Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Anybody know why natural gas is called "natural"
Because it comes straight out of the ground in gas form. It isn't distilled from petroleum.
So Mother Nature produced and presumably retrievable via Mother Natures intent
See even if we used zero petrol libs would then grab onto Natural Gas as a big no no
When the physicists perfect fusion power, the eco fanatics will be against that because they don't want humanity to have cheap abundant energy. That would mean we could still have cars and air conditioning, and those are evil!
If the issue is as raw as do We the People support natural gas and renewable energy to most of the fossil fuels, why, yea, we do.

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.
Absolutely the most humiliating moment yet.
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.

So you are another one who thinks being part of the cool crowd is cool? This is not high school.. Once more scientists like Judith Curry and her peers are part of the 97% consensus..Yet people call them a denier .. Why is that?


I have no idea what you're talking about. If you've got a point, try again.

How convenient.

Judith Curry and her peers are part of the 97% consensus..
What? Assuming she even retains any legitimacy/credibility as a scientist, to say nothing of as a climate scientist of some stripe, Judith Curry is among the 3% not the 97%. The woman has given five different years as the point at which global warming stopped.

Forget the debate over whether there are indeed anthropogenic causes of it, that silly woman thought it had stopped happening, and thinks it stopped on five different occasions. That attestation is analogous to one's using the fact of being at a stoplight to support the assertion that they "stopped driving."
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A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

Wrong. All you warmist cult members are regarded as kooks.

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?

Fox does it all the time when they conflate weather with climate change.
If the issue is as raw as do We the People support natural gas and renewable energy to most of the fossil fuels, why, yea, we do.
You aren't "we the people," fakey. You're just a dumbass internet troll.
You and your friends are just lost in the big confusion of life.

Most Americans Support Staying in the Paris Agreement

Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

You cite the Yale Program on Climate Change?


Yeah, they support so much they aren't willing to have their utility bill increase by $10 to pay for it.

How Much Will Americans Pay to Battle Climate Change? Not Much

University of Chicago (EPIC) and the Associated Press—NORC Center for Public Affairs Research at the University of Chicago set out to better understand. Their nationally representative poll found that 43% of Americans were unwilling to pay an additional $1 per month in their electricity bill to combat climate change—and a large majority were unwilling to pay $10 per month. That’s despite the fact that a whopping 77% said they think climate change is happening and 65% think it is a problem the government should do something about. Support plummets as the amount of the fee increases.’​
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?

Fox does it all the time when they conflate weather with climate change.

Climate is just a long-term accumulation of weather. Hardly "conflation". According to NASA:

"In short, climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area."
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?

Fox does it all the time when they conflate weather with climate change.

You aren't this stupid are you? EVERY time there is a major weather event you idiots start screaming that's it's "climate change".
And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?

Fox does it all the time when they conflate weather with climate change.

You aren't this stupid are you? EVERY time there is a major weather event you idiots start screaming that's it's "climate change".

You must understand, these genius' think a 10 year pattern out of 4,500,000,000 years makes a trend. Yeah..... they're the smart ones!

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?
I believe in climate
Libs castigations are always rooted in emotions
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

And oddly, you didn't link to this NASA study. Could it be because NASA supports the science that point to human caused climate change?

NASA has been caught red-handed doctoring the data. It has no credibility.

The only people with no credibility are climate deniers.

How does one deny that there is climate?

Fox does it all the time when they conflate weather with climate change.
I've never seen them do that. However, libturds in the fake media do it all the time when they conflate "extreme weather" with global warming.
My point about communism is very simple so read slow. The ideology of communism does not kill people, as the poster that I was responding to stated, the leader in charge makes that decision. Just like the old gun argument... Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Communism kills. It is like a plague bacillus but more evil since plague has no evil intent. Marxism and communism need to eradicated from every crevice like bleaching a room a sick person has died in.
Now all the deniers are denying the Accord's agreements.

Kids, we are not going to walk away from the Accord until November 2020. Tough that you don't like it.

Again, we haven't ratified it. We don't have to walk away. We haven't walked to it.

That's what is so ridiculous we've never been on board with this awful piece of garbage. Obama never sent it to the senate. So all Trump has done is continue the status quo and you guys are freaking out
Now all the deniers are denying the Accord's agreements.

Kids, we are not going to walk away from the Accord until November 2020. Tough that you don't like it.
seems you are bubba. but I'm not surprised. you've been lost for quite some time.
Because Bubba Trump says "we are done" does not make it so. First, the language of the Accord allows out in 2020. Second, persons, cities, universities, states, and business are setting up a network to interconnect with the UN on continuing fighting global warming. Neither Trump nor you can stop that.

The language of the accord is irrelevant. We never ratified it.

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