Trump put down a $3 million retainer fee for a lawyer for the classified documents case. Why?

No that isn’t the point. It’s about putting down a 3 million retainer before he’s even been arrested. It’s indicative that he knows he’s in this for the long haul.
No shit. The Dimtard witch hunt has been going on for 6 years already.

And come up with zippo.
No shit. The Dimtard witch hunt has been going on for 6 years already.

And come up with zippo.
Stop being a dufus.

A president, declassifying a document HAS TO tell someone to declassify it, so that the document can be declassified with markings, so that all govt positions with access to the document, like the. Secretary of Defense or secretary of State know it has been lowered in classification status. OUR GOVT ALL HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME PAGE WITH INFORMATION.

Also, NARA who handles the freedom of information act requests know what can be exposed and released to the public. The classified status markings is what determines whether the FOIA request for a document, can be released. Classified markings on any document is how the govt knows what is classified, or what is not.

A president can not just THINK he has declassified a document and it is automatically declassified.

That's just silly nonsense.
Ok, let's get beyond the technicalities, and let's assess the alledged damages or possible damages that could occur by document's being in the possession of Trump after his tenure as president.

1. Being that Trump was the subject of a fake dossier, and an on going investigation that is being proven to be a farce by Mr. John Durham, then what he had could be construed as evidence related to an on going investigation in which he would need in the coming months or year's after his presidency ended.

2. It was known that Trump had document's of a presidential nature by security forces of the United States, and by it's delayed action's it was implied that no immediate threat to national security was posed because of this possession.

3. If it is proven as a witch hunt based upon political forces attacking a future opponent or attempting to dislodge his followers from his support system based upon the past or narratives in which they are creating around it, then all can be used in the lawsuit that may follow in regards to the political witch hunts that included evidence of a fake dossier, and worse spying on Americans with many other actions that can be strung together in a line..... Actions that allow justice to follow the trails directly to the culprit's who set out to destroy a president, and wildly for an agenda that has proven to be a failure of epic proportions now.
They still had their classifiation markers, and so they were still classified. As much as Trump and his supporters, want it to be true, the President doesn't have the ability to declassify at will. He has the authority to ORDER documents to be declassified, but the markers have to be changed for the declassification to be official, and if the markers are not properly changed, then the documents are still considered classified.
And it doesn't matter if they were declassified or not. They were still the property of the Office of the President, and under the Presidential Records Act, it is a federal crime to take them without permission. ALL records of the Office of the President have to be given to the Natinal Archives. It's a crime to take any records, classified or not, without the permission of the National Archives.
Thank you for admitting they are property of the office of the president and since Trump was president he can claim ownership of them.
Thank you for admitting they are property of the office of the president and since Trump was president he can claim ownership of them.
In the moment he stopped being president he lost his right to have access to those documents and the fact that he still had them is a crime
In the moment he stopped being president he lost his right to have access to those documents and the fact that he still had them is a crime
You forget about past presidents and their documents, so let's go and get their documents back as well. Keep spinning boy.
Ok, let's get beyond the technicalities, and let's assess the alledged damages or possible damages that could occur by document's being in the possession of Trump after his tenure as president.

1. Being that Trump was the subject of a fake dossier, and an on going investigation that is being proven to be a farce by Mr. John Durham, then what he had could be construed as evidence related to an on going investigation in which he would need in the coming months or year's after his presidency ended.

2. It was known that Trump had document's of a presidential nature by security forces of the United States, and by it's delayed action's it was implied that no immediate threat to national security was posed because of this possession.

3. If it is proven as a witch hunt based upon political forces attacking a future opponent or attempting to dislodge his followers from his support system based upon the past or narratives in which they are creating around it, then all can be used in the lawsuit that may follow in regards to the political witch hunts that included evidence of a fake dossier, and worse spying on Americans with many other actions that can be strung together in a line..... Actions that allow justice to follow the trails directly to the culprit's who set out to destroy a president, and wildly for an agenda that has proven to be a failure of epic proportions now.
It would NOT be legal under those IMAGINAIRY conditions either.
Trump spread classified documents far & wide. Trump aide copied classified pages onto a unsecured thumb drive and laptop. The laptop belonged to an aide, who works for Save America PAC. Who knows where SAPAC spread the unsecured classified documents.
Trump spread classified documents far & wide. Trump aide copied classified pages onto a unsecured thumb drive and laptop. The laptop belonged to an aide, who works for Save America PAC. Who knows where SAPAC spread the unsecured classified documents.


Sorta like (but not) how Huma Abedin downloaded everything on Hillary's server - to include all classified - onto her personal laptop, the one that sat atop her naked pedophile husband's junk as he sexted under-aged girls?!

Sorta like (but not) how SENATOR Biden and VP Biden stole TS/SCI / highly classified documents and spread them all over - Univ of Delaware, his ChiCom Center office, his garage, and to 'undisclosed' locations for a year before moving classified into his personal ChiCom-funded/provided office?!
Trump spread classified documents far & wide. Trump aide copied classified pages onto a unsecured thumb drive and laptop. The laptop belonged to an aide, who works for Save America PAC. Who knows where SAPAC spread the unsecured classified documents.
he did? what's your evidence?

Hey kiss my ass, why isn't the special prosecutor arresting that PAC?
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Sorta like (but not) how Huma Abedin downloaded everything on Hillary's server - to include all classified - onto her personal laptop, the one that sat atop her naked pedophile husband's junk as he sexted under-aged girls?!

Sorta like (but not) how SENATOR Biden and VP Biden stole TS/SCI / highly classified documents and spread them all over - Univ of Delaware, his ChiCom Center office, his garage, and to 'undisclosed' locations for a year before moving classified into his personal ChiCom-funded/provided office?!
don't you get it, they didn't do that, demofks don't do things like that, ask the little kissass.
Trump spread classified documents far & wide. Trump aide copied classified pages onto an unsecured thumb drive and laptop. The laptop belonged to an aide, who works for Save America PAC. Who knows where SAPAC spread the unsecured classified documents.
/——/ OH WOW. You got a list of what docs and where Trump spread them? Adam Shytface would like to see it.
Why would a completely innocent man and former president put down such an insanely high retainer fee if he hasn’t even been indicted yet?

Because he knew any political party, elected officals, and partisanly weopanized govt agencies brazen and insane enough to publicly conduct the biggest criminal political scandals, failed coup attempts, and failed criminal Impeachment attempts in US history would stop at nothing and would never stop coming after him.

He knew anyone insane enough, so infected with TDS, that they would run into the streets and scream at the sky simply because they were told to do so would never stop attacking him.


Here we are, going on 7 years now, and, as usual, he has been proven right.

Here's a question for the OP:

Why would an 'innocent' man / family need the entire FBI & DOJ to protect him, to hide laptops, refuse to investigate, and go after anyone and everyone demanding they do their jobs by doing so?

If Biden and his family are so 'innocent' and 'transparent', willing to 'fully cooperate', why hasn't / isn't PRESIDENT Biden calling for his partisanly weopanized FBI to release Hunter's laptop and all evidence to tbe DOJ and for the DOJ to appoint an independent Counsel to investigate it fully to prove his and his family's innocence once and for all to the American people?

As you say, surely a truly innocent man has nothing to hide and does not need the DOJ & FBI to continue this cover-up for him.
If Biden and his family are so 'innocent' and 'transparent', willing to 'fully cooperate', why hasn't / isn't PRESIDENT Biden calling for his partisanly weopanized FBI to release Hunter's laptop and all evidence to tbe DOJ and for the DOJ to appoint an independent Counsel to investigate it fully to prove his and his family's innocence once and for all to the American people?

As you say, surely a truly innocent man has nothing to hide and does not need the DOJ & FBI to continue this cover-up for him.
Outstanding post easy. I know I couldn't have said that any better or differently.

Thank you sir.
Ok, let's get beyond the technicalities, and let's assess the alledged damages or possible damages that could occur by document's being in the possession of Trump after his tenure as president.

1. Being that Trump was the subject of a fake dossier, and an on going investigation that is being proven to be a farce by Mr. John Durham, then what he had could be construed as evidence related to an on going investigation in which he would need in the coming months or year's after his presidency ended.

2. It was known that Trump had document's of a presidential nature by security forces of the United States, and by it's delayed action's it was implied that no immediate threat to national security was posed because of this possession.

3. If it is proven as a witch hunt based upon political forces attacking a future opponent or attempting to dislodge his followers from his support system based upon the past or narratives in which they are creating around it, then all can be used in the lawsuit that may follow in regards to the political witch hunts that included evidence of a fake dossier, and worse spying on Americans with many other actions that can be strung together in a line..... Actions that allow justice to follow the trails directly to the culprit's who set out to destroy a president, and wildly for an agenda that has proven to be a failure of epic proportions now.
and election interference into a presidential bid. Twice now.

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