Trump proves he is a weak leader

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When will you come to terms that Trump is the head of one of the 3 branches of gov't........with VETO POWER.....
I already have, dummy. Pay attention...we're literally all making fun of him for his veto threat. Damn son, maybe take a break.

Why do think that what you think matters? Why do you think that what France thinks matters? Trump started to step back and the people rose up and stopped him.
When will you come to terms that Trump is the head of one of the 3 branches of gov't........with VETO POWER.....
I already have, dummy. Pay attention...we're literally all making fun of him for his veto threat. Damn son, maybe take a break.

Why do think that what you think matters? Why do you think that what France thinks matters? Trump started to step back and the people rose up and stopped him.

The "people" being Rush Limabugh and Ann Coulter! :21::21::21::21::21::21:
When will you come to terms that Trump is the head of one of the 3 branches of gov't........with VETO POWER.....
I already have, dummy. Pay attention...we're literally all making fun of him for his veto threat. Damn son, maybe take a break.

Why do think that what you think matters? Why do you think that what France thinks matters? Trump started to step back and the people rose up and stopped him.

The "people" being Rush Limabugh and Ann Coulter! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

You need a little brush up. Tell me, how much is in the GoFundMeAccount for the Wall?
When will you come to terms that Trump is the head of one of the 3 branches of gov't........with VETO POWER.....
I already have, dummy. Pay attention...we're literally all making fun of him for his veto threat. Damn son, maybe take a break.

Why do think that what you think matters? Why do you think that what France thinks matters? Trump started to step back and the people rose up and stopped him.

The "people" being Rush Limabugh and Ann Coulter! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

You need a little brush up. Tell me, how much is in the GoFundMeAccount for the Wall?

It is 1.5% to it's goal.

Besides, if the gofundme was actually going to pay for the wall, there would be no need for a shutdown.

But as we are told, a fool and their money is soon parted.
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Shitflinger, how much has exiting the NAFTA disaster already added to our treasury?

A fuckload more than $25 billion.

Let’s see the money
We do have almost a trillion dollar deficit

Thanks Obama!

The Great Obama cut the deficit by over half
Trump couldn’t wait to raise it

You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

One day I have hope that you will get past that conditioning, but I am not holding my breath.
Says a progressive snowflake

You want to talk about snowflakes?
Sen. Bob Corker Says Trump Is Taking Orders From Talk Radio Hosts As Shutdown Looms | HuffPost

Gee.....that sounds like something a leftist would say......oh wait!
When will you come to terms that Trump is the head of one of the 3 branches of gov't........with VETO POWER.....
I already have, dummy. Pay attention...we're literally all making fun of him for his veto threat. Damn son, maybe take a break.

Why do think that what you think matters? Why do you think that what France thinks matters? Trump started to step back and the people rose up and stopped him.

The "people" being Rush Limabugh and Ann Coulter! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

You need a little brush up. Tell me, how much is in the GoFundMeAccount for the Wall?

It is 1.5% to it's goal.

Besides, if the gofundme was actually going to pay for the wall, there would be no need for a shutdown.

But as we are told, a fool and their money is soon parted.

Sure, you're just SO much brighter and smarter than anyone else. Translate your 1.5 to actual dollars and donors. ;)
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Shitflinger, how much has exiting the NAFTA disaster already added to our treasury?

A fuckload more than $25 billion.

Let’s see the money
We do have almost a trillion dollar deficit

No, we have almost a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

1 Jan 2018 total national debt was $20,492,746,546,193
20 Dec 2018 total national debt is $21,863,635,176,724

Just under a 1.4 trillion dollar increase.


From NAFTA to USMCA: Understanding Changes to Free Trade in North America

We are saving billions a month by exiting the stupidest trade deal in history.
He has worked with his own party.
Damn, can you be any more delusional? He just rejected his own party's stopgap, because he is throwing a little hissy fit. It's like you haven't been to reality for quite a while.

I wasn't talking about this issue, I was speaking of others.

He got the 5.8 billion from the House. How do you think he did that without working with his own people?
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Shitflinger, how much has exiting the NAFTA disaster already added to our treasury?

A fuckload more than $25 billion.

Let’s see the money
We do have almost a trillion dollar deficit

Thanks Obama!

Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years. His final deficit was 585 billion, Trump has more than doubled that.

How much debt did your little queer god add?

{Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831 billionby cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding public works projects.}

Which President Increased U.S. Debt the Most?

You should know you can't get away with lying to me.
STFU..............He ran on border security and the Wall time to put up or shut up...........I want the illegal immigration problem fixed hell we've wanted them to do something about it for decades............

Your little rant and butt hurt doesn't change that now does it..........get back on your side of the line..........where you belong.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Again a lack of leadership from the White House
Unable to work with his own party

Maybe he needs to read a book called...The Art of the Deal

He has worked with his own party. It's the Democrats who vote in lockstep that are the problem. They don't want to work with Trump. They don't want a wall period regardless what they have said in the past.

You can't work with people that have no desire to work with you.

They won’t work with Trump?

I thought he was the greatest Dealmaker we ever saw?
You elected him because he would not tolerate the same old Washington and would work from a businessman’s perspective

What happened?
He can’t even get a deal for a lousy $5 billion

Well Trump didn't know a lot about politics when he said that. He never realized the sleaze in the Democrat party. He thought they were real Americans I guess.
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Shitflinger, how much has exiting the NAFTA disaster already added to our treasury?

A fuckload more than $25 billion.

Let’s see the money
We do have almost a trillion dollar deficit

Thanks Obama!

The Great Obama cut the deficit by over half
Trump couldn’t wait to raise it

You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

Republicans had not taken control yet
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Shitflinger, how much has exiting the NAFTA disaster already added to our treasury?

A fuckload more than $25 billion.

Let’s see the money
We do have almost a trillion dollar deficit

Thanks Obama!

The Great Obama cut the deficit by over half
Trump couldn’t wait to raise it

So then the debt went down under your queer god? :dunno:
Are you kidding...His campaign was as simple and straightforward as it fucking gets. His campaign went like this.....
That’s all he had...that’s all he ran on., that’s all he needed.
Where’s the obstruction or resistance in that?

As much as you leftist bring that up, the less we really care. What we do care about is the wall.....not how it's funded.

The Great Wall of Trump was supposed to be free of charge to the taxpayer

And my healthcare insurance was supposed to be affordable.......imagine that!
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Why not? Just as good of a lie as Hussein's.
Why hasn’t Trump fixed illegal immigration if it is such a high priority?

2 years ...No Wall
Hasnt met with Mexico on a solution
Hasn’t fixed DACA
Hasn’t worked out immigration reform
Has no plan for workers who overstay their Visas

All action

Trump is fine, it's our Republican Congress that's the problem. Until we adopt an Autocracy in this country, the President has only so much power.

Again a lack of leadership from the White House
Unable to work with his own party

Maybe he needs to read a book called...The Art of the Deal

He has worked with his own party. It's the Democrats who vote in lockstep that are the problem. They don't want to work with Trump. They don't want a wall period regardless what they have said in the past.

You can't work with people that have no desire to work with you.

They won’t work with Trump?

I thought he was the greatest Dealmaker we ever saw?
You elected him because he would not tolerate the same old Washington and would work from a businessman’s perspective

What happened?
He can’t even get a deal for a lousy $5 billion

Well Trump didn't know a lot about politics when he said that. He never realized the sleaze in the Democrat party. He thought they were real Americans I guess.
What happened to the Art of the Deal?

Trump was going to show them dealmaking like they had never seen before. Politicians are no match for a master businessman like Trump

As much as you leftist bring that up, the less we really care. What we do care about is the wall.....not how it's funded.

The Great Wall of Trump was supposed to be free of charge to the taxpayer

And my healthcare insurance was supposed to be affordable.......imagine that!
Maybe you can get Mexico to help you pay it

Why not? Just as good of a lie as Hussein's.
What lie?
Shitflinger, how much has exiting the NAFTA disaster already added to our treasury?

A fuckload more than $25 billion.

Let’s see the money
We do have almost a trillion dollar deficit

Thanks Obama!

The Great Obama cut the deficit by over half
Trump couldn’t wait to raise it

You mean the great Republican Congress cut the deficit in half. Ears was in the backyard trying to sneak in a cigarette.

Republicans had not taken control yet

Okay, we'll play that game. Here is the deficit chart. you see any similarities between who was running Congress and the lowering of the deficit? Think real hard now!!!

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