Trump, Racism, and Capitalism

Not perfect yet our form of capitalism has worked well till money & power became more important than wanting a fair shake for all. if you look past all the crazy propaganda that the major party's promote. its possible too see things are not going in the best direction.
They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"In worker self-management, each productive enterprise is controlled by those who work there.

"Workers are responsible for the operation of the facility, including organization, discipline, production techniques, and the nature, price, and distribution of products. Decisions concerning distribution are made democratically.

"Problems of authority delegation are solved by democratic representation.

"Management is chosen by the worker, not appointed by the State, not elected by the community at large and not selected by a board of directors elected by stockholders. Ultimate authority rests with the enterprise's workers, following the one-person, one-vote principle."
Why do capitalists fear democracy?

N.B.A. Executive’s Hong Kong Tweet Starts Firestorm in China

You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?
If you are an American citizen in this nation, then do not use any product or service or anything. Live off the land. Live like some do. Completely! Otherwise who cares? Also you may be a shill for something else. A Tokyo Rose type. Which means you are something of a different animal. One who convinces people that you may off of what you complain about.
Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"In worker self-management, each productive enterprise is controlled by those who work there.

"Workers are responsible for the operation of the facility, including organization, discipline, production techniques, and the nature, price, and distribution of products. Decisions concerning distribution are made democratically.

"Problems of authority delegation are solved by democratic representation.

"Management is chosen by the worker, not appointed by the State, not elected by the community at large and not selected by a board of directors elected by stockholders. Ultimate authority rests with the enterprise's workers, following the one-person, one-vote principle."
Why do capitalists fear democracy?

N.B.A. Executive’s Hong Kong Tweet Starts Firestorm in China

You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."
Yep, and Bill Gates owes the broom pushers in the warehouse for the growth and development of Microsoft.
Look, you can’t fool anyone do not live a privileged lifestyle...nobody living a privileged lifestyle begs for free shit daily like you do. Save your bullshit for all you twisted buddies.

Capitalists are parasites. : LateStageCapitalism


You would quote a mass murderer? YOu really are sub human scum.

You would quote a mass murderer? YOu really are sub human scum.
How many mass murderers from US History do you quote?

US leaders are engaged in mass murder as we speak in the Middle East.

Lenin's terror came during a civil war inflicted on his country by outside forces:

Red Terror - Wikipedia

"The Red Terror was a period of political repression and mass killings carried out by Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in 1918.

"The term is usually applied to Bolshevik political repression during the Civil War (1917–1922),[1][2] as distinguished from the White Terror carried out by the White Army (Russian and non-Russian groups opposed to Bolshevik rule) against their political enemies (including the Bolsheviks)"

The way that you unfairly mis characterize the military actions of the US, in the Middle East, while giving the totalitarian mass murderer Lenin a benefit of a doubt,

shows what you are, commie.
The way that you unfairly mis characterize the military actions of the US, in the Middle East, while giving the totalitarian mass murderer Lenin a benefit of a doubt,
The actions of the US military and its private hired killers in the Middle East are textbook terrorism.

Learn to pronounce
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
terrorism definition - Google Search

Obviously, you are too brainwashed to recognize reality when it's staring you in your face.

Your anti-American hatred is blinding you.

And your pretense of concern for the lives of a few dozen or hundreds of people, is not credible considering you support a political system, the when enacted, generally leads to mass murder, genocide and tyranny of the highest order.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
Not perfect yet our form of capitalism has worked well till money & power became more important than wanting a fair shake for all. if you look past all the crazy propaganda that the major party's promote. its possible too see things are not going in the best direction.
That change seemed to begin around 1970:

The myth of 'American exceptionalism' implodes | Richard Wolff

"One aspect of 'American exceptionalism' was always economic.

"US workers, so the story went, enjoyed a rising level of real wages that afforded their families a rising standard of living. Ever harder work paid off in rising consumption. The rich got richer faster than the middle and poor, but almost no one got poorer.

"Nearly all citizens felt 'middle class'.

"A profitable US capitalism kept running ahead of labour supply. So, it kept raising wages to attract waves of immigration and to retain employees, across the 19th century until the 1970s.

"Then everything changed.

"Real wages stopped rising, as US capitalists redirected their investments to produce and employ abroad, while replacing millions of workers in the US with computers.

"The US women's liberation moved millions of US adult women to seek paid employment. US capitalism no longer faced a shortage of labour."

Many Americans find themselves slipping deeper and deeper into poverty, and they see little possibility of changing that slide.
Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"In worker self-management, each productive enterprise is controlled by those who work there.

"Workers are responsible for the operation of the facility, including organization, discipline, production techniques, and the nature, price, and distribution of products. Decisions concerning distribution are made democratically.

"Problems of authority delegation are solved by democratic representation.

"Management is chosen by the worker, not appointed by the State, not elected by the community at large and not selected by a board of directors elected by stockholders. Ultimate authority rests with the enterprise's workers, following the one-person, one-vote principle."
Why do capitalists fear democracy?

N.B.A. Executive’s Hong Kong Tweet Starts Firestorm in China

You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?
If you are an American citizen in this nation, then do not use any product or service or anything. Live off the land. Live like some do. Completely! Otherwise who cares? Also you may be a shill for something else. A Tokyo Rose type. Which means you are something of a different animal. One who convinces people that you may off of what you complain about.
f you are an American citizen in this nation, then do not use any product or service or anything. L
Why, because I recognize the out-sized role white supremacy played and continues to play in the formation of a country I was accidentally born into?
So, we were talking of what drove the massive growth of the UNITED STATES, leading to today's lifestyles, specifically the slavery use of the 1800s, when a lot of that growth started.

You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?

You don't concede the previous point. You don't even really "drop it", you just move on to another point, fully planning to return to your previous point, that you could not support, in the future.

You are dishonest troll.


Except you were worse. You didn't even say "okay" before moving on to your next "point".
You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?
You made an erroneous claim regarding slavery's contribution to the New England's economic development. I corrected your ignorance by pointing out chattel slavery was a First Principle of white supremacy decades before the Counter-revolution in 1776.

Textile mills in New England in the 1800s would have died without slave-produced cotton.

New York and London bond markets might have noticed "something ridiculous in nature to see an American Patriot signing resolutions of independence with one hand while holding a whip over enslaved Africans with the other", but that didn't affect their investment in King Cotton.

New England insurance companies had few moral qualms about underwriting slave labor as long as premiums were paid promptly.

US Capitalism would have been born dead without chattel slavery, and you and I owe much of our privileged lifestyle to its role; only brain-dead trolls believe otherwise.

Yep, and Bill Gates owes the broom pushers in the warehouse for the growth and development of Microsoft.
Look, you can’t fool anyone do not live a privileged lifestyle...nobody living a privileged lifestyle begs for free shit daily like you do. Save your bullshit for all you twisted buddies.

Capitalists are parasites. : LateStageCapitalism

Yes, when it comes to economics, we should listen to Communists.
Because their economies are so good.

es, when it comes to economics, we should listen to Communists.
Because their economies are so good.


Too much winning?

That still makes him 1000% better at economics than communism.
That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
What sort of externalities, if any, did your three companies inflict on society?

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"No single definition or approach encompasses economic democracy, but most proponents claim that modern property relations externalize costs, subordinate the general well-being to private profit and deny the polity a democratic voice in economic policy decisions.[1]

"In addition to these moral concerns, economic democracy makes practical claims, such as that it can compensate for capitalism's inherent effective demand gap"

They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"In worker self-management, each productive enterprise is controlled by those who work there.

"Workers are responsible for the operation of the facility, including organization, discipline, production techniques, and the nature, price, and distribution of products. Decisions concerning distribution are made democratically.

"Problems of authority delegation are solved by democratic representation.

"Management is chosen by the worker, not appointed by the State, not elected by the community at large and not selected by a board of directors elected by stockholders. Ultimate authority rests with the enterprise's workers, following the one-person, one-vote principle."
Why do capitalists fear democracy?

N.B.A. Executive’s Hong Kong Tweet Starts Firestorm in China

You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".


How is your Trabant treating you?

The best car ever built with no profit motive, eh comrade?
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
You system has failed repeatedly. It has been tried before. It was even tried here at the onset of the colonies and it failed.
Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?
If you are an American citizen in this nation, then do not use any product or service or anything. Live off the land. Live like some do. Completely! Otherwise who cares? Also you may be a shill for something else. A Tokyo Rose type. Which means you are something of a different animal. One who convinces people that you may off of what you complain about.
f you are an American citizen in this nation, then do not use any product or service or anything. L
Why, because I recognize the out-sized role white supremacy played and continues to play in the formation of a country I was accidentally born into?

And yet, if we question a lefties' patriotism...

Capitalism is failing most Americans today, and it's the profit motive that's responsible:

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"According to many analysts, deficiency of effective demand is the most fundamental economic problem.

"That is, modern society does not earn enough income to purchase its output.

"For example, geographer David Harvey claims, 'Workers spending their wages is one source of effective demand, but the total wage bill is always less than the total capital in circulation (otherwise there would be no profit), so the purchase of wage goods that sustain daily life (even with a suburban lifestyle) is never sufficient for the profitable sale of the total output'".

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.

How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |
You made an erroneous claim regarding slavery's contribution to the New England's economic development. I corrected your ignorance by pointing out chattel slavery was a First Principle of white supremacy decades before the Counter-revolution in 1776.

Textile mills in New England in the 1800s would have died without slave-produced cotton.

New York and London bond markets might have noticed "something ridiculous in nature to see an American Patriot signing resolutions of independence with one hand while holding a whip over enslaved Africans with the other", but that didn't affect their investment in King Cotton.

New England insurance companies had few moral qualms about underwriting slave labor as long as premiums were paid promptly.

US Capitalism would have been born dead without chattel slavery, and you and I owe much of our privileged lifestyle to its role; only brain-dead trolls believe otherwise.

Yep, and Bill Gates owes the broom pushers in the warehouse for the growth and development of Microsoft.
Look, you can’t fool anyone do not live a privileged lifestyle...nobody living a privileged lifestyle begs for free shit daily like you do. Save your bullshit for all you twisted buddies.

Capitalists are parasites. : LateStageCapitalism

Yes, when it comes to economics, we should listen to Communists.
Because their economies are so good.

es, when it comes to economics, we should listen to Communists.
Because their economies are so good.


Too much winning?

That still makes him 1000% better at economics than communism.

Not to mention, infinitely better at NOT COMMITTING GENOCIDE.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |

Mixed results. But the point was, that your point about slavery being responsible for our wealth, is wrong.

Funny, how you forgot the point you were trying to make.

Almost like all you are here to do, is just throw shit at America and hope that some of it might stick, if only because no one takes you seriously enough to point out that it is shit.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.

How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |

100 million? LOL!

Liberals never could do a bit of math.
Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?

What would cause you to quit lying?

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Trump, racism and capitalism

"Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all those killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the recent past on his hands, from Gilroy, Calif.; to El Paso, Texas; to Dayton, Ohio.

"And let there be no mistake about it. Trump speaks the mind of the ruling class.

"Just days after the racist mass shootings, millionaires and billionaires travelled to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island to give him $12 million in one night at a gala celebration.

"His racism, his misogyny, his bigotry, openly spouted from his guttermouth, are part of a deliberate strategy to mobilize the like-minded racists, bigots and male chauvinists to come out and vote for him in 2020."

What’s Going On With All Those House GOP Retirements?

You're really citing a periodical of the Communist Party of Spain?

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.

How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |
UK was a great nation under the leadership of Sir Winston Churchill.


Now, the place is overrun by useless commies.

I blame the fucking Beatles. Mark David Chapman followed Johnny Ramone's righteous advice and set an example for us all. Thanks to him, John Lennon is currently being a good commie.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.

Your complaints are not credible.
Said the man that supports a system that generally produces mass grave and genocide.
The country you defend was built on genocide.

Transatlantic Slave Trade, A Five Hundred-Year-Old Shared History - Los Angeles Sentinel

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Slavery built the Plantation system, that enriched a certain class of people in the South. Until it was destroyed.

The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.

Your world view is an invention to justify your hate of this nation, and your love of blood soaked communism.
The nation as a whole was more built by the labor of Free Men, building up the colonies, and later the States and spreading west.

The slave holding South, began lagging behind the Free North, in population and economic growth, almost immediately from the founding of this nation.
Yet there were more millionaires in the slave holding South than anywhere else in the US in 1860:

Slavery Made America

".by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what?

"What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

And 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.
nd 5 years later, they were freed by the larger, stronger, wealthier Free North, all of that paper "wealth" gone.

How did that work out?

Forty Acres and a Mule |

Donald Trump was born into the ruling class.
He was a millionaire by age eight.
Racism was likely a staple of his childhood.
He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth.
He's the corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out the malignant middleman.

Capitalism doesn't support racism, you moron......racists want big government controlling things so they can enact their racism...which is what the democrat party actually does.....

Capitalism is the cure for racism.
Capitalism made America, and slavery made capitalism

"by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Blacks shouldn't have sold them.
Blacks shouldn't have sold them.
Capitalists should have resisted the greed impulse:

"Economic Causes of the War

"No one seriously doubts that the enormous economic stake the South had in its slave labor force was a major factor in the sectional disputes that erupted in the middle of the nineteenth century.

"Figure 1 plots the total value of all slaves in the United States from 1805 to 1860.

"In 1805 there were just over one million slaves worth about $300 million; fifty-five years later there were four million slaves worth close to $3 billion.

"In the 11 states that eventually formed the Confederacy, four out of ten people were slaves in 1860, and these people accounted for more than half the agricultural labor in those states."


The Economics of the Civil War
Fake news, posted by known troll.

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