Trump, Racism, and Capitalism

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."

How does wasting money on more expensive, less reliable energy create useful jobs or help our economy?
How does wasting money on more expensive, less reliable energy create useful jobs or help our economy?
You need to catch up, Kulak

Why do you want a fossil economy?

Mixed results?.....

And once again, you ignore the point you were making.

Because, everything you say is shit. All you are here to do, is just throw shit at America, because you hate it.

YOu are nothing but a marxist troll. Your support of genocide and mass murder, makes you a moral monster.

You are the moral equivalent of a nazis. A real nazi, not the ones you guys see in shadows.
And once again, you ignore the point you were making.
My point hasn't changed: King Cotton drove economic expansion in the 19th Century....."

Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.

You've since then, dropped that point, and just keep throwing new shit against the wall, repeating your propaganda talking points.

You are just a marxist propaganda troll.
Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.
Which of my points did you refute?

I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.

Really, admit it. YOU are just here to throw shit at America. You aren't really engaging in honest debate, in good faith.

Because you are a blood thirsty, American hating communist.
I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.
Name it or admit you're a bigger liar than Trump.
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.
And once again, you ignore the point you were making.

Because, everything you say is shit. All you are here to do, is just throw shit at America, because you hate it.

YOu are nothing but a marxist troll. Your support of genocide and mass murder, makes you a moral monster.

You are the moral equivalent of a nazis. A real nazi, not the ones you guys see in shadows.
And once again, you ignore the point you were making.
My point hasn't changed: King Cotton drove economic expansion in the 19th Century....."

Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.

You've since then, dropped that point, and just keep throwing new shit against the wall, repeating your propaganda talking points.

You are just a marxist propaganda troll.
Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.
Which of my points did you refute?

I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.

Really, admit it. YOU are just here to throw shit at America. You aren't really engaging in honest debate, in good faith.

Because you are a blood thirsty, American hating communist.
I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.
Name it or admit you're a bigger liar than Trump.

Why? SO you can drop it, the moment it is seriously challenged, and then you just throw some new shit against the wall?

I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
Right wing nonsense. The Green New Deal will revolutionize this country the same way FDR and WWII did; put down the Trump kool-aid:

Green New Deal – Full Language

"The Green New Deal will convert the decaying fossil fuel economy into a new, green economy that is environmentally sustainable, economically secure and socially just.

"The Green New Deal starts with transitioning to 100% green renewable energy (no nukes or natural gas) by 2030. It would immediately halt any investment in fossil fuels (including natural gas) and related infrastructure.

"The Green New Deal will guarantee full employment and generate up to 20 million new, living-wage jobs, as well as make the government the employer of last resort with a much-needed major public jobs program."

Without going further, you are boasting about FDR, who managed to extend the Great Depression for SEVEN YEARS!

Typically your posts are senseless and you changed nothing. You have no points, you just want to be the grand troll.

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Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.
And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |

Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.

Funny, how you forgot the point you were trying to make.

Almost like all you are here to do, is just throw shit at America and hope that some of it might stick, if only because no one takes you seriously enough to point out that it is shit.
Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.
Mixed results?
There is very little that's mixed about white supremacy's role in limiting black wealth creation since the end of the Civil War.

Forty Acres and a Mule |

"'FORTY ACRES AND A MULE,' a phrase echoed throughout the South in the aftermath of the Civil War, asserting the right of newly freed African Americans to redistributed lands—particularly those plantations confiscated by U.S. troops during the war—as compensation for unpaid labor during slavery.

"Many historians trace the phrase to General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order Number 15, issued on 16 January 1865, which set aside a thirty-mile tract of land along the South Carolina and Georgia coasts for former slaves and promised the army's help securing loaned mules.

"In addition, the Freed-men's Bureau initially was authorized to divide abandoned and confiscated lands into forty-acre tracts for rental and eventual sale to refugees and former slaves.

" Despite the efforts of Radical Republicans during the Reconstruction period, however, significant land redistribution measures ultimately were abandoned, and virtually all southern lands were returned to white owners. The resulting sharecropping system left the social and economic structures of slavery essentially intact in the South."

Review | ‘Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow’

What do Democrat Jim Crow laws have to do with President Donald Trump?
Trump was a life-long racist Democrat until he needed millions of ignorant bigots to vote for him.

Your point?
Which of my points did you refute?

You don't make points, you simply post memes from far, far, left, even outright Socialist/Communist sites. You can't back up with common sense any of your points. You're a fool who just loves stirring the pot!

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.

That you are an anti-white racist, is not surprising.

HOw many whites do you imagine would be genocided, if you ever got the marxist revolution you dream of?
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."

I am all for bringing home all the troops, we don't need our young men and women in any other country. Let them all duke it out themselves. The green deal is nothing but a government sink hole. Your source data for progress is nothing but it is just left wing nut wishful thinking propaganda.

When failed former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq, against advice from his generals, who filled the vacuum? That would be ISIS and Russia.

If we bring home all our troops (impossible) who do you suggest would fill that vacuum and how would that be great for the World and America in particular?

Let them figure it out. Why do we need to sacrifice American lives for wars that don’t concern us? Why do we need to be in Germany or Japan, get our troops home.
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language was clearly mimicked in the language of the El Paso killer, who issued a document declaring that 'this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Research shows that the Trump campaign issued over 2,200 Facebook ads with the same formulation: 'invasion of immigrants.'

"Trump was forced to go to the teleprompter and issue a wooden, hypocritically brief statement criticizing white supremacy and hatred.

"This is like a mobster crying 'stop thief.' But Trump is still a white supremacist to his core. No anti-racist teleprompter declarations will change him one iota from the hardened racist he is.

"Not just Trump..."
All countries control their immigration and border crossings.
It is not racist to complain about the over 11 million people here illegally.
What is really racist are the cretins who say that they do not have to respect our immigration laws because they are Latino.
Let them figure it out. Why do we need to sacrifice American lives for wars that don’t concern us? Why do we need to be in Germany or Japan, get our troops home.

That is not an option. We were protected by the oceans in WW-I and to an extent in WW-II although Adolph Hitler managed to sink hundreds of ships off our East Coast. That is no longer the case and we have a world economy.

Once again, I ask:
When failed former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq, against advice from his generals, who filled the vacuum? That would be ISIS and Russia.

If we bring home all our troops (impossible) who do you suggest would fill that vacuum and how would that be great for the World and America in particular?
My point hasn't changed: King Cotton drove economic expansion in the 19th Century....."

Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.

You've since then, dropped that point, and just keep throwing new shit against the wall, repeating your propaganda talking points.

You are just a marxist propaganda troll.
Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.
Which of my points did you refute?

I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.

Really, admit it. YOU are just here to throw shit at America. You aren't really engaging in honest debate, in good faith.

Because you are a blood thirsty, American hating communist.
I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.
Name it or admit you're a bigger liar than Trump.

Why? SO you can drop it, the moment it is seriously challenged, and then you just throw some new shit against the wall?

I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
You're the one who's indifferent to arguments that don't conform to your ignorance; stop wasting my time with your whining.
If we bring home all our troops (impossible) who do you suggest would fill that vacuum and how would that be great for the World and America in particular?

You mean ALL our troops?


If in fact so, it's a grand Q Mark

imho, there is no better portrayal of a capitalist society ,that it's economic control through military presence

in fact, we can think back through history , to societies who assumed dominance of the 'old world' through similar methods

they just had kings vs bankers

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.
We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.
Reasonable only to brain-dead crackers who confuse impeachment with regicide .

King Trump? Fox News guest labels impeachment inquiry "Regicide" - Front Page Live

Hispanics were living in Texas long before racist, white supremacist slave-holders brought King Cotton to the future US state. As usual, you side with terrorists getting rich from chattel slavery and genocide.

As far as your ignorant perception of "foreigners" goes, they, in their millions, pose less of a risk to US democracy than the racist moron currently occupying the White House BECAUSE of witless, partisan buffoons like you.
Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.

You've since then, dropped that point, and just keep throwing new shit against the wall, repeating your propaganda talking points.

You are just a marxist propaganda troll.
Yeah, you said that, I responded to it, we ended up talking about the New England capitalists, and you made a point which I pointed out was incorrect.
Which of my points did you refute?

I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.

Really, admit it. YOU are just here to throw shit at America. You aren't really engaging in honest debate, in good faith.

Because you are a blood thirsty, American hating communist.
I was specifically referring to the one you dropped, and then I pointed out that you dodged on it, twice, and you just kept dodging.
Name it or admit you're a bigger liar than Trump.

Why? SO you can drop it, the moment it is seriously challenged, and then you just throw some new shit against the wall?

I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
I gave you enough that you would know what I was referring to, if you were paying any attention to what people say BACK to you, instead of just replying the next talking point, troll boy.
You're the one who's indifferent to arguments that don't conform to your ignorance; stop wasting my time with your whining.

I seriously and honestly addressed your point. You are the one that dropped it like a hot potato and just threw a new batch of shit against the wall, doing nothing but smearing America.

Your position is that slavery and genocide built our current level of wealth.

I made the point that if that was true, then the SOUTH would have been the economic engine of the nation though out it's history.

You pointed out, correctly that the South was the leader in exporting goods pre civil war, and that there were indirect benefits to the rest of the nation from that.

BUT, I countered that, by pointing out that the wealth generated by that trade did not translate into political support for slavery in the North, and that the South, even before slavery was ended, was being outgrown by the Free North,

and since then, lagged tremendously, until quite recently.

At that point, you did not concede anything, but sort of dropped the previous line of discussion, to move on to a monkey like debating style of throwing shit against the wall, to express your hatred of America.

Wally, had the humanity, to pretend to concede the point, before moving on, to his next line of attack. YOu just moved on. YOu are a soulless marxist. Why do you support an ideology of tyranny and genocide?

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
what racism?
would you hate yourself if you were rich?
I would hate myself if I hoarded enough money to become rich; what about you?

What racism?

"Trump’s racist language...: 'invasion of immigrants.'....."

We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Smearing that as "racist" is the act of a dishonest race baiting piece of shit.

The rest of your asshole spin, was too stupid and vile to even address.
We have tens of millions of foreigners living here against our democratically enacted wishes.

Calling it an "invasion", is quite reasonable.

Hispanics were living in Texas long before racist, white supremacist slave-holders brought King Cotton to the future US state. As usual, you side with terrorists getting rich from chattel slavery and genocide.

As far as your ignorant perception of "foreigners" goes, they, in their millions, pose less of a risk to US democracy than the racist moron currently occupying the White House BECAUSE of witless, partisan buffoons like you.

Some hispanics were living there. I am not referring to the descendants of those hispanics, who have been American citizens for the last 180 years.

You can know that, because I specifically referred to the people who are citizens of foreign nations, who have entered and are in our nation, against our democratically enacted wishes.

It is hard for me to understand, why I made a point about foreigners living here, and you responded defending US citizens living here.

You almost seem to be arguing, without stating it clearly, that the conquest of Texas was illegitimate, and that you do not respect it, even today, and that thus Mexicans have the right to enter the country, and take it back.

Is any of that true? Which parts? Which parts do you disagree with ?

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