Trump Pulling Out of Virginia

They do, they're called the Religious Right.

Left wing intolerance and bigotry for people of faith, interesting how Democrats have forgotten what America was founded on..

Not left wing, voted Republican in every election since 1978.

I just pointed out that there are 10's of millions that will slavishly vote for the "R" candidate just like there is a group that will slavishly vote for the "D" candidate.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and Jerry Fawell from Liberty University have been on the news shows DEFENDING the adulterer and pussy grabber my party has nominated. Hypocrites,


It's pretty obvious what you meant, your explanation is myopic crap only an imbecile would appreciate.... :lol:
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

3 "unnamed sources" and a guy Trump fired all secretly telling NBC absolutely nothing...say it again...what is it good for? absolutely nothing...good gawd ya'll.
Last edited:
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

To give way to whom? a felon?

The felon Hillary Clinton who needs to be indicted?

And you feel proud about that?

The idea of corrupted Hillary Clinton becoming President of US is too horrible. I feel sorry for the US!

The whole thing is just too depressing.:(

You'll live.
It will be a miserable life but, usually, people get what they deserve. Good to see karma is coming back to you.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

To give way to whom? a felon?
The felon Hillary Clinton who needs to be indicted?
And you feel proud about that?
The idea of corrupted Hillary Clinton becoming President of US is too horrible. I feel sorry for the US!
The whole thing is just too depressing.:(
Democrats are parasites on the health and freedoms of the country, it's always been that way.
They are ill prepared and oblivious of the inevitable, I kinda take solace in that.. :laugh:

Meanwhile your messiah sidestepped paying taxes for 20 years. Parasite--thy name is Donald.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

To give way to whom? a felon?

The felon Hillary Clinton who needs to be indicted?

And you feel proud about that?

The idea of corrupted Hillary Clinton becoming President of US is too horrible. I feel sorry for the US!

The whole thing is just too depressing.:(

You'll live.
It will be a miserable life but, usually, people get what they deserve. Good to see karma is coming back to you.

I'll live.

Pity your Dear Leader will not.

You have one sick Rotten bitch there ... Parkinson's disease doesn't have a good prognosis.:dunno:
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

To give way to whom? a felon?
The felon Hillary Clinton who needs to be indicted?
And you feel proud about that?
The idea of corrupted Hillary Clinton becoming President of US is too horrible. I feel sorry for the US!
The whole thing is just too depressing.:(
Democrats are parasites on the health and freedoms of the country, it's always been that way.
They are ill prepared and oblivious of the inevitable, I kinda take solace in that.. :laugh:

Meanwhile your messiah sidestepped paying taxes for 20 years. Parasite--thy name is Donald.
He paid $40+ million in Fed tax for 2013, from the same leader that showed he had a $915 million loss in 1995 dumb bitch.
I'm not surprised he's pulling out of Virginia. The D.C. Metro Area which is a major voting bloc in VA has the nation's highest share of individuals with advanced degrees. Moreover, people in the D.C. Metro Area are inherently "plugged into" the details of most major political rhetoric because like it or not, most folks are directly associated with someone who's either a newsmaker, news reporter, policy maker, policy influencer, issue researcher or analyst, etc.; thus many folks don't have to try all that hard to get to the nitty gritty of things.

Trump's rhetoric quite simply does not "hold water" among large quantities of well informed people who will take the time and make the effort to dig into the details of his bluster and drek Trump spews. Quite literally, Trump relies almost exclusively on folks' willingness to remain in a cloud of ignorance and insouciance. VA has such a large quantity of those kinds of people, there's little sense for Trump to continue his campaign there. Some 70% of the people in D.C. area have college degrees.

Quite simply, it's not accidental that Trump is losing with college educated people, most especially college educated women.
Trump is winning the high IQ voters handily.

There are no intellecutals who support Donald Trump for President. He is the first republican in recent history to lose college educated voters to the Democrats. Romney actually got 56% of this demographic. Clinton is up around 62% in one poll.

The geography of illiteracy basically follows form of the red states; the redder the state, the dumber the homosapien who infects it, the greater support for the small fraction of a man you have annointed as your messiah.
I'll live.

Pity your Dear Leader will not.

You have one sick Rotten bitch there ... Parkinson's disease doesn't have a good prognosis.:dunno:

I intend to piss on her grave...a nice long 3 beer piss....give her a good soaking...they can't guard it 24/7.
I'm sure this has been posted but I dont feel like reading through thirteen pages of liberal bullshit to find out. But I hope Trump pulled out of Virginia in time to avoid pregnancy,otherwise libs will have a banner day.
I'm not surprised he's pulling out of Virginia. The D.C. Metro Area which is a major voting bloc in VA has the nation's highest share of individuals with advanced degrees. Moreover, people in the D.C. Metro Area are inherently "plugged into" the details of most major political rhetoric because like it or not, most folks are directly associated with someone who's either a newsmaker, news reporter, policy maker, policy influencer, issue researcher or analyst, etc.; thus many folks don't have to try all that hard to get to the nitty gritty of things.

Trump's rhetoric quite simply does not "hold water" among large quantities of well informed people who will take the time and make the effort to dig into the details of his bluster and drek Trump spews. Quite literally, Trump relies almost exclusively on folks' willingness to remain in a cloud of ignorance and insouciance. VA has such a large quantity of those kinds of people, there's little sense for Trump to continue his campaign there. Some 70% of the people in D.C. area have college degrees.

Quite simply, it's not accidental that Trump is losing with college educated people, most especially college educated women.
Trump is winning the high IQ voters handily.

There are no intellecutals who support Donald Trump for President. He is the first republican in recent history to lose college educated voters to the Democrats. Romney actually got 56% of this demographic. Clinton is up around 62% in one poll.

The geography of illiteracy basically follows form of the red states; the redder the state, the dumber the homosapien who infects it, the greater support for the small fraction of a man you have annointed as your messiah.
This bitch has nothing but class warfare as a subversive talking point...her, that hasn't seen a year of making $100K and if anything has a degree in Women's Studies!
I'm not surprised he's pulling out of Virginia. The D.C. Metro Area which is a major voting bloc in VA has the nation's highest share of individuals with advanced degrees. Moreover, people in the D.C. Metro Area are inherently "plugged into" the details of most major political rhetoric because like it or not, most folks are directly associated with someone who's either a newsmaker, news reporter, policy maker, policy influencer, issue researcher or analyst, etc.; thus many folks don't have to try all that hard to get to the nitty gritty of things.

Trump's rhetoric quite simply does not "hold water" among large quantities of well informed people who will take the time and make the effort to dig into the details of his bluster and drek Trump spews. Quite literally, Trump relies almost exclusively on folks' willingness to remain in a cloud of ignorance and insouciance. VA has such a large quantity of those kinds of people, there's little sense for Trump to continue his campaign there. Some 70% of the people in D.C. area have college degrees.

Quite simply, it's not accidental that Trump is losing with college educated people, most especially college educated women.
Trump is winning the high IQ voters handily.

There are no intellecutals who support Donald Trump for President. He is the first republican in recent history to lose college educated voters to the Democrats. Romney actually got 56% of this demographic. Clinton is up around 62% in one poll.

The geography of illiteracy basically follows form of the red states; the redder the state, the dumber the homosapien who infects it, the greater support for the small fraction of a man you have annointed as your messiah.
Actual illiteracy in the US is entirely limited to Democrat run inner cities. Even rednecks know how to read and express themselves through written English. Hillary is killing Trump with actual illiterate voters.

Even if Trump were winning college educated voters you assholes would just go to the same old playbook and claim that the real intellectuals are the professors and scientists who vote Democrat.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

To give way to whom? a felon?
The felon Hillary Clinton who needs to be indicted?
And you feel proud about that?
The idea of corrupted Hillary Clinton becoming President of US is too horrible. I feel sorry for the US!
The whole thing is just too depressing.:(
Democrats are parasites on the health and freedoms of the country, it's always been that way.
They are ill prepared and oblivious of the inevitable, I kinda take solace in that.. :laugh:

Meanwhile your messiah sidestepped paying taxes for 20 years. Parasite--thy name is Donald.

That's silly, even a dimwit like you knows better.. :laugh:

Why do you say such stupid crap?
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

It's not looking good for Trump in Ohio. He's at around a 35% chance to win, and Hillary just drew over 18,000 to a rally, so enthusiasm is high.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

It's not looking good for Trump in Ohio. He's at around a 35% chance to win, and Hillary just drew over 18,000 to a rally, so enthusiasm is high.

Funny....they never show those 18 thousand people.
Why the close shots and no panoramics?......yeah we know.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

To give way to whom? a felon?

The felon Hillary Clinton who needs to be indicted?

And you feel proud about that?

The idea of corrupted Hillary Clinton becoming President of US is too horrible. I feel sorry for the US!

The whole thing is just too depressing.:(

You'll live.
It will be a miserable life but, usually, people get what they deserve. Good to see karma is coming back to you.

I'll live.

Pity your Dear Leader will not.

You have one sick Rotten bitch there ... Parkinson's disease doesn't have a good prognosis.:dunno:
The one good thing is that we will get to see the progression of the disease and her disintegration on the nightly news.
By the look at the polls, If Trump doesn't stop this rot Texas is in play...

I didn't think that was possible but he is only 6.7% up on RCP and he is leaking fast...
I'm not surprised he's pulling out of Virginia. The D.C. Metro Area which is a major voting bloc in VA has the nation's highest share of individuals with advanced degrees. Moreover, people in the D.C. Metro Area are inherently "plugged into" the details of most major political rhetoric because like it or not, most folks are directly associated with someone who's either a newsmaker, news reporter, policy maker, policy influencer, issue researcher or analyst, etc.; thus many folks don't have to try all that hard to get to the nitty gritty of things.

Trump's rhetoric quite simply does not "hold water" among large quantities of well informed people who will take the time and make the effort to dig into the details of his bluster and drek Trump spews. Quite literally, Trump relies almost exclusively on folks' willingness to remain in a cloud of ignorance and insouciance. VA has such a large quantity of those kinds of people, there's little sense for Trump to continue his campaign there. Some 70% of the people in D.C. area have college degrees.

Quite simply, it's not accidental that Trump is losing with college educated people, most especially college educated women.
Trump is winning the high IQ voters handily.

There are no intellecutals who support Donald Trump for President. He is the first republican in recent history to lose college educated voters to the Democrats. Romney actually got 56% of this demographic. Clinton is up around 62% in one poll.

The geography of illiteracy basically follows form of the red states; the redder the state, the dumber the homosapien who infects it, the greater support for the small fraction of a man you have annointed as your messiah.

Yes Democrats in red states are among Hillary's dumbest supporters, and welfare sponges, and women with no man to support them.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.

It's not looking good for Trump in Ohio. He's at around a 35% chance to win, and Hillary just drew over 18,000 to a rally, so enthusiasm is high.
A phony. number. She couldn't draw 15K in NYC, the very bastion of fucked up liberalism.
Still Report ^ |

According to the latest Rasmussen poll, Donald Trump now leads Hillary Clinton by 43 to 41. This morning’s Daybreak poll had it Trump 44.3% to 44.2%.

In yesterday’s Rasmussen poll, Clinton still held a 4% lead - 43 to 39, but Trump is getting a big blowback bounce as the alt media and Wikileaks leapt to Trump’s defense.

In addition, among likely black voters, support for Trump has gone from 9% to 24% in the last 10 days. As I noted this morning, the black vote is the one place where it is obvious that the USC Daybreak poll is way off. It is showing Trump with only 3.9% of the black vote.

Perhaps they should consider making an adjustment. I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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