Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

There's is a lake in Alaska the slimey little hands bastard has his eyes on for oil that would destroy a 100 million dollar a year fishing industry.

Truth. You people are so uninformed.
Pebble mine would have the potential to pollute & destrHell, we should take each & every one of you ignoraoy a key fishing industry in the Bristol Bay area. The permit was denied under the Obama administration but your orange asshole POS granted it.

Truth is Markle and Steve G don't have a faintest idea about oil and drilling industry business. Nothing, zero, blank. They don't give a shit just because their god Trump told them.
I ran into both of these poorly informed little citizens in a separate thread about drilling coastal waters. They don't even understand the prices and the oil glut problem because how they kiss Donnie.
We have data and fudge regarding Antarctica.

We went to court 10 years ago on that issue, and the court sided with the data over the fudge...

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years."

Algore's side never appealed. The verdict stood. The left just started lying and fudging again....
Why does NASA say the Antarctic ice is decreasing?
You know what I think? I think you ask questions and if anyone answers them you ignore it.
NASA has a better view than climate change deniers that have their heads up their ass.
Dramatic Nasa images show the staggering loss of ice at the south pole | Daily Mail Online

Those people can never make up their minds:

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
If there's a good point here anywhere, you just put your finger on it. Scientists don't look for the answer to uphold their theories. They report the facts.

Bullshit. They are making it up as they go. That's been proven over and over.
we don't know where the warming is coming from.

The FRAUD of Global (non) Warming is the deliberate misinterpretation of the URBAN HEAT SINK EFFECT on the SURFACE GROUND TEMPERATURE SERIES, the only series showing any warming in the RAW (unFUDGED) DATA.

As urban areas grow, they warm on the surface, as trees, grass and rocks are replaced with highways, warm buildings, factories etc.

The Urban Heat Island Effect

"The sun and the city make for dangerous heat. It's called the Urban Heat Island Effect.

It causes temperatures in the city to be 1 to 10 degrees warmer than in rural areas.

Asphalt, buildings, and the lack of trees create a hotter environment for people in urban areas."

And, so, if you just measure temps in the center of growing urban areas, you get "warming" even though the ATMOSPHERE is NOT WARMING....
Scientists take this into account. When they do, you morons have a fit.

Make up your mind.

No they don't..
That is your response? Really?

Removing the Urban Heat Island Effect from the Global Temperature Record
Heat islands may skew long-term temperature records as urbanization encroaches on weather stations located near the outskirts of town. Consequently, researchers must remove heat island effects from temperature records to accurately estimate climate change."

Measuring Heat Islands | US EPA

Proof of just how uninformed you are.
You are so fucking gullible it must hurt. An investigation of what they have actually done shows they haven't properly accounted for the heat island effect. In fact, they have done everything possible to exacerbate the effect.
Hurricanes are increasing in intensity although there may be fewer..


US is the second worst polluters. We are the leader not a backward follower. We now at level of Syria and Nicaragua. Even China the worst polluters sign on to this accord.

Maybe you should get your facts right:

Air pollution from industrial activity isn’t just an environmental concern—it’s a major public health problem, too.

In a report (pdf) released Tuesday (Sept. 27), the World Health Organization (WHO) found that 92% of the population breathes air with unhealthy levels of pollutants. WHO collected air quality data from 3,000 locations across the globe and looked for concentrations of fine particulate matter, including sulfates, nitrates, mineral dust, and black carbon, which are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter—about 1/1000 of a millimeter, or the width of a credit card. Both indoors and outdoors, these particles work their way into the lungs when we breathe, and can cause cardiovascular disease like lung cancer, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Every country has terrible air pollution, but these are the world’s worst

Now, if you click on the link (and I doubt you will) you can scroll down to the bottom of the page where they list the countries from worst to best. Just so you don't waste too much of your precious time, I suggest you scroll quickly to find the US.

Of course China signed onto it. They don't have to do shit until 2030, and even then, who knows if they'd honor it.

You are very funny Ray. LOL. You are telling me that air is polluted. So we need to do something. Correct? What are you trying to tell me? You need to look at this real link and the problem Ray.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia

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China. They don't do shit till 2030 is a lame and dumb excuse from Trump as a good example of LYING to Americans.
Technically yes they don't do anything till 2030 because that is the allowance they negotiated with the accord. But in REALITY that is incorrect. They are choking to death right now. What made you and Trump think they are not doing anything right now?
If someone has a cancer (China) is this person going to wait 13 years to get treatments? Wrong. If they waited 13 years to do something------- What do you think will happen to them? Chinese are not that stupid.
They are building several hydro electric dam like in Brahmaputra, three gorges dam and others. This year they scrapped 103 coal power plant which I heard this news in 2015 when they are still in planning stage. They are also doing a lot of improvements about smog from cars and other factory polluters. That is just the start.

The End of Coal Is Near: China Just Scrapped 103 Power Plants

Correct, the Chinese are not stupid, thats why they take advantage of our stupid like Dumbama.

You say that the Chinese are going more green all by themselves, and then try to make the case why WE should sign the Paris Accord? The Chinese are doing such a good job in your opinion without any international agreement.

You people on the left never learn anything about these agreements or treaties. It's like when Saddam signed an agreement to stop us from tearing his country apart, or when Russia signed on to nuclear disarmament, or when Iran said they will stop advancing their nuclear technology. These leaders can barely hold back their laughter when they sign these things because they know we are stupid enough to believe they will abide by them. They sign these treaties and then take them into the toilet and use them to wipe up with.

What Trump did was stop a gang of countries from making fools out of us again. And during this entire discussion since I joined in, not one of you on the left are able to tell me why we need to gang up with all these other countries. Not one of you can tell me what would be accomplished by this that we can't accomplish ourselves without the agreement.
We are the #2 emitter of greenhouse gases. We are also the richest country in the world. So does it make sense that we, and other developed, successful countries, would agree to help less developed countries in making efforts to save the planet from disastrous climate change?
I've read the arguments here. I know the current agreement would not meet the goal. I know the regulations we agreed to are costing the business community $ (that's always a good reason for the Republicans to chime in, yes?) and I know it is not enforceable. I've read all those things here and I believe them, so you don't have to bring them up again. I want to ask you this:
Why do we not need to own our shit? We are the #2 polluter and the #1 richest in the world. And we say we won't get involved in a global effort because we don't want to pay. Is that responsible? I don't think so.
richest country is terms of what?
We owe a third of how much money is in the world. A whole third.
We have unfunded liabilities that are DOUBLE how much money is in the world. You believe it.

We have the largest military in the world, we spend 100s of billions in defense, sent billions to foreign aid, we make billions in selling arms and ammunitions. We can accord to build $12 billions aircraft carrier Ford.
One or top country envy of the world------ millions flocks to this country by legally and illegals because of richness. Economy is booming at alarming rate. NOW compare that to any country. So what is your problem?

The main topic of this 2 post was the emissions------ are you denying that we are the second worst polluters?
My God, you are that fucking stupid to believe Trump wants to renegotiate it when it can't be renegotiated?

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to know the Accord was all voluntary. If Trump is going to follow through on our commitment to lower our emissions, why pull out.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that the leading country responsible for the high levels that exist today.

You & Trump are too God damn stupid top know that reducing emissions globally is better than just lowering ours ( Like the orange POS wants to lower our emissions).

Trump & you are too God damn stupid to get that providing these countries the technology & equipment is business for US corporations.

You & Trump are two of the dumbest people on the planet.

If you think we need some agreement with other countries to tell us what to do and how to do it, you're the stupid one. You want America to be like that guy with a good paying job that patrons a bar. Everybody runs up to him shaking his hand, giving him a hug, knowing he will buy them drinks all night long because he has the money.

Our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt. We are broke. Do you know what the word "broke" means? Broke means no money. Broke means in debt. Broke means failure. Why you leftists would choose failure all the time is beyond any reasonable persons ability to understand.

We can't afford to spend God knows how many billions (of money we don't have) on some stupid fairy tale like MMGW. You on the left always tell us to keep our religion in our church or at home, you should do the same with your beliefs. Don't involve our country in your stupid religion. If you want to lower your idiotic carbon footprint, buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. Buy a windmill for your backyard. Take the bus everywhere you need to go. And in a hundred years from now, you can sit back and enjoy that .02% of cooler air.

God you people are dense.
In the Paris Agreement, each country determines, it's own contribution it will make in order to mitigate global warming. There is no mechanism to force a country to meet any specific target or by any specific date. So what the fuck is their to negotiate.

And what's lost by pulling out?
We lose being a world leader in fighting climate change. We increase the possibilities of a more difficult future for our children & grandchildren. We lost credibility. We lost respect for our Presidency. We risk ending a unified global effort.

I understand that you assholes either don't have kids or just hate your children. Must be the case as you choose to believe a orange uninformed POS instead of scientists.
How do you fight climate change? Climate change is a NATURAL occurrence.

If you are asking that kind of question -------- then you should not be here discussing this kind of complex issue because this is not about childish philosophical agenda. Just to give you an example how dumb you are. Is this a a NATURAL occurrence? These are American cities.


Hurricanes are increasing in intensity although there may be fewer.

Increasing in intensity does not always mean a much of category 5s. It also means what would have been a tropical storm becoming a category 1.

Last year there were 4 major hurricanes.
Its been several years since we had a cat 3.
Try again.
Did you catch those cyclones on the other side of the world last year though? A couple of them were really intense. Do they not count because they didn't happen in the US?
They do. I was just thinking US. That's my fault. He didn't even imply that.
Yes, there were a couple cat 4s and one or two cat 3s.
There was 3 major hurricanes in 1959
In 1969 there were 5. Even had a cat 5
In 1975 there were 7.
YOU believe we have a new hurricane problem.

View attachment 131244

PROBLEM IS (speaking as a scientist):

A). The first significant deviation was noted in the 1930's. At that time, significant industrial output was too young to be accredited with causing any global weather change.

B). The sampling period is simply too short! Without looking back several hundred, even thousands or millions of years, no one can say whether any trend seen today is unusual, normal or very common. What if 1500 years ago, there was a period of hurricane activity equal to or worse than today? What then?

C). This fails to take into account the fact that the main driver of our weather isn't us, it is the SUN. One must factor in the various solar cycles if you are to have an honest accounting.
The SUN???? OMG no one EVER EVER thought of that.

Scientists are evidently not as smarty as you & none ever considered solar cycles,.

My God people. Get a fucking brain,.

They sure gave the impression they are that stupid.
That there was a hurricane in Galveston in 1900? I'm sorry that happened, but I still don't know your point. Katrina was a Cat #5.

It was NOT a Cat 5 when it struck New Orleans. Former Mayor and now convict waited until it was too late to evacuate the low areas of the city. They had known their levees would not survive a such a storm. He and Governor Blanco created a total disaster resulting in massive numbers of lives lost needlessly.
Who gives a shit, Markle? Wrong thread. Wrong year. Wrong everything.

You brought up Katrina, not me. You lied about the storm, not me.

Try again!
kicked, screamed, prophesied doom and otherwise whined. .
Funny, that describes perfectly what the other side did. ESPECIALLY the "prophesied doom" :D
Both sides get passionate. Your side about losing a buck, the green side about losing clean air or water.
Don't say the Republicans don't scream economic doom every single time a regulation is imposed on their manufacturing or drilling. Yet we seem to have survived and the economy is supposedly "booming" according to Thunder Mouth.
Oh absolutely. The republicans are fucking idiots.
Its a lot more than clean air and water. A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism.. No shit.
The republicans are fucking idiots.
They're rich SOB's who want every last nickel milked from what is making them rich. You can't blame them; this is how our country works. But when the brakes get put on for the public good--whoa Nelly! Let's even come up with dumb stuff like "A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism." Well, air pollution does exacerbate asthma. Ask any doctor of whatever political persuasion, or better yet, anyone with asthma. And every national security expert I've heard has agreed that climate change IS a one of the top security issues facing our country. Due to disruption of natural resources and massive migration causing socio-economic disruption.
The dem president who said those things wasn't wrong. But the current Republican president who is saying a world wide climate agreement isn't good for the U.S. is.
You are going to sit there and tell me dry, hot climates cause Islamic terrorism in the middle east when they have been living in that EXACT climate for thousands of years?
Give me a fucking break old lady. I know its Monday but damn..
You sit there and talk trash about "rich republicans" when rich dems pushing this shit when they fly around in private jets. Leo decaprio flew halfway around the world to accept an environment award and he let out more co2 from that SOLE trip than my family will do in six months.
Again, give me a fucking break.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive. You people need to grow the fuck up.
And I guess you have a point with the asthma. The dem city of Chicago STILL hasn't met basic air quality standards :badgrin:
They don't really care. And until you care enough to look for reality, you are just as bad as the duopoly.

Why would anyone give you a break spewing bull shit non sense?
Making a statement comparing us from thousands or billions of years ago ------ to today is purely idiotic coming from a 5 year old kid.
Earth Population around year 1400 is approximately around 370 millions. Now go back thousands of years ago let say 30,000 years BC. What do you think is the earth population then? 50,000 100,000?
Now you compare that to earth population today of 7.4+ billions.
Now take those 7.4+ billions earthlings eating, consuming natural resources like coal, oil, natural gas, food, water, deforestation, garbage, buildings, cars, factories etc etc etc around the globe. All man made.
Those cause wear and tear of this planet that we cannot never get it back and it will get worse------ If we don't do anything. You don't know shit.
Funny, that describes perfectly what the other side did. ESPECIALLY the "prophesied doom" :D
Both sides get passionate. Your side about losing a buck, the green side about losing clean air or water.
Don't say the Republicans don't scream economic doom every single time a regulation is imposed on their manufacturing or drilling. Yet we seem to have survived and the economy is supposedly "booming" according to Thunder Mouth.
Oh absolutely. The republicans are fucking idiots.
Its a lot more than clean air and water. A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism.. No shit.
The republicans are fucking idiots.
They're rich SOB's who want every last nickel milked from what is making them rich. You can't blame them; this is how our country works. But when the brakes get put on for the public good--whoa Nelly! Let's even come up with dumb stuff like "A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism." Well, air pollution does exacerbate asthma. Ask any doctor of whatever political persuasion, or better yet, anyone with asthma. And every national security expert I've heard has agreed that climate change IS a one of the top security issues facing our country. Due to disruption of natural resources and massive migration causing socio-economic disruption.
The dem president who said those things wasn't wrong. But the current Republican president who is saying a world wide climate agreement isn't good for the U.S. is.
You are going to sit there and tell me dry, hot climates cause Islamic terrorism in the middle east when they have been living in that EXACT climate for thousands of years?
Give me a fucking break old lady. I know its Monday but damn..
You sit there and talk trash about "rich republicans" when rich dems pushing this shit when they fly around in private jets. Leo decaprio flew halfway around the world to accept an environment award and he let out more co2 from that SOLE trip than my family will do in six months.
Again, give me a fucking break.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive. You people need to grow the fuck up.
And I guess you have a point with the asthma. The dem city of Chicago STILL hasn't met basic air quality standards :badgrin:
They don't really care. And until you care enough to look for reality, you are just as bad as the duopoly.

Why would anyone give you a break spewing bull shit non sense?
Making a statement comparing us from thousands or billions of years ago ------ to today is purely idiotic coming from a 5 year old kid.
Earth Population around year 1400 is approximately around 370 millions. Now go back thousands of years ago let say 30,000 years BC. What do you think is the earth population then? 50,000 100,000?
Now you compare that to earth population today of 7.4+ billions.
Now take those 7.4+ billions earthlings eating, consuming natural resources like coal, oil, natural gas, food, water, deforestation, garbage, buildings, cars, factories etc etc etc around the globe. All man made.
Those cause wear and tear of this planet that we cannot never get it back and it will get worse------ If we don't do anything. You don't know shit.
we don't know where the warming is coming from.

The FRAUD of Global (non) Warming is the deliberate misinterpretation of the URBAN HEAT SINK EFFECT on the SURFACE GROUND TEMPERATURE SERIES, the only series showing any warming in the RAW (unFUDGED) DATA.

As urban areas grow, they warm on the surface, as trees, grass and rocks are replaced with highways, warm buildings, factories etc.

The Urban Heat Island Effect

"The sun and the city make for dangerous heat. It's called the Urban Heat Island Effect.

It causes temperatures in the city to be 1 to 10 degrees warmer than in rural areas.

Asphalt, buildings, and the lack of trees create a hotter environment for people in urban areas."

And, so, if you just measure temps in the center of growing urban areas, you get "warming" even though the ATMOSPHERE is NOT WARMING....
Scientists take this into account. When they do, you morons have a fit.

Make up your mind.

No they don't..
That is your response? Really?

Removing the Urban Heat Island Effect from the Global Temperature Record
Heat islands may skew long-term temperature records as urbanization encroaches on weather stations located near the outskirts of town. Consequently, researchers must remove heat island effects from temperature records to accurately estimate climate change."

Measuring Heat Islands | US EPA

Proof of just how uninformed you are.
SO why does BEST and NOAA always adjust the better sited stations UP rather than the bad ones down?
The SUN???? OMG no one EVER EVER thought of that.

Scientists are evidently not as smarty as you & none ever considered solar cycles,.

My God people. Get a fucking brain,.

True, many of the "scientists" consider solar cycles, and they see a million dollar grant vanishing. So what do they do, they "correct" the figures.
They are choking to death right now.

They aren't choking on CO2.


This proves you and your buddy Todd don't know what in the world what this topic is all about.
Yes they are not choking with CO2 but the emissions are releasing to the atmosphere is dangerous to the earth. And Coal industry is one of the culprits.
China just shut down 103 of their coal plants is a good progress. At the same time they are going after their factories of air pollutants and smogs.

Yes they are not choking with CO2 but the emissions are releasing to the atmosphere is dangerous to the earth. And Coal industry is one of the culprits.

Yes, they should spend their money cleaning up their dangerous emissions and stop wasting it on CO2 reduction.
Of course, based on their non-commitments under the Paris accords, they already decided not to waste their money on CO2 reduction, eh?

China just shut down 103 of their coal plants is a good progress

They shut down 103 plants that were generating power? Are you sure?

He knows its an outright lie.. China slated to build over 350 new coal fired plants has now decreased that number to just over 200...

But they are still building them..
*** See separate Thread about this (that will potentially combine with this one)

The Paris Accords is a TREATY. Barry made yet another Un-Constitutional Decision on his own to Sign the United States up to this TREATY - He NEVER followed the Constitution, NEVER presented it to Congress, and Congress NEVER ratified the TREATY.

Just like with his 'Iran Deal', the agreement Barry made with the Paris Accords is nothing more than agreement between Barry - who is now gone - and the International Community.

Trump isn't 'pulling out' of anything - we were never 'in'.

Coming from a racist lying scum like you.
What made you think your post is fucking credible?
The only country that are not in the Paris accord are Syria and Nicaragua. That's a fact.

He did it by EO and if Obama presented it to congress. What made you think the garbage GOPs would do?
So all the EO that this toxic ignorant president signed --------- are those also UN constitutional? Now Tell me if you are not fucking hypocrite or not.
Funny, that describes perfectly what the other side did. ESPECIALLY the "prophesied doom" :D
Both sides get passionate. Your side about losing a buck, the green side about losing clean air or water.
Don't say the Republicans don't scream economic doom every single time a regulation is imposed on their manufacturing or drilling. Yet we seem to have survived and the economy is supposedly "booming" according to Thunder Mouth.
Oh absolutely. The republicans are fucking idiots.
Its a lot more than clean air and water. A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism.. No shit.
The republicans are fucking idiots.
They're rich SOB's who want every last nickel milked from what is making them rich. You can't blame them; this is how our country works. But when the brakes get put on for the public good--whoa Nelly! Let's even come up with dumb stuff like "A dem president has gone as far as to blame it for his daughters asthma and Islamic extremism." Well, air pollution does exacerbate asthma. Ask any doctor of whatever political persuasion, or better yet, anyone with asthma. And every national security expert I've heard has agreed that climate change IS a one of the top security issues facing our country. Due to disruption of natural resources and massive migration causing socio-economic disruption.
The dem president who said those things wasn't wrong. But the current Republican president who is saying a world wide climate agreement isn't good for the U.S. is.
You are going to sit there and tell me dry, hot climates cause Islamic terrorism in the middle east when they have been living in that EXACT climate for thousands of years?
Give me a fucking break old lady. I know its Monday but damn..
You sit there and talk trash about "rich republicans" when rich dems pushing this shit when they fly around in private jets. Leo decaprio flew halfway around the world to accept an environment award and he let out more co2 from that SOLE trip than my family will do in six months.
Again, give me a fucking break.
This stupid partisanship you all are stuck on is regressive. You people need to grow the fuck up.
And I guess you have a point with the asthma. The dem city of Chicago STILL hasn't met basic air quality standards :badgrin:
They don't really care. And until you care enough to look for reality, you are just as bad as the duopoly.

Why would anyone give you a break spewing bull shit non sense?
Making a statement comparing us from thousands or billions of years ago ------ to today is purely idiotic coming from a 5 year old kid.
Earth Population around year 1400 is approximately around 370 millions. Now go back thousands of years ago let say 30,000 years BC. What do you think is the earth population then? 50,000 100,000?
Now you compare that to earth population today of 7.4+ billions.
Now take those 7.4+ billions earthlings eating, consuming natural resources like coal, oil, natural gas, food, water, deforestation, garbage, buildings, cars, factories etc etc etc around the globe. All man made.
Those cause wear and tear of this planet that we cannot never get it back and it will get worse------ If we don't do anything. You don't know shit.

Maybe you should find God. If you do believe in God, do you seriously think God made a planet for human kind with it's resources only for us to destroy ourselves?

You may be able to kill all the people on this planet, but you'll never kill the planet itself.
*** See separate Thread about this (that will potentially combine with this one)

The Paris Accords is a TREATY. Barry made yet another Un-Constitutional Decision on his own to Sign the United States up to this TREATY - He NEVER followed the Constitution, NEVER presented it to Congress, and Congress NEVER ratified the TREATY.

Just like with his 'Iran Deal', the agreement Barry made with the Paris Accords is nothing more than agreement between Barry - who is now gone - and the International Community.

Trump isn't 'pulling out' of anything - we were never 'in'.

Coming from a racist lying scum like you.
What made you think your post is fucking credible?
The only country that are not in the Paris accord are Syria and Nicaragua. That's a fact.

He did it by EO and if Obama presented it to congress. What made you think the garbage GOPs would do?
So all the EO that this toxic ignorant president signed --------- are those also UN constitutional? Now Tell me if you are not fucking hypocrite or not.
Wow, so much hatred. And imagine, a liberal calling anyone else a racist, after the DNC was exposed with their own e-mails as full of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites. :p

And after 8 years of snowflakes attempting to silence anyone who legitimately criticized Obama by calling them 'racists', no one listens to you anymore.You are like the little boy who cried wolf...or racist...too many times.

Your triggered personal attacks made me laugh, little snowflake. They mean nothing to me, much like your opinion.
That's what the Paris Accords were meant to begin.

No, that's not what it was meant for. Global Warming (or climate change as you call it) is a leftist agenda. The Democrats want to obligate us to that leftist agenda no matter who has power such as the case today. Thank goodness Trump refused to go along with it.

Besides, the leftist outrage has nothing to do with global warming, it has to do with the Republicans tearing apart DumBama's liberal agenda piece by piece. Had Bush come out with the Paris Accord, you would be applauding Trumps actions today.
You guys are all SICK turning this into a purely political issue. It is global, it is real, and it's going to fry your ass same as mine. If it were leftist tree huggers only, why did every country in the world agree? Anyone turning this into a political issue has real problems distinguishing reality.

It's a huge swindle. There's nothing real about it. The people who agreed are all politicians who don't give a flying fuck about their people.
Every country in the world did not agree, and out of the nations who did agree, the United States was the only nation who 'entered' via single, individual leader action.

Based on our Constitution and form of govt, that is saying a helluva lot, that such a commitment by the largest, most powerful nation in the free world was made by 1 man who completely refused to confer with Congress and acted on his own.

How can anyone miss the political aspect of this?

If Obama felt this was the right course of action, as he also did when he dragged the US into un-Authorized wars in Libya and Syria, he should have gone before Congress and made his case, arguing it was the right thing to do.

Instead, he did what he always did - bypass Congress and make a solo, dictatorial decision.

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