Trump, Racism, and Capitalism

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?

What would cause you to quit lying?


I. “You Don’t Want to Live With Them Either”
The Justice Department’s 1973 lawsuit against Trump Management Company focused on 39 properties in New York City. The government alleged that employees were directed to tell African American lease applicants that there were no open apartments. Company policy, according to an employee quoted in court documents, was to rent only to “Jews and executives.”

An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.

How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |
UK was a great nation under the leadership of Sir Winston Churchill.


Now, the place is overrun by useless commies.

I blame the fucking Beatles. Mark David Chapman followed Johnny Ramone's righteous advice and set an example for us all. Thanks to him, John Lennon is currently being a good commie.

Kill a commie for mommy.

It's easy to see why Winnie would serve as an inspiration for racist punks like you...

Shit clumps.

Analysis: 5 of the worst crimes of Winston Churchill
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
The Frankfurt School taught your commie ass to be a good little useful idiot. This post checked all the boxes.

  1. Highlight "unfairness" of life
  2. Cry about fake racism
  3. Blame free enterprise
  4. Pine for "social justice" (aka stealing from others via government force)
Commies gonna commie.

Crackers gonna crack.

Slavery Made America

"In understanding the humanity of the enslaved, I don't know if there is a better book than The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Because Douglass wrote three autobiographies, and Life and Times is the longest, it tends to get short shrift.

"But, for my money, it's the best of the three and one of the most beautiful autobiographies ever written by an American. Douglass's portrait of slavery is just gripping. Forgive me for quoting at length:

"'The close-fisted stinginess that fed the poor slave on coarse corn-meal and tainted meat, that clothed him in crashy tow-linen and hurried him on to toil through the field in all weathers, with wind and rain beating through his tattered garments, and that scarcely gave even the young slave-mother time to nurse her infant in the fence-corner, wholly vanished on approaching the sacred precincts of the 'Great House' itself. There the scriptural phrase descriptive of the wealthy found exact illustration. The highly-favored inmates of this mansion were literally arrayed in 'purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.'"
So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

Thomas Piketty explains how Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax is American as apple pie

Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |

Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.

Funny, how you forgot the point you were trying to make.

Almost like all you are here to do, is just throw shit at America and hope that some of it might stick, if only because no one takes you seriously enough to point out that it is shit.
Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.
Mixed results?
There is very little that's mixed about white supremacy's role in limiting black wealth creation since the end of the Civil War.

Forty Acres and a Mule |

"'FORTY ACRES AND A MULE,' a phrase echoed throughout the South in the aftermath of the Civil War, asserting the right of newly freed African Americans to redistributed lands—particularly those plantations confiscated by U.S. troops during the war—as compensation for unpaid labor during slavery.

"Many historians trace the phrase to General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order Number 15, issued on 16 January 1865, which set aside a thirty-mile tract of land along the South Carolina and Georgia coasts for former slaves and promised the army's help securing loaned mules.

"In addition, the Freed-men's Bureau initially was authorized to divide abandoned and confiscated lands into forty-acre tracts for rental and eventual sale to refugees and former slaves.

" Despite the efforts of Radical Republicans during the Reconstruction period, however, significant land redistribution measures ultimately were abandoned, and virtually all southern lands were returned to white owners. The resulting sharecropping system left the social and economic structures of slavery essentially intact in the South."

Review | ‘Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow’
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?
The Frankfurt School taught your commie ass to be a good little useful idiot. This post checked all the boxes.

  1. Highlight "unfairness" of life
  2. Cry about fake racism
  3. Blame free enterprise
  4. Pine for "social justice" (aka stealing from others via government force)
Commies gonna commie.

Crackers gonna crack.

Slavery Made America

"In understanding the humanity of the enslaved, I don't know if there is a better book than The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Because Douglass wrote three autobiographies, and Life and Times is the longest, it tends to get short shrift.

"But, for my money, it's the best of the three and one of the most beautiful autobiographies ever written by an American. Douglass's portrait of slavery is just gripping. Forgive me for quoting at length:

"'The close-fisted stinginess that fed the poor slave on coarse corn-meal and tainted meat, that clothed him in crashy tow-linen and hurried him on to toil through the field in all weathers, with wind and rain beating through his tattered garments, and that scarcely gave even the young slave-mother time to nurse her infant in the fence-corner, wholly vanished on approaching the sacred precincts of the 'Great House' itself. There the scriptural phrase descriptive of the wealthy found exact illustration. The highly-favored inmates of this mansion were literally arrayed in 'purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.'"
So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

Thomas Piketty explains how Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax is American as apple pie

Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
What role does income play in wealth creation, Cretin?

3 Simple Steps to Building Wealth

"Basically, building wealth boils down to this: To accumulate wealth over time, you need to do three things:

  1. You need to make it. This means that before you can begin to save or invest, you need to have a long-term source of income that's sufficient to have some left over after you've covered your necessities.
  2. You need to save it. Once you have an income that's enough to cover your basics, you need to develop a proactive savings plan.
  3. You need to invest it. Once you've set aside a monthly savings goal, you need to invest it prudently."
Last edited:
The Frankfurt School taught your commie ass to be a good little useful idiot. This post checked all the boxes.

  1. Highlight "unfairness" of life
  2. Cry about fake racism
  3. Blame free enterprise
  4. Pine for "social justice" (aka stealing from others via government force)
Commies gonna commie.

Crackers gonna crack.

Slavery Made America

"In understanding the humanity of the enslaved, I don't know if there is a better book than The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Because Douglass wrote three autobiographies, and Life and Times is the longest, it tends to get short shrift.

"But, for my money, it's the best of the three and one of the most beautiful autobiographies ever written by an American. Douglass's portrait of slavery is just gripping. Forgive me for quoting at length:

"'The close-fisted stinginess that fed the poor slave on coarse corn-meal and tainted meat, that clothed him in crashy tow-linen and hurried him on to toil through the field in all weathers, with wind and rain beating through his tattered garments, and that scarcely gave even the young slave-mother time to nurse her infant in the fence-corner, wholly vanished on approaching the sacred precincts of the 'Great House' itself. There the scriptural phrase descriptive of the wealthy found exact illustration. The highly-favored inmates of this mansion were literally arrayed in 'purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.'"
So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

Thomas Piketty explains how Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax is American as apple pie

Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
What role does income play in wealth creation, Cretin?

3 Simple Steps to Building Wealth

"Basically, building wealth boils down to this: To accumulate wealth over time, you need to do three things:

  1. You need to make it. This means that before you can begin to save or invest, you need to have a long-term source of income that's sufficient to have some left over after you've covered your necessities.
  2. You need to save it. Once you have an income that's enough to cover your basics, you need to develop a proactive savings plan.
  3. You need to invest it. Once you've set aside a monthly savings goal, you need to invest it prudently."

So a son inherits farm land from his parents. The son continues to farm the land as his parents and grandparents had done, netting $1 million/yr of net income. The city moves in around his land and the value of his property increases dramatically to 75 million dollars. His net worth skyrockets. Warren's wealth tax kicks in and he now must pay 500k/yr in ADDITIONAL taxes.(2% of the 25 million above 50 million) He loses 1/2 of his net income /yr, now making 500k for all of his hard work. Sorry, that is absolutely ridiculous and anti-American. Also, liberals have always been shortsighted, but I can assure you that if this became law, the 50 million net income number would drop and the rate would become higher and higher. It is pure confisication and envy and is not Consitutional. Absurd.
LOL, most of those deaths happen in countries with socialist/communists leanings.

What a sick apologist fuck you are, Commie scum.
LOL, most of those deaths happen in countries with socialist/communists leanings.

What a sick apologist fuck you are, Commie scum.
How many millions perished from capitalism in India, Cracker?

Mike Davis on the Crimes of Socialism and Capitalism

"The British claimed that because of the railroads, it would be impossible to have famines in India anymore.

"And in the past, India had severe famines, though like China, there was never a famine that wasn’t compensated in a sense by good crops from another part of the country.

So the British said, now that we have railroads, we’ll of course move grain from grain surplus regions to the regions affected by drought or flood.

"What in fact happened in 1876, when you had two monsoon failures in a row and famines in Western and Southern India, was that the railroads were used to take grain out of the famine regions.

"Because the domestic grain market had been largely privatized, grain merchants pulled grain out of the famine regions and stocked it in railroad centers to wait for the prices to rise and make a killing off of it."

One of the biggest communist parties out there is in India, and has a major say in the way the State of West Bengal operates.

And you ignore pretty much all of Africa.

You are a sick, jew hating communist worthless fucktard, who will make the world a better place when you are six feet under it.

No one will mourn for you. FOAD.
And you ignore pretty much all of Africa.
How many Africans die in Congo because of capitalistic greed, Shithead?

Too rich for its own good

You point out bullshit to back up your own bullshit, you commie fucktard.

How about making your own points instead of copy/pasting like the drooling useful idiot Lenin loved so much.

Fuck off. die. have a nice day.
You point out bullshit to back up your own bullshit, you commie fucktard.

How about making your own points instead of copy/pasting like the drooling useful idiot Lenin loved so much.

Fuck off. die. have a nice day.
Free market cannibalism, Cracker.

Mike Davis on the Crimes of Socialism and Capitalism

"On the village and town level, centuries of fighting drought had led to local water storage systems, small reservoirs and the like, which were managed through the paternalistic relations of the village, with the local nobility of different kinds responsible for the upkeep.

"So under the Mughal Dynasty [1526-1857], though famines occurred, there was nothing on the gigantic scale of the nineteenth century.

When the British came, they ignored local water storage entirely. They of course displaced much of the local nobility, and merchants and moneylenders often became the power on the village level, buying grain and export crops cheap to sell dear.

"When the famines came, they were more apt to try to profiteer in grain than relieve the starving peasantry.

"Coupled with this was the fanatical, dogmatic British belief that whatever happened shouldn’t interfere with the operation of the market. The market should work to ultimately relieve the famine.

"It was the same policy they had applied in Ireland in the 1840s, which had led directly to the starvation and death of about a fifth of the Irish population. At a time when Ireland was exporting things like cattle and horses, people in the west of Ireland were reduced to cannibalism."

More posting other people's bullshit instead of coming up with your own.

I. “You Don’t Want to Live With Them Either”
The Justice Department’s 1973 lawsuit against Trump Management Company focused on 39 properties in New York City. The government alleged that employees were directed to tell African American lease applicants that there were no open apartments. Company policy, according to an employee quoted in court documents, was to rent only to “Jews and executives.”

You said everything necessary by quoting what happened to a management company in 1973. That happened in virtually every management company in the country.

If you're counting what happened, commonly, fifty years ago.

Then nothing ever changed with this person either.


Did you know that Al Gore's father filibustered against the Civil Rights Act?
Crackers gonna crack.

Slavery Made America

"In understanding the humanity of the enslaved, I don't know if there is a better book than The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Because Douglass wrote three autobiographies, and Life and Times is the longest, it tends to get short shrift.

"But, for my money, it's the best of the three and one of the most beautiful autobiographies ever written by an American. Douglass's portrait of slavery is just gripping. Forgive me for quoting at length:

"'The close-fisted stinginess that fed the poor slave on coarse corn-meal and tainted meat, that clothed him in crashy tow-linen and hurried him on to toil through the field in all weathers, with wind and rain beating through his tattered garments, and that scarcely gave even the young slave-mother time to nurse her infant in the fence-corner, wholly vanished on approaching the sacred precincts of the 'Great House' itself. There the scriptural phrase descriptive of the wealthy found exact illustration. The highly-favored inmates of this mansion were literally arrayed in 'purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.'"
So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

So, make the slave owners pay back their ill-gotten gains. Leave me out of your commie redistribution.

Thomas Piketty explains how Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax is American as apple pie

Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
Warren's wealth tax has nothing to do with income, but rather net worth. You guys are idiots.
What role does income play in wealth creation, Cretin?

3 Simple Steps to Building Wealth

"Basically, building wealth boils down to this: To accumulate wealth over time, you need to do three things:

  1. You need to make it. This means that before you can begin to save or invest, you need to have a long-term source of income that's sufficient to have some left over after you've covered your necessities.
  2. You need to save it. Once you have an income that's enough to cover your basics, you need to develop a proactive savings plan.
  3. You need to invest it. Once you've set aside a monthly savings goal, you need to invest it prudently."

So a son inherits farm land from his parents. The son continues to farm the land as his parents and grandparents had done, netting $1 million/yr of net income. The city moves in around his land and the value of his property increases dramatically to 75 million dollars. His net worth skyrockets. Warren's wealth tax kicks in and he now must pay 500k/yr in ADDITIONAL taxes.(2% of the 25 million above 50 million) He loses 1/2 of his net income /yr, now making 500k for all of his hard work. Sorry, that is absolutely ridiculous and anti-American. Also, liberals have always been shortsighted, but I can assure you that if this became law, the 50 million net income number would drop and the rate would become higher and higher. It is pure confisication and envy and is not Consitutional. Absurd.
So a son inherits farm land from his parents. The son continues to farm the land as his parents and grandparents had done, netting $1 million/yr of net income. The city moves in around his land and the value of his property increases dramatically to 75 million dollars. His net worth skyrockets. Warren's wealth tax kicks in and he now must pay 500k/yr in ADDITIONAL taxes.(2% of the 25 million above 50 million) He loses 1/2 of his net income /yr, now making 500k for all of his hard work. S
When the city expanded sufficiently to increase the the value of the farmer's land, that means the public invested in enough infrastructure like roads, bridges, schools, and public safety officials to make that land more valuable; aside from paying his legal tax obligations, that farmer's hard work did not entirely produce his 50% increase in wealth.

This is an old controversy that might be worth revisiting:


"A land/location value tax (LVT), also called a site valuation tax, split rate tax, or site-value rating, is an ad valorem levy on the unimproved value of land. Unlike property taxes, it disregards the value of buildings, personal property and other improvements to real estate.[1] A land value tax is generally favored by economists as (unlike other taxes) it does not cause economic inefficiency, and it tends to reduce inequality.[2]"

Land value tax - Wikipedia
Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |

Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.

Funny, how you forgot the point you were trying to make.

Almost like all you are here to do, is just throw shit at America and hope that some of it might stick, if only because no one takes you seriously enough to point out that it is shit.
Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.
Mixed results?
There is very little that's mixed about white supremacy's role in limiting black wealth creation since the end of the Civil War.

Forty Acres and a Mule |

"'FORTY ACRES AND A MULE,' a phrase echoed throughout the South in the aftermath of the Civil War, asserting the right of newly freed African Americans to redistributed lands—particularly those plantations confiscated by U.S. troops during the war—as compensation for unpaid labor during slavery.

"Many historians trace the phrase to General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order Number 15, issued on 16 January 1865, which set aside a thirty-mile tract of land along the South Carolina and Georgia coasts for former slaves and promised the army's help securing loaned mules.

"In addition, the Freed-men's Bureau initially was authorized to divide abandoned and confiscated lands into forty-acre tracts for rental and eventual sale to refugees and former slaves.

" Despite the efforts of Radical Republicans during the Reconstruction period, however, significant land redistribution measures ultimately were abandoned, and virtually all southern lands were returned to white owners. The resulting sharecropping system left the social and economic structures of slavery essentially intact in the South."

Review | ‘Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow’

What do Democrat Jim Crow laws have to do with President Donald Trump?
How many millions perished from capitalism in India, Cracker?

Mike Davis on the Crimes of Socialism and Capitalism

"The British claimed that because of the railroads, it would be impossible to have famines in India anymore.

"And in the past, India had severe famines, though like China, there was never a famine that wasn’t compensated in a sense by good crops from another part of the country.

So the British said, now that we have railroads, we’ll of course move grain from grain surplus regions to the regions affected by drought or flood.

"What in fact happened in 1876, when you had two monsoon failures in a row and famines in Western and Southern India, was that the railroads were used to take grain out of the famine regions.

"Because the domestic grain market had been largely privatized, grain merchants pulled grain out of the famine regions and stocked it in railroad centers to wait for the prices to rise and make a killing off of it."

One of the biggest communist parties out there is in India, and has a major say in the way the State of West Bengal operates.

And you ignore pretty much all of Africa.

You are a sick, jew hating communist worthless fucktard, who will make the world a better place when you are six feet under it.

No one will mourn for you. FOAD.
And you ignore pretty much all of Africa.
How many Africans die in Congo because of capitalistic greed, Shithead?

Too rich for its own good

You point out bullshit to back up your own bullshit, you commie fucktard.

How about making your own points instead of copy/pasting like the drooling useful idiot Lenin loved so much.

Fuck off. die. have a nice day.
You point out bullshit to back up your own bullshit, you commie fucktard.

How about making your own points instead of copy/pasting like the drooling useful idiot Lenin loved so much.

Fuck off. die. have a nice day.
Free market cannibalism, Cracker.

Mike Davis on the Crimes of Socialism and Capitalism

"On the village and town level, centuries of fighting drought had led to local water storage systems, small reservoirs and the like, which were managed through the paternalistic relations of the village, with the local nobility of different kinds responsible for the upkeep.

"So under the Mughal Dynasty [1526-1857], though famines occurred, there was nothing on the gigantic scale of the nineteenth century.

When the British came, they ignored local water storage entirely. They of course displaced much of the local nobility, and merchants and moneylenders often became the power on the village level, buying grain and export crops cheap to sell dear.

"When the famines came, they were more apt to try to profiteer in grain than relieve the starving peasantry.

"Coupled with this was the fanatical, dogmatic British belief that whatever happened shouldn’t interfere with the operation of the market. The market should work to ultimately relieve the famine.

"It was the same policy they had applied in Ireland in the 1840s, which had led directly to the starvation and death of about a fifth of the Irish population. At a time when Ireland was exporting things like cattle and horses, people in the west of Ireland were reduced to cannibalism."

More posting other people's bullshit instead of coming up with your own.

More posting other people's bullshit instead of coming up with your own.
Read more;
bitch less.

Mike Davis on the Crimes of Socialism and Capitalism

"The incorporation of the great subsistence peasantries of South and East Asia was absolutely cataclysmic. The story differed from place to place, but the final death toll was enormous.

"India is the most dramatic example, in part because it occurred on the watch of British liberalism.

"By the 1870s, the British had sponsored a great deal of development in India of canals and railroads designed to move export products from interior agricultural regions to the coast.

"They’d also pioneered large-scale irrigation to raise cotton, something that became urgent during the US Civil War and its resulting cotton famine.

"The British claimed that because of the railroads, it would be impossible to have famines in India anymore.

"And in the past, India had severe famines, though like China, there was never a famine that wasn’t compensated in a sense by good crops from another part of the country.

"So the British said, now that we have railroads, we’ll of course move grain from grain surplus regions to the regions affected by drought or flood.

"What in fact happened in 1876, when you had two monsoon failures in a row and famines in Western and Southern India, was that the railroads were used to take grain out of the famine regions.

"Because the domestic grain market had been largely privatized, grain merchants pulled grain out of the famine regions and stocked it in railroad centers to wait for the prices to rise and make a killing off of it."
"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
I. “You Don’t Want to Live With Them Either”
The Justice Department’s 1973 lawsuit against Trump Management Company focused on 39 properties in New York City. The government alleged that employees were directed to tell African American lease applicants that there were no open apartments. Company policy, according to an employee quoted in court documents, was to rent only to “Jews and executives.”

You said everything necessary by quoting what happened to a management company in 1973. That happened in virtually every management company in the country.

If you're counting what happened, commonly, fifty years ago.

Then nothing ever changed with this person either.


Did you know that Al Gore's father filibustered against the Civil Rights Act?
Did you know that Al Gore's father filibustered against the Civil Rights Act?
Are you aware Donald Trump and his father were Democrats in the 1970s? I don't discriminate between Republican and Democratic bigots; why do you? Why do you think Trump had to switch parties in order to find enough bigots to win a 2016 election?

An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry

"The first quotation from Donald Trump ever to appear in The New York Times came on October 16, 1973. Trump was responding to charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company. 'They are absolutely ridiculous,' Trump said of the charges. 'We have never discriminated, and we never would.'

"In the years since then, Trump has assembled a long record of comment on issues involving African Americans as well as Mexicans, Hispanics more broadly, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, women, and people with disabilities.

"His statements have been reflected in his behavior—from public acts (placing ads calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent) to private preferences ('When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,' a former employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, told a writer for The New Yorker).

"Trump emerged as a political force owing to his full-throated embrace of 'birtherism,' the false charge that the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, was not born in the United States.

"His presidential campaign was fueled by nativist sentiment directed at nonwhite immigrants, and he proposed barring Muslims from entering the country."
"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."
"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."

"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."

How does wasting money on more expensive, less reliable energy create useful jobs or help our economy?
"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."
I am all for bringing home all the troops, we don't need our young men and women in any other country. Let them all duke it out themselves. The green deal is nothing but a government sink hole. Your source data for progress is nothing but it is just left wing nut wishful thinking propaganda.
"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."

President Trump Signs Executive Orders on Transparency in Federal Guidance and Enforcement
"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."

Source: Data for Progress; IPCC - Founder: Sean McElwee

"Trump speaks out loud the mind of the capitalists

Trump, racism and capitalism

"A long-suppressed tape recording of a phone conversation between then President Richard Nixon and future President Ronald Reagan was recently released by the National Archives. The conversation took place in August 1971, when Reagan was governor of California.

"They spoke on the occasion of the admission of the People’s Republic of China to the U.N., after being kept out by Washington ever since the victorious Chinese Revolution of 1949.

"Reagan, referring to African members of the Security Council, said to Nixon, “Did you see those monkxxs?

"They’re not even comfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon gave a big laugh.

"Reagan knew enough not to say that in public. But today, Trump says it out loud, referring to African nations as “s—hole countries,” or saying, “Go back where you came from” to four congresswomen of color."

Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Mao, stalin, have murdered hundreds of millions with communism. That's what you love.
Capitalism has also murdered hundreds of millions over the past five centuries, AND it is murdering millions of innocent human beings today through its blind faith in the profit motive.

So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
So communism, socialism and capitalism kill millions every year, after pages and pages of complaining, do you have a solution or are you just wanting to be a poor victim?
Since I was born in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, I can't really count as its victim. Imho, the US should close 90% of its foreign bases, bring those troops home and launch a 21st Century edition of the economic agenda that propelled us into WWII.

Impact of World War II on the U.S. Economy and Workforce

"In 1941 the United States was still recovering from the great depression. The jobless rate had been as high as 25 percent, bankruptcy was not uncommon, and the standard of living for most Americans was 60 percent lower than before the stock market crash of 1929."

How does wasting money on more expensive, less reliable energy create useful jobs or help our economy?
How does wasting money on more expensive, less reliable energy create useful jobs or help our economy?
You need to catch up, Kulak

Why do you want a fossil economy?

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