Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’

He's painted himself into a corner. He's desperate to take credit for the vaccines, but he also downplayed the virus to the rubes.

I doubt it will matter. They'll forgive their cult leader and obediently vote for him.

Remember, he's the only one who can "save America" from the "commies" and from "evil".
Nah. Trump is done. You'll have to further abandon your principles to shit on the next guy who doesn't support global authoritarianism. You'll be more pathetic about it this time around.
I hadn't really noticed it before, but there is a point here. Those on the left wrong seem to be solidly attached to the idea that whatever ideology one aligns with, one must fully support he whole ideology without question. It seems to be especially true of racist, LIbEral blacks such as IM2 who dare not stray form the plantation, who dare not even approach the border between the plantation and The Real World; and who condemn any of their fellow blacks who commit the of holding or expressing any beliefs other than what their masters want them to hold and express.

It is coming from that point of view, that they think that if we are at all conservative, that we must be mindless “Trump Humpers” who worship Trump unerringly, and do not dare to hold or express any opinions that they perceive as being at all out of line with the monolithic “Trump Humper” cult that they imagine us to be in.

We can see, in this thread the cognitive dissonance that IM2 is experiencing over the fact that many of us who he would label as “Trump Humpers” dare to disagree with Donald Trump on the matter of these dangerous experimental drugs.

He is assuming that because he is incapable of independent thought, that we must be as well.

And here's another one…

I almost choked when I heard she was publicly criticizing Trump. She's on a planet if she thinks crossing swords with Trump will be anything but disastrous for her numbers. That is not a fight she can win, and may not even one she can survive.

I mean, his influence is enough to ostracize just about any Congressional Republican that crosses him even on something as forgettable as the infrastructure bill. If he really wants to turn his spotlight on her, she'll vaporize like Dracula at dawn.

Once again Pellinore, just because you and your own kind are incapable of independent thought does not mean that the same is true of those on my side.
And never question a Good news is, Biden said there's no Federal solution, so you dudes can chill the fuck out about it.
It's perfectly fine to question something. The problem with you nut jobs is you dont know how to critically think, you dont know basic logic, and you turn to other nut jobs for advice. What's the latest thing you nut jobs are taking? Silver? Yeah, see how that works out for you. You have no place in a civilized society.
I almost choked when I heard she was publicly criticizing Trump. She's on a planet if she thinks crossing swords with Trump will be anything but disastrous for her numbers. That is not a fight she can win, and may not even one she can survive.

I mean, his influence is enough to ostracize just about any Congressional Republican that crosses him even on something as forgettable as the infrastructure bill. If he really wants to turn his spotlight on her, she'll vaporize like Dracula at dawn.
Yep, she stepped out of her place. If she keeps up, she's gone.
And here's another one…

Once again Pellinore, just because you and your own kind are incapable of independent thought does not mean that the same is true of those on my side.
You aren't capable of independent thought. Owens is expressing foolishness while she drinks silver.
It's perfectly fine to question something. The problem with you nut jobs is you dont know how to critically think, you dont know basic logic, and you turn to other nut jobs for advice. What's the latest thing you nut jobs are taking? Silver? Yeah, see how that works out for you. You have no place in a civilized society.
You hate people that question your dear leaders. You were told to do something and you were right in lock step with your blind loyalty.
We aren't mindless, cultist sheep like you Leftists are. None of you are able to fathom independent thought.
'who da fuck cares about Face Plant and twatter.............Brain washing sites............Tent looks good.......Are they seriving Ivermectin, Doxycycline, zinc, vitamin D and C.........

Cool.........the hospital would put you on a vent so your lungs can't drain and kill ya anyways.

That was nice of you to bring the Jungle drugs into the tent though. You Rock bro.
Conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones said on his talk show that by touting the vaccine, Trump was either "completely ignorant" or "one of the most evil men who has ever lived." He said it was time "to move on" from Trump and also threatened to "dish all the dirt" on the former president.

Radio host Wayne Allyn Root, a staunch Trump supporter, said the former president was "right on everything" except the vaccines, and needed an "intervention." In a statement to Reuters, Root stressed he would always be a Trump supporter and that by "intervention" he simply meant a chance to convince Trump to "alter" his message.

A spokesperson told Reuters that Trump stands by his administration's "tremendous contributions to ending this pandemic". There was no immediate reply to requests for comments from representatives for Jones or Owens.

"I no longer can support him," Daniel McLean, 42, who works in the cannabis industry in Oregon, said in an interview.

McLean said he had steadily grown disappointed with what he views as Trump's embrace of the political establishment. The pro-vaccine comments were a tipping point, added McLean, who said he was not inoculated and repeated debunked theories about thousands of people dying from the shots.

Republicans and Republican-leaning independents now account for 60% of unvaccinated adult Americans, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis.

That makes Trump's comments all the more surprising, said Republican Martin Hyde, who is running as a challenger to Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan in the 2022 elections. "I don't think that's a message which will resonate with the base," Hyde told Reuters.

Face it. President Trump sold out. He put swamp monsters in His administration, worshiped the anti-Christ Edomite self professed Jews pretending to be Biblical Israel,; And, He bombed, burned wheat fields and stole oil from Syria the Mother of Western Civilization, Syro-Aryan Christian Israel European stock, Christianity and Christ Himself.
President Trump declared a national emergency and unleashed hordes of bullycrats to destroy many thousands of livelyhoods, and rushed a deadly brew of genetic code altering drug trash into the bodies of thousands of people, gave those rotten drug company gurus many tons of money and made them exempt from all liability for all the death and suffering they are causing
On His inauguration day, He received a letter from Netanyahu telling Him who He could NOT TALK to.
When the election came along, He did not take protective measures, and when it was over, He did nothing effective to save the election.
Then He conned a lot of people into a trap, many of which are being tortured by the new regime He let take over.
:auiqs.jpg:Is this the new magaturd narrative? Delicious. :auiqs.jpg:
Perhaps because many of us are smart enough to know better than to allow ourselves to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs that fraudulently purport to “protect” us from a disease that is much less dangerous to us than these drugs are.
Many of you magaturds are not seen as smart. Like, at all. Perhaps try another, more believable narrative.
President Trump sold out to anti-Christ Edomite fake Israel.
He sold out to the Drug bosses;
He did nothing useful regarding the election.
He set up a lot of people to get imprisoned in Washington District of Communism.
He appears to have murdered people in Iraq and Syria;
He stole oil from Syria and burned wheat fields there.
Those who like this sort of behavior, love Him.

MegaTurd is the correct way to label someone you can't intelligently answer.

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