Trump Puts "Iran on Notice" : No More Bullshit!

Yarddog, post: 16477045
Inadequate Intel provided by the Obama Administration? So under which authority was this plan developed? Obama or Trump administration?

theHawk, post: 16476265
The operation had been planned months in advance during the Obama administration.

Are you saying Trump knew it was months in planning, but Trump could not wait another month to make sure he could fully scrutinize the planning instead of deciding while sitting at dinner with silver spoon fed son in law Kushner and white nationalist publicist Bannon?

Obama did not approve the mission. Trump did.

We need to find out if Trump:Kushner ordered the raid to coincide with all this 'Trump tough/Obama weak' messaging being promoted for the Prez Trump Reality (unreality) TV show. It was part of a TV production where a Navy Seal was killed / three wounded and children killed. A $70 million Ospry was destroyed.

Trump's advisers at dinner included Flynn Bannon and Kushner. What a mess four making life and death decisions.

There were many risks identified in the plan presented to Obama and passed on to Trump. It's being reported that Obama had reservations.

To Trump reservations are weakness. Trump could wait for his first military raid to brag about.

Look what happened and now its blame Obama.

You are sick people.
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Talk about flip flops - are these the same peeps who bitched when Trump said everyone should have nukes? I think they are... Go Go partisan hackery!
Meh! What's Trump gonna do?? Iran has already told Trump, talk is cheap. If ya want to fuck with us then you put military ground troops on the ground and lets solve this shit!!!!

Iran knows they can't be defeated by a volunteer military mostly made up of GOP voting service members.
Trump is using a blizburg.. He is killing you..

Lighting fast

The perfect strategy in chess
Which will come first Donald's Dementia or his pending impeachment?
Heart attack from high blood pressure and obesity.

Course his father did have Alzheimer's. I forgot his name but I know it's hereditary.
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Trump is using a blizburg.. He is killing you..

Lighting fast

The perfect strategy in chess
Which will come first Donald's Dementia or his pending impeachment?
Heart attack from high blood pressure and obesity.
Trump is pot bellied fat 70 year old porker that's for sure. The Presidency is an awful stress place. Trumps arteries are thickening with plaque as we speak. What are the Vegas Odds.
Which will come first Donald's Dementia or his pending impeachment?

It's got to be dementia. They can take the nuclear codes away quite quickly. Impeachment could take months and Trumpty Dumpty would keep the codes until the trial in the Senate ends in impeachment.
Which will come first Donald's Dementia or his pending impeachment?

There might not be an impeachment. Obvious dementia would be grounds for Trump to be removed by Article 25 of the Constitution.

Depends How much Pence wants it, I suppose.

Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Trump is using a blizburg.. He is killing you..

Lighting fast

The perfect strategy in chess
Which will come first Donald's Dementia or his pending impeachment?
We will smack Iran and North Korea. Liberals such as yourself will cheer for Iran and North Korea because your a fucking pussy.
Yeah our predominate led conservative voting military will guarantee VICTORY!!! We've seen and heard this bull shit before whenever the GOP want to go to war.

Shit Trumps 33 percent approval rating today does not give the clown a mandate nor political capital to push forward his radical agenda.
Trump is using a blizburg.. He is killing you..

Lighting fast

The perfect strategy in chess
Which will come first Donald's Dementia or his pending impeachment?
We will smack Iran and North Korea. Liberals such as yourself will cheer for Iran and North Korea because your a fucking pussy.

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