Trump Puts "Iran on Notice" : No More Bullshit!

Time to take out Iranian nuke program. Robust nuclear earth penetrators should do nicely.
Trump adopts aggressive posture toward Iran after missile launch
Back in the late 1950's when the USSR started ramping up their Nuclear Ballistic Missile Program, the US had developed a defense rocket to knock their ballistic missiles out of the sky before they could harm the US. But, those FAIR liberals, decide it was UNFAIR that the US could not take collateral damage if there was an exchange of Nukes, so the anti ballistic missile, missile was soon dismantled and the Cold War was most commonly known as Mutual Assured Destruction(MAD). The radical left thought that if the US could defend itself it might with a Republican President attack another country and the US wouldn't be harmed, but as long as both could kill each other, then there wouldn't be an attack from either side. The liberals didn't like the idea that the US could beat any other country, because it wasn't FAIR, so all those who grew up in the Cold War Era, had to FEAR for their lives. When you hear the RADICAL left saying that Iran should have its own nukes, are probably the children or grandchildren of the morons who lived back in the Cold War. Liberals are born hating life, and because of their hatred towards life, they are in league with the Radical Muslims who also hate life. Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.

What's Mutual Assured Destruction?

Project Nike - Wikipedia
Even as Nike Ajax was being tested, work started on Nike-B, later renamed Nike Hercules (MIM-14). It improved speed, range and accuracy, and could intercept ballistic missiles.
I was trying to figure out what we need to do.
Listening to some folks here, I get the idea we should just sit quiet and let Iran do any testing they want.
Y'all do understand what they are testing,right.
They chant death to America, test fire long range missiles, I ain't got no fancy education but my simple brain says that doesn't sound right.
But we should just cower in the corner and tell them we love them.
Lefties WAKE UP.

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Time to take out Iranian nuke program. Robust nuclear earth penetrators should do nicely.
Trump adopts aggressive posture toward Iran after missile launch
Back in the late 1950's when the USSR started ramping up their Nuclear Ballistic Missile Program, the US had developed a defense rocket to knock their ballistic missiles out of the sky before they could harm the US. But, those FAIR liberals, decide it was UNFAIR that the US could not take collateral damage if there was an exchange of Nukes, so the anti ballistic missile, missile was soon dismantled and the Cold War was most commonly known as Mutual Assured Destruction(MAD). The radical left thought that if the US could defend itself it might with a Republican President attack another country and the US wouldn't be harmed, but as long as both could kill each other, then there wouldn't be an attack from either side. The liberals didn't like the idea that the US could beat any other country, because it wasn't FAIR, so all those who grew up in the Cold War Era, had to FEAR for their lives. When you hear the RADICAL left saying that Iran should have its own nukes, are probably the children or grandchildren of the morons who lived back in the Cold War. Liberals are born hating life, and because of their hatred towards life, they are in league with the Radical Muslims who also hate life. Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.

What's Mutual Assured Destruction?

Project Nike - Wikipedia
Even as Nike Ajax was being tested, work started on Nike-B, later renamed Nike Hercules (MIM-14). It improved speed, range and accuracy, and could intercept ballistic missiles.

The only nation to ever use nuclear weapons assumes it will now rule the world and decide who has them? And some dolts want to make it seem partisan? Idiots.

A company Don Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of sold nuclear reactors to N Korea a mere two years before Bush announced them to be on his "axis of evil" list. It was an utterly bipartisan move, the plan having been initiated under Clinton and carried through on under Bush. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to help N Korea complete the deal. And then two years later we were now supposed to fear them and hate N Korea.

We certainly can, but that anger and fear would be directed in the wrong direction. That's what partisanshit is for, so we don't have to face the reality of what our power structure is and does.
Time to take out Iranian nuke program. Robust nuclear earth penetrators should do nicely.
Trump adopts aggressive posture toward Iran after missile launch
Iran does not have to worry...

Trump's first counterterrorism raid in Yemen had inadequate intel
President Trump's first covert counterterrorism operation was doomed from the start, commandos told the New York Times.

Pentagon Points Finger of Blame at Trump

It now seems clear the special ops raid in Yemen did not go according to plan and it went badly. This Times account relates a "a chain of mishaps and misjudgments that plunged the elite commandos into a ferocious 50-minute firefight that also left three others wounded and a $75 million aircraft deliberately destroyed." Chief Petty Officer William Owens was killed in the operation. There also appear to have been a large number of civilian casualties.

Obviously, not every military operation is successful. But there is an extraordinary passage in this article just out from Reuters. What Reuters identifies as "U.S. military officials" says that "[President] Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations."

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- Josh Marshall

I was trying to figure out what we need to do.
Listening to some folks here, I get the idea we should just sit quiet and let Iran do any testing they want.
Y'all do understand what they are testing,right.
They chant death to America, test fire long range missiles, I ain't got no fancy education but my simple brain says that doesn't sound right.
But we should just cower in the corner and tell them we love them.
Lefties WAKE UP.

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Death to America, can you blame them. That was a long time ago as well. They do not like us or Israel regime, but they are sticking to their nuclear plan, why I don't know. Bibi has been yelling bomb iran since 92.
I was trying to figure out what we need to do.
Listening to some folks here, I get the idea we should just sit quiet and let Iran do any testing they want.
Y'all do understand what they are testing,right.
They chant death to America, test fire long range missiles, I ain't got no fancy education but my simple brain says that doesn't sound right.
But we should just cower in the corner and tell them we love them.
Lefties WAKE UP.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Death to America, can you blame them. That was a long time ago as well. They do not like us or Israel regime, but they are sticking to their nuclear plan, why I don't know. Bibi has been yelling bomb iran since 92.
  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
[But, those FAIR liberals, decide it was UNFAIR that the US could not take collateral damage if there was an exchange of Nukes, so the anti ballistic missile, missile was soon dismantled and the Cold War was most commonly known as Mutual Assured Destruction(MAD).

Interesting fantasy history.

But why did you think anyone outside of your cult would fall for it?
I was trying to figure out what we need to do.
Listening to some folks here, I get the idea we should just sit quiet and let Iran do any testing they want.

Maybe we should stop threatening to annihilate them. That tends to improve people's attitudes towards you.

North Korea. Nukes. US leaves them alone.

Pakistan. Nukes. US leaves them alone, despite them being a haven for terrorists.

Iraq. No Nukes. US invades.

The lesson any nation learns is "To be safe from US invasion, develop nukes."
I await the many years of Republican investigations on this fiasco that caused the deaths of so many. You know, like they did for Benghazi.

AhAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Right. That would require the Republicans be more loyal to the USA than to their party
Has Trump came out and lied about it? I think not.

But Clinton and Obama didn't lie about Benghazi, so what's your point? That you're willing to lie about it?
I await the many years of Republican investigations on this fiasco that caused the deaths of so many. You know, like they did for Benghazi.

AhAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Right. That would require the Republicans be more loyal to the USA than to their party
Has Trump came out and lied about it? I think not.

But Clinton and Obama didn't lie about Benghazi, so what's your point? That you're willing to lie about it?
Yes, they did. Tell me which was it, a violent protest started because of a film. Or a planned terrorist attack?
Yes, they did. Tell me which was it, a violent protest started because of a film. Or a planned terrorist attack?

So you're sticking with the lie that a "mistake" is a "lie". Got it.
Lol, Hillary emailed Chelsea the night of Bengazi and said it was a terrorist attack. All the while telling you it was a violent protest sparked by a video. You make Gruber proud.

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