Trump Pushes Payroll Tax Cut Because He's Awesome President

Question: will it be a tax cut? Why do I get the feeling that people will be all happy because they are not paying any taxes and the when they file their taxes next year, they'll be hit with a massive tax bill?

Were taxpayers faced with a massive tax bill when they filed their tax returns?

Define massive. Every year deductions which were eliminated will grow, and the standard deduction (SD) will not grow in equal proportions - in fact it will be eliminated in 2027; the corporate tax will not sunset and the two top brackets which were removed will not return. Ryan and Trump will be long forgotten, and the gap of wealth inequality of middle classes and working poor with the wealthy will continue to widen. That is a fact, and there are no alternative facts for you to offer.

Every year deductions which were eliminated will grow, and the standard deduction (SD) will not grow in equal proportions - in fact it will be eliminated in 2027;

If only there were some way the House could write a bill to make the middle class tax cuts permanent.

And by the way fuck face, you don't know the details of Trump's plan either.

Trump's plan is buying votes on our kids dime...

Mistaken information are not lies.

true, but boy do liars like mistaken info...

He delayed the socialism. Gave us a chance to think it over.

what color is the sky in your universe?


Define massive. Every year deductions which were eliminated will grow, and the standard deduction (SD) will not grow in equal proportions - in fact it will be eliminated in 2027; the corporate tax will not sunset and the two top brackets which were removed will not return. Ryan and Trump will be long forgotten, and the gap of wealth inequality of middle classes and working poor with the wealthy will continue to widen. That is a fact, and there are no alternative facts for you to offer.

The issue is PAYROLL TAXES. You (Democrats) are saying that a payroll tax cut will cause people to write huge checks come time to file their tax returns in April.

Did they have huge checks to write the year of the payroll tax cuts by President Obama? Did you forget that, didn't you?

You're full of shit, no one wrote a massive check. What trump has done is to create a Trillion Dollar deficit in 2019. Explain that!

Your dodging the question about which I am not in the least bit surprised.

Did they (taxpayers) have huge checks to write with their tax returns the year of the payroll tax cuts by President Obama? Did you forget that, didn't you?
How would this help working class folks? An extra $10 every couple of weeks? Meanwhile it will put billions into the pockets of his corporate buddies.
Have you ever had a job? Ever?

Working people pay much more than $10.00/2-Weeks in fed taxes.

Ared you really so stupid you didn't know that?
I'm at the beginning of my third career. I was retired but got bored.

$10.00 .was a nice round number picked out of the air.

Don't like it? Tell us what you pay every two weeks.
I'm at the beginning of my third career. I was retired but got bored.

$10.00 .was a nice round number picked out of the air.

Don't like it? Tell us what you pay every two weeks.

Well, you haven't learned much in your previous two jobs, maybe it will take this time.

I no longer pay a dime every two weeks and hadn't paid anything in some years as I have been retired and I continue to enjoy life.

Since about 2008 I paid over $15,000. each year or about $3,750. a quarter.

Two percent of $100,000. is how much? $10.00? Not quite, two percent of $100,000.00 is $2,000.00 For the median income individual, which would be around $55,000. a year. Two percent of $55,000.00 is $1,100.00 a year. Do you think that mattered to someone earning $55,000.00 a year?
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It's a bipartisan failure.

Spending cuts are the solution neither side wants to touch.

We don't have a spending problem, we have a taxing problem. We've cut spending all through the Oughts and early teens, there just isn't anywhere to cut.

When Obama let the Bush Tax Givaways to the Rich expire, deficits went down. WHen trump gave the rich even bigger tax cuts, it went up.
Dow futures drop 1,100 points as Trump speech fails to calm investors rattled by coronavirus fears
Dow futures drop 1,100 points as Trump speech fails to calm investors rattled by coronavirus fears

Futures contracts tied to the major U.S. stock indexes fell sharply early Thursday after an address from President Donald Trump failed to quell concerns over the possible economic slowdown from the coronavirus.

The move comes after the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended its historic 11-year bull market run by closing in bear-market territory. A bear market marks a 20% decline from all-time highs.

As of 5 a.m. ET Thursday, Dow futures implied a loss of more than 1,100 points at the open. S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 futures were also deeply in the red.

In his address, Trump announced travel from Europe will be suspended for 30 days as part of the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump also said the administration would provide financial relief for workers who are ill, caring for others due to the virus or are quarantined.

These moves were not enough for investors, however, who were looking for a more robust fiscal response to curb potentially slower economic growth.
It's a bipartisan failure.

Spending cuts are the solution neither side wants to touch.

We don't have a spending problem, we have a taxing problem. We've cut spending all through the Oughts and early teens, there just isn't anywhere to cut.

When Obama let the Bush Tax Givaways to the Rich expire, deficits went down. WHen trump gave the rich even bigger tax cuts, it went up.

We've cut spending all through the Oughts and early teens, there just isn't anywhere to cut.

well I believe he was referring to that. Exemptions, he noted, are off the W4 which is income tax. he was right.

well I believe he was referring to that.

He may have meant INCOME tax, but he said PAYROLL tax.

View attachment 311742

Trump Pushes Payroll Tax Cut Because He's Awesome President

Exemptions, he noted, are off the W4 which is income tax.

Exemptions don't change your payroll tax.
there is this.

Withholding Exemptions - Personal Exemptions - Form W-4 | Internal Revenue Service

Withholding Exemptions
The amount of wages subject to graduated withholding may be reduced by the personal exemption amount. The personal exemptions allowed in figuring wages subject to graduated withholding are the same as those discussed under Figuring Your Tax, except that an employee must claim them on Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate. Refer to Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for the current personal exemption amount.

Why are you showing me that income tax withholding can be changed on my W-4?

Help out Winco by proving his claim that payroll tax withholding can be changed.
again he meant income tax withholding, he used the exemption change to do it. be an ass all you want, all you're doing is behaving as an ass. It's what he meant. any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on. I was pointing out what I felt he meant. you want to stay and ass, have at it.

again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.
No Bush made up the lies and gave them to congress. Based on those lies, they voted to go to war.

Mistaken information are not lies.
You partisan dope. When it's convenient for you trumpsters, Bush is a deep state republican but you can't seem to admit that Bush lied us into war. Now if I said and all those Democrats knew too and they went along, that you could admit to.

But you can't fathom that Bush lied to us all. Who are Senators? They are just our representatives. So Bush came to us with clearly made up cherry picked bullshit and you don't think he lied? Then your a dumb mother fucker. And, Trump disagrees with you. He admitted Bush lied. Flat out. So then you now see either it's true or Trump says stupid shit. Which is it? And you voted for a guy who said in the Republican primaries that Bush lied?

And if Bush didn't cause the Great Recession and lie us into Iraq, why didn't you guys nominate Jeb? Instead you went with a moron con man. Weird.
My controller said this payroll tax cut would only benefit the employer. WTF? Didn't Trump already give the rich and the corporations enough tax breaks? Is he trying to bankrupt the government?

Your "controller". You must be talking about your TV remote.

Did the payroll tax cut during the failed administration of President Obama benefit the employers only?

Payroll taxes are split in two parts. That which is paid by the employer and what is paid by the employee. Actually, it is all paid by the employee but that's a different thread.

So if the employee side is reduced from six percent to say two percent, specifically how does that benefit the employer?

Ahah! Just as I suspected

  • Efforts to stimulate the economy could include a big payroll tax cut to help stimulate spending.
  • Such a move could hurt the programs that rely on those taxes for funding, such as Social Security and Medicare.
  • Plus, because the pullback in consumer spending is related to health concerns, not financial worries, it might not result in increased spending, experts say.
And by the way fuck face, you don't know the details of Trump's plan either.

Full details on how the Trump administration could implement a payroll tax cut are still not known.

Those contributions help to keep both programs going, and their trust funds already face shortages. The Medicare Part A trust fund is projected to run out of money in 2026.

So you know what this means? It means this is a terrible fucking idea unless you are admitting that I was right about Republicans wanting to kill ss and medicare? And if Trump wins a second term he will cut your social security 20%?

Were you railing against President Obama when he cut the same taxes?

Did President Obama cut Social Security 20%? Of course not and no one else will either. Especially when it comes to current recipients. Quit your hair on fire wild lies. You just help make yourself look even more ignorant.
No different timing you stupid con.

Bullshit. If Trump wins a second term social security will be cut drastically.
My controller said this payroll tax cut would only benefit the employer. WTF? Didn't Trump already give the rich and the corporations enough tax breaks? Is he trying to bankrupt the government?

Your "controller". You must be talking about your TV remote.

Did the payroll tax cut during the failed administration of President Obama benefit the employers only?

Payroll taxes are split in two parts. That which is paid by the employer and what is paid by the employee. Actually, it is all paid by the employee but that's a different thread.

So if the employee side is reduced from six percent to say two percent, specifically how does that benefit the employer?
Ok, my controller says she had only heard Trump was going to cut the employer side. She's said she could be wrong.

But I bet she isn't. I bet this idea is simply to help the employer. And honestly, how does it help?

P.S. I remember Obama was in a recession and he was finding ways to get employers who weren't hiring to hire by giving them a break on payroll taxes. In fact I got hired at a company because of that tax break Obama gave to employers. It made sense then. Why do it now when we're at zero unemployment? What will it do?

It will create a short fall in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, that is his plan, to privatize as much as he can. Trump and Ryan are not conservatives, they are Plutocrats.
And these dumb mother fuckers truly think Trump cares about them.

It was so obvious Obama was a good man, but they said he was corrupt anyways. And it's so obvious Trump's a criminal but they love him. Reminds me of Russians and Putin.
well I believe he was referring to that.

He may have meant INCOME tax, but he said PAYROLL tax.

View attachment 311742

Trump Pushes Payroll Tax Cut Because He's Awesome President

Exemptions, he noted, are off the W4 which is income tax.

Exemptions don't change your payroll tax.
there is this.

Withholding Exemptions - Personal Exemptions - Form W-4 | Internal Revenue Service

Withholding Exemptions
The amount of wages subject to graduated withholding may be reduced by the personal exemption amount. The personal exemptions allowed in figuring wages subject to graduated withholding are the same as those discussed under Figuring Your Tax, except that an employee must claim them on Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate. Refer to Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for the current personal exemption amount.

Why are you showing me that income tax withholding can be changed on my W-4?

Help out Winco by proving his claim that payroll tax withholding can be changed.
again he meant income tax withholding, he used the exemption change to do it. be an ass all you want, all you're doing is behaving as an ass. It's what he meant. any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on. I was pointing out what I felt he meant. you want to stay and ass, have at it.

again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.

well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax.

If you're confused about the difference between "payroll tax" and "federal income tax", I can't help you.


It's only at the top of the form.

Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

  • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
You're right, the issue is the difference between the meaning of payroll tax and income tax.

He's confused. I merely pointed out his confusion.

Help the guy out.
My controller said this payroll tax cut would only benefit the employer. WTF? Didn't Trump already give the rich and the corporations enough tax breaks? Is he trying to bankrupt the government?

Your "controller". You must be talking about your TV remote.

Did the payroll tax cut during the failed administration of President Obama benefit the employers only?

Payroll taxes are split in two parts. That which is paid by the employer and what is paid by the employee. Actually, it is all paid by the employee but that's a different thread.

So if the employee side is reduced from six percent to say two percent, specifically how does that benefit the employer?

Ahah! Just as I suspected

  • Efforts to stimulate the economy could include a big payroll tax cut to help stimulate spending.
  • Such a move could hurt the programs that rely on those taxes for funding, such as Social Security and Medicare.
  • Plus, because the pullback in consumer spending is related to health concerns, not financial worries, it might not result in increased spending, experts say.
And by the way fuck face, you don't know the details of Trump's plan either.

Full details on how the Trump administration could implement a payroll tax cut are still not known.

Those contributions help to keep both programs going, and their trust funds already face shortages. The Medicare Part A trust fund is projected to run out of money in 2026.

So you know what this means? It means this is a terrible fucking idea unless you are admitting that I was right about Republicans wanting to kill ss and medicare? And if Trump wins a second term he will cut your social security 20%?

Were you railing against President Obama when he cut the same taxes?

Did President Obama cut Social Security 20%? Of course not and no one else will either. Especially when it comes to current recipients. Quit your hair on fire wild lies. You just help make yourself look even more ignorant.
No different timing you stupid con.

Bullshit. If Trump wins a second term social security will be cut drastically.

If Trump wins a second term social security will be cut drastically.

there is this.

Withholding Exemptions - Personal Exemptions - Form W-4 | Internal Revenue Service

Withholding Exemptions
The amount of wages subject to graduated withholding may be reduced by the personal exemption amount. The personal exemptions allowed in figuring wages subject to graduated withholding are the same as those discussed under Figuring Your Tax, except that an employee must claim them on Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate. Refer to Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for the current personal exemption amount.

Why are you showing me that income tax withholding can be changed on my W-4?

Help out Winco by proving his claim that payroll tax withholding can be changed.
again he meant income tax withholding, he used the exemption change to do it. be an ass all you want, all you're doing is behaving as an ass. It's what he meant. any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on. I was pointing out what I felt he meant. you want to stay and ass, have at it.

again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.

well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax.

If you're confused about the difference between "payroll tax" and "federal income tax", I can't help you.

View attachment 311974

It's only at the top of the form.

Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

  • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
You're right, the issue is the difference between the meaning of payroll tax and income tax.

He's confused. I merely pointed out his confusion.

Help the guy out.

and yet his reference aligned with the same document you posted. so perhaps he wasn't. just saying.
Why are you showing me that income tax withholding can be changed on my W-4?

Help out Winco by proving his claim that payroll tax withholding can be changed.
again he meant income tax withholding, he used the exemption change to do it. be an ass all you want, all you're doing is behaving as an ass. It's what he meant. any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on. I was pointing out what I felt he meant. you want to stay and ass, have at it.

again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.

well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax.

If you're confused about the difference between "payroll tax" and "federal income tax", I can't help you.

View attachment 311974

It's only at the top of the form.

Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

  • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
You're right, the issue is the difference between the meaning of payroll tax and income tax.

He's confused. I merely pointed out his confusion.

Help the guy out.

and yet his reference aligned with the same document you posted. so perhaps he wasn't. just saying.

He referenced changing his payroll tax withheld, not his income tax withheld.

You see payroll tax anywhere on the W-4?
Dow futures drop 1,100 points as Trump speech fails to calm investors rattled by coronavirus fears
Dow futures drop 1,100 points as Trump speech fails to calm investors rattled by coronavirus fears

Futures contracts tied to the major U.S. stock indexes fell sharply early Thursday after an address from President Donald Trump failed to quell concerns over the possible economic slowdown from the coronavirus.

The move comes after the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended its historic 11-year bull market run by closing in bear-market territory. A bear market marks a 20% decline from all-time highs.

As of 5 a.m. ET Thursday, Dow futures implied a loss of more than 1,100 points at the open. S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 futures were also deeply in the red.

In his address, Trump announced travel from Europe will be suspended for 30 days as part of the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump also said the administration would provide financial relief for workers who are ill, caring for others due to the virus or are quarantined.

These moves were not enough for investors, however, who were looking for a more robust fiscal response to curb potentially slower economic growth.

Last week ---- wait, no it was this week, just Monday ---- the DJIA set a record for the most precipitous drop ever, over 2000 points.

It just surpassed that again on today's board. The "circuit breaker" kicked in for the second time this week.
again he meant income tax withholding, he used the exemption change to do it. be an ass all you want, all you're doing is behaving as an ass. It's what he meant. any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on. I was pointing out what I felt he meant. you want to stay and ass, have at it.

again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.

well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax.

If you're confused about the difference between "payroll tax" and "federal income tax", I can't help you.

View attachment 311974

It's only at the top of the form.

Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

  • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
You're right, the issue is the difference between the meaning of payroll tax and income tax.

He's confused. I merely pointed out his confusion.

Help the guy out.

and yet his reference aligned with the same document you posted. so perhaps he wasn't. just saying.

He referenced changing his payroll tax withheld, not his income tax withheld.

You see payroll tax anywhere on the W-4?
he said by changing the exemptions. the only tax one can change is the one with that form. that's it. perhaps you merely ignored that part of his post. not sure.
again he meant income tax withholding, he used the exemption change to do it. be an ass all you want, all you're doing is behaving as an ass. It's what he meant. any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on. I was pointing out what I felt he meant. you want to stay and ass, have at it.

again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.

well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax.

If you're confused about the difference between "payroll tax" and "federal income tax", I can't help you.

View attachment 311974

It's only at the top of the form.

Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

  • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
You're right, the issue is the difference between the meaning of payroll tax and income tax.

He's confused. I merely pointed out his confusion.

Help the guy out.

and yet his reference aligned with the same document you posted. so perhaps he wasn't. just saying.

He referenced changing his payroll tax withheld, not his income tax withheld.

You see payroll tax anywhere on the W-4?
Or is he referring to payroll tax paid by the employer only. Employers match social security and medicare.
But the dumbass needs to focus on controlling and eliminating the COVID-19 over the economy, first. He is out of his capabilities in dealing with a health crisis. He will not admit it. He wants to bully and lie the COVID-19 virus away and it will not work.
again he meant income tax withholding,

Again, in a thread with payroll tax in the title, he said payroll tax.

View attachment 311789

He was wrong. He can't.

any person with a bit of integrity would just acknowledge that and move on.

If he wants to admit he one is stopping him.

View attachment 311790

Also funny that he thinks he'll have to pay back the reduction...….on April 15th.
well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax. so technically he wasn't. Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

I'm wondering if the president can change the percentages to the SS or Medicare taxes either. so he is misrepresenting what he's talking about, or implying the federal tax withholding.

well technically the federal tax withheld is a payroll tax.

If you're confused about the difference between "payroll tax" and "federal income tax", I can't help you.

View attachment 311974

It's only at the top of the form.

Again, you're creating an issue due to semantics.

  • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
You're right, the issue is the difference between the meaning of payroll tax and income tax.

He's confused. I merely pointed out his confusion.

Help the guy out.

and yet his reference aligned with the same document you posted. so perhaps he wasn't. just saying.

He referenced changing his payroll tax withheld, not his income tax withheld.

You see payroll tax anywhere on the W-4?
Or is he referring to payroll tax paid by the employer only. Employers match social security and medicare.
But the dumbass needs to focus on controlling and eliminating the COVID-19 over the economy, first. He is out of his capabilities in dealing with a health crisis. He will not admit it. He wants to bully and lie the COVID-19 virus away and it will not work.
LOL, wtf are you saying? Out of his capabilities? So for you halting flights from the infected region from coming into the US on Jan 31 wasn't strategic at all? quarantining all who did come back wasn't smart either? wow. I'd say you got the virus and it affected your brain instead of your lungs.

Oh, and stopping travel to the next hot bed is also not strategic either right?

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