Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world

The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?

It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It gets other countries to reduce their emissions?

The Paris Accord is a step towards limiting the rise in ave global temps & this will reduce the effects.

I know this is difficult for you to grasp that our atmosphere is shared with other countries.

Only a fool, like Trump, does not want to reduce the effects of global warming. Only a fool like Trump thinks that allowing more pollution is the answer to our economy & jobs,
The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?

It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It gets other countries to reduce their emissions?

The Paris Accord is a step towards limiting the rise in ave global temps & this will reduce the effects.

I know this is difficult for you to grasp that our atmosphere is shared with other countries.

Only a fool, like Trump, does not want to reduce the effects of global warming. Only a fool like Trump thinks that allowing more pollution is the answer to our economy & jobs,

Again you moron pollution and climate change are two different subjects.

We need C02


The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?

It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It gets other countries to reduce their emissions?

The Paris Accord is a step towards limiting the rise in ave global temps & this will reduce the effects.

I know this is difficult for you to grasp that our atmosphere is shared with other countries.

Only a fool, like Trump, does not want to reduce the effects of global warming. Only a fool like Trump thinks that allowing more pollution is the answer to our economy & jobs,

Talking to a broke ass liberal is like talking to a brick wall..
Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.
It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It gets other countries to reduce their emissions?

The Paris Accord is a step towards limiting the rise in ave global temps & this will reduce the effects.

I know this is difficult for you to grasp that our atmosphere is shared with other countries.

Only a fool, like Trump, does not want to reduce the effects of global warming. Only a fool like Trump thinks that allowing more pollution is the answer to our economy & jobs,

Again you moron pollution and climate change are two different subjects.

We need C02



Your orange buddy is cutting back on a wide range on environmental issues like rivers & air. Now you imply that we need the CO2 emitted by man to survive? Really?
It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It gets other countries to reduce their emissions?

The Paris Accord is a step towards limiting the rise in ave global temps & this will reduce the effects.

I know this is difficult for you to grasp that our atmosphere is shared with other countries.

Only a fool, like Trump, does not want to reduce the effects of global warming. Only a fool like Trump thinks that allowing more pollution is the answer to our economy & jobs,

Talking to a broke ass liberal is like talking to a brick wall..

I debunked each & every one of your extremely naive posts.
Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.

More stupid BULLSHIT, YES climate change is REAL, man made climate change or the ability of man to make even a scintilla of change to the climate is NOT real, it is a con game to take trillions of dollars from the people and give it to a group of central one world government initiatives. If you are to stupid to know that, you should be in an insane asylum.
Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.

You do that:

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book
Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.

Richard lindzen is part of the 97%.
Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.

You do that:

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

Absolute reality is something a liberal has too little brain power to absorb RAY, just because REAL scientist say man can't do anything to affect the massive forces within the climate and only paid to prove result scientist that are given millions to say "man is killing us all" That means "man is killing us all" to a liberal. Liberals cant put the trillions of dollars that go to the political thieves friends, and back to their campaigns and pockets into perspective.
Quick Facts on Ice Shelves | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Why are ice shelves important?
Because ice shelves already float in the ocean, they do not contribute directly to sea level rise when they break up. However, ice shelf collapse could contribute to sea level rise indirectly. Ice streams and glaciers constantly push on ice shelves, but the shelves eventually come up against coastal features such as islands and peninsulas, building pressure that slows their movement into the ocean. If an ice shelf collapses, the backpressure disappears. The glaciers that fed into the ice shelf speed up, flowing more quickly out to sea. Glaciers and ice sheets rest on land, so once they flow into the ocean, they contribute to sea level rise.

You're welcome.
how you figure? they used the word 'could'. the fact is no added water. so again, your point is what?
Bah! Who needs science, amiright?
Let's use some science! Oceans make up about 70% of the earths surface which is about 140 million square miles. How many square miles of dangling ice shelves would be required to elevate the worlds oceans by inch?

Let's see. If I did my computations right (LxWxDx amount of rise), 140000000 sq. miles x 12100 ft average depth converted to sq. ft, then x .10 (1.2 inches), I come up with 2,303,072.302 cu. miles of water/ice to raise the earth's oceans 1.2 inches.

But correct me if I'm wrong.
It is my pleasure to correct you.

You are off by a factor of 1,000.

It takes about 2,000 cubic miles to raise the oceans by one inch.

Just to give you some perspective, there is about 5,614,000 cubic miles of groundwater on Earth.
use solar to make fresh water, bam.

which future generation will die from cold and lack of CO2. don't they matter too ?

the fundamental agenda is wrong about CO2. we should stay with heavy metals and carcinogens. not oxygen, nitrogen etc. they picked a gas and started a movement around it. it's so stupid.

ask the mother who's kid was murdered in crossfire this weekend in chicago if she cares how much fuckin' CO2 there is.

or next weekend and the one after that.
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You didn't read the report on lost jobs, and 3 trillion dollars of economic loss, this accord would have set is back?

Consequences of Paris Protocol: Devastating Economic Costs, Essentially Zero Environmental Benefits

$3 trillions? Really? Coming from You've got to be kidding me. Did you really read your link or you just cherry pick? An ultra right wing hard right media also an anti Obama which is about worthless. Give me something else.

Literally what you are saying that ALL the CEOs, businesses, 195 countries including China the worst polluters are wrong? But ignorant Trump is correct.

Give me an exact example of ------- Devastating Economic Cost and Lost --------- Like what? Like what business?
Hey, I'll beleive Heritage ahead of ANY source you'll produce. If don't wish to believe, that is your problem, not mine. The facts remain, this Paris thing was NEVER about climate but about the transfer of American wealth to a world organization along with our giving up sovereignty.

I support what Trump did for this and other reasons. I don't actually have to justify them to you.

You did not even answer any of my questions. Why?

Meaning your link is nothing but anti Obama.
What is that supposed to represent? but bogus and full of crap.

I don't have to produce anything. You have to prove why you think pulling out from this climate accord is good for America? Not me.
I have the CEOs, businesses and around the globe that supports me. The whole world is furious and kicking our ass because of your god.

And YES you need to justify what you are talking about because followers like you don't even know what these means to the whole world.
Go read it. It is NOT anti-Obama, it is a group of people who follow a conservative philosophy. Your answers are in their report and it explains pretty closely why I think its a good thing to pull out of the Paris accords. As for what it means to the whole world, why should their greed affect Me?

1. You did not answer any of my questions. If you don't mind can you answer my questions?
2. It's been proven that climate change is real.
3. What greed are you talking about?
4. You are telling me that 195 countries, scientist, businesses, CEOs ------- and the rest of the world is wrong. That Trump is right? NO Trump is very wrong. He think this is a hoax.
Bottom line he did this unthinkable, unimaginable and dumb move because of dying industry----- the coal.

Trump and your explanation from pulling out of the accord is NOT acceptable.
1. The report answers your questions.
2. It has not, and the Paris Accords isn't about climate. Are you even aware that if accomplished, the Paris accord is estimated to lower global temperature by a whopping 0.2 degrees by the end of the century. For that result, the USA gets to hamstring itself while the two worst offenders get to continue to pollute at or above current levels.
3. Call it what you want, political greed, government greed, ideological greed, it amounts to the same thing. Others dream up issues and take money to solve them. Money and position that keeps them in power.
4. I'm telling you that it is a false comparison. None of the 195 countries stand to lose, we do. The accord is nothing but a scheme to bleed the US while costing them nothing. Why wouldn't they be on board?

Bottom line. Nothing will happen, just like nothing happened when we trashed Kyoto. Life and the world will continue on. All of this hair pulling is amusing to watch, but gets tiresome in the way that an adult gets tired of listening to a toddler scream for hours on end.
Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.

More stupid BULLSHIT, YES climate change is REAL, man made climate change or the ability of man to make even a scintilla of change to the climate is NOT real, it is a con game to take trillions of dollars from the people and give it to a group of central one world government initiatives. If you are to stupid to know that, you should be in an insane asylum.

So, you think man can spew all kinds of shit into our atmosphere & not change anything? Really?

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

But hey, what the fuck does NASA know, lets believe a lying, business cheat, women grioping orange asshole instead.
$3 trillions? Really? Coming from You've got to be kidding me. Did you really read your link or you just cherry pick? An ultra right wing hard right media also an anti Obama which is about worthless. Give me something else.

Literally what you are saying that ALL the CEOs, businesses, 195 countries including China the worst polluters are wrong? But ignorant Trump is correct.

Give me an exact example of ------- Devastating Economic Cost and Lost --------- Like what? Like what business?
Hey, I'll beleive Heritage ahead of ANY source you'll produce. If don't wish to believe, that is your problem, not mine. The facts remain, this Paris thing was NEVER about climate but about the transfer of American wealth to a world organization along with our giving up sovereignty.

I support what Trump did for this and other reasons. I don't actually have to justify them to you.

You did not even answer any of my questions. Why?

Meaning your link is nothing but anti Obama.
What is that supposed to represent? but bogus and full of crap.

I don't have to produce anything. You have to prove why you think pulling out from this climate accord is good for America? Not me.
I have the CEOs, businesses and around the globe that supports me. The whole world is furious and kicking our ass because of your god.

And YES you need to justify what you are talking about because followers like you don't even know what these means to the whole world.
Go read it. It is NOT anti-Obama, it is a group of people who follow a conservative philosophy. Your answers are in their report and it explains pretty closely why I think its a good thing to pull out of the Paris accords. As for what it means to the whole world, why should their greed affect Me?

1. You did not answer any of my questions. If you don't mind can you answer my questions?
2. It's been proven that climate change is real.
3. What greed are you talking about?
4. You are telling me that 195 countries, scientist, businesses, CEOs ------- and the rest of the world is wrong. That Trump is right? NO Trump is very wrong. He think this is a hoax.
Bottom line he did this unthinkable, unimaginable and dumb move because of dying industry----- the coal.

Trump and your explanation from pulling out of the accord is NOT acceptable.
1. The report answers your questions.
2. It has not, and the Paris Accords isn't about climate. Are you even aware that if accomplished, the Paris accord is estimated to lower global temperature by a whopping 0.2 degrees by the end of the century. For that result, the USA gets to hamstring itself while the two worst offenders get to continue to pollute at or above current levels.
3. Call it what you want, political greed, government greed, ideological greed, it amounts to the same thing. Others dream up issues and take money to solve them. Money and position that keeps them in power.
4. I'm telling you that it is a false comparison. None of the 195 countries stand to lose, we do. The accord is nothing but a scheme to bleed the US while costing them nothing. Why wouldn't they be on board?

Bottom line. Nothing will happen, just like nothing happened when we trashed Kyoto. Life and the world will continue on. All of this hair pulling is amusing to watch, but gets tiresome in the way that an adult gets tired of listening to a toddler scream for hours on end.

Bottom line, you keep quoting the same debunked study that Trump did.

That .2 degrees is above the change in existing protocols already in place. The Pris Accord is just the first step.

Trump lied when he claimed the Accord tells America that it can't build coal plants or anything of the sort. Some countries still need to expand their rids & power supply as they become closer to being fully developed. China has cancelled plans for hundreds of coal plants.

The truth is we are where we are now with carbon in the atmosphere because we led the world in this for decades.

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