Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, “TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON

Trumpicans need to call in Benghazi investigators to handle this witch hunt hoax
AG Barr is coming after the lawless Dem's and they are shitting themselves.

Actually Comey and several others involved where republicans so democrats won't be able to whine about Barr only going after democrats.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

Since you started this post, please tell us the name of the spy and who he spied on.

Stefan Halper for one can be connected to spying on Flynn, Page and Papadapolus for the FBI.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"



You people are so indoctrinated that you will believe ANYTHING he tells you.

You cannot get much more un-American - in my book - then being blindly obedient to your President.
Being American is about freedom and thinking for yourself...not thinking what others tell you to think.
Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.

From a Socialist Canadian, I laugh in your female face-) And I am guessing, you really DO look like a DRAGON!

Tramp always projects. he lies he calls everyone a liar, he cheats , he calls everyone a cheater, he is a failed businessman , he calls everyone else a failed businessman. So he commits treason , he accuses his political opponents of treason. The problem is most of them are republican.

What is projecting behavior?
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.Nov 15, 2017
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions

Now you are a shrink who knows all, lol. The great Karnak reborn?

Go try your propaganda elsewhere PITSTOP, you aren't selling it with me.

The only thing you have is YOUR OPINION, and that isn't worth sh**! If ever you have facts, come back, and we will revisit this conversation.

Until that time, you have, and will have within the next 2 months, a FORK stuck in you! Good luck with that-)
Trump is the ultimate projector, ie blaming others for his own faults.

We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!

Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?

It's almost like the United States has no President - we are a rudderless ship heading for a major disaster. Good luck everyone!

Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.

We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf.

Trump predicted himself.
Better than the last scum bag who occupied the White House.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"



You people are so indoctrinated that you will believe ANYTHING he tells you.

You cannot get much more un-American - in my book - then being blindly obedient to your President.
Being American is about freedom and thinking for yourself...not thinking what others tell you to think.
Wrong. More un American would be the left, any one of those morons running for office are scum.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

The only one that committed treason was tramp and his campaign.

Don't look now but there's been so much smoke blown up your ass it's coming out of your ears now.

I can't wait till we start impeachment proceedings on him and his kids indicted in NY. All of them are crooks and liars. Disgusting family. They are the scum of the earth.
You're delusions are getting worse. Nothing there and you know it, stop lying.
Holy shit Trumpybera thinks he's a King who can declare a persons guilt or innocence by EO.

sez the leftarded who insist the king is guilty of collusion

View attachment 261310

he was, well his campaign definitely colluded with the Russians...

however collusion with the Russians during the election apparently is not a crime, collusion is not a crime....

it is immoral , unethical, cheating, wrong to do, a national security risk, and totally unAmerican, but it is not a crime...

how wonderful!

how low, can you bring this country down to?

when did you decide to HATE the USA and all that we were proud of and stood for.... how long have you hated your own country, the constitution, and our founding father's wisdom?

Did it begin a decade ago? Two decades ago? When you hired the Con Don?
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"
Since you obviously missed your Civics class, try learning on your own about the US Constitution and the Law!

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and ...
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal ...

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Fits obuthole to a tee, go after him you hypocritical moron.
Yes there is, that is my nickname for him, tramp means a male slut.

OH you must mean Buttigieg. Thanks for clearing that up!! :113:

No I mean tramp the person sitting in the oval office right now.

There is no one named 'tramp' in the oval office right now. :dunno:
The person calling him tramp were being kind I call him the scumbag in chief A disaster for America He needs teams of lawyers protecting him from the law
Yes, Obama is a scumbag.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

The only one that committed treason was tramp and his campaign.

Don't look now but there's been so much smoke blown up your ass it's coming out of your ears now.

I can't wait till we start impeachment proceedings on him and his kids indicted in NY. All of them are crooks and liars. Disgusting family. They are the scum of the earth.
You're delusions are getting worse. Nothing there and you know it, stop lying.

Well its true. All are crooks and liars.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

The only one that committed treason was tramp and his campaign.

Don't look now but there's been so much smoke blown up your ass it's coming out of your ears now.

I can't wait till we start impeachment proceedings on him and his kids indicted in NY. All of them are crooks and liars. Disgusting family. They are the scum of the earth.
You're delusions are getting worse. Nothing there and you know it, stop lying.

Well its true. All are crooks and liars.
Yep, nadler, pelosi, Comey, struct, Schiff, Hillary, .....
Holy shit Trumpybera thinks he's a King who can declare a persons guilt or innocence by EO.

Goes to show how unhinged the man is...but then again he openly admires authoritarian dictators and murderers.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

Your bold president is going to prison. He's been the only one lawyering up for the last 2 years.

Now even his lawyers are lawyering up.

One of them just reported to prison.

He's just one step ahead of the jailer. Enjoy what free time you have left.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

Your bold president is going to prison. He's been the only one lawyering up for the last 2 years.

Now even his lawyers are lawyering up.

One of them just reported to prison.

He's just one step ahead of the jailer. Enjoy what free time you have left.
Stop projecting. The conspirators need to worry.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

Your bold president is going to prison. He's been the only one lawyering up for the last 2 years.

Now even his lawyers are lawyering up.

One of them just reported to prison.

He's just one step ahead of the jailer. Enjoy what free time you have left.
Stop projecting. The conspirators need to worry.

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