Trump proves he is a weak leader

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Donald J Trump:

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."

So, how is that deal making working out?

And you sheep fell for this shit.
Get real...
Not one politician will go against their contributors and not obe member of Congress really wanted Trump’s MAGA, so stop the bullshit.

Those are Trump's words, not mine. Take it up with him
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
It's half the equation...........without cutting Mandatory spending and unfunded liabilities.........we are still screwed ......not to mention the Mt.Everest of fiat currency floating on the earth.

Have you ever voted for anyone that wanted to cut mandatory spending?

There is nothing wrong with fiat currency. no more of an issue than the gold standard since it was the government that told you how much the gold was worth
BS..........215 Trillion plus for private.......and that's older data.......

Almost another 100 Trillion with Gov'ts puts the value of fiat currency at 315 Trillion.........Never created and assets at a small fraction of is designed to implode and reset the world........

Look at the IMF and look for the key words Global Reset and get back to me.

Your a dang globalist.............when the house of cards falls and it happens you'll see.....

You were OK when I gave you ways to increase revenue via taxation........but don't have the guts to say what we have to cut to end the situation........

Because you are a liberal.......always have been while claiming to be a libertarian.....which by your posts you are not........otherwise you'd understand the Federalist Papers better........

The fiat currency machine and the casino of it on the markets will screw the earth in time.

You voted for the guy that submitted the largest budget in the history of the country and you whine at me about spending.

What a fraud
Donald J Trump:

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."

So, how is that deal making working out?

And you sheep fell for this shit.
Get real...
Not one politician will go against their contributors and not obe member of Congress really wanted Trump’s MAGA, so stop the bullshit.

Those are Trump's words, not mine. Take it up with him
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.
Donald J Trump:

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."

So, how is that deal making working out?

And you sheep fell for this shit.
Get real...
Not one politician will go against their contributors and not obe member of Congress really wanted Trump’s MAGA, so stop the bullshit.

Those are Trump's words, not mine. Take it up with him
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
It's half the equation...........without cutting Mandatory spending and unfunded liabilities.........we are still screwed ......not to mention the Mt.Everest of fiat currency floating on the earth.

Have you ever voted for anyone that wanted to cut mandatory spending?

There is nothing wrong with fiat currency. no more of an issue than the gold standard since it was the government that told you how much the gold was worth
BS..........215 Trillion plus for private.......and that's older data.......

Almost another 100 Trillion with Gov'ts puts the value of fiat currency at 315 Trillion.........Never created and assets at a small fraction of is designed to implode and reset the world........

Look at the IMF and look for the key words Global Reset and get back to me.

Your a dang globalist.............when the house of cards falls and it happens you'll see.....

You were OK when I gave you ways to increase revenue via taxation........but don't have the guts to say what we have to cut to end the situation........

Because you are a liberal.......always have been while claiming to be a libertarian.....which by your posts you are not........otherwise you'd understand the Federalist Papers better........

The fiat currency machine and the casino of it on the markets will screw the earth in time.

You voted for the guy that submitted the largest budget in the history of the country and you whine at me about spending.

What a fraud
You are the one going postal about it..........and you started it.......Mr. Fake Libertarian................

The current issue is an additional 3.4 Billion over the CR 1.6 Billion for border security...........which whether you like it or not would say us a 100 fold over time with fewer getting in.........costs us a fortune for more who are on the dole.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.
I have seen a lot of weak presidents with Obama and Carter vying for the #1 weakest and worst spot. I have seen only strength in President Trump. He has stood tall against the constant attacks and attempted assassinations of the liberal democrats who have been proven to be criminals and anti-America thugs who have grown rich and powerful on the backs of decent Americans. IMO, only unhappy people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are so negative toward the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
Donald J Trump:

"You have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He has to get (the Speaker of the House) and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice and be angry and be wild and cajole and do all sorts of things, but you have to get a deal.

"And, unfortunately, he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."

So, how is that deal making working out?

And you sheep fell for this shit.
Get real...
Not one politician will go against their contributors and not obe member of Congress really wanted Trump’s MAGA, so stop the bullshit.

Those are Trump's words, not mine. Take it up with him
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Thanks Obama!

The Great Obama cut the deficit by over half
Trump couldn’t wait to raise it

You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

View attachment 236218

Who was running congress in FY18 when the deficit was 1.27 trillion dollars?

Who was running congress for CY18 when the deficit will be almost 1.4 trillion dollars?

Think real hard now!!

Yes, I know that, but the point is it's Congress that spends the money--not the President. He can make requests, a budget if he likes, but ultimately the spending is in the power of the House.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........

I agree.

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........

If you vote for a (R) or a (D) you are voting for career politicians. you cannot whine about career politicians when you are putting them into office.
The Great Obama cut the deficit by over half
Trump couldn’t wait to raise it

You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

View attachment 236218

Who was running congress in FY18 when the deficit was 1.27 trillion dollars?

Who was running congress for CY18 when the deficit will be almost 1.4 trillion dollars?

Think real hard now!!

Yes, I know that, but the point is it's Congress that spends the money--not the President. He can make requests, a budget if he likes, but ultimately the spending is in the power of the House.

Then why do you people blame Obama for the 9 trillion added during this term?
Get real...
Not one politician will go against their contributors and not obe member of Congress really wanted Trump’s MAGA, so stop the bullshit.

Those are Trump's words, not mine. Take it up with him
I’ve seen many leaders call for “time out” aka “suspension”.
If the establishment wanted to secure the border and fix the immigration system they would have done it long ago........they don't want to fix it......their lobbyist would cut them off and replace them.

Now you are catching on! That is why wasting money on a wall is a bad idea.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........Might as well put out a Welcome Mat...........

It is a tool ........used to slow them down and help border security catch them.............and those professionals say it would help......I think I'll listen to them and not you...........

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........
Excellent plan. I would not, however, be satisfied with simply voting out the career politicians; those already proven to have committed criminal acts against the United States of America should be prosecuted and imprisoned.
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........

I agree.

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........

If you vote for a (R) or a (D) you are voting for career politicians. you cannot whine about career politicians when you are putting them into office.
First statement is correct...........Second statement is a pipe dream..........
In high traffic areas it's the right thing to's a barrier to make it more difficult to sneak in instead of what we have now..........

I agree.

In regards to fixing the rest...........never happen until we vote out ALL CAREER POLITICIANS......and start hammering businesses who hire illegals.........

If you vote for a (R) or a (D) you are voting for career politicians. you cannot whine about career politicians when you are putting them into office.
First statement is correct...........Second statement is a pipe dream..........

Then quit whining about CAREER POLITICIANS
What happened to the Art of the Deal?

Trump was going to show them dealmaking like they had never seen before. Politicians are no match for a master businessman like Trump

You Communists were lying as late as Thursday that Trump had folded. My bet is Trump comes out on top, while CNN and the NY Times lie - as always.

I don't see Trump backing down from anything. Trump is not a professional politician. He could care less about 2020. The rest of them? Politics is their life. Reelection means everything to them. It's more valuable than air itself.
Trump's own words...A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his own party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak."

This is the third shutdown in less than a year, all while the president's party controlled both sides of Congress.

Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is.

Golfing Gator quote: "Thank you Mr Trump for showing us what a weak leader is."

< < < < < GONG!!! > > > > >

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You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

View attachment 236218

Who was running congress in FY18 when the deficit was 1.27 trillion dollars?

Who was running congress for CY18 when the deficit will be almost 1.4 trillion dollars?

Think real hard now!!

Yes, I know that, but the point is it's Congress that spends the money--not the President. He can make requests, a budget if he likes, but ultimately the spending is in the power of the House.

Then why do you people blame Obama for the 9 trillion added during this term?
Because the fucker spent like a drunken sailor to prop up the too big to fail after the crash.........which is still a house of cards destined to fall again.........

They gamble with borrowed money........without the assets to back it up should it's a stinking time bomb except for the talking heads that say it isn't...............

Between Bush and Obama they screwed us dearly.........we were screwed before that from unfunded liabilities.......but now they hit the gas on it...........There isn't any turning back without RADICAL CHANGES........which will not happen. so the point is mute.
You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

View attachment 236218

Who was running congress in FY18 when the deficit was 1.27 trillion dollars?

Who was running congress for CY18 when the deficit will be almost 1.4 trillion dollars?

Think real hard now!!

Yes, I know that, but the point is it's Congress that spends the money--not the President. He can make requests, a budget if he likes, but ultimately the spending is in the power of the House.

Then why do you people blame Obama for the 9 trillion added during this term?

Because much of it was spent during his first two years when he had a Democrat Congress. Plus the biggest problem between he and the Republicans was the spending. He wanted to spend more and the Republican less. It led to the sequester, the government shutdown, losing our three star credit rating for the first time in history.

In other words the Republicans did what they could to slow down the spending, but there was only so far they could go without being blamed for another government shutdown. According to the Democrat extension--the MSM, every shutdown is the Republicans fault.
It's half the equation...........without cutting Mandatory spending and unfunded liabilities.........we are still screwed ......not to mention the Mt.Everest of fiat currency floating on the earth.

Have you ever voted for anyone that wanted to cut mandatory spending?

There is nothing wrong with fiat currency. no more of an issue than the gold standard since it was the government that told you how much the gold was worth
BS..........215 Trillion plus for private.......and that's older data.......

Almost another 100 Trillion with Gov'ts puts the value of fiat currency at 315 Trillion.........Never created and assets at a small fraction of is designed to implode and reset the world........

Look at the IMF and look for the key words Global Reset and get back to me.

Your a dang globalist.............when the house of cards falls and it happens you'll see.....

You were OK when I gave you ways to increase revenue via taxation........but don't have the guts to say what we have to cut to end the situation........

Because you are a liberal.......always have been while claiming to be a libertarian.....which by your posts you are not........otherwise you'd understand the Federalist Papers better........

The fiat currency machine and the casino of it on the markets will screw the earth in time.
What house of cards?

You have been predicting its fall for 80 years
Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

View attachment 236218

Who was running congress in FY18 when the deficit was 1.27 trillion dollars?

Who was running congress for CY18 when the deficit will be almost 1.4 trillion dollars?

Think real hard now!!

Yes, I know that, but the point is it's Congress that spends the money--not the President. He can make requests, a budget if he likes, but ultimately the spending is in the power of the House.

Then why do you people blame Obama for the 9 trillion added during this term?

Because much of it was spent during his first two years when he had a Democrat Congress. Plus the biggest problem between he and the Republicans was the spending. He wanted to spend more and the Republican less. It led to the sequester, the government shutdown, losing our three star credit rating for the first time in history.

In other words the Republicans did what they could to slow down the spending, but there was only so far they could go without being blamed for another government shutdown. According to the Democrat extension--the MSM, every shutdown is the Republicans fault.
Republicans did what they could to slow down recovery

Austerity does not get you out of a recession. Spending does.
Just ask Ronnie Reagan
It's half the equation...........without cutting Mandatory spending and unfunded liabilities.........we are still screwed ......not to mention the Mt.Everest of fiat currency floating on the earth.

Have you ever voted for anyone that wanted to cut mandatory spending?

There is nothing wrong with fiat currency. no more of an issue than the gold standard since it was the government that told you how much the gold was worth
BS..........215 Trillion plus for private.......and that's older data.......

Almost another 100 Trillion with Gov'ts puts the value of fiat currency at 315 Trillion.........Never created and assets at a small fraction of is designed to implode and reset the world........

Look at the IMF and look for the key words Global Reset and get back to me.

Your a dang globalist.............when the house of cards falls and it happens you'll see.....

You were OK when I gave you ways to increase revenue via taxation........but don't have the guts to say what we have to cut to end the situation........

Because you are a liberal.......always have been while claiming to be a libertarian.....which by your posts you are not........otherwise you'd understand the Federalist Papers better........

The fiat currency machine and the casino of it on the markets will screw the earth in time.
What house of cards?

You have been predicting its fall for 80 years
It rises rises it falls..............2008 it fell hard because it was propped up by BS........then saved by BS........when you are gambling be careful which card you pull out............whole thing will come down again............

Which country is Goldman Sach's in now hiding their debt to make a buck on it before they fall........LOL
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