

We are talking about a stupid wall. Walls that have been built for over 30 years. Want to talk wall funding? Throw in some DACA, throw in immigration reform, institute ways to stop people who overstay their visa

A great Dealmaker like our President should be able to do it in his sleep

You could throw all of that in and the kitchen sink, but the Democrats won't budge. They know how devastating a wall would be to their plot.

Their plan is to get as many people of color into this country as they can. They will not compromise in exchange of anything that will stop this goal.

Honestly, I could see if the President was just a community organizer

But this is the smartest president we have ever had. A man who is recognized around the world for his ability to broker a deal. He had both Schumer and Pelosi in the White House and all he could manage was petty insults and threats

I thought DumBama was the smartest President there ever was.

In the business world you are dealing with rational people. Each side knows they have to give up something to get what they want. With the anti-white party, they want it all and you get nothing or very little in return.

There are just some people you can't deal with in the world.
What did trump offer Democrats?
Not when it's a life or death situation for the Democrats he can't; nobody can.

It's like when the Palestinians say the only path to peace is to kill all the Jews. So where is the half-way point, allow them to kill half of the Jews?

You can only reason with reasonable people which the anti-white party is not. They are going to fight to the death to turn this country into a Socialist nation and eventually Communism and nobody is going to stand in their way.

Life or death now?

We are talking about a stupid wall. Walls that have been built for over 30 years. Want to talk wall funding? Throw in some DACA, throw in immigration reform, institute ways to stop people who overstay their visa

A great Dealmaker like our President should be able to do it in his sleep

You could throw all of that in and the kitchen sink, but the Democrats won't budge. They know how devastating a wall would be to their plot.

Their plan is to get as many people of color into this country as they can. They will not compromise in exchange of anything that will stop this goal.

Honestly, I could see if the President was just a community organizer

But this is the smartest president we have ever had. A man who is recognized around the world for his ability to broker a deal. He had both Schumer and Pelosi in the White House and all he could manage was petty insults and threats

I thought DumBama was the smartest President there ever was.

In the business world you are dealing with rational people. Each side knows they have to give up something to get what they want. With the anti-white party, they want it all and you get nothing or very little in return.

There are just some people you can't deal with in the world.
What did trump offer Democrats?

He offered threats and insults

Dems told him to stick it
So where can I purchase a crystal ball as accurate as yours?

Any Republican voting against the wall is putting their reelection chances in serious jeopardy.

You don't need a crysyal ball. You only need to pay attention.

If there were Republican votes to be had, this would have been done already.

No, because if each and every Republican voted for it, there would still not be enough to reach 60.
That is why we needed the worlds greatest Dealmaker to be President. Someone who knew how to cut through Washington gridlock

Surely a Dealmaker of the skills of Trump could find a way to get nine Democratic votes

Not when it's a life or death situation for the Democrats he can't; nobody can.

It's like when the Palestinians say the only path to peace is to kill all the Jews. So where is the half-way point, allow them to kill half of the Jews?

You can only reason with reasonable people which the anti-white party is not. They are going to fight to the death to turn this country into a Socialist nation and eventually Communism and nobody is going to stand in their way.

Then why on Earth did Trump take a job to negotiate with folks you claim can’t be negotiated with?

Good question, sadly you asked the wrong person. That question is a bit too obtuse for him to comprehend.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Really? I mean really?
This is the most chaotic discombobulated administration we’ve ever seen. Highest turnover, squeaking like a criminal, operating like a mob, never stop lying, there are hundreds of vacancies since the starts of his administration that nobody wants to apply, six on going investigations, blasted by his own party, laughing stock around the globe makes us ignorant bully and racist, total hypocrite, where is his tax returns?

Most corrupted POTUS.

He cannot even negotiate a stupid wall.
Totally unfit to be POTUS confirmed by 2 former SOD.

He promised Make America Great Again..... I’m still waiting.

Aside from that he is a total moron.

Then you just keep waiting. Real Americans are experiencing it.

We are busy as hell at work. My taxes decreased. No more Commie Care fines. North Korea hasn't fired one missile since Trump went there and told the little imp to cut it out. My tax preparer told me last year I'm in for a surprise this year because of the new tax structure.

Sorry, but Socialism nor Communism is on the agenda, so I hope you're not too disappointed.

Tax cut.... we just added $1.3 billion to our debt. Nice.

That doesn’t change a diddly squat ..... Still the most chaotic, discombobulated, corrupted, lying hypocrite..... administration.

Actually I thought the last one was. At least Trump isn't using our agencies to attack political opponents.

What reality do you live in, the world on the far right of the fringe? Actually your comment, "Actually I thought" has never been apparent in anyone of your posts.
Thread is off in too many directions from the "current event" of a shutdown. Not another immigration thread or discussion of Admin firings or political spying during the 2016 campaign.. Time to retire the thread.
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