Trump, Racism, and Capitalism

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
What's really racist and ignorant is to claim US meddling in the internal affairs of states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua aren't responsible for migrants flowing northward.

There is ONE agent in charge of tracking guns in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Right wing nonsense. The Green New Deal will revolutionize this country the same way FDR and WWII did; put down the Trump kool-aid:

Green New Deal – Full Language

"The Green New Deal will convert the decaying fossil fuel economy into a new, green economy that is environmentally sustainable, economically secure and socially just.

"The Green New Deal starts with transitioning to 100% green renewable energy (no nukes or natural gas) by 2030. It would immediately halt any investment in fossil fuels (including natural gas) and related infrastructure.

"The Green New Deal will guarantee full employment and generate up to 20 million new, living-wage jobs, as well as make the government the employer of last resort with a much-needed major public jobs program."

Without going further, you are boasting about FDR, who managed to extend the Great Depression for SEVEN YEARS!

Typically your posts are senseless and you changed nothing. You have no points, you just want to be the grand troll.

Without going further, you are boasting about FDR, who managed to extend the Great Depression for SEVEN YEARS!
Got a link, Loon?

Your stupidity rivals Trump's.
Maybe you would both be happier in Russia?

FDR's New Deal and the fight for jobs | International Socialist Review

"When Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in March 1933, 12 million people were unemployed, out of a total U.S. workforce of approximately 50 million.

"Investment in new plant and machinery had come to a virtual standstill.

"Estimates of the numbers of homeless transients ranged from half a million to 5 million.

"There were protests, riots, and strikes across the country, but the previous Hoover administration had done virtually nothing to address the question of jobs or relief."
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
What's really racist and ignorant is to claim US meddling in the internal affairs of states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua aren't responsible for migrants flowing northward.

There is ONE agent in charge of tracking guns in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

YOu would have preferred the Commies took over? Funny, how you don't mention what happened in Cuba when the commies took over there.

Guess you support tyranny and oppression and mass murder, but you don't want to be honest about it.

YOu want to see that here, but you want to surprise your fellow Americans.

"Hey, I know we promised you Free Healthcare and payback on the white supremacist, but I have a surprise bonus plan for you!"
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
What's really racist and ignorant is to claim US meddling in the internal affairs of states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua aren't responsible for migrants flowing northward.

There is ONE agent in charge of tracking guns in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

YOu would have preferred the Commies took over? Funny, how you don't mention what happened in Cuba when the commies took over there.

Guess you support tyranny and oppression and mass murder, but you don't want to be honest about it.

YOu want to see that here, but you want to surprise your fellow Americans.

"Hey, I know we promised you Free Healthcare and payback on the white supremacist, but I have a surprise bonus plan for you!"
YOu would have preferred the Commies took over? Funny, how you don't mention what happened in Cuba when the commies took over there.
Commies were a majority in much of Central America, so I guess your commitment to democracy ends at the shore line?

The Link Between America’s Lax Gun Laws and the Violence That Fuels Immigration

"In the summer of 2009, a sixty-three-year-old professional bass fisherman from Florida named Hugh Crumpler III was arrested for selling guns illegally.

"For years, he’d been buying weapons, legally, at gun shows, and then reselling them to individuals from Latin America who wanted to smuggle the guns back to their home countries.

"Crumpler was what’s known as a 'straw buyer.' 'I developed a group of customers,' he said later, in an interview with Univision. 'And it dawned on me one day that they were all Hondurans; and that they all seemed to want the same type of guns; and they all seemed to want more and more.'

"By the time he was caught, Crumpler had resold roughly a thousand guns, including Glocks and AR-15 assault rifles."
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
What's really racist and ignorant is to claim US meddling in the internal affairs of states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua aren't responsible for migrants flowing northward.

There is ONE agent in charge of tracking guns in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
No, Latin American countries are some of the worst places on our planet because of their crime, poverty and corruption, no because of America
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
What's really racist and ignorant is to claim US meddling in the internal affairs of states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua aren't responsible for migrants flowing northward.

There is ONE agent in charge of tracking guns in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
No, Latin American countries are some of the worst places on our planet because of their crime, poverty and corruption, no because of America
No, Latin American countries are some of the worst places on our planet because of their crime, poverty and corruption, no because of America
America has been meddling in Latin America since issuing the Monroe Doctrine.


United States involvement in regime change in Latin America - Wikipedia

"In Argentina, right-wing forces overthrew the democratically elected President Isabel Perón in the 1976 Argentine coup d'état, starting the military dictatorship of General Jorge Rafael Videla, known as National Reorganization Process, resulting with around 30,000 victims becoming missing.

"Both the coup and the following authoritarian regime was eagerly endorsed and supported by the United States government[1] with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger paying several official visits to Argentina during the dictatorship.[2][3]

"Among the many human rights violations committed during the period were extrajudicial arrest, mass executions, torture, rape, disappearances of political prisoners and dissenters,[4] and illegal relocations of children born from pregnant women (both pregnant before their imprisonment or made pregnant by the continuous rape).[2][4]

"According to Spanish judge Baltazar Garzón, Kissinger was a witness to these crimes.[5]"

Kissinger to Kurds: F*ck ‘em if they can’t take a joke! | Mickey Z.
Which of my points did you refute?

I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.

Really, admit it. YOU are just here to throw shit at America. You aren't really engaging in honest debate, in good faith.

Because you are a blood thirsty, American hating communist.
I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.
Name it or admit you're a bigger liar than Trump.

Why? SO you can drop it, the moment it is seriously challenged, and then you just throw some new shit against the wall?

I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
You're the one who's indifferent to arguments that don't conform to your ignorance; stop wasting my time with your whining.

I seriously and honestly addressed your point. You are the one that dropped it like a hot potato and just threw a new batch of shit against the wall, doing nothing but smearing America.

Your position is that slavery and genocide built our current level of wealth.

I made the point that if that was true, then the SOUTH would have been the economic engine of the nation though out it's history.

You pointed out, correctly that the South was the leader in exporting goods pre civil war, and that there were indirect benefits to the rest of the nation from that.

BUT, I countered that, by pointing out that the wealth generated by that trade did not translate into political support for slavery in the North, and that the South, even before slavery was ended, was being outgrown by the Free North,

and since then, lagged tremendously, until quite recently.

At that point, you did not concede anything, but sort of dropped the previous line of discussion, to move on to a monkey like debating style of throwing shit against the wall, to express your hatred of America.

Wally, had the humanity, to pretend to concede the point, before moving on, to his next line of attack. YOu just moved on. YOu are a soulless marxist. Why do you support an ideology of tyranny and genocide?

Your position is that slavery and genocide built our current level of wealth.

I made the point that if that was true, then the SOUTH would have been the economic engine of the nation though out it's history
Which part of the country was almost completely destroyed during the US Civil War, North or South? Here's a clue: which of the following 3 cities was NOT burned down during that conflict?
New York
What the hell is wrong with the left these days? Instead of supporting the President of the United States and making America great they spend time in a convoluted fantasy about racism that supports their own TDS. People are living and dying under blue tarps in the House Speaker's district and she spends her time planning to overthrow the results of the last election instead of leading the majority party in trying to fix what's wrong with America.
What the hell is wrong with the left these days? Instead of supporting the President of the United States and making America great they spend time in a convoluted fantasy about racism that supports their own TDS. People are living and dying under blue tarps in the House Speaker's district and she spends her time planning to overthrow the results of the last election instead of leading the majority party in trying to fix what's wrong with America.
Why do you believe Democrats should be indifferent to the most corrupt administration in US History?

Corruption Roundup: National Edition
What the hell is wrong with the left these days? Instead of supporting the President of the United States and making America great they spend time in a convoluted fantasy about racism that supports their own TDS. People are living and dying under blue tarps in the House Speaker's district and she spends her time planning to overthrow the results of the last election instead of leading the majority party in trying to fix what's wrong with America.
Why do you believe Democrats should be indifferent to the most corrupt administration in US History?

Corruption Roundup: National Edition

Why do you believe Democrats should be indifferent to the most corrupt administration in US History?

You're right, but Obama has been out of office for nearly 3 years and they're still indifferent.
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."


Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List, Updated
If we bring home all our troops (impossible) who do you suggest would fill that vacuum and how would that be great for the World and America in particular?

You mean ALL our troops?


If in fact so, it's a grand Q Mark

imho, there is no better portrayal of a capitalist society ,that it's economic control through military presence

in fact, we can think back through history , to societies who assumed dominance of the 'old world' through similar methods

they just had kings vs bankers


A TWENTY-year-old map?

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.
We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Hispanics were living in Texas long before racist, white supremacist slave-holders brought King Cotton to the future US state. As usual, you side with terrorists getting rich from chattel slavery and genocide.

As far as your ignorant perception of "foreigners" goes, they, in their millions, pose less of a risk to US democracy than the racist moron currently occupying the White House BECAUSE of witless, partisan buffoons like you.

Some hispanics were living there. I am not referring to the descendants of those hispanics, who have been American citizens for the last 180 years.

You can know that, because I specifically referred to the people who are citizens of foreign nations, who have entered and are in our nation, against our democratically enacted wishes.

It is hard for me to understand, why I made a point about foreigners living here, and you responded defending US citizens living here.

You almost seem to be arguing, without stating it clearly, that the conquest of Texas was illegitimate, and that you do not respect it, even today, and that thus Mexicans have the right to enter the country, and take it back.

Is any of that true? Which parts? Which parts do you disagree with ?
You can know that, because I specifically referred to the people who are citizens of foreign nations, who have entered and are in our nation, against our democratically enacted wishes.
You characterized today's migrants and asylum seekers as participating in an "invasion." I'm saying the vast majority are fleeing conditions that the US government was at least partially responsible for creating, i.e., NAFTA and selling firearms into states with high levels of violence and political corruption. US and international law provide victims of those states the right to petition for asylum; a right Trump has arbitrarily decided to deny. If I had to choose between Trump and undocumented migrants, I would say the former poses a much greater threat to US democracy.
georgephillip is simply an angry troll unworthy of any response.

For those interested, here are the facts concerning FDR's failed plans to combat the Great Depression. President Franklin Roosevelt was a great war president but he was a failure as a domestic president.

Not even our...uninformed resident Troll can claim that UCLA is a bastion of Conservative study.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate
By Meg Sullivan August 10, 2004
Category: Research

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."

In an article in the August issue of the Journal of Political Economy, Ohanian and Cole blame specific anti-competition and pro-labor measures that Roosevelt promoted and signed into law June 16, 1933.

"President Roosevelt believed that excessive competition was responsible for the Depression by reducing prices and wages, and by extension reducing employment and demand for goods and services," said Cole, also a UCLA professor of economics. "So he came up with a recovery package that would be unimaginable today, allowing businesses in every industry to collude without the threat of antitrust prosecution and workers to demand salaries about 25 percent above where they ought to have been, given market forces. The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these misguided policies."

Using data collected in 1929 by the Conference Board and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cole and Ohanian were able to establish average wages and prices across a range of industries just prior to the Depression. By adjusting for annual increases in productivity, they were able to use the 1929 benchmark to figure out what prices and wages would have been during every year of the Depression had Roosevelt's policies not gone into effect. They then compared those figures with actual prices and wages as reflected in the Conference Board data.

In the three years following the implementation of Roosevelt's policies, wages in 11 key industries averaged 25 percent higher than they otherwise would have done, the economists calculate. But unemployment was also 25 percent higher than it should have been, given gains in productivity.

Meanwhile, prices across 19 industries averaged 23 percent above where they should have been, given the state of the economy. With goods and services that much harder for consumers to afford, demand stalled and the gross national product floundered at 27 percent below where it otherwise might have been.

"High wages and high prices in an economic slump run contrary to everything we know about market forces in economic downturns," Ohanian said. "As we've seen in the past several years, salaries and prices fall when unemployment is high. By artificially inflating both, the New Deal policies short-circuited the market's self-correcting forces."

The policies were contained in the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which exempted industries from antitrust prosecution if they agreed to enter into collective bargaining agreements that significantly raised wages. Because protection from antitrust prosecution all but ensured higher prices for goods and services, a wide range of industries took the bait, Cole and Ohanian found. By 1934 more than 500 industries, which accounted for nearly 80 percent of private, non-agricultural employment, had entered into the collective bargaining agreements called for under NIRA.

Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery. Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943.

Roosevelt's role in lifting the nation out of the Great Depression has been so revered that Time magazine readers cited it in 1999 when naming him the 20th century's second-most influential figure.

"This is exciting and valuable research," said Robert E. Lucas Jr., the 1995 Nobel Laureate in economics, and the John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago. "The prevention and cure of depressions is a central mission of macroeconomics, and if we can't understand what happened in the 1930s, how can we be sure it won't happen again?"

NIRA's role in prolonging the Depression has not been more closely scrutinized because the Supreme Court declared the act unconstitutional within two years of its passage.

"Historians have assumed that the policies didn't have an impact because they were too short-lived, but the proof is in the pudding," Ohanian said. "We show that they really did artificially inflate wages and prices."

Even after being deemed unconstitutional, Roosevelt's anti-competition policies persisted — albeit under a different guise, the scholars found. Ohanian and Cole painstakingly documented the extent to which the Roosevelt administration looked the other way as industries once protected by NIRA continued to engage in price-fixing practices for four more years.

The number of antitrust cases brought by the Department of Justice fell from an average of 12.5 cases per year during the 1920s to an average of 6.5 cases per year from 1935 to 1938, the scholars found. Collusion had become so widespread that one Department of Interior official complained of receiving identical bids from a protected industry (steel) on 257 different occasions between mid-1935 and mid-1936.

The bids were not only identical but also 50 percent higher than foreign steel prices. Without competition, wholesale prices remained inflated, averaging 14 percent higher than they would have been without the troublesome practices, the UCLA economists calculate.

NIRA's labor provisions, meanwhile, were strengthened in the National Relations Act, signed into law in 1935.

As union membership doubled, so did labor's bargaining power, rising from 14 million strike days in 1936 to about 28 million in 1937. By 1939 wages in protected industries remained 24 percent to 33 percent above where they should have been, based on 1929 figures, Cole and Ohanian calculate.

Unemployment persisted. By 1939 the U.S. unemployment rate was 17.2 percent, down somewhat from its 1933 peak of 24.9 percent but still remarkably high. By comparison, in May 2003, the unemployment rate of 6.1 percent was the highest in nine years.

Recovery came only after the Department of Justice dramatically stepped up enforcement of antitrust cases nearly four-fold and organized labor suffered a string of setbacks, the economists found.

"The fact that the Depression dragged on for years convinced generations of economists and policy-makers that capitalism could not be trusted to recover from depressions and that significant government intervention was required to achieve good outcomes," Cole said. "Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened."


Read more: Newsroom
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
Here's a little fun fact minority unemployment is at an all-time low. Fewer minorities are on the democrat plantation. I know that saddens you but oh well
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
Here's a little fun fact minority unemployment is at an all-time low. Fewer minorities are on the democrat plantation. I know that saddens you but oh well
Here's a little fun fact minority unemployment is at an all-time low. Fewer minorities are on the democrat plantation. I know that saddens you but oh well
Yet debt levels are at historic highs and some manufacturing and freight indices are at levels roughly where they were in 2009 (remember that?)

Then there's Trump's trade wars to consider:

Will the Federal Reserve Make Trump a New Herbert Hoover? Is the US Economy Primed for a 1929-style Shock? - Global Research

"Both Ford and GM are announcing thousands of job layoffs as the economy slows and consumer debt reaches dangerous levels. Ford is cutting at least 5,000 jobs and GM 4,400 in US operations.

"Tens of thousands more layoffs are deemed likely in coming months if the economy worsens.

"Then the private US Institute for Supply Management just reported that its index of manufacturing industry contracted to the weakest since June 2009, the depth of the economic crisis a decade ago.

"In the survey companies cited uncertainties related to the China trade war of Trump as the major factor behind depressed hiring and business activity. Trump then attacked the Fed for not moving fast enough to lower rates.

"One indicator of the precarious state of the USA real manufacturing economy is the deepening recession this year in the trucking industry, the sector that moves goods through the country. In September 4,200 truck drivers lost their jobs as freight rates plunged owing to lack of goods traffic.

"In the first six months of 2019 around 640 trucking companies went bankrupt, three times the number a year before when Fed rate impacts were still low and trade war consequences far less clear."
Anyone decrying racism in America has to be ignorant about the rest of the world. Any democrat making a peep about racism is a shameless hypocrite. Anyone seeking to blame capitalism for pollution, disease and poverty is illiterate of History and just plain stupid.
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
Here's a little fun fact minority unemployment is at an all-time low. Fewer minorities are on the democrat plantation. I know that saddens you but oh well
Here's a little fun fact minority unemployment is at an all-time low. Fewer minorities are on the democrat plantation. I know that saddens you but oh well
Yet debt levels are at historic highs and some manufacturing and freight indices are at levels roughly where they were in 2009 (remember that?)

Then there's Trump's trade wars to consider:

Will the Federal Reserve Make Trump a New Herbert Hoover? Is the US Economy Primed for a 1929-style Shock? - Global Research

"Both Ford and GM are announcing thousands of job layoffs as the economy slows and consumer debt reaches dangerous levels. Ford is cutting at least 5,000 jobs and GM 4,400 in US operations.

"Tens of thousands more layoffs are deemed likely in coming months if the economy worsens.

"Then the private US Institute for Supply Management just reported that its index of manufacturing industry contracted to the weakest since June 2009, the depth of the economic crisis a decade ago.

"In the survey companies cited uncertainties related to the China trade war of Trump as the major factor behind depressed hiring and business activity. Trump then attacked the Fed for not moving fast enough to lower rates.

"One indicator of the precarious state of the USA real manufacturing economy is the deepening recession this year in the trucking industry, the sector that moves goods through the country. In September 4,200 truck drivers lost their jobs as freight rates plunged owing to lack of goods traffic.

"In the first six months of 2019 around 640 trucking companies went bankrupt, three times the number a year before when Fed rate impacts were still low and trade war consequences far less clear."
nowhere did you post even come close to covering what I said...
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.
We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Hispanics were living in Texas long before racist, white supremacist slave-holders brought King Cotton to the future US state. As usual, you side with terrorists getting rich from chattel slavery and genocide.

As far as your ignorant perception of "foreigners" goes, they, in their millions, pose less of a risk to US democracy than the racist moron currently occupying the White House BECAUSE of witless, partisan buffoons like you.

Some hispanics were living there. I am not referring to the descendants of those hispanics, who have been American citizens for the last 180 years.

You can know that, because I specifically referred to the people who are citizens of foreign nations, who have entered and are in our nation, against our democratically enacted wishes.

It is hard for me to understand, why I made a point about foreigners living here, and you responded defending US citizens living here.

You almost seem to be arguing, without stating it clearly, that the conquest of Texas was illegitimate, and that you do not respect it, even today, and that thus Mexicans have the right to enter the country, and take it back.

Is any of that true? Which parts? Which parts do you disagree with ?
You can know that, because I specifically referred to the people who are citizens of foreign nations, who have entered and are in our nation, against our democratically enacted wishes.
You characterized today's migrants and asylum seekers as participating in an "invasion." I'm saying the vast majority are fleeing conditions that the US government was at least partially responsible for creating, i.e., NAFTA and selling firearms into states with high levels of violence and political corruption. US and international law provide victims of those states the right to petition for asylum; a right Trump has arbitrarily decided to deny. If I had to choose between Trump and undocumented migrants, I would say the former poses a much greater threat to US democracy.

Invading the US after fleeing your shithole.....still an invasion.

US and international law provide victims of those states the right to petition for asylum

Yeah, we need to turn down fake asylum claims, quickly.

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